
Chapter 23: Transfer


.In the city of Venice, on the rooftop of an ordinary house, an Asian man with a ponytail was sitting there on a folding stool, looking at the scene on the sea with a night vision telescope, but because the distance was too far, He couldn't see anything clearly, just a huge paper drill bit.

Suddenly, he put down the telescope, turned his head sharply, and said to the darkness behind him: "Who is that person?!"

"As he said, you are really alert..." A man carrying a huge suitcase came out of the shadows, "Are you Mr. Zuo Dao?"

Zuo Dao had already stepped outside the guardrail with one foot: "Don't come over here. If you come over again, I'll jump down."

"Haha... Why did you threaten death when we first met? Do you think a stranger would care about your life or death?"

Zuo Dao rolled his eyes twice; "So... you're not here to ask for a bill?"

"Would you consider putting your feet back first?" The man put down his suitcase as he spoke.

Zuo Dao came down from the guardrail: "Okay, just to confirm, don't mind, um... I haven't slept with any of your family members, right?"

The man let out a long breath, as if he was mourning Zuo Dao's character. He did not answer the question, but changed the subject: "You can call me accountant. I think it's fair for us to call each other by nicknames."

"Well... Zuodao is my real name..."

The accountant was stunned for about three seconds, and then let out a long sigh: "Then what... I originally wanted to say something, oh, by the way, someone asked me to deliver something to you." He said Bending to open the suitcase.

Zuo Dao rushed up the guardrail in a flash: "Are you sure that's not a bomb?"

The accountant rolled his eyes: "Yes, I'm sure."

"If you think you can suddenly take out a submachine gun or grenades from the box to deal with me at a moment when I relax my vigilance, you are too naive. I sleep with one eye open every day, ready to attack, and there is no loophole!"

The accountant had already taken out the things at this time, which was just a box of video tapes.

"Dude...seriously...can you come down here and talk?"

Zuo Dao climbed down from the guardrail for the second time: "Haha, I'm so sorry. As you know, our profession is a high-risk profession."

The accountant said: "Okay, you don't have to explain...get ready to answer the phone."

"What phone number?" Zuo Dao asked inexplicably. At this moment, the mobile phone in his arms actually rang.

Zuo Dao's face was so frightened that he turned pale, paler than a white man. How did the other party know that his cell phone would ring? How do you know your number? Wait... How was his residence discovered? !

The accountant only found it funny when he saw the surprised expression: "Don't panic, buddy, I encountered a similar situation to you about sixteen hours ago. You will understand everything after answering this phone call."

With Zuodao's character, he was naturally doubtful. He swallowed, pressed the call button, and said in a trembling voice: "Hello?"

The person on the other end of the phone said: "I want you to help me deliver this videotape to the blood owl."

"Who...who is the Blood Owl?" Zuo Dao asked, "Who are you?"

"The blood owl is Chilios. When you hand the things in the accountant's hands to him, you can say that a person named Tianyi asked you to hand it over. You can also describe to him the scene you encountered tonight. Of course, according to my estimation, even if you don't want to say it then, he can still threaten you to say it."

"What are your intentions? Why should I help you? Also, how do you know my whereabouts?" Zuo Dao asked questions one after another.

Tian Yi replied one by one unhurriedly: "First of all, you won't understand my intention, and it has no direct interest in you; secondly, the reason why you must help me, please refer to the answer I will give you next. The third question; that is, the question of how to track your whereabouts, my answer is, you look for me, there is no trace in the vast land, I kill you, the magic weapon descends from the sky and it is difficult to guard against it. How long do you want to live? Come and ask me questions when you are young, and do whatever I ask you to do, otherwise hundreds of policemen will surround you at any time in a small cubicle in a public toilet, arrest you for credit card fraud, and send you away Spend the rest of your life in some felon prison where you can change your sexual orientation in a month."

"Big, big, big, big... Brother, please take pity on me, me, me..." Zuo Dao begged stammeringly.

Tianyi interrupted him: "It is too dangerous for strangers to communicate directly with the blood owl, so I came to you. I know that you are running errands for the blood owl and acting as a middleman. Next time you meet the blood owl, hand over the videotape Give it to him, and the mission is completed. If I have no need for you in the future, we will never have contact again, so be it."

The phone was hung up. Zuo Dao listened to the urgent busy tone from the phone and looked at the accountant for help with a look of horror on his face: "Brother..."

"Okay... I can't afford it. Like you, I thought that no one knew my whereabouts. Then, the damn cell phone rang, and a guy named Tianyi asked me to get this from a storage box at a certain station. box of video tapes." He sighed helplessly: "You are lucky, I haven't slept for more than twenty hours, just because he told me that at this time, I can find a person named Zuo Dao and hand over the things. for you."

Zuo Dao felt a chill running down his spine: "Could he be able to predict the future? Is he omniscient and omnipotent?"

"That's not necessarily true. I have been thinking about how this person did this for dozens of hours. Finally, I understood that theoretically speaking, it is entirely possible to do this. Although in practice, The probability of success is extremely low..." the accountant said; "He did not see the future, but made some kind of calculation. If we assume that there is such a formula, (human thinking mode + actual action) * the established physical plane Fact = the result of something. So this Tianyi has completed this kind of deduction. He must have some kind of massive and absolutely reliable information, and then take all the variables into consideration, so he can speculate in advance and even Influence something to happen.”

Zuo Dao's eyes widened; "Friend, which language do you speak?"

The accountant replied: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand. This is just my judgment. Maybe he can really predict the future or something. Who knows? I have to find a place to sleep for a while first." He said He walked forward, slapped the video tape on Zuo Dao's hand, then took his big suitcase and left.

Zuo Dao stood there alone for a moment, and suddenly heard a loud noise from the north. He quickly raised his telescope and looked at the sea. He saw a white dragon flying in the sky. He didn't know who was fighting there at the moment, but one after another. To create this disaster movie-like scene.