
Chapter 50: Caged survivors



The gunsmith came down from the tree, checked that he was not injured, and quickly returned to the center of the explosion. The hole he had just dug had been expanded, and a large part of the pyramid-shaped metal spire underground was exposed.

The bone gun not only penetrated the outer layer of the metal, but also left a cylindrical channel with a diameter of about forty centimeters. When the energy bullet penetrates the outer layer of this metal object, it will leave behind a cylindrical channel that is thicker than a cannonball. It needs a wide trajectory and a regular and neat shape. [Search for the latest updates] The gunsmith picked up a stone and was about to throw it into the tower to measure the depth. As soon as he bent down, he suddenly stumbled and fell to his knees.

"What's going on..." His legs lost the strength to support his body, and his vision became blurred.

Several figures entered the gunsmith's line of sight, but the gunsmith couldn't see the appearance of the people coming. In his eyes, they were just human-shaped black shadows. Soon, more figures were added, and they began to talk among themselves, using a language that the gunsmith could not understand at all.

Not long after, the gunsmith fell to the ground on his back. His mind was still clear, but his vision was blurred and his body was weak. He only felt that he was tied up, tied to a long stick like an animal, and picked up by two people and carried away.

He didn't know how far he was taken or how long it took. Anyway, he must have been carried into a certain village. He saw some buildings that looked like thatched houses and smelled the smell of barbecued food. Then he was taken off the stick and thrown into a cage-like place. There seemed to be someone beside him, but that person was motionless, sitting in the corner of the cage, not knowing whether he was dead or alive. The gunsmith couldn't see clearly for the time being, and he didn't have the strength to speak, so he could only wait.

When his eyesight and physical strength gradually recovered, it was already setting sun, and the gunsmith tried to say something to the fellow sufferer with distracted eyes next to him: "Hey, brother, do you understand what I'm saying?"

The man looked to be in his thirties, Caucasian, young and bald, but with a unshaven beard. He raised his eyelids and glanced at the gunsmith, and replied: "Oh, your [medicine] strength has passed."

The gunsmith asked: "What kind of medicine is this?"

The man said: "Of course it's an anesthetic. These natives use homemade blowguns to shoot out a small thorn, which is coated with something that can numb your body. It may be the juice of an herbal medicine." "Liquid", or the powder they grind out, I don't know."

Hearing this, the gunsmith instinctively touched the back of his neck. As expected, there were two small wounds there, "When was the arrow hit... I really didn't notice it..."

The man said: "It's hard to notice. It feels like being bitten by a mosquito." He stretched out his hand and said, "John DeSoto, you can call me John."

The gunsmith reluctantly raised his arm and shook his hand: "Charles Rolle, you can call him whatever you want."

John asked: "So, Charles, you also came to explore the jungle?"

The gunsmith smiled bitterly: "No, the plane crashed. What, you are an explorer?"

John said: "Yes, but I have to regret to say that this expedition was not very successful."

The gunsmith said: "Let me guess, your compass suddenly failed at some point, and then you got lost in this area?"

"It's not just a compass, man, my friends and I are an expedition team. There are six people in total, equipped with various advanced instruments." John said: "But those things have all failed since we got here. This place It seems that there is some kind of power that can cause the advanced devices invented in the past hundred years to collectively strike. Moreover, that power also emits a chaotic magnetic field, affecting the most basic tool like the compass. In the end, it is the only thing that can What comes in handy are some of the simplest electronic instruments, such as radios and the like."

The gunsmith looked around: "You said there are six people, but what about the other five?"

John actually sneered, but at the same time, tears flashed in his eyes. The gunsmith knew that this was not a good sign, and that this man might be on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Sure enough, John's answer was as sinister as his expression: "Been eaten..."

The gunsmith swallowed: "By a crocodile?" He just tentatively asked for a more reasonable guess.

John replied: "No, it was by these natives." His tone became hysterical: "We encountered an ambush from this tribe at about noon the day before yesterday. That night, Louis and Abel were eaten. The next night , it's the turn of the other three." He raised his head, looked at the gunsmith with desperate eyes and a sad smile, and said: "Today is the third day, I think it's my turn..."

The gunsmith said: "John, you have to cheer up, the situation is not the worst."

"Not the worst?" John's voice suddenly became louder. Fortunately, the two natives not far away who were responsible for guarding the cage didn't seem to pay attention to the conversation between the two prisoners.

"My teammates who were with me through life and death were killed alive in front of me. This group of savages stripped them naked, tied them to wooden stakes, cut their flesh from living people, and divided their tongues like they were distributing trophies. Brains, viscera, and then light a bonfire and have a village-wide barbecue. Have you seen those cooked meats hanging on the shelves outside? What do you think they are?" John moved closer, lowered his voice, but his tone Still very manic: "Both the people who were killed and the people in cages were shouting and pleading, but they didn't stop at all. Maybe they couldn't understand our language, but the most instinctive cry and cry of animals were Crying is universal, so... To these cannibals, we are no different from animals. Will you pity pigs, cows, and sheep? Will the butcher care about the cry of food? No! It's my turn today , maybe he will take you with him, who knows! Charles! Don’t you think this is not the worst case scenario?! Compared to that kind of death, I would rather find a sharp wooden thorn and hit it with my forehead. thing."

The gunsmith waited for a while and waited for the other party to calm down before saying: "Calm down, John, at least we are still alive now."

John snorted coldly and leaned against the cage weakly: "This is all my fault. I am the leader of this expedition team. My teammates entrusted their lives to me, but I killed them. I should have expected that such a day would come. A good man drowns in water, and I deserve it..." He began to sob as he spoke. This was a man's confession and confession in the last period of his life. If the gunsmith was not here at this moment, John might only be able to say this to God. That’s a paragraph.

The gunsmith had basically regained consciousness at this time. He made a visual inspection and found that the cage he was in was not small. It could hold about ten people if they were squeezed in. The wood used to build the cage was also very strong. He knocked a few times with his hands. , it is estimated that not even the hippopotamus can escape from this place. The exit of the cage is surrounded by many densely woven rattans, making it impossible for people to stretch out their arms. The stuck sarcasm can only be opened from the outside. It seems that when these cannibals built this cage, they considered that it can not only close the cage but also close it. Wild beasts must be able to contain people.

However, the gunsmith is also a person with parallel abilities. No matter how strong the wood is, it is still wood. He is completely confident that he can break the confinement with his bare hands and escape.

He thought for a moment, then turned to John and asked, "Didn't you try to resist when these cannibals took your friends out of the cage?"

"Of course I tried, but they will use anesthesia. It is impossible for us to escape in the cage. After being anesthetized, we will have no ability to resist."

The gunsmith said: "Then... if you want to escape, it's best to do it now, lest they start dinner early..." He touched it and found that the bone gun was still there. The savages didn't touch anything on him, but his luggage was lost. , but that kind of thing doesn't matter anymore, as long as the gun is there.

John said: "Don't bother, even if I break your shoulder blade, the wood of the cage won't crack." He had really lost hope. The vent just now might be the final explosion.

The gunsmith said: "Brother John, I can't take a person on the road who has completely lost his will to live. You have to cheer up, because I can't escape with you on my back after I break the cage."

John's expression suddenly changed. He stared at the gunsmith's face. It didn't look like this guy was joking. The explorer's unburnt willpower rekindled like a spark: "Are you serious?" . ..