
Chapter 12: Encirclement


Time, now.

The whale's back went away and disappeared.

The books in the iron bucket were completely reduced to ashes. In the end, a trail of smoke was still rising slowly, but it was scattered in the cold wind before it drifted away.

As soon as Lu Tian didn't enter the room, he still stood at the door, as if waiting for something.

"It wasn't necessary for a whale to die," he said suddenly.

But there was no one in the street at this time.

"Just a few seconds ago, you forced me to change my mind." Tianyi sighed: "I knew I should just kill the whale just now, and now I have to wait until I have finished packing you, and then go to him specially A trip. "

Suddenly someone was on the street again.

four people.

虽然 "Although I can't understand what you're talking about, it's definitely speaking to us, right?" Said the tallest man among the four.

As soon as the sky looked at the sky, I was too lazy to look at them: "I knew you were lying in this street when I drank the first cup of coffee after waking up, but I don't know the level of yours. I just came out and burned the book. At that time, you narrowed the encirclement, and when the whale left, you were closer to me. "He sighed and said," Ah ... just before I say the first sentence to you, I can confirm with great certainty, everyone All belong to the same rank. So ... your identity can be confirmed. "

The other of the four said: "Even if you really said that our ambush has been discovered, let's say that when you get it right, we are all leveled, but how do you figure out that you can 'clean up us' This conclusion? "He laughed dismissively:" Reverse the cross, even if in the past few years, every case that may be related to you is analyzed, and further calculated, you have never reached a strong level. Right? "

Wu Tianyi replied, "I am a paper grade, and my name is Tianyi."

The tall man sneered: "Mr. Tianyi, now that you know your level, don't think about resisting in vain anymore, you can just kill yourself and leave your life."

"Hehe ..." Tianyi scratched his messy hair: "Don't you be so sure of the paper grade that you can't win the relegation?"

All four were disdainful, and the expression of the tall man showed that he was the most arrogant and strong one, and he replied: "You can do it for mystery or deceive yourself. Paper-level can win and level up. In a one-to-one situation, the probability will never exceed 5%. Do you want to say that you can not only defeat the enemy, but also fight one opponent ?! "

Wu Tian tilted his head and snorted coldly: "Then kill one for you to see."

The voice didn't fall, and one of the four changed his expression suddenly. A loud noise in his chest suddenly burst from the inside. Metal fragments, internal organs, and blood sputtered out. The scorched meat and **** smell instantly spread to the surroundings. Like the shadow of terror, it shrouded his three companions.

"It is indeed a good idea to perform organ replacement and mechanical weaponization of the flesh. The guy who came up with this method decades ago is still worthy of admiration. He successfully made some ordinary people like you who are not so capable, Have the opportunity to step into the ranks of the strong. "Tianyi calmly recounted:" But people are people, machines are machines, ordinary people only need to eat and drink, can transform people not only ingest food and water, but also energy. Consider When it comes to the needs of combat, you ca n’t just rely on bioenergy conversion devices to act like daily life. So before you come to me today, you must have been charged. ”

Tianyi looked with cold eyes at the corpse of the upper body on the ground: "A guy with a precision instrument in his body suddenly ignited from the inside due to a short circuit of a component and exploded ... hehehe died Can such a funny method of death be considered a tie? "

The living three returned to their feet and spread out a few steps. Two of them raised their hands flat. The skin in the center of their palms was opened from the inside. The muzzle of the six-tube rotating machine gun extended from it. Their ulna and radius had been Replaced by heavy firearms.

The tall man only raised his right arm, and also found the barrel in the palm of his hand. He turned to the side, aimed at Tianyi, and yelled, "Do it!"

The continuous squeals started, in a sense, they were "hands-on", three people, five arms, thirty barrels, and in one minute, more than 6,000 rounds passed through three crosses. The line hit Tianyi.

But Tianyi was still standing in place, without any injuries, until the opponent's ammunition was exhausted and had to stop firing.

"This is impossible!" The three were incredible about the sight in front of them.

Tianyi said: "Of course it is possible. For example, each of the three firing lines that could hit my bullets collided with the bullets on the other orbit in the air, and the bullets flew. Most of the bullets, because Recoil, slight air resistance, even temperature, etc., caused a slight deviation in the flight trajectory, which never hit me. "

"Paper-level bastard!" The man who used to call Tianyi an inverse cross showed a ruthless face, and leaned forward toward the sky, and his right elbow stretched out with a sharp shark fin-shaped blade, which has been deceiving for a few seconds And to.

But he and Tianyi passed by, rushing towards the empty space, struggling to wave a knife, and then turned blankly to look at the empty place on his right side.

Tianyi turned his back to him and pronounced his fate: "If the pipeline that transports chemical agents in the body is broken due to wear and tear accumulated over the years, those green liquids may flow into the brain. In this case, Even the need for rescue is gone. "

"You ... you ... oh ... go ..." The right eye of the man was filled with blood, flowing out of his eye sockets, and even the eyeballs burst out with tendons, leaving a turbid thick liquid in the nostrils, red , White, green. He knelt to the ground, said a few words incoherently in his mouth, and then his voice trembled violently as his body twitched. Until a sound similar to the firecrackers smashing a pile of cat feces from his head, he lay face down forever on the ground, no longer moving.

的 The two who were alive did not dare to move half a minute, because fear is human instinct.

The tall man asked tentatively, "How did you do it ..."

"Huh ... nonsense, telling you now is bad for me. After waiting for you to die, I will not be able to speak to the corpse. You cannot ask more constructive questions, such as how can I be willing to spare You. UU reading books "

"Ah !!!" The man next to the tall man turned and ran, and he didn't want to die tragically.

But he hadn't run ten meters away, and he fell inexplicably, and after a few seconds, he stopped breathing.

"Now, you are the only one left. If you think from your point of view, what is the probability of this happening? 0%?" Tian Yi asked with a smile.

The tall man looked back at the corpse of the last companion, his face pale: "How could it be ... he broke his neck ... on such flat ground ..."

Yun Tianyi's tone was like a passerby watching the street: "Yeah, if you fall by accident, you may die in several steps."

"How can you let me go?" The tall man put down his dignity and asked a very realistic question.

"Good question, you're smart, you know how to listen to people." Tian raised his head again and again, looking at the sky: "But ... I'm not going to let you go, I just plan to humiliate you before you die. Let's have some fun. "

"You bastard!" The tall man was drinking violently, and he broke the ground with a cobweb-like crack in one foot, and rushed to Tianyi in a blink, but at the same time, before he had made any attack Suddenly, his body was cut neatly in half, centered on the human axis.

Biao's burly body, about two meters tall, was divided into two, guided by inertia, and flew past the sides of Tianyi. Standing in the position of Tianyi, you can see that one side is full of flesh and blood internal organs, and the other side is full of mechanical metals.

"Hey, even a half-headed guy is stupid ..." Tian Yi looked at the corpse, his expression still indifferent, he lifted the iron bucket by his feet, poured the ashes on the ground, and blew. Whistle, walked into the bookstore, and closed the door.