
Chapter 67: Assassination (Part 1)


Even if there is still a glimmer of hope, Qiao Dun will try his best, and he will not and is not willing to gamble with his life.

"Let's make a deal. I will remove all the surrounding arrangements and let you leave. You will give me a way to detoxify."

Gambler replied: "I refuse this kind of deal."

"What? Are you kidding? If you tell me about the poison, aren't you just threatening me? Now I'm giving you a chance to escape!" Qiao Dun asked, he was far more anxious than the other party.

Gambling Snake said: "If I don't give you the formula of the antidote, you will definitely die; but if you don't withdraw the troops, I may not be able to escape. So, there is no deal. From now on, whatever I say, you will Do as you are told. If you don't agree, you can try to solve the problem with force. For me, the worst case scenario is that you try your best to kill me, and a few days later, you are still dead." His statement was like When he pronounced Qiao Dun's death sentence: "Everything in this world is like a gambling game. In this game, I always have the chance of escaping, and you, listen to me, may still live. If you refuse, you will be 100% sure." die."

The blood in Qiao Dun's chest was boiling, and he was furious, but on the surface he was not afraid of getting angry. Gambling Snake's calm attitude made him grit his teeth, "Okay... tell me... what do you want me to do."

Gambler replied: "It's very simple, you just need to..."

… …

December 2093.

North Asia, Double Eagle County, Count Gilson's Mansion.

Late at night, Gilson II sat in his study as his financial adviser reported earnings for the final quarter of the year. Two of Gilson's cousins and an uncle also listened.

Since Gilson II's father mysteriously disappeared after a hunting trip a few years ago, he quickly took over all family affairs.

Old Gilson is a very typical aristocrat. He comes from a privileged background, behaves arrogantly, regards himself as noble, and is arrogant. He wallows in drinking, sex and wealth all day long. His biggest hobby is to show off his fun skills, such as marksmanship, drinking ability, women, etc. He often talks about these in public, and does not shy away from exposing his pedophilia. Obsessive tendencies and many illegal behaviors.

People on earth who know a little bit about etiquette, justice and shame will call him a pig after having several contacts with Count Gilson. But IMHO, once again people are insulting pigs. Pigs are very intelligent animals. During the process of evolution, they have adapted to environmental changes, changed their eating habits, enhanced their reproductive capabilities, and overcome all challenges given by fate. If there is a more advanced race that rules the earth and treats humans as their main meat, just like humans eat pigs, I think humans will soon be finished.

However, compared to the father known as the pig, Gilson II's statement was even more confusing. This has to start from when he was a child. Obviously, he was well-educated, or in other words, obtained the academic qualifications that a noble should have, but in fact he did not learn much substantial knowledge and skills.

This can't be blamed on him. In schools exclusive to nobles and royal families, there are a group of people who study very well. They are either born very smart, or they really have a strong interest in a certain subject, or their parents are very good at studying. The status among the nobility is not high, so they need to study hard to develop in the future.

Gilson II does not belong to this group of people. His father not only has a high status, but also has substantial power and wealth. Naturally, he himself cannot be called a genius. To say he is not stupid is a compliment. Well, as for the interest in learning, it is like being the dead boss of a cotton shop, let’s not talk about it.

Therefore, Gilson II joined another group of people, which was something like a charity group. When ordinary-class teenagers his age were working and studying to save some money for tuition in better public schools, Gilson II would often lend a helping hand.

For example, when a young man is serving dishes in a restaurant, Gilson II will trip over him, tease the young man with his friends, and then give the manager on duty a few big bills to shut him up. In this way, the young man will make a fortune. Extra money; another example is that when a boy was delivering food, he was hit by a sports car driven by Gilson II. He would calmly pay a sum of money to settle the criminal penalty, and then the boy would be disabled for life and receive an advance salary for most of his life; Or if a girl sells some intangible asset for a new mobile phone, Master Gilson II will often come forward...

Generally speaking, Gilson II was such a person when he was young. The right way is to take it from the people and use it for the people.

He knew this well even before he graduated from college. Therefore, when Gilson II took over the family affairs at the age of less than thirty, the broader political arena was already calling him.

The then Governor of Double Eagle County and Gilson II hit it off and passed the "Distribution Order" bill. This local bill mainly restricted the rights and interests of private merchants in salt, metal and food processing. It was a wonderful way to make money that Gilson II came up with after hard thinking.

The Governor and Gilson II became close comrades-in-arms. The two had become very wealthy in a few years. The tax revenue of Double Eagle, a large county, also impressed the upper echelons of the empire. However, the merchants here were simply indifferent to these two. He wished that his relatives would eat his flesh. When the name Gilson was mentioned, the local literati said, "Speaking of it will taint the tongue, and writing of it will taint the slips."

Obviously, when public anger gradually accumulates to a certain level, it will explode...

That night, Gilson II's wife and ten-year-old son had gone to bed in the bedroom upstairs, and the servants were still at their posts. Generally, the housekeeper and maid cannot rest until the aristocratic master goes to bed. Even if Mr. Gilson suddenly wants to have a barbecue in the yard at three o'clock in the morning, you have to set up the barbecue grill for him within fifteen minutes. .

The five people in the study had finished talking about business, took out cigars and spirits, and started puffing away. They were chatting and laughing with high spirits. It seemed that they had made a big profit in the last quarter.

At this moment, on the spire of Gilson's luxurious mansion, there was a figure squatting there, wearing black clothes, fast boots, hiding a sharp weapon, and his eyes were like an eagle.