
Chapter 69: Assassination (Part 2)


Silver Shadow's killers soon discovered the body of the security guard in the corridor, but they still didn't take it seriously. Shooting ordinary people did not show how powerful this assassin was.

Gilson II was very nervous. People like him who had a very easy life usually cherished their lives, so he called nearly ten security guards and quickly fled to the underground safe house surrounded by people. His two cousins ​​and uncle naturally decided to go in and hide with him. They were all worried that if they rashly went home now, they might be killed before they even reached the garage.

The safe house is built underground in the big house. The entrance is indoors and is not very hidden. However, only the palm prints of Gilson and his family can open the electronic door at the entrance. There is no key at all, so even if others find it, they cannot open the house. .

This safe house is the final line of defense for Gilson II's life. Even if Double Eagle County is hit by a nuclear attack and the impact point is at the door of his mansion, as long as he hides inside, his life can be saved. The house is equipped with enough water and food to support three people for about four months. The exterior walls are solid, explosion-proof and radiation-proof, and the interior has its own air circulation and sewage system. It is simply designed to cope with the end of the world.

It is said that there are more advanced facilities than this in Tiandu. Gilson II has heard about it. The emperor and the royal family have long built the "ark" with pure alloy. If one day the earth turns into a landform of glaciers and magma, only The existing land is full of zombies and radiation pollution, so this thing can come in handy.

However, the current problem is not that serious. Regardless of how many assassins there are and whether they are still in the mansion, Silver Shadow's assassins will ensure the safety of the Earl's Mansion. Gilson II can go out as long as the fighting outside is over. .

The door to the safe house was closed again, and the security guards were all kicked out by the count. He didn't pay them to take refuge together. The only people left in the room at this moment were Gilson II himself, his wife and children who had arrived one step earlier than him, and his two cousins ​​and an uncle.

Although the six people were a little nervous, they could still learn about the situation outside through the communicator. Gilson II kept calling people outside to inquire about the progress, but the assassin's traces had never been discovered.

As time passed slowly, in the claustrophobic environment, they became increasingly irritable. The reasonable judgment that can be made now is that the assassin ran away after learning that he was discovered, but this seems to contradict the sentence he threatened the security guard before, "The person who takes your life" Yes, if he wants to run away, he can just shoot down the security guard and run away, or simply run away without showing up. Why bother?

In the end, Gilson II could only explain that this guy knew that his whereabouts were exposed and the assassination operation would inevitably fail. He simply used the security guard's voice on the walkie-talkie to scare him, and then ran away. It was not a waste of time. Save some face.

After two hours of long waiting, in the early hours of the morning, after the count repeatedly confirmed with people outside that everything inside and outside the mansion was safe, he finally decided to come out of the safe house.

The electronic door slowly opened, and what appeared in front of him was an unfamiliar corridor.

The six people in the room were shocked. What was outside the door was not the Earl's Mansion at all. What on earth was going on?

The corridor was very dark, and soon there were footsteps. In the darkness, a man in black was walking towards the door of the safe house.

Gilson II asked: "Who is it?! Who is there!" As he asked, he stretched his palm towards the scanner next to the door, preparing to close the electronic door again.

A cold light suddenly appeared, the sound of a knife broke through the wind, and the thumb of Gilson II's right hand disappeared.

The flying knife of the snake gambler is as thin as paper and as long as a finger. In his hands, it is not only quick, powerful, and dangerous, but also fast, accurate, and ruthless.

Gilson II, who had one of his fingers cut off, was in excruciating pain, but he also knew that this was not the time to roll on the floor. He was the one closest to the door now, and the five people behind him had already turned pale with fear. , frozen in place. So Gilson II quickly stretched out his left hand to close the door.

This is the count's last chance, but the bet snake has already reached the door of the safe house, so naturally he will not let him succeed. At this distance, there is no need to use a flying knife. With a wave of the Snake Hidden Sword, most of Gilson II's left hand was cut off, leaving only a small half of the palm flesh, exposed tendons, bones, and blood vessels. They all showed that the incision was very neat, but it was quickly covered up by the large amount of blood spurting out.

Gilson II fell to the ground on his back and his family began to scream.

Gambler took out his gun. There were originally six bullets in the gun. One was used when killing the security guard. The remaining five bullets were quickly shot into the gun in the next few seconds. in the individual's head.

Whether it is a woman, a child, an adult, or an old man, there is no hesitation when betting on snakes and killing people. In his opinion, it is all the same.

Gilson II didn't show much sadness over the death of his family. His cousin died when he died. He had plenty of wives and illegitimate children. He just wanted to straighten them out and choose the heir he liked. But he couldn't lose his life like this.

"No matter how much it costs to hire you, I will pay three times... no, ten times! As long as you are willing to let me go."

"This has nothing to do with money, Mr. Earl." Gambler said coldly: "Historical experience tells us that sometimes killing one or two people can solve many complex problems and restore the disrupted order. , calm the anger of the people, even in a short period of time, and give the people a peaceful life. Therefore, you must die."

Gilson II felt that this man's tone was not like that of ordinary killers. He immediately thought of the resistance organization, so he said instead: "Wait! Let me go! My life is more valuable! You killed me because you wanted to establish a stronghold among the civilians. Prestige, right? Listen, if you let me go, I can fund your organization, and I can be your internal agent in the empire. With my financial resources and status, your organization can run rampant in Shuangying County, and you can become The steel commandments of North Asia!”

"People like you who regard everything in the world as a business will never understand." Gambling Snake pulled Gilson II's hair and pulled him out of the safe house: "The people are the foundation of a country, and the foundation of a country is strong. Ning. The 'distribution order' is more shameless than a monopoly in the general sense. You do not provide costs or bear risks, but you have to divide a large amount of net profits earned by merchants.

The state owns the state and already has taxes to collect, but it competes with the people for profits. What's more, you are not doing this to increase the empire's financial revenue. You and the governor are just using power for personal gain. "

As he spoke, Gambling Snake dragged Gilson II away. Even though the Earl struggled hard, it was in vain. The two walked along the corridor until they reached a small room, opened a door, and saw an open scenery outside. Only then did Gilson II realize that he was on top of a dozen-story clock tower. Looking out, he saw fires all over the city, lighting up the dark night sky.

"It's not just you tonight, all those who colluded with you, including the governor, and your family members, have all been killed." Gambling Snake pressed Gilson II on the window sill: "Just now you said 'you' , yes, there is an organization behind me, but I can answer you on behalf of all my brothers, we don’t want to become any Steel Commandment at all, let alone whether we are angels or devils in the eyes of civilians. What we have to do, but It is to rid the world of stubborn diseases like yours and eradicate them at their root."

Gilson II knew that he was about to die soon, and he said with vicious eyes: "Do you think you are a hero! Bastard! You will all die! The Empire will not let you go! You will die a hundred times worse than me. !”

Gambling snakes sneered, Qian Ming has evolved from the dark ages of the Middle Ages to the present, but has never been completely eliminated. They have their own reasons.

"People die with them, but their spirits last forever. We can't kill them all. But you will soon disappear forever with your empty soul filled with blood. Even if you are remembered by future generations, it will be nothing more than a curse and a curse. "

A thick rope was wrapped around Gilson II's neck, and he was kicked out of the bell tower. The moment before his spine was permanently damaged and he lost consciousness, what he saw in his eyes was the cold-blooded animal. A satisfied smile.