
Chapter 107: Master


When Tianyi made the threatening call, the consultant and accountant's tasks were also progressing at the same time. Feng Buer took them all the way to the computer room on the 13th and 1/2 floors.

From the outside of the building, this floor seems to be no different from the upstairs and downstairs. In fact, all the external windows on this floor are not made of colored glass, but colored mirrors. Even if someone uses a high-powered telescope to observe this floor, On the first floor, you can't see what's going on inside. Not to mention that those "windows" have a steel plate on the inside. [.]

The design of this floor is based on the premise of closure and uniformity. There are many rooms, each of which is small in area. There are no doors or windows connecting each other except ventilation ducts. Every wall is also made of stainless steel. Alloy steel plates, if there is no house number prompt, you will quickly lose your way in these corridors that look almost the same.

On this not-so-long road, the advisor and the others also met two knights who were working as guards. However, since they had to enter and exit the building every day, the members of the Steel Discipline who were active here only wore suits and did not wear the organization's unique clothing. This allowed the two intruders, who were following the provincial interior minister, to slip through.

Feng Buer felt very depressed in his heart. Of the two people behind him, one looked very eye-catching here in casual clothes, and the other was carrying such a big box. But no one stopped me to question me. What does this mean? When did I have such a big face

In fact, the two knights also felt that the two people following Bima Wen were quite suspicious, but then they thought about it, outsiders could not enter at all on this level. If someone really invaded, the alarm would have sounded long ago. Besides, they were still with Bima Wen. When we were together, there was no sign of Bi Mawen being kidnapped. So they were probably newcomers transferred from other branches. Hey, the newcomers now are weird and arrogant...

"It has actually reached this degree of completion." After closing the door of the computer room, the consultant praised the huge host that covered the entire wall in front of him.

The accountant looked up at the corner of the ceiling: "There are no cameras in this room."

The consultant said: "The surveillance in the corridor outside must have noticed us, and the collapsed toilet should be discovered soon. Our time is limited." He said, walking up to the apostle. This machine is larger than imagined. The main operating platform is only three meters wide. The huge display screen has primary and secondary split screens. The important communication, information transmission, intelligence analysis and processing of Steel Commandment are all This needs to be done with the help of this supercomputer.

Of course, the probability that this slave machine in the Kaifeng branch will be used is very low, and few people will come to the computer room.

"Actually, leaving aside the issues of cameras and toilets, all the computers in other rooms on this floor should be monitored by this one. They should know about it after intruding into the system." The accountant put down the suitcase and opened it. There were three pieces inside. He took out the flat rectangular black metal blocks one by one and stacked them horizontally on the ground like building blocks.

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe they will think that someone downloaded a short movie and caused a collective crash in the office." The consultant waved his finger, and Feng Buer was dragged away by the thread of truth, retreated all the way, and leaned against the far corner. , the whole person's back was straightened, his neck was pulled back as hard as possible, and a shallow blood mark appeared on his throat.

"You stay there for a while, we may still need you when we leave." After the consultant said, he bent down and picked up the black metal block on the ground.

At this time, the three flat pieces of metal with a smooth appearance had actually merged into one, and were as inseparable as magnets.

The consultant placed the black metal on the console and waited for about thirty seconds. However, he saw that the upper half of the black metal opened on its own, and inside it was a set of devices similar to a general computer. The keyboard also has a large number of buttons with unknown functions. The upper half of the keyboard is opened to form a small display screen.

Feng Buer observed carefully, and he found that there seemed to be something black connected between the bottom of the black metal block and the apostle's console. From a distance, it was not clear what it was. It could be a wire, or it could be a metal probe. In short, the black metal is like a Lego brick, partially embedded in the apostle's console that should have no gaps.

"I thought it would be a very complicated process, but I didn't expect it to be so easy." The accountant looked at the monitor of the mission machine. The original login screen disappeared. After a while, a black inverse cross mark appeared on the big screen.

Feng Buer was shocked: "Impossible! How did you do it without passing the pupil scan or logging into the system! What on earth is that black computer?!"

The consultant's fingers moved quickly on the keyboard, and windows kept popping up on the screen. Countless data disappeared in a blink of an eye. However, he could see ten lines at a glance, and his memory and understanding abilities were superb. He was already used to multitasking, so he replied easily: " This is the gap." He raised the corner of his mouth and said quite proudly: "When I first came in, I was quite surprised. As a system outside the global network controlled by the empire, the integration of software and hardware is a basic condition. , although you are not as good as Freedom Frontline in terms of software, your hardware technology is indeed the world's leading level. After all, it is an organization based in Europe. Black Hawk County's background in manufacturing hardware cannot be learned from those guys in North America. Compared with the one in front of you Compared with the Apostle's sub-machine, those models of the Matrix seemed too cold.

However, the Matrix and the Apostles are not at the same level as the Destiny I have. This is the work of the greatest craftsmen and the most powerful hackers on the planet. "

The accountant said lukewarmly: "Well... you are neither the greatest craftsman nor the strongest hacker. Why are you so proud..."

"Stop blabbering. When you're almost done resting, quickly shatter the alloy steel plate under the floor and open up an escape route first." The consultant said without looking back, "A fool who doesn't distinguish between east, west, north and south, and a man who lives in a binary world. Damn it, just thinking about their faces makes me feel superior."

Suddenly, the movement of his hand paused slightly: "Oh? What is going on?" He actually laughed: "Ha... I never thought that I would meet a master. Except for Warlock and Gates, who can do this in the world? Who else is in this situation..."

Meanwhile, in Western Europe, Red Lion County, the Madrid branch of Iron Discipline.

A red-haired woman with a ponytail was busy at the console of the apostle switchboard. Her fingertips were flying on the keyboard. She looked calm and collected, and she had a lollipop in her mouth. , muttered: "Such an incredible guy appeared in Kaifeng. Could it be that he is a warlock..."