
Chapter 68: Assassination (medium)


Gilson II's mansion has a very advanced security system that ordinary civilians cannot pass, so those who try to throw excrement or knock sap are basically out of luck. Slightly more powerful characters, such as killers, can come in with professional equipment and skills, but there is still a line of defense waiting for them, which is the guards of Earl Gilson's Mansion.

The personal guards of the royal family can receive the title of "knight" in the empire, have a higher status, and have a salary in line with civil servants; but the guards of the nobles are miserable. The main problem is that they have no formal establishment and can only be regarded as mercenaries at best. They are often accused of being a tyrant or a coward.

Of course, no one is willing to take this kind of job, so the nobles usually make connections in the local army directly under the HQ and get some manpower to look after their homes and care for their homes. Old Gilson did the same thing at the beginning, but this man had a bad character and a bad reputation. A certain company commander heard that Count Gilson was asking for someone. Without saying a word, he sent a group of motley troops to him that were "tasteless to eat and a pity to abandon", that is, some unqualified soldiers. Let them mix in the army, firstly, it will affect the military appearance and overall combat capability, and secondly, they are afraid that one mouse droppings will spoil the pot of soup. You can't just send someone home without making a big mistake. Now, if the count wants someone, go ahead.

Then, during a hunting trip a few years ago, old Gilson disappeared together with these low-life soldiers...

Gilson II learned his father's lesson. Considering that there is a saying that those who do evil will be punished by themselves. He has done so many evil things and said that he is not afraid. That is definitely a lie. What if one day he finds a way When a clever killer comes to your door, no one can resist him.

Therefore, Gilson II found an organization called "Silver Shadow" through various connections. The number of their members is unknown, but it is at least a thousand. No one knows who their leader is. The only thing outsiders know is that as long as you are willing to pay enough money, they can provide reliable and powerful killers to help you. Kill someone, or prevent others from killing you.

The bodyguards of the Gilson II family are members of the Silver Shadow, three in total. They earn sky-high wages, live in guest rooms in the Earl's Palace, and are responsible for round-the-clock security work.

Although he is a noble, Gilson II knows nothing about the world of ability users. If he knows a little bit about it, he should feel lucky and the money he spent is well worth it. These three people are all truly powerful men. Even if three groups of Cyborgs attack the Earl's Mansion, they can easily resist it.

Silver Shadow can be said to be an unprincipled organization. They have no position. No matter who hires them, as long as they pay enough, their killers will dare to kill anyone.

In this world, there is still an organization with unique principles, and they have no position. No matter who hires them, as long as your target deserves death, no matter how much money you give, even a dime, their assassins will die. Dare to kill anyone.

Gambler is a member of this organization. He is an assassin under "Qian Ming" and has a very high status. In Shuangying County, all the casinos secretly controlled by Qian Ming are the managers behind the scenes. In fact, it is betting on snakes.

Tonight's mission is extraordinary. The person Bet Snake wants to assassinate is Gilson II, the most powerful young nobleman in Double Eagle County. He is a brother-in-law with the governor. He is as rich as anyone in the country. He is simply the de facto monarch of this small kingdom. But in Gambler's view, the relationship between Gilson II and Double Eagle County is like a gangrene that must be eliminated quickly.

The dark moon kills people on a night, and the wind blows high and sets people on fire. The gambling snake invaded from high altitude and landed accurately on the roof of the Earl's Mansion after parachuting. The special black parachute could be quickly retracted after landing to hide his whereabouts. However, several servants patrolling the yard did not I didn't have the habit of looking up. Of course, there was no moon in the sky and it was so pitch black that it would be useless to look at it.

The gambling snake slid down the slope of the roof, hooked his feet on the edge, and hung his body naturally upside down. He used a hidden sword to easily open the window lock, turned over and entered the house. The whole movement was quiet and quick. Make no sound at all.

There are three floors in the Earl's Palace, and each floor has different heights. Because the mansion is decorated with various arty and elegant works of art, such as large oil paintings, sculptures by famous artists, and some furniture such as large chandeliers, each floor is very exaggerated. The height of a three-story building is almost as high as the six-story building of an ordinary residential apartment.

The lights in the corridor were turned off, not because the count was stingy and didn't turn on the lights at night to save money. It was a rule set by Gilson II for personal safety. To put it simply, face the rooms and corridors outside the building, turn on less lights, and close the curtains. He did not want to be "shot" from several kilometers away in his own home. A sniper bomb was sent to the west.

The reason why Betting Snake's code name is Snake is precisely because of his assassination style, hiding in the darkness, silently, and killing with one blow.

But at this moment, something beyond his expectation has happened. When he came in just now, he really didn't feel too difficult, but in fact, there were sensors on the window that was pried open. The security system of Earl's Mansion is not only in the mansion, but also in the security system. The perimeter is fortified, everywhere in the house, and when triggered, a silent alarm is sounded.

Soon, Gilson II in the study received a communication from a security guard. He pressed the response button on the desk. The security guard opposite was holding a walkie-talkie and said: "Master Earl, we just received an alarm. It was three people." It’s coming from the corridor on the north side of the building.”

Gilson II knew that the security system was very sensitive, and there were many false alarms. Sometimes it would be triggered when a bird stopped on the window edge, so he replied impatiently: "You should confirm this kind of thing before reporting it. If nothing happens, don't bother me again."

The voice on the other side immediately said: "Master Earl, I am in that corridor now, and I saw a window..." He stopped abruptly at this point.

"Ah? What? What's wrong with the window?" Gilson II was a little annoyed and asked quickly.

At this moment, in the north corridor, a black figure was standing in the darkness, holding a gun to the back of the security guard's head.

As if some kind of cold-blooded animal had learned to speak, the dark shadow spoke in a deep, cold voice: "Tell him that someone is coming to visit him."

Gambler learned about the existence of some kind of alarm device from what the security guard said just now, and realized that his whereabouts were likely to be exposed, so he took advantage of this and changed his action strategy.

The security guard repeated into the intercom like a microphone: "There is... someone. He said he was coming to find you."

Gilson II heard something unusual, his tone also changed, and he asked tentatively: "Who is where?"

The last words of the security guard came from the computer: "The person who took your life."

Then, there was a strange noise over there, and a second later there was the sound of the intercom falling to the ground. All five people in the study understood that someone had died, and this was no joke.

Gilson II had blue veins on his forehead and connected to another line: "Listen, no matter who it is, take the madam and young master to the safe room immediately, and go and call those three freeloaders. come out!"