Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 903: The meeting of two eras (7,500 words)



With the sound of the gunshot, the younger sister was instantly penetrated by a powerful spiritual force.

Her small body suddenly straightened slightly, turned her head slowly, and looked at Lu Xin.

There was a sound as crisp as glass shattering, and spider web-like marks appeared on the little sister's little face, which were then peeled off piece by piece.


When his sister shattered gently like a porcelain bottle, Lu Xin was also suddenly stunned.

Suddenly, I felt like a piece was missing.

His body was cold for a while, his heart was shaking like an earthquake, and his brain felt dizzy.

It seems that there are pieces of memory fragments, suddenly aroused in the depths of my mind, all kinds of emotions like living things, at this time, in a wanton and crazy attitude, they returned to themselves, tearing their hearts apart. A hole came out.

There is the fear of lying on the experimental bench, the loss of being abandoned, and the insecurity of being unable to do something...

With this painful and cold memory, Lu Xin suddenly remembered a lot of questions.

How did the sister come

This is something he has always been reluctant to face and deliberately ignore.

Because my father and mother were sent to me by the Alpine Laboratory to monitor and imprison me. .

What about your sister

In my heart, my sister is Little Seventeen, but Little Seventeen is already dead...

As early as when the Red Moon Orphanage exploded, he died...

Little Seventeen is a very courageous little girl.

In that nightmare-like scene, I saw blood, saw the burning flame, and saw the fear in my eyes. But at that time, I couldn't feel it, only the surging anger and rage. But it was also at that time that someone made himself feel something else. It was Little Seventeen. She faced herself at that time and rushed towards her bravely.

The scar on the back began to ache.

At that time, Little Seventeen was the only one who dared to rush to him and left himself this deep wound.

When I caused pain to others, I suddenly felt the pain, so at that moment, all the burning flames and the fearful eyes of others were intertwined with this pain, so that I suddenly understood the pain these people felt...

That was the first time I had the ability to empathize...

It is precisely because of this empathy ability that the present self, the self with emotional perception, will appear.

Little Seventeen was the one who brought pain to himself when he was in a crazy state, and the first person he saw after he was born. She saw in her eyes the nostalgia and reluctance to part with the world, so her spiritual power changed a little bit subconsciously. The fission of thinking appeared at that moment, and a spiritual body named Xiao Shiqi appeared in his mind.

Until later, her spiritual strength became stronger and stronger, and more and more emotions and thoughts were distributed to her.

I deeply remember the girl named Seventeen, all her mental states, and even her abilities.

So, my sister really appeared.

Others can see my sister, and even communicate with her. My sister has her abilities and can even do some things behind her back.

But these are all appearances, only appearances brought about by spiritual power.

With more and more powerful spiritual power, you can do many things beyond common sense.

Who is the sister

She looks exactly the same as Little Seventeen, and even part of it was given to her by herself, which should have belonged to Little Seventeen's memory.

However, she is not actually a little seventeen.

Afterwards, his spiritual strength was so powerful that he was able to let others see his sister, but very few people would get close to her.

The children in the orphanage have deep feelings.

However, my sister is not among them...

Even if it's Little Nineteen, she is only in the habitual closeness, with a little strange alienation.

Because in her eyes, seventeen is not seventeen, it's just a stranger who looks like seventeen...

The younger sister was split by herself. At the beginning, she was the representative of those who died in the orphanage. Because all the people in the orphanage disappeared, and he no longer had a home. When he was sure that he could no longer find the people in the orphanage, he left his sister by his side to accompany him. This makes me feel less alone, as if the children in the orphanage were always there.

Until later, the people in the orphanage were found by myself, and my sister began to distance herself unintentionally and stood on the edge.

In fact, she has been wandering in a sense of loneliness and loss, shrouded in insecurity.

The only person she is close to is actually herself, but she is so busy, but she has not been close to her for a long time...

She is actually a poor child. She created her when she needed loneliness the most. When she was unable to use her spiritual power, she used her to activate her power little by little, and when she became more and more stable, When she became stronger, she forgot her, who seemed weaker in comparison, and ignored her loneliness and her fears.

In fact, my sister has asked myself many times...

Ask yourself if she will abandon her, because she knows that she will disappear sooner or later

A sense of emptiness in my heart suddenly appeared.

At this moment, Lu Xin felt a real pain that his heart was torn in two.

Little Seventeen died, on that night many years ago.

I created a younger sister to cover up the truth and help myself share negative emotions.

But now, my sister is gone...

Infinite pain is like bursting a dyke, gushing frantically from the hole in the heart.

Every muscle and bone in Lu Xin's body was convulsed and twisted.

A deep sense of panic and insecurity flooded into his heart.

All kinds of cold and sharp negative emotions have scratched his body with wounds. He saw the truth that he didn't want to see the most, and also felt the real loneliness and pain that can penetrate into the bone marrow, will and thinking, in an instant. become riddled with holes.

A second ago, Lu Xin thought he could take on everything.

In the next moment, he was completely overwhelmed by despair and had no power to fight back.

He suddenly remembered the training content that the gecko gave him when he took him to participate in the first official spiritual pollution clean-up mission: "People always think that they can control their emotions and think that they can be their own masters..."

"But that was just an illusion."

"Whether you are happy or not, whether you are in pain or not, is never up to you."

"… "

You never know how you're going to be tortured until your emotions really hit you.


Like sand being blown into the air by a gust of wind.

It is like the magnetic powder is attracted by the gravitational force and pours onto the magnet.

The younger sister's body after being killed by the old dean turned into pieces of spiritual powder and returned to Lu Xin's body.

At this moment, it seems that something has been filled up invisibly.

The black particles on Lu Xin's body suddenly subsided, like a precipitating tide of anger.

Lu Xin has never been the ultimate before.

Although, he already has the conditions to become the ultimate.

The whole emotion that was peeled off from the original body, plus the self-awareness, plus the original source, can become the new ultimate.

But Lu Xin has never become an ultimate, even if he has taken back the "Particles of God" left in this world from a generation of researchers and the children of the Black Queen, and has more than a certain amount of "anger".

He still doesn't.

In Qinggang's research, this has always been regarded as the relationship between Lu Xin and the "initial".

He was already dead at first, and perhaps the remaining incompleteness was originally just a combination of death and anger, so Lu Xin only existed as the initial secondary source of pollution. He possessed power beyond the ultimate, but he was always only a secondary source of pollution.

But now the old dean has given the answer.

This guess is not accurate.

Lu Xin is indeed incomplete, but it has nothing to do with the beginning.

His incompleteness lies in the fact that he has split part of his spiritual power from the very beginning.

At this time, after killing his sister and disappearing, this part of the spiritual power returned.

So, Lu Xin became complete, and then he became the ultimate, the most powerful ultimate, uncontrollably.

That is, in the eyes of the old dean - the archangel of despair.

And also at the moment when he became the ultimate, his pain and despair, all kinds of negative emotions intertwined.

At this time, Lu Xin was still awake. He still remembered that he wanted to stop the old dean and protect the world, but his emotions, like another force, completely overwhelmed him, making him despair and empty inside, as if mentioning Line puppets.

Emotions once again rule the tyrant.

The black particles are crazy and active, rushing into the air, and by their instinct, they blend with the original power.

Destruction is the true face of black particles.

They are naturally close to the old dean's plan, destroying a world's plan...

"Son, I said I'd heal you..."

The old dean, or in other words, is only a projection of a part of this sacrificial ceremony now, quietly looking at Lu Xin at this time, his face seems to show an expression of emotion: "Unfortunately, sometimes, I get back the whole feeling is not a good thing.”

He watched the black particles on Lu Xin's body rise and fall, like black clouds covering him.

Just like his body, an unquenchable flame began to burn.

And he, who was burning with black flames, seemed to have become another life.

He began to fuse with several other ultimate powers, and then formed a circle of circles and vertical and horizontal arcs of light between them. These arcs of light sank, cut the abyss, and broke the prison. of black tentacles stretched out.

Initially finally released.

At first, he was locked at the bottom of the abyss, and was later unsealed by the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute to the beginning of the first layer of the abyss.

Today, I have been completely released and come to reality...

This made the final worry of the old dean put down, leaving only endless sighs.

"God's trial is over..."

He looked at Lu Xinna as if in an instant, he was pulled to a shadow far away, and shook his head gently:

"you lose."

"God's trial is a process you must go through..."

"It has been doomed from the moment you were contaminated by the wrath of God, but did not become a monster."

"I need you to come to the end, against God..."

"But in the last step, I'm actually betting on you to lose..."

"Only if you lose, will the negative emotions be stimulated. When I put two choices in front of you through the sacrifice, you will choose the one I gave you without hesitation. This is not up to you. , but is determined by your emotions."

"In order to achieve this result, I have never reminded you what the shadow of Seventeen means to you..."

"… "

He shook his head slowly, then looked up into the distance.

The seven ultimates have returned as witnesses, and the sacrificial ceremony has officially begun to spread out.

In fact, everything has been decided.

The old dean gave them an invitation, which seemed to give them a choice.

You may or may not come.

You can come by yourself, or you can join forces with all the forces in this world.

However, the old dean engraved a code in the lives of the children of the orphanage and used the abyss as an altar.

He had already captured Lu Xin's real lifeblood.

So, it's already been determined.

"I invite you to come over, it's really just at this last moment to have dinner together."

At the moment when the power of the altar spread outward, the old dean shook his head gently, his expression seemed a little lost.

"Unfortunately, you are not willing to accompany this old man for the last time..."

"… "

"… "

The tentacles extending from the depths of the abyss stretched higher and higher, and began to split continuously.

Like a trail of dark red tentacles, it covers the sky and the sun, shrouding the entire city of life in it.

Then it began to take the entire city of life as the center and extended towards the surroundings.

The air is full of dense spiritual power, like the canopy of a banyan tree is expanding wildly.

Covering the whole world below, and constantly intertwined, covered, and drooping countless dark red tentacles...

"The exchange begins..."

The old abbot walked the altar, watching it all happen as part of the sacrifice:

"People before the red moon event will return to this world, and people after the red moon event will disappear like a dream."

"It's a good deal to trade a hopeless world for a prosperous and beautiful world."

"It will be more cost-effective to consume the initial strength by this..."

"… "

"… "

When his voice sounded, countless people in the city of life began to change.

Some young people, looking at their bodies in horror, are digesting a little bit.

Some older people look at their bodies and seem to be getting stronger and younger.

There are also many people who have long since died, and their consciousness has quietly recovered, watching the world after a long absence.

People born before the Red Moon event will continue to exist as the overlap of the two worlds. Maybe some people will forget the story after the Red Moon event, or some people will still have a little memory, but they will only be regarded as one nightmare.

Those born after the Red Moon event will disappear completely without exception.

"Can't even a tyrant stop it?"

When the sacrifice really begins, there is no intermediate process.

There is no slow spread from one point to another.

Just from the depths of the abyss, suddenly appeared, and then rushed to reality like a tide.

Everyone in reality, at this moment, will have a momentary daze.

Then in the spiritual world, I saw the illusion that the initial tentacles extended to the sky.

Seeing the end of the seven bowed heads, he silently stood in the clouds.

Qinggang's alarm sounded immediately.

Since Lu Xin and the others set off, they have been preparing. Qinggang, who has not slackened at all, reacted immediately. Facing this kind of terror, they were not even surprised, but suddenly thought of another one question…

The tyrant went to the south to meet the most mysterious careerist, and a change would definitely occur.

Any situation is possible.

However, the tyrant will definitely stop him, which is what everyone believes.

They were even prepared to do everything in their power to help the tyrant when he fought against the man.

However, disaster still strikes...

Is this because the tyrant has already lost so soon


When the dense silk-like dark red tentacles were intertwined and crushed above the head, a dazzling white light suddenly flashed in Qinggang City, holding a girl with a starlight umbrella in her hand, her skirt flying, Lightly and bravely flew into the air.

Then her umbrella opened gently, like opening a piece of sky.

Immediately, endless starlight extended to the end of the world, forming a confrontation with the beginning of the arrival.

is a doll.

She pursed the corners of her mouth, tried her best to prevent the first coming, and looked towards the south with red eyes.

"A madman, how can there be such a madman..."

A shocked and terrifying roar resounded in the Black Marsh City, and the night poured into the sky, turning the day into night.

Even the king of the night, who had been prepared for a long time, did not expect that what he had been waiting for would be such a confrontation.

He had thought of taking a ride and performing without threats.

Unexpectedly, there is no chance to perform, because the power of sacrifice has reached the weight of a civilization.

There is no choice, because under such a confrontation, he has nothing to hide.

"He is the most rational person I have ever met..."

Near the central city, the white-haired old man also murmured and raised his head, with deep puzzlement in his eyes: "Why does such a rational person finally come up with such a crazy plan, why does the wiser person become crazy? The more hopeless?"

With a sigh, the parchment scroll behind him unfolded, facing the beginning in mid-air.

Because of the full exertion of spiritual power, even the abyss worm that had been sealed in the sheepskin scroll escaped.

Then the worm felt a little bit, and it suddenly became horrified and greeted the air.

It was a sacrifice that no one, or any life after the birth of the Red Moon event, could escape.

Including the ultimate.

After all, the birth of the ultimate is at the same time as the occurrence of the red moon event, so the result after the sacrifice is that the ultimate will disappear. There is no idea or idea, even if it is just instinct, they can only fight.

They have no choice but to stand on the side of civilization.

The doll is facing the beginning, the fire thief is facing the beginning, and the abyss worm is facing the beginning.

The Black Queen laughed desperately in the abyss.

Even Pale, who was hiding in the darkest corner of the world, scolded angrily at this time.

However, their efforts seem to be useless.

The sacrifice of God's cage has been doomed from the beginning, and he needs seven ultimate witnesses.

The seven ultimates have already exceeded half of the ultimates.

And as the spokesperson of a generation of civilization, when the seven ultimates agreed to sacrifice, no matter what form of consent, as long as they stood in the position of witnesses, it represented the beginning of this sacrifice. And once the sacrifice begins, no matter who else in this world wants to stop it, it will not affect the process. Because the seven ultimates plus the beginning are the strongest power.

"Find where the altar is..."

"No, to find the Genesis hard drive, the key lies in the Genesis hard drive..."

"… "

There is always someone who finds a problem when they are desperate.

At this time, behind the scenes of the Dracula Doomsday Army and Miss Rocket Artillery Alliance, Xue Jia, the director of the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute, jumped out of bed in fright. Although he has experienced the third advent in the middle, he has actually grown a little fat, white and fat...

He was also waiting and investigating, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

Seeing the first arrival and the beginning of the sacrifice, he immediately discovered the problem and shouted:

"He uses the entire abyss as an altar, so he must rely on the power of the Genesis hard drive..."

"The core point of the altar is the creation of the hard disk, find him..."

"… "

"What else are you looking for?"

Dr. An is also shouting: "Detonate the mental virus in the Genesis hard drive and destroy it..."

This is their plan, and the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute has not been idle for a moment.

Made some tricks for the Genesis hard drive.

It was originally used to fight against a generation of researchers, but because Wang Jingyun received the legacy of a generation of researchers, the Genesis hard drive fell into Wang Jingyun's hands instead.

It doesn't matter, no matter who it falls into, it's the most important thing to do the best possible damage.

"Xue Jia, what you have after all is just a little clever..."

When the voices of Dean Xue Jia and Dr. An sounded, Wang Jingyun's projection was initially thrown in front of them.

He quietly looked at the people in the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute and said softly, "I know you. After the initial confrontation with the teachers, you began to shift the pressure and gave Lin Mo's research results to Qinggang. It also takes this to push Qinggang to the front of the stage…”

"Even if it is the third time, it has become your cover. You have used up the background of the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute under the pretext of confrontation with the high mountain laboratory, but in fact, you are shrinking the research institute behind the defense line and letting Qinggang Taking on the responsibility of assisting this world, but taking the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute to hide and accumulate strength, do you want to use it to seize power after everything is settled down?"

"Or are you planning to surprise me when Qinggang confronts me?"

"… "

Dean Xue Jia looked at the projection of Wang Jingyun in front of him, and he suddenly felt a guilty conscience that all his secrets had been seen through.

"However, cleverness is just cleverness after all..."

"… "

When Wang Jingyun said this sentence that completely defeated Dean Xue Jia's heart, Dr. An's voice sounded:

"The mental virus in the Genesis hard drive cannot be detonated..."

"It seems, all have lost contact..."

"… "

Dean Xue Jia showed an unbelievable expression on his face, and suddenly shouted angrily: "It shouldn't be like this, how did you do it?"

Wang Jingyun just nodded indifferently and disappeared.

At the same time, somewhere in the city of life, in some huge warehouses, flesh-like monsters grew up.

Filling the entire huge underground space, this strange tree, every branch, extends into the glass petri dish in the underground warehouse, making the petri dish, originally different, with countless differences of "people", all changed. become the same person...

Qin Ran!

On the trunk of this strange tree, Qin Ran, or Zhang Sihuo's face, was shaking slightly, twisting and struggling, and he kept mumbling to himself: "The curse should end, keep killing It's time for my own process to end, Professor Wang didn't lie to me, yes, everything can end, everything can go back to before the red moon incident, at that time, I was just a child..."

"I can live my life in peace and I can choose what I want to do..."

"Whether it's to be a driver who pulls goods, or to be a cook in a restaurant where you can steal food..."

"… "

Because the Genesis hard drive is composed of different people, there are subtle differences between them, and the power is not the strongest. Because of this, the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute was able to find opportunities before. Plant a hidden spiritual virus.

But now, the mental virus is no longer effective.

Because all the "chips" are now contaminated and look like the same person.

This effectively prevents others from using the Genesis hard drive as a weakness to sabotage their own plans.

The consciousness of the old dean walked freely in this sacrifice. As a person whose two eras overlapped, and as the main consciousness of this sacrifice, he walked around the entire scope of the sacrifice, carefully examining himself. Every step of this great plan.

He doesn't like to leave small holes so that opponents can interrupt his plans at the last moment.

So check carefully.

And after re-reading the whole plan, he nodded lightly, looked into the distance, and showed a slight emotion on his face:

"I had a happy family, I liked this kind of life, I liked this world..."

"One day, all the people in the world except me will become crazy."

"Then what should I do?"

"Of course, to bring the world back, before he started going crazy..."

"… "

"… "

The starlight umbrella held up by the doll has cracks.

At this moment, because of the help of the scepter of God, and because she is liked by countless people in this world, she has almost gathered unprecedented spiritual power, holding it high in the sky, preventing the initial arrival. She was almost relying on one person to drag this initial arrival, minute by minute, until she finally reached the limit gradually.

King of the Night, Fire Thief, Abyss Worm, Pale, and equally incompetent...

The initial tentacles have extended into reality, causing the living figures to disappear one by one.

At the same time, in the mid-air where the tentacles were densely interwoven, another thing appeared faintly.

At first, when everyone looked at it from a distance, it seemed to be a projection, with many tall buildings, bright lights, and brand-new streets. It had a stable, prosperous, reassuring and enthusiastic temperament. From a distance, it was as bright as a pearl. . Then, under the intertwining of tentacles, the projection became bigger and bigger, and it became more and more real, like another world, slowly descending from the sky.

In reality, the power against this coming has become weaker and weaker, making it closer and closer.

People in the world were shocked by this huge scene. They even forgot to panic, and looked up blankly.

They saw that the projection was getting clearer and clearer, and there were figures in it that were between the unreal and the real. These people were either walking on the lively streets, sitting in clean office buildings, or shuttling in the There are a dazzling array of shopping malls, they wear decent clothes, and they have a calm and natural look that people after the Red Moon Incident have never had, and they look around at a loss...

The person below looks up, and the person above looks down.

Across the endless starlight and dark red tentacles, they cast their eyes on each other.

At this moment, two civilized people, separated by more than 30 years, looked at each other in confusion.

Push book: "Player Terminator", the fourth natural disaster was a natural disaster, an unprecedented player removal plan.

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