
Chapter 86: penetrating


When Paper Man was receiving treatment in HL's medical institution, Blood Owl had already left Venice. Before he left, in addition to "cooking" Silver Shadow's killers, he also tried to find the right path, but unfortunately the results were not satisfactory. , it seems that the boy has smelled the conspiracy a long time ago and rubbed oil on the soles of his feet.

The Blood Owl didn't know that Paper Man was still alive. Of course, he didn't care. Just like Shi Shi's point of view, this was not an ability user worthy of attention, at least not yet.

The person that the Blood Owl wanted to find the most was the "consultant". Although he had nothing to lose, he was still being set up by this person, which the Blood Owl could not tolerate. Judging from Ma Long's words before his death and the descriptions of Silver Shadow's people, the "consultant" and Tianyi should be two different people. At first, the blood owl also suspected that Tianyi was the consultant, because Tianyi was "already there" in the video. It didn't take long for the prediction of "In the Game" to become a reality, and when he received the videotape, it was the time when Malone prepared the plan given by the consultant.

However, after many inquiries and interviews with some people who were "Daoer Shang", the blood owl was basically sure that the consultant was the same as Ma Long described, about twenty years old, and that Tianyi should be about thirty, no matter how he looked at it. No, that’s not right. It is speculated that... the so-called "book of the heart" mentioned by Tianyi may be real, which explains why when talking to Zuo Dao, there was no sign that the other party was lying.

However, the problem is still not solved. Compared with Tianyi, who is unknown and elusive, the boy called the consultant is equally difficult to find. The blood owl even pretended to be an arms dealer and sent an email to the consultant's public mailbox, but nothing happened. This made him very unhappy.

Fortunately, in March, the news that the consultant was in Chicago spread like wildfire, and the blood owl came to know about it. Of course, this is a story later. Let’s talk about it later. Let’s take a look at the situation on the Tea Fairy’s side first.

On February 20th, the investigation into the Venice incident was still continuing. The three Silver Shadow killers were very willing to cooperate. They basically revealed everything they knew in exchange for help from HL.

Tea Fairy showed the interrogation video to Paper Man in the conference room. On the big screen, Silver Shadow's killers could only answer questions while lying on their backs. Their hands and feet are missing, and their lives for the rest of their lives may be very problematic. One person even suggested that as soon as he knows that the blood lord has been brought to justice, he asks the "government" to give him a happy death immediately, and he can be beheaded by the electric chair. , compared with the blood owl's method, it is simply killing the chicken.

"The blood owl performed amputation operations on them under extremely poor sanitary conditions. He used a very clever local anesthesia method so that the three people could clearly watch their sound limbs being sawed off one by one, and then they were immediately Still getting into a lawn mower." The Tea Fairy described the Blood Owl's technique, and even Luca, who was aware of it, frowned slightly when he heard this.

There was a strange look in Paper Man's eyes, but half of his face was expressionless. It was difficult for others to see his true thoughts: "Analyzing these, why not go out and collect evidence? I know a few informants who made fake documents. , I can 'feel' the whereabouts of the bleeding owl in less than half a day."

Tea Fairy shook his head: "With all due respect, Paper Man, your investigation method is too outdated. Only the police in the 20th century would use your method. Even if you can rely on this method to catch up with the blood owl, it will still be slow." He takes one step."

"Oh? What do you mean? I've heard about your so-called 'easy chair faction'. You think that relying on some established evidence and testimony, you can deduce all the details of what has happened, and then analyze it. When analyzing other people's cross-legs, first raise their left or right leg to figure out the other person's character. If you have this kind of skill, you might as well find someone to talk about. In the final analysis, success or failure will be determined by one battle. "

Tea Fairy smiled and said: "One battle often cannot determine success or failure, and you have already lost at least two rounds, Paper Man."

Zhixia was suddenly choked to death by the other party.

Tea Fairy will naturally give the opponent a step down. He continued: "Like you, I have lost countless rounds in the game with another person, but it is not known who will win until the last moment. So, please, please Listen patiently."

Paper Man didn't speak anymore. He knew in his heart that if he wanted to find the blood owl as soon as possible to carry out revenge, this tea fairy must be used. With his identity, connections, and functions, the resources he could get were far better than those of an ordinary policeman. Get involved.

"After the 'Bloody Midnight' incident ten years ago, the blood owl's image data has not been archived. This time in Venice, at least we have his facial features. hl's database is very good, and I assigned three people A working team used computers and manpower to search for all fake documents, surveillance video data, etc. that were similar to the scanning points of his facial contour in the past few years. A considerable amount of valuable intelligence was still obtained.

First of all, he is a cautious person, rough and subtle, and rarely reveals his flaws. Every time he goes to a city, he will first find a middleman with a good reputation to exchange one or several pieces of art for clean and negotiable cash. Even if he loses some of his profits, he doesn't care. Money laundering gangs are still very friendly to this kind of customers and will not cause trouble for them. Of course, there are also some greedy gangs who have tried to take advantage of him, and the consequences of offending him are self-evident.

The Blood Owl rarely appears in public. He likes to stay in an inconspicuous place where no one will come in for several years, and conduct sexual experiments. That kind of place can be seen everywhere in big cities. A certain construction site that office workers have to pass every day when they go out to work has not been completed for several years. There is a house in a corner alley in the downtown area. The iron gate is locked all year round, and the door is piled up. clutter; even a vacant property in a high-end residential area that was rumored to be a haunted house by children. He stayed in the basement. Several soundproof boards suppressed the miserable wailing underneath. If it weren't for the elementary school students who sneaked in to play, he would hear it. Hearing the sound, the Blood Owl could hide in that place for more than three years.

There are signs that this guy tried cannibalism when he was too lazy to go shopping. Yes, you two, in the 22nd century, a box of instant bars can sustain an adult man for three months without starving to death. , some cannibalism happened.

But later he seemed to have corrected this habit, maybe because he didn't like it (in fact, he found a better way to dispose of the corpse). In short, this man was extremely crazy, regarded human life as nothing, and had a cruelty that was almost pathological, but he was not just completely A complete beast, because he has a cautious and alert side in his actions. During January's conflict with the Iron Discipline, he chose to escape under the fire of the armed forces, which was very wise. "

The Tea Fairy paused here and took a sip of the hot tea in the thermos cup; "The character is roughly the same, let's talk about his knowledge. I have to say, broad and profound... His academic qualifications He is taller than anyone in the building we are in. If we go back to college, we will all be called Professor."

At this moment, all the staff in Guanzhi County HL's Northern Second Branch, including every temporary support staff transferred from the European headquarters at that time, were not spared, and they were collectively shot while lying down.

"The Blood Owl stayed at Yale specializing in life sciences until he was twenty-three years old. Of course, he used someone else's identity. After becoming a graduate student, he became the assistant and protégé of the then department chair. The old professor always boasted about his ability to meet others. Sooner or later, students will become a generation of scientific giants. In fact, his old man still said this a few days ago. Obviously he did not understand the meaning of hl sending people to ask questions...

The reason why his identity was exposed in the end was very ironic. At that time, HL's North American branch contacted the blood owl and wanted to recruit this 'young talent' into the organization, but the person sent never returned. When the local governor realized the seriousness of the matter, he thought that the student pretended by the blood owl was a spy planted by the Freedom Front at the university. However, when he went to his home to retrieve it, he found that the building was empty. Behind the door was a laboratory that resembled a slaughterhouse. "

Of course, the codename "Blood Owl" did not exist back then, and this case did not attract enough attention because it involved the murder of members of HL, so it ended in a low-key manner. A few years later, the bloody midnight incident in Europe was not connected to this incident. It is not until today that we finally confirmed the appearance of the blood owl, and many unsolved serial murder cases around the world have been connected together. . "

Zhi Xia said: "You mean, his knowledge is better than anyone here, including you?"

Tea Fairy did not deny: "It can be said that I am different from him. The knowledge I need to master must be comprehensive, so for most things, I can only look at them briefly without seeking a deep understanding. In psychology, maybe I am on the same level as him. But in terms of biology, chemistry, etc., he is extremely proficient and proficient, so being my teacher is not an exaggeration.”

Zhi Xia said: "So... After saying so much, I just learned that he likes and is good at dissecting people like frogs, and occasionally eats one or two, that's all."

Although Luka on the side also thought so, he would never say it out loud. He was secretly happy that Paper Man could speak for him so outspokenly.

Tea Fairy replied: "No, this reveals a problem. Blood Owl does things for a purpose, not just out of interest. He has killed so many people, and he has a laboratory with advanced equipment in every city he has stayed in. , he is undoubtedly studying something. Moreover, he must have made his purpose clear before entering university. Studying is only part of the plan. In order to accomplish this purpose, he needs profound knowledge in this area. "

What did Zhi Xia think of: "In other words, no matter where he escapes, he will never give up his research, as long as we start from this aspect..."

Tea Fairy continued: "Yes, the smuggling of high-end medical supplies, the circulation of black money, etc., if you investigate these, you can find the blood lord. No matter how cautious he is, it is useless. Therefore, I said that there is no rush to track him. When hunting, It's more interesting to completely grasp the thoughts of the prey." His eyes returned to the big screen, and his attention returned to the Silver Shadow Killer who was being interrogated.

Zhi Xia was silent. He had already captured something from these words. This seventh prince was not simple. He looked easy-going, was modest and polite, and spoke wisely and knew how to measure. The scheming and government hidden behind this appearance, as well as the overlord style revealed intentionally or unintentionally, make people feel that looking at the ordinary tea fairy is just the tip of the iceberg. His true size is like Yuan Ting Yue Zhi. It is difficult to see the whole picture even if you retreat thousands of miles. If you take half a step forward, you will bow down to the gate.

"I am trying to use such a person, so my thoughts have been controlled by him and used by him..." Zhixia pondered in his heart, and couldn't help but feel a chill.
