
Chapter 6: Old friend



The moon is dark, the wind is high, the clouds are dense and the stars are sparse.

On the roof of St. Mark's Basilica, a figure stood.

His name is Tianyi.

Tianyi couldn't help but be surprised by the scene presented in front of him at this moment.

The spiers, crosses and statues on the church roof, as well as the outer walls, balconies, and even St. Mark's Square outside the door, all seemed to have been showered with corpses. There were stumps of limbs, broken arms, internal organs, blood, bones and brains, but there was no complete corpse.

It turns out that human blood can really flow like a stream. It turns out that hundreds of miserable corpses stacked up in such a beautiful place would be like this.

In an instant, he opened his eyes and saw the familiar ceiling.

"It's this dream again..." Tianyi yawned, looking unhappy. The light coming through the gaps in the curtains showed that it was a good day today, and this kind of weather made Tianyi even more depressed and depressed.

The dream just now has troubled Tian Yi for ten years. Although the number of times this dream appeared in these ten years did not exceed ten times, it was enough to make people like Tian Yi feel unhappy.

Who killed those policemen in Venice ten years ago? Tianyi wanted to know the answer. He was very interested in the murderer, but he was unable to trace his whereabouts afterwards. Even after using all the resources in the bookstore, the identity of the murderer was still shrouded in mystery. .

It is not too difficult to brutally kill a certain person, but it is very difficult to brutally kill so many people. Even if one has the ability to carry out such an act, people's psychological endurance may not allow it. How crazy does the murderer have to be to do that

When he thought that there was such a guy in the world, Tianyi wanted to study it, but he had no luck with it and had no choice.

He grabbed half a cup of cold overnight coffee on the bedside table, poured it on his face, froze, fell out of bed, and rolled out of bed.

What he wore when sleeping was a suit, shirt, and trousers. After getting up, use a dirty rag-like towel to wipe the coffee off your face, and then you have finished washing.

Walking out of the narrow living area at the back, he closed the door behind him, then stepped skillfully over the books stacked on the floor, turned the closed sign at the door of the store to the open side, then turned on the heater, sat down behind the desk, and saw today's business It started again.

The time is noon on December 12th.

Before Tianyi’s first pot of coffee was boiled, customers came to the door.

"It's you bastard again." As soon as the man opened the door and came in, these words blurted out of Tianyi's mouth.

The person who walked in didn't really care about Tianyi's harsh words: "Do you know that I was in trouble a while ago?"

"That's certainly nothing compared to the disaster your IQ has suffered."

The man still ignored Tianyi's ridicule, and he didn't know whether he didn't understand or didn't care: "You know, although I was killed, it was a blessing in disguise. I found something good in the jungle of South America..."

He was talking to himself, and Tianyi ignored him. He took out a piece of paper from the drawer, quickly wrote a few words on it, folded it twice to make a triangular prism, and then placed it on the table. .

On the outward side of the paper was written: "Gunsmiths and Dogs Not Allowed."

The gunsmith glanced at the paper and said, "Hey, I just dropped in to see an old friend. You don't have to go to this extent."

Tianyi looked at the gunsmith seriously: "By the way? How did you find me here?"

The gunsmith replied dully: "Just... I walked and came to the door of your bookstore."

"Where did you die?"

"Um... South America."

"Those three words represent eight million square kilometers. Can you be more specific?"

"Uh... Then I don't know either."

"Where are you now?"

"Well... somewhere in Asia... right?" The gunsmith looked unsure.

Tian Yiyi: "You know you are in Hokkaido, right?"

The gunsmith obviously got the hint: "Oh, yes, that's right, isn't it Hokkaido? It's near Iceland, that city near the Arctic Circle."

Tian half-opened his mouth, unable to take his eyes away from the gunsmith's face: "You know where north is, right?"

"Hmm..." The gunsmith raised his hand, hesitated for a few seconds, and pointed to the ceiling: "In which direction is it?"

Tianyi's face hit the table hard: "I don't want to see you again."

The gunsmith said helplessly: "Okay, okay, when I made the transfer device for you, I left a note... um... something like a backdoor to the system. As long as I make a tracker, I can find out the location of your bookstore."

Tianyi still didn't raise his head: "What then?"

The gunsmith replied: "It's very simple. After making the tracker, I calculated and positioned the coordinates displayed on the tracker, marked your point on the world map, found a taxi driver, and gave the map to After he saw it, he took me to the airport; I showed the map to the lady at the ticket office again, and she gave me a ticket. After taking a plane for dozens of hours, I found a taxi after leaving the airport. The driver…”

Tianyi sighed a long, long breath, raised his head, sat upright, and asked, "What do you want?"

"I need to go to an isolated place to study new raw materials obtained in South America." The gunsmith answered.

Tianyi tilted his head and looked at the gunsmith standing opposite the desk: "Where are the things?"

"Oh, in my pants pocket."

"You really carry it with you."


"What about your luggage?"

"Why do you want that? I made a credit card that cannot be traced. When I use it, I will not leave my real ID, and the amount inside will always be one hundred thousand."

"Oh." Tian Yiyi nodded: "Then why don't you take your card now, go out and find a taxi driver, ask him to take you to the airport, and then find a kind lady to give you a ticket to Iceland. For air tickets, when you arrive, leave the airport and ask for directions. When you see the sea, rent a boat and take it to Greenland on the opposite side. Then buy a sled and a few sled dogs from the locals and ride the dogs. Go into the Arctic Circle, build an igloo, do whatever you want.”

The gunsmith seemed to really think about it for a moment: "What am I going to eat over there?"

Tianyi spread his hands: "Ah... who knows, early Homo sapiens hundreds of thousands of years ago might choose to dig a hole in the ice and catch some fish to cook and eat to make a living; in your case, eating shit should be enough. Alright."

As soon as the gunsmith waved his hand, a strange-looking pistol slipped out of his sleeve. The gun body looked like it was made of bone-like material. It looked very powerful in the gunsmith's hand.

"The joke ends here, will you help me?"

Tianyi held his chin with one hand, with a completely indifferent expression, and said feebly: "Oh, help, the matter is so serious, as serious as if the mafia sent me a fish."

The gunsmith's muzzle slowly moved horizontally, and finally pointed at the pot of coffee that was boiling next to it.

Cold sweat broke out on Tianyi's forehead, and his eyes suddenly became bright: "If you dare to hit the coffee pot, I will cut you into pieces and feed it to the pigs."

"Then... to be honest, I have encountered accidents before and got stuck in the jungle. According to my analysis, it is definitely not an accident, it must be man-made. Maybe there are only two kinds of "sex", or the people from the empire want to try to get me, who is not very obedient. The 'Weapons Advisor' must be dealt with, or it was done by the grandsons of the 'Steel Commandments' in Europe. No matter which side it is, it is not easy to offend. After all, I am only a 'merger' level. If I am targeted by them, I must continue to flee. It's impossible to stay in one place for too long, so now only you can help me hide."

Tianyi sighed again: "Then how long are you going to hide?"

The gunsmith said: "It's hard to say... It will probably only take a few months, but as long as I make the newly obtained raw materials into a gun, it will at least be upgraded to the 'strong' level. Then I can walk sideways on the entire earth." ”

Tianyi snapped his fingers, and a black bookmark appeared between his fingers: "The book in the lower left corner of the second row of bookshelves on your right."

The gunsmith took the bookmark and said, "Hey, thank you."

Tianyi said four more words in an extremely disgusted tone: "Tracking device."

The gunsmith said: "I know, I will dismantle it for you when I come out."

He ran to the bookshelf and squatted down. Tianyi shouted in a long voice from behind: "Damn you! That's the left!"