
Chapter 15: Silence


Whale Bird walked out of Ikeda's house. The depressing atmosphere in the house made him not want to stay for a second longer.

"Hey, I'm Whale Bird... um... yes... a male body was found, and it was initially determined to be a 'suicide'. There was also a mentally disturbed high school student, the son of the deceased... yes... that's right... the ambulance and the homicide department Come on, everyone... The address is..."

He briefly explained to the police station, and just as he hung up the phone, a gun barrel was pressed against the back of his head.

Tianyi's voice came from behind Whale Bird: "We meet again, Officer Whale Bird."

"Are you finally going to take action yourself?" Whale Bird didn't turn around, didn't move his neck, and didn't even dare to move his fingers, because he knew very well that the man holding the gun behind him was a man who regarded human life as nothing.

In this brief moment, Whale Bird judged that since the other party did not directly "shoot" him, he must have something to say to him, maybe to show off, maybe to negotiate a deal, in short, it must be for some reason. It will be so. So he tried to negotiate with Tianyi, trying to find an opportunity to get out of this fatal situation.

"Turn around." Tian said.

Whale Bird complied, and he faced Tianyi with no fear on his face: "Do you have something to tell me?"

Tianyi raised his head and looked around, as if he was thinking about something, but he only spent three seconds acting like this, and then said: "Well... I thought there was, but now I think about it. Thinking about it, it doesn’t seem like there is.”

The next second, the gun went off.

A blackened bullet hole was left on the whale bird's stunned face. The bullet entered from between the eyebrows. The entire back of the head exploded in an exaggerated manner, and brains and blood sprayed several meters away.

After a few seconds, the body fell down on its back.

Tianyi took a thick tissue, wiped the muzzle of the gun, threw it to the ground, and shrugged: "Well, at least this way you will look more decent when you are lying in the coffin. They just need to get you a taller one." A little pillow would be nice." He seemed to be making a joke to the whale bird's corpse.

After putting away the gun, Tianyi squatted down, took away the ID from Whale Bird's pocket, then stood up and left humming a tune.

Half an hour later, police station, morgue.

Kuwahara Junichi's immediate superior, Major Shimaki, dialed Kuwahara's cell phone.

"May I have any instructions, sir?" After seeing the number, Kuwahara didn't talk too much and got down to business.

Shimaki said: "Kuwabara-kun, something strange happened in Team C."

Kuwahara replied: "Were they discovered by the other party? Were there casualties during the fight?"

Shimaki's tone became very strange: "Kuwabara-kun, your previous application report stated that the initial assessment ability was 'paper' level for the serial killer. Is this judgment too low?"

Kuwahara heard some clues from these words, and he also became nervous: "It's unlikely... If a 'strong' level or above person enters Sakura Mansion, he should have been under surveillance for a long time. There will not be such a person in our jurisdiction. This kind of person exists... You should know this, sir, that guy... is at the 'merger' level at most."

Shimaki said: "You are right, but can you explain why the four members of Team C lost contact with the headquarters about an hour ago... I originally thought it was an equipment failure or communication interference. , but now it seems that there will be no mistake.”

Kuwahara's expression changed: "Could it be that... Team C defected collectively?"

Shimaki said coldly: "Kuwabara-kun, have you stayed with the dead for too long and your brain has become stiff? Don't always answer my questions with questions, and don't always give me unconfirmed information." .”

Sang Yuan's Adam's apple moved up and down, and his face turned livid: "I understand, sir, I'll go confirm..."

Shimaki said: "Huh... Cyborgs are just Cyborgs after all. Although they are also classified as parallel level, everyone knows that they are completely different from the real powerful men of the same level, so it doesn't matter how many deaths there are. But you, Kuwahara-kun , I hope you can come back alive with results that satisfy me."

"Yes, sir!" Kuwahara replied forcefully.

The other party hung up the phone at this moment.

Kuwahara put away his cell phone, his eyes were completely different from his usual smiling look. He threw away the lunch he was about to enjoy and walked towards the door of the morgue with murderous intent.

At this moment, the door was pushed open from the outside, and someone pushed a body in.

"Ah, Senior Kuwahara, you happen to be here, and another one has been brought in." The young police officer pointed at the corpse in the bag and said, "Be careful when opening the zipper. What is the appearance of this guy's death?" It’s scary.”

An ominous premonition arose in Sang Yuan's heart. An instinct made him feel that something was fishy. Why was a corpse brought in at this time? Could it be...

He casually grabbed a bone saw on a nearby tray, and carefully and slowly opened the zipper of the body bag with his other hand.

"Hey... senior... what are you doing..."

"Don't be wordy... please stand far away..." Sang Yuan didn't bother to explain, and stopped the policeman beside him without looking back. His eyes were fixed on the bag containing the corpse, as if a beast would suddenly pop out of it.

The head of the corpse was gradually exposed, the face was bloody and bloody, and the smell of blood filled his nostrils.

Sang Yuan didn't dare to be careless. If it was just makeup, the other party might burst out and kill him at any time.

Continuing to pull the zipper, the upper body of the corpse was completely exposed. Only then did Kuwahara realize that the male corpse was naked. How could the corpse that had just been brought in not even have any clothes? Just when he thought of this, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the blood on the chest of the corpse that seemed to be... the word!

Moving closer, Kuwahara could clearly see the word written vaguely in blood: "You guessed wrong."

There was a buzz in his mind, and then he noticed that the body's body temperature had not completely disappeared, and the blood was not dry at all!

With a pop, the sharp blade broke through the skin, tore the muscles, and penetrated the internal organs. The entire scalpel and the handle were shot into Kuwahara's body. He staggered and turned around, his face full of shock and regret.

The young police officer threw away the hat on his head, loosened the collar of the police uniform, and then took it off. Under the police uniform, there was a black shirt and suit.

"Haha..." Tianyi laughed and said, "I asked you just now, what are you doing..."

"You..." Sang Yuan sat down on the ground, stretching his lungs leisurely: "Don't worry, after you die, I will help you write a report, and I will definitely let your superiors 'Satisfied', hahahahaha..."

While Tianyi's laughter continued, Sang Yuan moved. He sprang up like a crossbow arrow, pointing the bone saw in his hand directly at Tianyi's spine.