Single Dog Ending System

Chapter 149: Extra 3


The warm sun in winter makes people a little drowsy.

Jiang Chengzhou threw the work in his hands to the system, opened the operation, and came out of the study by himself.

Before going downstairs, he also went to the other rooms on the second floor to take a look. The little guy was not on the second floor.

I didn't see it until after the living room, the cute little guy was basking in the sun on the balcony.

He watched Qin Lang silently for a while in the living room, and he didn't even realize how gentle his smile was.

When he came back to his senses, he noticed that Qin Lang had not changed his movements, and his head was tilted on the chair.

Probably fell asleep.

Jiang Chengzhou was afraid that he would catch a cold, so he took the blanket over.

Some flowers were planted on the balcony, of the same variety, not precious flowers. The leaves are small, and the flowers are also small, purple, clustered together, very cute. They were lined up on the balcony, and the shadow could just cover the book Qin Lang was holding.

Jiang Chengzhou lightly walked, took down the book in his hand, and put a blanket on him.

Today is not cloudless, but it is also a sunny day. It's just that occasionally a cloud floats to block the sun, but it's still cool.

Jiang Chengzhou squatted in front of Qin Lang, carefully set it up for Qin Lang, tucked it to his shoulders, and wanted to quietly tuck a corner of the blanket between Qin Lang's shoulders and the back of the chair, but Qin Lang moved the corner of his mouth and murmured something silently.

Jiang Chengzhou's eyes naturally fell on the thin lips of the young man who had just moved slightly. So, I couldn't take my eyes off.

From his angle, under the sunlight, the thin fluff on the boy's face can be vaguely seen, very soft, and he really wants people to reach out and touch it. The fair face, the lips that are more pink in the light, are all silent temptations.

Jiang Chengzhou held the armrest of the chair and swallowed nervously. With such a good-looking, usually obedient and well-behaved young man, it is impossible not to like him.

A gust of breeze passed, gently brushing the broken hair on the boy's forehead. Under such subtle influence, of course, the young man did not wake up, but just slapped his mouth unconsciously, perhaps because of thirst, perhaps because of a dream.

Whatever it was, Jiang Chengzhou's heart beat faster and he wanted to get closer.

One, gentle, thin kiss, but it exploded circle after circle of ripples in my heart. It was Jiang Chengzhou and Qin Lang.

Qin Lang opened his eyes the moment he kissed him. Those eyes that had just woken up and were still a little misty trembled slightly because of the scene in front of them.

It stands to reason that according to Jiang Chengzhou's current character, he should hold the head of the beautiful boy domineeringly and deepen the kiss.

But no matter what, this is actually the first time Jiang Chengzhou has kissed someone, and he was stealing the kiss, and it was discovered, and the other party even made eye contact with him!

His body was faster than his brain, and Jiang Chengzhou jumped up almost immediately. He didn't dare to look at Qin Lang's expression.

Fortunately, Qin Lang himself blushed, and he didn't dare to look back at him, otherwise the three red and bold letters of OOC would smear his face.

Love, which starts just before kissing each other carefully, has already begun to spread and take root in the bottom of my heart.

After that, the relationship between the two gradually warmed up. Jiang Chengzhou gave Qin Shi to Qin Lang without waiting for Qin Lang to agree to the previous "marriage" premise.

Qin Lang didn't know how he did it, but he was sure that Jiang Chengzhou had indeed protected him. Qin Fenghang tried to attack Qin Lang several times, but he was perfectly protected by the people arranged by Jiang Chengzhou.

When Qin Lang's college entrance examination was over, his uncle was imprisoned for some reason, and he didn't even see him face to face.

Most of the troubles have been reduced, and the remaining trouble is the gossip in the school about his improper relationship with Jiang Chengzhou.

Originally Qin Lang didn't care at all, but the two Qin Xiu brothers and sisters liked to make up a small group.

He knew how considerate and gentle Jiang Chengzhou was to him, and it wasn't the sinister guy who took advantage of Qin Lang because they wanted to get Qin Shi, and then kicked him away after he succeeded.

Although Qin Lang also suspected Jiang Chengzhou's purpose before, but after a few months, Qin Lang fully understood that it was too easy for Jiang Chengzhou to really want the Qin family, so why did he need so much trouble

Qin Lang didn't believe it, but he didn't like to hear it either. But it didn't take long for him to find that those voices had disappeared.

He and Jiang Chengzhou officially started dating.

The relationship between the two was going well.

One day, Qin Lang found that Jiang Chengzhou seemed to have something on his mind. When he was looking at the documents at home, he had been distracted, Qin Lang asked him what was wrong, he just smiled and said nothing.

When he was sleeping at night, Jiang Chengzhou asked him, "I want to take you away, are you willing?"

Qin Lang thought he said he was going to travel on vacation, so he happily replied: "Go? Where are you going? Go to XXX? I like the sea of flowers there. Will I book a flight tomorrow?"

Jiang Chengzhou smiled and touched Qin Lang's hair, exchanged a kiss with him, and responded gently: "Okay, I will take you wherever Xiao Lang likes to go."

Qin Lang leaned into his arms and fell asleep with a smile.

Jiang Chengzhou never fell asleep. He looked at Qin Lang's quiet sleeping face with a little sadness in his eyes: "I want to take you out of this world. But I'm afraid, you will disappear. Tell me what to do? What should I do? Qin Lang... "

Qin Lang is a person in this world. Like normal humans, he has emotions and his own emotions. But they are not from the same world, he can't take him away, and he can't stay. Although the present is sweet, it is destined to end in separation.

This kind of question can be understood even if he doesn't ask the system. Even if he uses a method to bring Qin Lang out, what about Qin Lang's body? There should be only one simulated robot. It is also necessary to ensure that Qin Lang will not be damaged due to the shuttle from another world during the transfer process. But who can guarantee the success rate? No one ever tried it at all.

Jiang Chengzhou was sad for a whole night, with heavy dark circles under his eyes. When he woke up in the morning and washed himself, he was afraid of scaring his little baby, so he asked the system for a concealer.

Zero is a conscientious system. He first politely asked the host's sorrow, and then went to the database to find the possibility of bringing the virtual world to another world that the host needed, and then informed the host of the speculation.

After listening to the speculation that was almost the same as what he thought, Jiang Chengzhou was decisively more worried.

However, he did not worry for a few minutes, because just when he was washing his face and applying the concealer, the system told him that he found that his little treasure was from the same world as him.

The man in the mirror was radiant for a second, took a battle bath in high spirits, rushed back to the bedroom to hold down his little baby, and woke up his lover with exciting and loving sports. I don't want to say anything, I am so happy!

Qin Lang was woken up with a bewildered look on his face: "..." Uncle, why are you crazy

The two of them lived more and more honey and oil, but it was too smooth, and it did not mean that they could go all the way to the end.

It was an ordinary day that day, and the two of them also went shopping. At the green light, they crossed the road holding hands and talking and laughing, but suddenly a car rushed out of the road and hit the two of them.

Jiang Chengzhou pushed Qin Lang away at the fastest speed, and he was knocked out several meters, and his body directly slammed into a car on the opposite side waiting for a red light.

He turned on the pain shield, but it didn't hurt at all. But when he saw Qin Lang's pale face instantly, and the look in his eyes full of urgency and pain, he still felt a pain all over his body, and it was painful to the heart.

Qin Lang's thin body was shaking all the time. He saw Jiang Chengzhou was still vomiting blood and was completely overwhelmed. He could only hold his hand carefully, begging him to be okay, comfort him, say don't be afraid, and tell him to wait. …

Jiang Chengzhou knew that it was impossible for him to stay. He wanted to take Qin Lang away with him. He asked the system to let him stop breathing for a while, and in turn comforted Qin Lang, telling him that he would always leave, and told him not to cry and not be afraid.

But just this sentence irritated him, he was full of despair, hugged him, and cursed indiscriminately, "Why did you come to provoke me before, since you knew that you were going to leave."

Jiang Chengzhou wanted to say something, but found that he was speechless. Obviously, he was "dead".

With the last bit of consciousness, he heard Qin Lang say decisively: "I want to forget you completely, Jiang Chengzhou..."

Jiang Chengzhou was frightened and woke up.

He immediately went to see the person sleeping beside him, who seemed to be awakened by his movement and muttered "what's the matter".

Jiang Chengzhou breathed a sigh of relief, put his hand into Qin Lang's side, and patted him on the back, "It's okay, go to sleep. I love you baby."

Although Qin Lang was in a daze, he still didn't forget to complain: "What is the confession in the middle of the night, what is wrong..."

Jiang Chengzhou, who was woken up by Qin Lang in the first world, was heartbroken when he finally called out his name, gritted his teeth and said that he would forget his appearance: "..."

I didn't dare to do anything, I could only coax my daughter-in-law to continue sleeping.

The dream that night, recalling Qin Lang's accidental entry, gave Jiang Chengzhou new inspiration.

After the human body dies, the brain waves do not die immediately. Perhaps through some method, this brain wave can be preserved.

He first went to the studio to get in touch with AI Zero Zero, whom he had previously collaborated with, and after inquiring about the feasibility of this solution, he started work.

But this kind of plan is too black technology, obviously not suitable for appearing in front of the public. Everything has a balance. If you hear your body is dead, but your soul is still alive, how many people will be squeezed in

Jiang Chengzhou studied it for a lifetime.

He and Qin Lang and He Meimei have been together for a lifetime, and today is the 60th anniversary of their marriage. He took Qin Lang's hand and took him to the exhibition hall where Qin Lang came to the building to experience the blind date game.

In front of them are still two hemispherical game pods. "Single Dog" has evolved several editions, and the shape has long been changed. This is obviously not the kind that Qin Lang entered in the first place.

Qin Lang asked him with a smile, "What is this?"

Jiang Chengzhou was mysterious, pulled him closer, and whispered in his ear the real purpose of the ball.

Qin Lang's already cloudy eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at his husband in surprise.

Jiang Chengzhou was still triumphant: "Baby, this is my anniversary gift for you. Do you like it?"

Qin Lang didn't feel nauseous at all: "husband is awesome, I like it very much."

A few assistants behind them envied the sweetness of these two people for decades, they were so in love, they couldn't be envied by a single dog.

When are we on vacation, let's try it too.

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