
Chapter 59: remember


The gunsmith pretended to raise the bone gun and blew out, "You're going to die sooner or later anyway. It's better to kill him with one shot than to be cut into pieces with a thousand cuts."

He is not a pedantic person who sticks to moral integrity. He often acts rashly when encountering problems. Therefore, when Anshui revealed his identity, the gunsmith's only thought was to kill him. Revenge for John was secondary, but the gunsmith vaguely felt that it was very dangerous to let such a creature exist in the world.

He put away the bone gun, held the "eternal core" emitting cyan light in his hand, closed his eyes, and began to use alchemy to feel the structure and nature of the object.

Only a few seconds later, the vast starry sky appeared in his mind. The invisible forces in the universe were dyed with color and became visible to the naked eye, but they were all sudden and unpredictable.

The gunsmith's consciousness was swallowed up by another huge and unknown spiritual force. He could no longer feel his own existence, as if his body had turned into dust; time was like an illusion of nothingness; tangible was intangible, abstract was concrete; all bodies were The physics knowledge I learned when I was a human has become meaningless. Those gadgets are like a series of derivatives of low-dimensional creatures constantly proposing absurd theories but constantly using new theories to justify them.

… …

In 2084, east of the Ural Mountains, in a mountain forest covered by wind and snow.

Two men in military uniforms were standing in front of the door of a small wooden house. One of them knocked on the door. After a while, the person inside the house opened the door. It was an old man. His right eye must be blind, and there were hideous scars on his face.

Old Luo Er was quite surprised when he saw these two strange men. At the same time, the tall old man looked over the shoulders of the two men in front of him and saw a group of people. There were about seven or eight people in total, and they all rode bipedal walking mechas that were similar to ostriches and carried advanced firearms. One of them looked quite eye-catching. He was not wearing a standard military uniform and had a sword on his waist. This showed that he was at least a noble. The jeweled and flashy sword hilt also showed that he was a very wealthy and high-status noble. .

"What's the matter, sir?" Old Roll asked.

The soldier at the door replied: "Master Earl came to hunt in the mountains today, but as you saw, the weather has become bad now, and we need to commandeer your house to take a rest."

Old Rohr glanced behind them again, feeling quite disdainful, because at this point, the real hunters should have returned with full loads, but the count and the accompanying soldiers were all empty-handed, and the large group seemed to have not started yet. .

"Oh, that Mr. Count wants to go inside to escape the wind and snow..." Old Roll said: "Okay, I think we can make some room..."

But the other party's answer was: "No, I told you, this is not a request, it is a requisition. Also, the count doesn't like to be in the same room with civilians, you have to stay outside until the count leaves."

"What?" Old Luo Er was shocked and angry, but someone on the other side had a gun, so he couldn't get angry: "But this is my home!"

"So you should feel honored." When the soldier said this, he suddenly lowered his voice and said: "Old man, stop nagging, put on some clothes and come out, we all have to stand outside the house..."

The man next to him said in a softer voice, almost like ventriloquism: "The count is in a very bad mood right now. If you linger any longer, God knows what he will do. Don't hurt us anymore!"

Old Rolle also saw their difficulties. He sighed, nothing more, he could only hope that the count would not rest by the fireplace until midnight before leaving. Unexpectedly, just as he turned around, a gunshot suddenly rang out.

The bullet passed through a soldier's shoulder and hit Old Rolle's back. Bloody flowers instantly bloomed in front of the cabin door.

The soldier screamed in pain, covering his shoulders and kneeling on the ground. The companion beside him supported him, with a panicked expression but did not dare to make a sound. As for Old Roll, he couldn't say another word and stopped breathing in less than half a minute.

"Look, I told you a long time ago. I am a sharpshooter. I can hit the target even though there are obstacles. The deer ran away just because I blinked." The count expressed his reaction to this murder. As if nothing had happened, he showed off in a very proud tone, as if it was a great thing for him to hit an unsuspecting old man ten meters away with a sophisticated firearm.

The soldiers did not show much sympathy or sadness. They knew the lord's temper very well. Silence and obedience could ensure their own safety and get an extra reward in the hands of this nobleman.

But in the distance, a young man was stunned by the scene in front of him. The prey in his hand fell to the ground, and his young face was full of horror. He didn't understand how all of this happened. His grandfather, the only relative in the world, had just been killed by a person he didn't even know. Little Charles happened to see the moment the gun went off and didn't even have time to react.

who is he? Could he be his father's enemy? How did they find themselves in this deep mountain

The eleven-year-old gunsmith was like a frightened little animal. He crawled to the ground and hid himself. There was a choking sound in his throat and his vision was a little blurry. But he quickly wiped away the tears. If the tears were flowing down his cheeks, It will freeze halfway through and will be very painful when you pull it off.

The leather jacket worn by the gunsmith was white and could hide him well in the snow. He gradually approached the cabin and stared at the group of people. The count quickly entered the house alone, and the other seven people then remain outside. Two soldiers dragged Old Roll's body into the nearby woods and buried it shallowly, a depth that would be dug out and eaten by scavengers in less than a day. Several other people gathered together, which seemed to bring warmth and harmony. The soldier with the injured shoulder was treated quickly. The empire's medical technology was very good. The count went out hunting, so he naturally prepared complete trauma treatment measures.

The gunsmith moved slowly on the snow. He had been smart since he was a child. When he reached a distance of more than a hundred meters, he could vaguely hear the conversations of the soldiers.

"Killing innocent pigs indiscriminately, uh... damn, if it penetrates the bones, I will be disabled." The injured soldier covered his shoulders. His bleeding had stopped, but he still felt the fear of that moment. There is lingering fear in my heart.

"Stop complaining. If you take another step to the left, he will shoot you through the neck without hesitation." An older veteran smoked his pipe and said, "Several guys died like this in the past. When the time comes, I still have to write a report, make up a lie, say it was a fire or something, and the count will pay another sum of money, and a life will be lost."

Another soldier said: "Then what should I write about this old man's report? He had two branches stuck in his head, and the count thought he was a deer?"

"Humph... How to write it?" The veteran replied: "There is no need to write it at all. This old man lives in such a deep mountain. Even if the empire has information about him, it has not been updated for many years. As long as we don't tell anyone, who will know about this person? Life or death? So, you should be glad that this month's bonus will be more than usual, which is the hush money that pig gives you. If you don't know how to flatter yourself and talk nonsense, believe me, it won't take long for me to pay for it. You wrote a cause-of-death report and I don’t want that to happen.”

"Hey, if it weren't for the sake of supporting my family, I would have quit doing this guard job a long time ago. I didn't become a soldier just to be a slave to some count."

"It's all fart. Even if you don't work for him as a slave, someone else will. If you don't want to be a slave, you have to climb up. When you have money and power, you can be the master and drive around like that pig. You kill people indiscriminately with guns, you go around robbing other people's wives, and no one can catch you."

While these people were smoking and chatting, the gunsmith had quietly slipped away to a place less than thirty meters away from them...

The count was warming himself by the fireplace in the room, smoking a high-end cigar comfortably, and his bad mood of not catching any prey all day was slightly relieved. However, his rest time was short. After only about ten minutes, the door of the cabin was opened.

The count turned around and cursed: "Asshole, who allowed you to come in?" As soon as the words came out, he was stunned on the spot.

In front of me, a young man stood at the door. He was only one meter thirty or forty meters tall. He was wearing a white leather jacket and holding a shotgun. At this moment, his whole body seemed to have taken a blood bath. The warm blood has not yet dried up and frozen, indicating that it was splashed on just now.

The count's first reaction was to reach for the gun, but his intention was killed by a bullet the moment he raised his hand.

"Ah!!! Ah!!!" the count screamed crazily. This scream was far more tragic than that of the soldier who was hit by him just now, because a bloody hole was punched out in the palm of his right hand.

The gunsmith looked at his reaction, but his face was expressionless.

"Little bastard! What do you think you are doing! Do you know who I am?!" the count roared, but he did not dare to act rashly, because the little bastard had a gun in his hand.

"I know, you are the murderer of my grandfather." The gunsmith replied.

These words undoubtedly told the earl that names and status are meaningless to a child, but the earl still said: "You bastard! Untouchable! You dare to hurt the noble members of the Gilson family. This is a capital crime." , I’m going to kill your whole family! I’ll dig out your heart and boil it!”

Cruelty and stupidity are both very dangerous qualities, and it is obvious that Count Gilson possesses both at the same time, and his reaction is simply equivalent to ringing his own death knell.

"Kill the seven people outside. I didn't use a gun." The gunsmith took out a bloody dagger from behind: "Because I didn't want you to hear the sound and have a chance to escape."

The Earl suddenly felt horrified and wondered in his heart: This thin child actually killed seven imperial soldiers with guns silently

"I have always known that I am a little different. Even if I rarely meet people other than my grandfather, I know that I am different from normal people." The gunsmith closed the door and approached the count with a dagger: " I can kill a 600 kilogram brown bear with this dagger and dismember it in a few minutes. I don’t think an adult can be faster than me." He paused: "I have never killed it before. People, but I just killed some, so it turns out it’s not that difficult.”

Earl Gilson was obviously scared. He could not use his identity to intimidate the child, and he would not have the upper hand in terms of force. So at this time, he had only one way: "This... this is just an accident... my gun It went off the rails, yes, yes, I didn't mean to. Listen, as long as you are willing to let me go, I can give you a lot of money, and you can move to the city and live a life without worries about food and clothing. We make a living by hunting in the deep mountains..."

"Are these your last words? A lie?" Little Charles' childish face, figure soaked in blood and the weapon in his hand looked horrifying and weird against the firelight.

The count roared wildly and kicked the gunsmith in the face, but he was greeted by a sharp dagger. There was a flash of blood, and one of his feet flew out. Even the bones under the calf were cut very flat.

We often hear people describe it as "squealing like a slaughtered pig". In fact, this is not accurate. The screams of Earl Gilson at this moment should be regarded as "squealing like a slaughtered pig".

"Ah!!! You little bastard!! Ah... Ah!! You son of a bitch! I'm going to kill you! Peel off your skin! I tell you! That old bastard deserves to die!! I'll kill you!" I think highly of you!!! You..." He kept yelling and cursing, but the wound was bleeding profusely. The bloated earl was rolling around in pain on the ground, his face turned red from suppressing it, and his facial features were distorted with rage.

The gunsmith had raised his gun and aimed it at the enemy's head, but he did not pull the trigger. A few seconds later, he put the gun down again.

When the count saw this scene, he thought the other party had changed his mind and immediately said: "What? You have figured it out, boy, that's right! Put down the gun! Let me go! The money I promised still counts!" " His expression changed from distortion to a little excitement, as if he saw hope in a desperate situation.

The gunsmith's answer was: "You don't deserve it."

"What?" The count was stunned again.

"You don't deserve to die under the gun. Your blood will desecrate the sanctity of the bullet." He stepped forward and pressed one hand on the earl's forehead. The earl's eyes suddenly lost their luster, and his body gradually turned into black. Color. When the gunsmith withdrew his hand, a pile of black scum was shattered and scattered on the floor.

Almost at the same time, the gunsmith also fainted. It was the first time and the only time he had used alchemy on a conscious living creature.

… …

The burning pain in his hand made the gunsmith wake up from the past. He tossed the eternal core back and forth a few times with both hands, as if holding a freshly baked potato, and the cyan fragment suddenly returned to normal temperature. .

He shook his head vigorously. Not only did he fail to understand the situation of the eternal core, but his spirit almost collapsed. It seemed that this was a very dangerous matter and it would take a lot of time. It would be better to consider it in the long term.

The gunsmith put the Eternal Core into his pocket and decided to find a way to leave the ruins first. The first step was naturally to look for any mechanisms in this room, but as soon as he glanced at it with his peripheral vision, he saw An Shui's body. There has been a drastic change.