
Chapter 72: The awakening beast


When Gambler opened the book for the first time, he thought it was a joke, but after flipping through a few pages, he began to be confused. The further he read, the more frightened he became. In addition to being surprised by the detail of the content, he also discovered an anomaly, that is, the number of pages and the thickness of the book were not proportional at all. According to the visual inspection of the thickness, no matter how thin the paper in this book is, the total number of pages will not exceed one thousand, but when you open it casually from the middle, you can see more than three thousand pages. He speculated that this was a jump in the page number, but he picked up a corner and ran through it quickly, but he couldn't see any large jumps. He flipped through each page carefully, but he couldn't clearly feel the change in thickness.

This feels like the map system of Diablo 2, which is generated and extends infinitely just a few inches outside your field of vision. There may be a road within reach, or it may be just a wall. It seems like the future is ten seconds away, right in front of us, but still out of our control.

Even though mankind has entered the 23rd century, even though the capacity of an e-book these days is basically equal to half a library. But the seemingly ordinary paper book in front of Betting Snake could not be explained by science and logic.

Just the fact that its content is not limited by thickness is already physically unreasonable, and it is even more incredible that the book is filled with a person's inner activities.

Zuo Dao soon had to say goodbye and leave. After the things were handed over, it was time for him to hide. He didn't know whether Tianyi would give him the middleman's commission, and he didn't want to know. What Zuo Dao was looking forward to most now was to see the news that Tianyi and Xue Xiao died together in the newspaper one day, so that he could completely Peace of mind.

Gambling Snake has no intention of keeping him. As the saying goes, Luoyang Road, in what year will this happen? People like the two of them who wander outside the law and are above mortals, today I don’t know if they will be alive tomorrow. Goodbye, two The words really don’t have much meaning.

Gambling Snake didn't even say thank you. Even if what was written in this book was indeed the voice of Gilson II, the person he should thank was Tianyi. And if the book is fake and some kind of trap, then it’s hard to say where the heretic stands.

Why is it said that the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water? Because the deeper you get to know a person, the more deeply you will feel that that person is not a toy.

For Gambling Snake, there is only one person he truly trusts in this life, and he is already dead. He has been dead for many years. He thought he had taken revenge, but from the book of the heart named Gilson II, it seems that things It's not over yet.

Half an hour passed, and the doubts in Gambler's heart gradually disappeared. The authenticity of this book was obviously beyond doubt. From childhood to middle age, in forty years of life, ignorance, palpitations, desolation, greed, violence, and hatred all emerge vividly on the page. In addition to these, there is naturally conscience, and evil people also have regret, sympathy, kindness, and true love. Human nature is a complex thing. As an individual, human beings are full of contradictions and unpredictable variables.

Even Gilson II himself could not produce such a book, so it was even less possible for others to forge it. Gambling Snake can only attribute the Book of Heart in front of him to an item made by an ability user. This is the only reasonable explanation at this stage.

Putting aside the question of the existence of the book itself, who is the person named "Tianyi"? What is his identity and purpose? This became something even more intriguing.

But there is no need to worry about any of this. The most important thing at hand is very clear, killing people.

Those who were killed were enemies, sworn enemies.

Family, work, and legal status, putting aside trivial matters, these three things are the foundation of the world for modern people. Seven years ago, Gambling Snake thought he needed this too, so he left the organization, gradually became numb, and the beast in his heart fell into a deep sleep.

Four days ago, Qiao Dun came to the door and told the name Gilson II. That night, he also told the story that the earl was still alive in the world. Although Gambler didn't react much on the surface, he knew in his heart at that time that he urgently needed to kill.

The principle of hiding weapons within five meters, the ability to subdue three gangsters in a bank in less than a minute, calm judgment, decisive actions, rigorous living habits, and ingrained behavioral patterns... these cannot be thrown away. A sword in its scabbard is still a sword. The beast will wake up, its fangs still sharp.

Compared with the hard-won peaceful life, the pleasure of killing enemies with your hands is obviously more attractive. The fire of revenge has been ignited, and only the pouring of blood can extinguish it.

At this moment, someone unexpectedly sent me such a book, as if I had an insight into what I wanted to do and gave me the strongest support.

Gambling Snake learned from the book that what Gilson II has been doing in the past seven years is not just as simple as recruiting troops, but his scheming city has also changed from what it used to be. For a person who has lost most of his body functions, Brainpower is significantly increased.

That night seven years ago, he lost consciousness after being hung by a rope on the outer wall of the bell tower. When his mental activities resumed, two weeks had passed since the night of Qian Ming's assassination. The chief of the local HL should be a very smart and capable man. He did not release any specific numbers of casualties, nor did he release clear information about whether the big shots were alive. He just secretly transported all the corpses and survivors to other areas. He must have chosen this prudent approach because he was afraid that the assassination would spread to the empire's medical institutions.

This caution helped Gilson II a lot, but in the final analysis, his narrow escape this time had to be said to be his hard luck. As the saying goes, if you kill people and set fires, you will get gold belts, but if you build bridges and repair roads, there will be no corpses. In reality, evil people may not die a good death, but good people often have a life worse than death.

After waking up, Gilson II was very crazy for a period of time. The physical injuries he suffered changed his life. It was a painful change that no one could bear, let alone a young, powerful and domineering nobleman. The gap is likely to break a person's will.

However, Gilson II was quite willing to stand up after breaking up. He picked himself up again and turned his grief into strength. He engraved the face of the snake gambler in his mind, covering up the fact that he was still alive. He left his hometown and remained anonymous. He rarely interacts with others in person, all for the purpose of finding the assassin and repaying him ten thousand times the pain the other person inflicted on him.

Through his investigations over the years, Gilson II has gained a deep understanding of the world of ability users that ordinary nobles would never touch, as well as the darkest corners that lurk under the "peaceful age" whitewashed by the empire. Of course, Qian Ming is the organization he cares about most, and he has also learned about the title Betting on Snake.

But it happened that his enemy was just like him. He disappeared from the world and could not be traced at all. What he did was indeed quite good. If it hadn't been for that bank robbery, Tom Stoll, a white-collar worker in Maple Leaf County, would never have met Qian Ming. The assassin bets the snake to merge into one.

… …

Gambler just sat in the room and read Gilson II's Book of Hearts all day long. Not every sentence of a person's heart is valuable, but he did not miss a word and grasped every bit of information that might be valuable. , speculating on everything the other party has done over the years.

After nearly eight hours, Gambling Snake's concentration has not declined at all. He only ate a sandwich at noon and went to the toilet twice a day. He still looked energetic, with the gun at hand and the direction he was sitting still facing. The angle between the doorway and the window.

Suddenly, Gambling Snake stopped and closed the book. It was not that he had finished reading, but he noticed something strange.

He put the book in his suit, picked up the gun, and walked towards the door. This time he opened the door directly and walked out, arriving at the parking lot outside. There were very few pedestrians on the street nearby, and no one had noticed this man wandering around with a gun. guy and reacted, shots had been fired.

Gambler went out, raised his gun and fired. The bullet passed through the tinted glass and shot into a car outside the small hotel. Both bullets accurately hit the vital parts, the driver's seat and the passenger seat. The two people on board were killed on the spot.

Pedestrians on the street fled in panic in a direction farther away from the gunshots. The alarms of several cars buzzed and stopped one after another after nearly thirty seconds. Then there was applause, one person's applause.

The man walked out from a corner. He looked to be in his forties, slightly fat, bald, and wearing loose and casual sportswear. He looked like an ordinary resident who lived nearby and went out for jogging at dusk.

"Excellent marksmanship, worthy of being Qian Ming's assassin. Are all the people in your organization as good as you?"

Gambler put away his gun. He knew that this person was probably a capable person, and his strength was not weak. A gun would not pose much of a threat to those above the strong level. If you act rashly before the other party shows off your capabilities, you are likely to fall into passivity.

"These two people should not be police or soldiers, nor are they directly affiliated with HL." He did not answer the other party's question.

The balding man smiled and said: "Qiaodun's failure made the earl decide to hand over the task of capturing you alive to me. I don't like to rely on other people's strength. Besides, it is very difficult to mobilize the local official troops repeatedly. Troublesome stuff.”

"In other words, from now on, I will have to face a large number of private armed forces of the Gilson family, right?"

"Of course not. It's just me you have to face. If you think you can escape from me, you are totally wrong."

"Then I will kill you and step over your body." Gambling Snake was not affected by the other party's confident arrogance at all.

"Hahaha! Okay, Betting Snake, we already know enough about you, but I want to see if you are really as powerful as the rumors say."

"Rumors... Huh, what's the use of a false name? It's better to recommend yourself with martial arts. Now that I have burned inkstones, burned books, and cracked paintings, I have no choice but to return to the way of killing." Gambling Snake's eyes changed, and he became what he had been many years ago. The cold-blooded animal: "Taking your life is just the beginning."
