
Chapter 39: Chase


For the rest of February, from Lincolnwood to Burnham, from Midway Airport to the shores of Lake Michigan, Chicago was immersed in bloodshed, with murder happening around every corner.

Congested streets, secluded alleys, taxis, subway stations, barber shops, factories, houses, even villas in wealthy areas in the north, or under the eyes of a noble. Mafia corpses can be seen everywhere. This is war in the true sense of the word.

The development of the situation was beyond Devitt's expectation. The Lucchese family did not take advantage of this mutual assassination. The members of the Genovese family would not always get together to be plotted against.

During this kind of war, there was almost no progress in the development of pure alloy trading. Joseph could not spare the time to do this. The lives of all official members of the family were in danger before the war ended.

On March 1st, DeWitt's patience reached its limit, and he decided to talk to Si Yaner, that is, Mike. This guy has disappeared like an outsider since the night of the negotiation. He probably hides at home every day for fear of being raped. Get rid of it.

Mike lives on the third floor of a rental apartment with bad neighbors. The rent in this kind of place is very cheap. The environment is similar to where DeWitt lived when he first arrived in Chicago.

After knocking on the door a few times, there was no movement inside. DeWitt shouted at the door: "Open the door, Si Ye, I am DeWitt. If there is no one, I will break in."

Then suddenly there was movement in the room...

Mike opened the door a crack, but the chain inside was still hanging down. He looked left and right and said to DeWitt: "Turn around."

"What?" DeWitt asked with a frown.

Mike said: "How do I know if someone is pointing a gun at your back from an angle I can't see? You turn around and I'll confirm."

DeWitt tilted his head: "Listen, if you want to watch men spinning around, I can recommend a few more alternative bars to you. Now open this damn door, don't 'force' me to ruin it."

Mike closed the door, put down the chain lock, opened the door again and said, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, so now we're talking in the hallway, letting the pimps and drug dealers in this building listen to mafia anecdotes? If I had known better, I should have stood downstairs with a loudspeaker I’m talking to you.”

Mike sighed: "Okay, okay, come in." He stepped aside and let DeWitt into the room, then carefully looked around before closing the door.

"What were you doing just now? Did you watch a hardcore movie?" DeWitt looked around as if he were returning to his own home, and finally his eyes rested on the laptop screen on Mike's desk.

Mike quickly followed up from behind and closed the computer: "Hey! It's polite to respect other people's privacy."

DeWitt spread his hands: "'Tobacco Club Forum'? Your hobby is really weird. Do you secretly collect hookahs in the cabinet?" He immediately started to tease Mike with the webpage he just saw.

Mike said: "The Tobacco Club is not a club that studies tobacco... It is a fraternity of retired people. They just took the name."

"Oh, are you referring to the kind of organization that recruits working-class retired male members to gather together to smoke, drink beer and use saunas?" DeWitt continued the verbal attack.

"Yes, this kind of group is filled with a bunch of crazy retired old people, including one of my cousins. Do you have anything else to ask?"

DeWitt lit a cigarette and said, "I don't think so, because according to my estimation, it is difficult for people like me to enjoy the luxury of retirement."

Mike sneered: "Ha, do you mean you will die young?"

DeWitt replied: "No, I will sleep in a coffin with power and money, enjoy a king-like funeral, and become the object of countless peers vying to imitate and try to surpass after death."

"Stop dreaming..."

DeWitt felt that it was time to change the topic to business. He said: "The Genovese family is stronger than I thought. I have no patience with Mike anymore. I need information that can make a final decision."

"I told you before. After the negotiation night, they replaced all their mobile phones, including the secret contact information on the Internet. How they communicate now, I have no way of finding out." Mike said impatiently: "Oh, by the way, if you have a hard time forgetting it, I can remind you that it was you who told the other party that I was a hacker very eloquently that led to this result."

"Siyaner, Siyaner, you are so serious. I am planning to train you as my assistant, but you are always complaining about objective difficulties." DeWitt replied nonchalantly.

Mike said: "Objectively difficult? The first day I met you, you said you needed my technical support, and then when I was stealing other people's information in the car, you killed them all and threw them into the lake. "

DeWitt explained: "I had no choice. I originally wanted to snatch the money and let them go, but who knew that their resistance and tenacity exceeded my expectations."

Mike continued: "That's okay, at least you knew to prepare two sets of police uniforms in the trunk in advance to escape, and you burned the car without leaving any traces. But the second time, you were directly in front of a group of police uniforms. Sold me in front of an armed, angry killer."

DeWitt added: "What's there to be nervous about? I was in a more dangerous position than you at that time. Besides, I was well prepared. Didn't you take wm2030 protective medicine in advance?"

"When you gave me the pill before departure, you said it contained vitamins and 2.5 milligrams of diazepam."

"You look as anxious as a newly menopausal woman, so I think this explanation saves time and effort."

Mike said, "Okay, now you want information that can be the final word. Do you think I can conjure up the whereabouts of an important figure in the Genovese family like a magic trick?"

"Yes, otherwise why would I come to you." DeWitt said matter-of-factly.

"Hey... you shameless grandson." Mike said, "Just wait." After that, he took his laptop and went to the next room.

In fact, DeWitt is not very proficient in Chinese, so he didn't fully understand Mike's first sentence. He could only understand that he was swearing.

In fifteen minutes, DeWitt lit three cigarettes. If he waited any longer, he would probably start smoking marijuana. At this time, Mike came back, holding a piece of paper he had just printed out.

"Here you go, bastard, this hotel. I don't know which room it is. You can find it yourself. There is more than 80% chance that Frank Genovese lives there."

DeWitt raised his eyebrows: "Can I ask you how you did it?"

Mike replied impatiently: "There is a deal between Frank and the police, and their contact will be more frequent during this special period. The police have a mobile phone number specifically for contacting the mafia, which usually will not be changed, and I I got it done a long time ago. So just now I checked their call records and tracked the policeman’s activities in the past few weeks. In addition to the police station, his home, the stores he frequented, and some recorded crime scenes, there are still so many He stayed in several public places for relatively long periods of time.

Then I marked those stopping points on the city map, made a map, and circled a range. Frank's character would never risk going far away from his residence to contact a police officer, so he must be within this range.

There were so many people in the big hotel that he didn't dare to stay, so I hacked the computers of all the small and medium-sized hotels in the area and used the elimination method to remove those who checked in with their real names. In the end... that was it. "

DeWitt was stunned for about five seconds: "Well..." He took the piece of paper with a few lines of words from Mike's hand and decided to change the topic so as not to anger this nerd again: "Well... Four eyes, You’ve been staying in the city, don’t you have to go back to school?”

Mike said: "Yes, I usually don't go to class, but I can still graduate next year. You don't need to ask more about the solution. If nothing happens, leave as soon as possible."

DeWitt left Mike's apartment, feeling secretly happy. It seemed that Four Eyes was a rare talent. This kind of person must be accepted as his personal confidant, not the Lucchese family.

Although he still has his own plans in mind, he still has to rely on the power of the Lucchese family. Therefore, the top priority is to capture or kill Frank Genovese first so that the war can end as soon as possible. If it continues to be delayed, Joseph Lucchese is not a good person. It is difficult to guarantee whether this old fox will suddenly turn his back. .

… …

An hour later, in the hotel that Mike had marked.

Samuel Genovese was talking to his brother Frank.

"Yesterday, three more family members died. We have lost a lot of people recently, including some ruthless characters, but the Lucchese family is by no means better off than us. Joseph Lucchese and Tommy Galliano They haven't been seen in public for a long time, and their mansion is empty. This is an unprecedented contest. No one is absolutely safe. Victory can only be considered when the opponent is completely eliminated, and we will be the winner. "Frank said slightly excitedly.

Samuel said: "Can your police friend provide more specific help? He has a big appetite, but his ability is very limited, right?"

"I have instructed Arthur to help us arrest many people in Lucchese, and there are also cases where they were killed on the spot, but that is all he can do. After all, the police cannot kill people at will, and if there is no actual evidence, as long as Lucchese If the people of the Arthur family don't resist, they will be released from prison soon." Frank explained: "If we rely too much on Arthur's power, he will soon be suspected by his colleagues, and it will be a disadvantage to play at this time. Rely on our own killers.”

Samuel took a long puff of cigarette: "Then if necessary, Ernie will take action."

As soon as Cao Cao Cao arrived, O'Ni suddenly rushed into the house without knocking: "Boss, Second Boss, the situation outside is a little abnormal."