
Chapter 100: Be forewarned


Not long after, the "sin" of the eleven people on the beach was felt by Tianyi again. He didn't know what happened just now, but at this moment, everything seemed to be back to normal.

About an hour later, Tianyi returned to the beach. Everyone noticed him, but no one came forward to talk to him, and no one showed any sign of his arrival. [Search for the latest updates at ..|com|]

Rudd sat down with Jerry and Yang Gang and talked; while Betsy, a female college student, seemed to have joined Gavin, Dale and Lambert, and the four of them were also discussing something; Isaac, Carl, and Fidelia Also gathered together. It seems that everyone has chosen a group that they feel they can rely on. Of course, the relationship between Yang Gang and Karl has not yet surfaced, which also gives them more advantages.

Jiang Yun sat alone on the beach hugging her knees. Maybe she listened to Tianyi's warning and no longer trusted anyone easily. Maybe everyone thought that she and Tianyi were already on the same page and deliberately ignored her. In short, at this moment, She, in this closed environment, in this small society of more than ten people, seemed isolated and helpless.

Tianyi had now become a dangerous person in the eyes of everyone, so he was very sensible and did not try to communicate with any of the three small groups, but went straight to Jiang Yun.

He sat on the sand next to her and asked directly: "Did anything unusual happen here just now?"

Jiang Yun turned to look at her, thought for a moment and replied, "What do you mean?"

Tianyi already knew the answer and said, "Oh, it's nothing, I was just asking casually."

Tian Yixin said: Their "sin" disappeared before and then reappeared. Did it really happen or was it my hallucination? Is this woman in front of me real, is she just a figment of my imagination

Maybe the man in black robe is my imagination, which also explains why he disappeared instantly. Then all the feelings and things that happened after seeing the man in black robe are false, and the group of people on the beach are all real. of.

Is there some kind of strange creature or instrument in the center of this island that can interfere with my brain and put me in a hypnotic state for a period of time

… …

That night, everyone shared some of the badger meat left over from lunch to make ends meet. Not long after sunset, people had no choice but to go to bed. After all, there is no TV or Internet on the island, so going to bed early can ward off some hunger.

At midnight, almost no one is awake. Of course, Tianyi is still awake. His biological clock is about half a day later than the average person. This may be difficult to correct.

So Tianyi knew that Yang Gang and Karl quietly went to the woods again, but he did not follow them. He just continued to lean on the tree and take a nap. After about twenty minutes, the two of them came back a few minutes apart like last night. It is estimated that they Have you formulated any new strategies

After that, Tianyi fell asleep not long after that. When he woke up, the sun had fully risen, but it was probably not the time for Tianyi to wake up yet, so he was groggy and a little irritable.

"Everyone, what do you want to do?" Tianyi asked the eight people in front of him.

At this time, Tianyi was firmly tied to the tree trunk with a cane. Carl and Isaac each held a homemade wooden spear in their hands, standing in front of him.

Gavin, Dale, Lambert, Fidelia, and Betsy were standing behind the two people. There was obviously a certain gap between where Jiang Yun was standing and everyone. I'm afraid she was ostracized because of Tianyi's involvement. .

Karl replied: "We should ask you this question, what do you want to do?"

Tian Yi rested his head on the tree trunk and looked at everyone with indifferent eyes: "Haha... what can I do? I am tied to the tree like this, can I still break free, jump up, cut you into pieces and feed you to the pigs?"

Karl pointed the weapon in his hand at Tianyi's throat; "Young man, what did you do to Yang Gang and the others?"

Tianyi understood the moment he heard the words. He smiled and replied: "What? Yang Gang is missing?" He tilted his head and looked around again: "Rudd and Jerry are also missing, right?"

Isaac said: "Man, if you know something, it's better to tell the truth. Yesterday you scared everyone. First Noguchi, and now Officer Yang and the others, to be honest, are you an alien? A lackey?" This guy still firmly believes in the aliens' views, and it seems difficult to correct him.

Tianyi replied: "Oh, you woke up in the morning and found that three more people were missing, so you tied me up secretly while I was still awake, ha! But why do you think it was me? Because I said what I said yesterday Those words? Or is it because some people have published some smart reasoning?" He deliberately focused his attention on Gavin.

Gavin replied lukewarmly: "It's useless to argue. You are the most suspect here. You sneaked around the island alone for more than two hours yesterday afternoon. Who knows if you went with someone else?" We met? Maybe you and your accomplices brought us to this island. I advise you to honestly tell what you know. What is going on on this island? Where are the four missing people? Did he? Was he killed by you and your accomplices? "

Tianyi sneered at these words: "Am I very suspicious? If I had an accomplice on the island to support me, I would have gone to enjoy the hot and spicy food with them. Are you here to wait for you to tie me up?"

Gavin snorted coldly: "You just think you can hide your identity by staying here."

"Hahahaha... Hahahahahaha!!" Tianyi laughed crazily, his laughter and expression were very much like a lunatic. After a long time, he finally regained his breath: "Hey... I thought that although you are mediocre, you are not. So far, it's a pity that you are really speechless. You are arguing with me righteously without any evidence, and the basis of reasoning is completely untenable and illogical, but your own stupidity seems to make you I deceived myself into believing in myself, haha..." His ridicule and words penetrated Gavin's ears, making the latter hate him so much that his teeth almost grinded to pieces.

"I won't have this kind of pointless argument with you..." Gavin wanted to say something in return.

But Tianyi interrupted him directly: "No, I don't want to have a meaningless argument with you. What I just said was just an insult to you, not an argument. Judging from your increasingly stupid words and deeds, with your kind It's a waste of time for idiots to argue." At this point in Tianyi's words, the very strong rattan that had been wrapped around his body several times suddenly broke off on its own at this moment. It was not apparent how much strength Tianyi had exerted. Anyway, he He released his restraints so easily and stood up.

The spears of Karl and Isaac were still pointed at him. Karl said: "I warn you not to act rashly, otherwise I will be rude..."

Tianyi said to himself: "Huh... As soon as those three guys disappeared, I roughly understood what kind of message this game wanted to convey to me." He looked at Karl and Isaac: "You two , and her." He glanced at Fidelia again, and continued: "It will be your three's turn next."

"What do you mean?" Karl said.

Gavin interjected from behind: "Is this a death announcement? You finally admitted that everyone was killed by you and your accomplices, right?"

Tianyi smiled and said: "You, Dale, Lambert and Betsy, right after those three people."

"You madman, it's really you!"

"What on earth do you want to do? Bastard!"

"Listen, you better not get too proud..."

Finally, everyone couldn't hold it any longer and started talking to Tianyi. Their voices became louder and louder, and their tone gradually became more vicious.

But Tianyi didn't care. He stretched out his hands and pushed Karl and Isaac. The two of them didn't have time to react and staggered back in two directions. Strangely enough, Tianyi just With a slight push, the two fell down with a strange posture and force. The spears in their hands were also broken. They were basically uninjured.

When Gavin saw this, he took a few steps back, fearing that the other party would come up and punch him.

Tianyi sighed. He was too lazy to argue with such people. There were too many such people in the world.

"You." Tian Yi walked towards Jiang Yun, "You have to live." He grabbed Jiang Yun's wrist and pulled her away: "Follow me."

Jiang Yun's expression was a little hesitant, but she did not break away from Tianyi's hand. She was also thinking whether it was better to stay here for safety or to follow this person. There is always a feeling in her heart that Tianyi, who appears to be dangerous on the surface, will not harm her, but other people may not be worthy of trust.

People's attitudes will change with the situation, and what remains unchanged is their principle of taking their own interests as the bottom line.

Tianyi, however, has not changed. His attitude is not like a normal person. The way he acts cannot be simply described as aloof or aloof, but has a more complicated reason.

"Hey! Wait, do you think you can leave like this?! Stop right there!"

Karl, Isaac, and Lambert ran over, trying to stop Tianyi and Jiang Yun from leaving. Regardless of whether Tianyi was the one who captured them on the island, he at least knew more than others, so he had to at least explain clearly what he meant by what he just said.

"If you understand my sequence so quickly, then there is no point in continuing." A man with a face hidden in a black robe suddenly appeared on the beach, standing right in front of Tianyi.

The seven people behind were stunned on the spot for a moment. When Isaac heard the voice of the man in black robe, he even stuttered and exclaimed: "Je...Je...Jedi Knight!"

Tianyi sneered: "I knew what you wanted to show me in advance, so you think you won't be able to see my true reaction in the next few days, right?"

The man in black robe replied: "You can crack all this in advance, which can be said to be unexpected, but it is the best result in theory."