
Chapter 71: hostel


Du She was sitting in the hotel room with his eyes closed and concentrating. He had not slept all night. The gun was at hand. He was facing the direction where he could see the only window and door of the house at the same time.

This room is very cheap. It is on the first floor, backlit, and shaded by trees outside. It is cold and humid in winter, and mosquitoes and flies are everywhere in summer. There is no sunlight all year round. It is said that there has been a murder case, and there have been rumors of being haunted.

The reason why Betting Snake lives here is not because it's cheap, but the key is to keep a low profile, so any room is the same to him. As long as there is a roof to shelter from wind and rain, and four walls to block bullets, that's enough.

It had been three days since he had escaped from home, or in other words, separated from normal life. He seemed to have returned to those days in Qianming. He remembered that when he went to distant prefectures to carry out assassination missions, it often lasted several weeks. Even living in such a place for several months, I stayed up all night, always on guard against someone breaking in, or a few grenades flying in from the window.

Gambling Snake is a powerful ability user, but his abilities rarely have a chance to be used in battle, so he basically relies on his skills and experience as an assassin.

Since childhood, he has shown extraordinary understanding and talent. What is more valuable is his innate calmness and cruelty. By the age of fifteen or sixteen, the assassin's skills had been integrated into his blood and became an instinct. Regardless of assassination techniques, adaptability, and adaptation speed, he is already extremely proficient.

That night, Bet Snake deceived Qiao Dun. In fact, there was no poison, so there was no antidote. He was indeed bluffing. But he used this method to ask Qiao Dun to do something for him.

As Gambling Snake said, the matter was indeed very simple. He passed a sentence to Gilson II through Qiaodun. The other party had heard similar words seven years ago: "I will come to you again to take your "sex"" Life."

That night, Qiao Dun not only closed his team and let the gambling snake go, but he also couldn't wait to contact his master a few hours later and passed the news on. Then, he waited, waiting for the snake to keep its promise and contact him in some way to provide an antidote.

As a result, Qiao Dun waited for three days, and nothing happened to his body. However, the Earl's questioning and the gloomy tone made him feel on pins and needles all day long. As for the snake gambler, there was no trace at all, let alone any contact. .

At this point, Qiao Dun realized that something was wrong. Could he have been deceived

But it was too late to figure it out. He was gone and everything was done. Qiao Dun had become a different person inside and outside. Not only did he fail in the mission, he didn't get any credit, he also lost the trust of his master.

Of course, there is no point in blaming others. In the final analysis, Gary Gordon is just an opportunist. He will take risks with other people's lives, but he will be timid when it is his turn. People like these who have grown up like monkeys will naturally reveal their true colors when they meet someone like Gambling Snake.

Who are the people who bet on snakes? He has been hanging out in Qian Ming's casino since he was a teenager. He has seen many gamblers, including Wang Xu. Does someone like Qiao Dun want to fight with him? That is the clown jumping off the leash and destroying himself. With just a few words, you can play with it between your palms and avoid danger without using your hands.

Therefore, although their ability levels are the same, their real ability to do things is vastly different. If the talent of leader Qian Ming can lead a state's shepherd, then the talent of Gilson II can only be a bandit leader. Therefore, the gap between their subordinates is obvious.

Speaking of handsome men, there are still great men in the world, but this time he sent a wretched guy, who was currently leaning on the door of the snake gambler's room and eavesdropping.

Gambling Snake really found it funny. It was early in the morning. Although the left door of the door was tiptoeing and not making much noise, the shadows of two feet could be clearly seen moving through the gap under the door.

The door suddenly opened from the inside. Zuo Dao was startled because he didn't hear the sound of Gambling Snake approaching the door at all.

Zuo Dao was dressed in full priest attire and held a Bible in his hand, but he still had a ponytail and small round sunglasses.

As for Gambling Snake, he wore a black suit and trousers, sunglasses covering his face in a room without sunlight, his hair was combed meticulously, and he had a gun in his hand.

The sight of the two standing at the door was unclear whether it was funny or curious. It felt like a monk going to a nightclub to beg for alms.

They looked at each other for a few seconds, Zuo Dao expressed several times, probably not knowing how to say hello, but Gambling just stared at each other with no expression, but he had many more questions than Zuo Dao.

Two minutes later, they were sitting in the room. On the same small table, there was a glass of milk that Du Snake poured for himself, and the "Bible" that Zuo Dao had held previously.

"I haven't seen him for several years."

"Yeah, how are you lately?" Zuo Dao actually tried to say a few words to Gambling Snake.

"It's been good these years, but it's not so good recently." This answer is true.

Zuo said: "It must be the enemy who came to visit us."

"Did you read the news and guess that I would be exposed, so you showed up?"

"Well... Actually, I was entrusted by someone to deliver something to you." Zuo Dao's words made it clear that he would get out of the way after delivering the thing and would never wade into this muddy water.

"Oh, who is it?" Hearing the words "entrusted by others", Du She was a little surprised again. Could it be that Qian Ming's brothers asked him to come? But Zuo Dao feels very unreliable. If the organization realizes that he is in danger and wants to help out of moral reasons, he must let his brother come.

"I'm not sure either." Zuo Dao replied.

"You don't know who asked you to come?" Gambler asked this question in a tone like a teacher questioning a primary school student who figured out that one plus one equals three.

"Tianyi, have you heard of this name?"

"Never heard of it."

Zuo Dao basically knew that the other party would answer this way, and continued: "He is a bookstore owner."

"This bookstore owner wants you to deliver something to me?" Du She asked, "What does he look like and how old does he appear to be?"

"Looks like he's less than thirty. His appearance... the man's appearance is hard to describe, that is to say... um... he looks like the kind of movie star who takes off his makeup, smokes a few joints, and hasn't slept for a few days."

There really was no similar person in Gambler's memory, so he stopped asking and asked instead: "How did you find me?"

"Of course I'm looking for it. I went to your house first. It had been turned upside down, and there were some round-the-clock surveillance posts around the house. Fortunately, their surveillance was not strong enough. I found them, but they They didn't find me." Zuo Dao paused here: "They probably think that you are unlikely to go back and surrender yourself, so the surveillance is just a formality. Hmm... Then I started checking the transportation network, hotels and hostels... By the way Now when I describe it to you like this, I suddenly feel that my thinking is very much like that of the police... In short, after my investigation, there are more than 30 people running around in Winnipeg with fake documents in the past few days. Then I Just implement them one by one, luckily, you are the twelfth person I have found."

Gambling Snake expressed doubts about this and said: "What I used was a short-lived fake ID designed by stealing the source code of the empire's ID generation program. It is similar to the legal ID data of a newborn baby plus my photo and age. Unless it is verified with the county-level 'government' department where it was generated to reveal it, it will be legal and valid on any online system within a month. Even the police cannot detect it to this extent."

Zuo Dao's answer was just one sentence: "I invented this ID card myself when I was nine years old."

Gambling Snake almost crushed the glass of milk in his hand. He took a sip and said, "Are you kidding me?"

"No, actually it's not difficult to make this thing. It's similar to cracking a game. You can do it as long as you get the source code. Unfortunately, you can't apply for a patent. Otherwise, I would have made a fortune long ago. Now there are people making this thing all over the world. Planting cards are not new.”

Zuo Dao should not be taken lightly. His strong point is to talk nonsense and keep his face straight. However, these words do not sound like lies. After a quick calculation, this kind of short-lived counterfeit ID card really became popular nearly twenty years ago. Get up.

Gambler realized that he couldn't continue the topic as he was talking, so he said, "That Tianyi, what is the thing you asked you to bring me?"

Zuo Dao's expression changed, as if he was telling a ghost story. He lowered his voice, leaned a little closer, and pushed the Bible on the small table in front of the gambling snake: "See for yourself, take a closer look!"