
Chapter 63: bank


Maple Leaf County, Winnipeg.

The population density of the place makes it feel like living in a deserted town. If you want to expand your social circle, don't knock on your neighbor's door, because you already know almost all the people he knows. It's better to go online and make some distant friends who you may never meet in your life.

Year after year, people live by the rules, life is as ordinary as water. Occasionally, you can hear rumors that someone was shot for breaking into a noble's summer resort or private property by the lake, but those are just rumors and have never been reported by the media. Live this kind of thing.

It's an interesting phenomenon. Terrorists are always scrambling to take responsibility for incidents, while bureaucrats are always eager to clear themselves of responsibility.

The strange thing is that neither admits nor denies that it is a good thing.

When the plane crashed into the building, a man stood up and said he did it. He was hated by countless people all his life, until he was killed, and his body was rotten to death.

When the train ran off the track, someone stood up and said it was struck by lightning. Um…

As for whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway.

Tom Stoll, thirty-three years old, has been in this city for almost seven years. He is taciturn, indifferent, and withdrawn. He looks like a typical cold-blooded killer in the movie.

Due to this temperament, Tom didn't have many friends when he first came here. However, after getting in touch with him for a while, people found that he was not as unapproachable as he seemed, and there was nothing scary about him, he was just an approachable person. Although he doesn't talk much, he is much more reliable than those men who talk endlessly and only show their appearance.

He found a job at a large gaming company and was quickly promoted, quickly becoming involved with his colleagues. He is also a model resident in the community. He often participates in charity activities, helps with charity fundraising, and is enthusiastic about community services.

All in all, Tom quickly settled into the life and lived like a decent man. If he knew a few politicians, they might have been named one of the city's top ten outstanding young people.

2101, March 10, 2 pm.

Tom was driving home from a twelve-hour shift. When he passed the bank, he stopped the car and went inside.

Tom is not short of money. He has a bank card at home with a huge amount of cash. Assuming that he maintains his current standard of living and does not need to work at all, that amount of money will allow him to live comfortably throughout his life. Unless, of course, there is catastrophic inflation in the next thirty years or Tom accidentally lives to be one hundred and twenty years old.

However, it is still his habit to walk into the bank on payday every month. Every day, he will check the amount in his account so that he can have an idea of the next month's expenses and make a plan. Because he has always only used the money in his salary account to live, like a typical single middle-class person, driving a low-emission car, buying up to two luxury goods every quarter, and occasionally buying discounted items. Supplies etc…

The shift from early morning to afternoon was very hard, but there was no sign of fatigue on Tom's face, as if having his body clock turned upside down or staying awake for long periods of time was nothing new to him.

The queue in front of him was not long, about five or six people, and Tom was the last one in line. He seemed very patient and calm. Waiting was as natural as breathing, and it would not make him feel anxious at all, nor would it attract his attention. The force is dispersed.

boom! boom!

Someone fired two shots at the ceiling, and screams came from the bank, followed by a dialogue known to women and children: "Get down! Shut up, you! Let me see your hands!"

"Listen, don't make yourself uncomfortable, don't try to be a hero, just be honest! No one will get hurt!"

"You bastard! If you dare to touch the alarm under the table, I will blow your brains out!"

There were three robbers in total, wearing jeans, jackets, and black masks. They were all tall adult men. Their attire was very ordinary, and masks could be obtained at ski stores. Two people were holding shotguns, and the other one was supposed to be responsible for taking the money, so he used a pistol.

After entering the door, the two men with shotguns immediately took control of the situation. There were about twenty employees and customers in the bank in total. It was not difficult to keep these people in sight.

While the two men were yelling and swearing, the robber armed with a pistol was forcing the bank clerk at the counter to put money into the bag.

"Hey! Little bastard! I told you to shut up! Didn't you hear?!" The robber armed with a shotgun walked towards a woman with a child.

After hearing the gunshot, the woman pressed the little boy next to her and crawled to the ground together. However, the child's cries continued and resounded in the bank lobby, which obviously made the robber upset.

"Please... don't do this, he is just a child." The woman begged, protecting the child in her arms.

"Stop talking! Shut his damn mouth!" The barrel of the shotgun was already aimed at the mother and son.

At this time, Tom was not far away, lying down tightly, not even daring to raise his head. Even if a murder was about to be staged in front of him, he had no intention of intervening.

He didn't want to get involved in such a violent incident. It had nothing to do with him whether the mother and son were dead or alive. Instead, he fully expected the robbers to take the money and leave quickly, lest it turn into a hostage-taking incident when the police came. Confrontation situation.

The boy's crying became louder and louder, and the robber lost his patience and shouted louder: "I count to three and ask him to shut his mouth, or I will help you! One!" He said Counting started.

Tom raised his eyelids and saw the mother's desperate look. Her face was full of fear and sadness, and she was pleading with the robbers with sobs in her mouth. Her eyes swept over everyone lying in the lobby, asking for help. eyes, but all those people could do was lower their heads, not look here, or pray for them out of sympathy.


A figure suddenly pounced on the shotgun-wielding robber. Because he was behind him and not far away, the robber was caught off guard.

This move caught everyone in the room off guard, especially the gangster's associates.

At this moment, Tom and the robber were struggling together, with four hands holding a shotgun. The two men were rolling on the ground. Neither could restrain the other, nor could they get rid of the other.

In this case, the other robber with a shotgun and the robber with a pistol at the counter were unable to shoot Tom for a while, and could only yell and curse from the side.

The two people on the ground struggled for more than ten seconds and somehow managed to stand up. Although they stopped rolling and entangled, after standing up, the robber's body was right between his accomplice and Tom, and the other party was still unable to fire.

The other two robbers came closer with guns drawn, shouting, trying to get their companion to turn around and roll Tom over to this side.

boom! The gun rang again, and the gun held by both Tom and the robber went off at this moment, blowing off half of the head of another robber armed with a shotgun three meters away.

The corpse fell to the ground, and the brains were smeared on a pillar in the lobby. Seeing the bloody scene, three or four people couldn't help but vomit.

But the matter was not over yet. The robber with the pistol actually started shooting at his accomplices. It seemed that he was determined to shoot Tom to death through his companions.

It was also at this moment that the robber who was entangled with Tom screamed and accidentally let go of the shotgun, letting the entire gun fall into Tom's control. In this way, the two were finally separated, and Tom held the gun. Handle stumbled back and sat down on the ground.

Less than a second after he fell out, the robber who was struggling with him was shot three times. The bullets were very powerful. All three bullets from close range penetrated the robber's torso. If Tom hadn't fallen down, , he may not be able to escape this disaster.

The shot robber's eyes were full of resentment, and he breathed his last and rushed towards his accomplice. The robber holding the pistol tried to step aside, but was still stopped and captured.

At first, his sight was blocked, and now his movement was restricted. In these few seconds when he was overwhelmed, like a beginner, Tom hurriedly completed extracting and ejecting the shell, and fired with a panicked expression. .

Tom closed his eyes at the moment of shooting. Laymen who have never shot before usually make this mistake. It doesn't matter what gun they use, and when they pull the trigger, their hands will feel a little. If you suddenly relax and shrink your neck subconsciously within a few seconds, it is actually very easy to cause injury to yourself.

Although the shooting action was very amateurish and not cool at all, the effect was still good. The gangster holding the pistol was almost beaten into a pile of rotten flesh below his knees. He howled in pain and then whipped away.

When the last gangster lost consciousness, Tom also collapsed on the ground, gasping for air with a dull expression. Only his breathing could be heard in the silent bank lobby.

Everyone present was stunned. After a while, the bank security guard was the first to recover. He stepped forward, kicked the pistol out of the hands of the unconscious robber, and picked it up from the hands of the robber whose head was blown off. holding the shotgun, and said to the colleague at the counter: "Call the police! Call the ambulance!"

The security guard knelt down and patted Tom on the shoulder. The latter trembled and could not speak. He just stared at the security guard as if he had just seen him.

The security guard said: "Man... you're not hurt, are you? Does it matter?"

Tom replied dully: "No... no... thank you."

"Okay, give me the gun, yes, be careful, the muzzle is pointed down." The security guard took the gun and said: "I should thank you, man, everyone here should thank you, you saved our lives."

When Tom heard this, he didn't react much. He looked shocked. Suddenly, he turned away, retched a few times, then rolled his eyes and passed out.