Silver Overlord

Chapter 90: A brand new face


Yan Liqiang was extremely happy. The joy of being reborn and the solid feeling of having his feet on the ground again made him feel as if he was walking with the wind, so light and brisk.

People who have never died do not know the value of life, nor the value of this body. Only after experiencing death once did Yan Liqiang feel from the bottom of his heart how good it is to be alive, and truly realized how hard it is to have this life.

While walking on the road, Yan Liqiang felt it carefully and found that this new body was exactly the same as the previous one in terms of strength, speed, and reaction. This body also passed the horse stance test, and the muscles and bones had been stretched a lot. It was about to pass the muscle stretching and bone pulling test. His own cultivation level had not fallen behind at all.

Even though he has been reborn with a brand new body, Yan Liqiang has no idea what is going on. He has no idea how this process came about. He only knows that it must be the effect of the mysterious boulder.

Looking back on the previous experiences, it was just like an unreal dream. Yan Liqiang traveled thousands of miles, looking for a way to reincarnate, and tried every means to communicate with the mysterious boulder in his sea of consciousness. After failing countless times, he finally discovered that the method to communicate with the mysterious boulder might be extremely simple - it seemed that as long as he was in that soul state, closed his eyes, and stared at the mysterious boulder quietly, as long as the time was long, more than a day, he would naturally be able to resonate with the mysterious boulder and produce unexpected effects.

This really proves the saying that no matter how hard you try, you still can't find it, but when you get it, it's effortless.

Walking alone on the road, Yan Liqiang's mind gradually became clear, and he saw clearly his situation and reality - with his current situation, he could not go back to Pingxi County and Ganzhou for the time being. With his current strength, he was not even a warrior. It was completely unrealistic to want to go back for revenge, which was simply seeking death. Pingxi County Magistrate Ye Tiancheng was not comparable to the Hong family in Liuhe Town. The two sides were completely different. Not to mention Ye Tiancheng's overwhelming power in Pingxi County, just Ye Tiancheng's personal cultivation and martial arts, as far as he could see, were extremely powerful and not something he could achieve in a short period of time. Even if he had some skills in archery, that little skill would not pose any threat to Ye Tiancheng.

Therefore, my first priority now is to find a way to survive and find a place to settle down, and then take it step by step and look for opportunities to continuously improve my cultivation and strength, so that I may have the possibility of revenge.

Yan Liqiang walked on the road with great strides. By noon, Yan Liqiang had walked dozens of miles. A prosperous town appeared in front of the hungry Yan Liqiang.

Along the way, Yan Liqiang felt a little strange. Since dawn, he had been able to meet pedestrians and carriages on the road one after another. However, the pedestrians he met on the road could not help but look at him one by one. Even the coachmen passing by could not help but turn their heads and look at him twice, as if there was a flower on his face.

The closer he got to the town, the more people there were on the street. Yan Liqiang found that more and more people were staring at him. Men and women, old and young, all stared at him. When he walked on the street, the rate of people turning their heads to look at him was almost 100%.

Is there something wrong with what I'm wearing

Yan Liqiang muttered to himself and looked down. The clothes he was wearing were borrowed from Qingliang Temple. They were earthy gray in color and a bit old, but still clean. Although they were not beautiful and gorgeous, they could be worn to cover up his shame and embarrassment.

He touched his face and head. His facial features were normal, he had no extra eyes or missing nose, and he didn't seem to have horns or scales on his head. What was going on with those people

An old lady in her forties or fifties came over from the opposite side of Yan Liqiang carrying a basket of vegetables. When she saw Yan Liqiang, her eyes were fixed on Yan Liqiang's face. She turned her head to look at him, but accidentally bumped into the person in front of her with a "ouch!" sound. The basket in her hand fell to the ground, and several eggs in the basket broke, and the yolks flowed out.

Seeing this scene, Yan Liqiang couldn't help it any longer. He looked around and found a shop selling bronze mirrors not far away. He immediately walked into the shop.

There were many polished bronze mirrors on the walls and counters of the store, with various styles and patterns. The store owner was greeting two female customers inside. Yan Liqiang didn't say much, but went straight to a bronze mirror and looked at himself.

When Yan Liqiang saw the face in the bronze mirror, he was petrified and his mind was completely confused.

The face in the bronze mirror still looked like a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old, but that face was no longer the same as Yan Liqiang's before. It was a face that was so handsome that it was hard to describe - a face with skin as smooth and gorgeous as ivory, two sword-like eyebrows that were shiny black and flew straight into the temples, full of heroic spirit, and under those two sword-like eyebrows were a pair of eyes as deep as the night sky, with a bright spot in the eyeballs shining brightly, and under the eyes, a tall and straight nose with a masculine aura...

The eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows, forehead, ears, and the entire facial features and contours all appear on that face almost following the perfect golden ratio, like a work of art carefully crafted between heaven and earth.

If we talk about appearance, this face is simply amazing, handsome as a god, and he can be radiant wherever he stands.

Looking at this face, Yan Liqiang was stunned. Although he had noticed that the skin and palms of this new body were slightly different from his previous ones, he did not expect the difference to be so huge. If he was just a little handsome before, then now, this body and this face are simply so handsome that it is crazy. No wonder he attracted so many eyes and gazes along the way.

Why is this so

Yan Liqiang suddenly thought of the thought that had crossed his mind before he lost consciousness last time—he hoped that he could be more handsome in his next life.

Could it be that the mysterious boulder can sense his thoughts, so this body was reborn according to his thoughts

Damn, but this is too handsome. Compared with this face, those handsome young men he saw on TV in his previous life were simply rubbish!

"Sir, would you like to buy a bronze mirror?" The owner of the bronze mirror shop came over and asked with a smile on his face.

Although Yan Liqiang was wearing ordinary clothes, his temperament and appearance made people dare not underestimate him, so the owner of the bronze mirror shop hurried over to greet him.

Several young women who were selecting bronze mirrors not far away were also secretly looking at Yan Liqiang. When they saw Yan Liqiang's gaze, two of the women blushed for no reason and lowered their heads shyly.

"No, I'll just come in and take a look!" Yan Liqiang shook his head. "By the way, may I ask where is this place?"

The owner of the bronze mirror shop was a little surprised, "Don't you know where this place is?"

Yan Liqiang sighed, "A few days ago, my bag was accidentally lost, and then I got lost, so I don't know where I am now!"

In an era when there was no navigation and even complete maps were rare, it was very normal for travelers to get lost. Yan Liqiang's excuse was reasonable.

But the truth is that in the following months, Yan Liqiang wandered like a wandering ghost. He came and went as fast as the wind and lightning every day, and could travel through states and counties in a day. He walked so far that he himself didn't know where he was. The only thing he remembered was that after leaving Ganzhou, he had been walking towards the east.

“Oh, so that’s how it is!” The owner of the bronze mirror shop looked at Yan Liqiang with sympathy. From his eyes, he had already regarded Yan Liqiang as a nobleman in distress. “This is Longkou Town, Fangshan County, Huzhou. From here, follow the main road southeast for more than 80 or 60 miles, and you will reach Huzhou City…”

"Oh, OK, thank you boss..." Yan Liqiang smiled, and the whole bronze mirror shop suddenly became bright and lively. The women who were secretly looking at him became obsessed with him.

“You’re welcome, you’re welcome…” The owner of the bronze mirror shop was flattered.

Yan Liqiang then walked out of the bronze mirror shop, searching his mind for memories about Huzhou as he walked. Thanks to the many books he had read in the Pingxi City Martial Arts Museum during those few months, he immediately found the location of Huzhou in the territory map of the Han Empire in his mind. Huzhou was located in the heart of the south-central part of the Han Empire and was one of the upper states of the Han Empire. In terms of distance, it was more than 20,000 kilometers away from Ganzhou.

I didn't expect that I had run so far without realizing it.

People were coming and going on the street, and Yan Liqiang was like a walking signboard. No matter where he went, he could attract a lot of attention. After understanding what was going on, Yan Liqiang no longer felt strange about those looks. It was just because he was too handsome that people were watching him. This was the first time Yan Liqiang had experienced this, and he couldn't help feeling a little strange.

"Gurgle..." Not long after walking down the street, Yan Liqiang's stomach growled again. Yan Liqiang touched his empty stomach and pockets without a penny, and suddenly felt the difficulty of being away from home. Looking at the steamed buns at two copper coins a piece on the street and the various snacks in the store, Yan Liqiang's mouth was watering, but he could only swallow it quietly. He walked on the street without looking around, until he saw a decent restaurant called Yunhelou appear on the street. Only then did Yan Liqiang walk in with his head held high and his chest puffed out with a calm expression.

There was a waiter at the door of the restaurant greeting customers. When he saw the clothes Yan Liqiang was wearing, he instinctively wanted to stop Yan Liqiang. However, when he saw Yan Liqiang's face and his cold temperament, he hesitated for less than 0.1 second, then immediately smiled, bent over, and invited Yan Liqiang into the store.

"Dear guest, please take a seat..."

(End of this chapter)