
Chapter 88: eas standard


"... This plane will land in about fifteen minutes. Please return to your seat and fasten your seat belt... "

The announcement on the special plane woke up Paper Man, and he took advantage of the few hours of journey to sleep for a while. The business class he and Chaxian took was specially designed for the high-rise interior of HL. There were only a few seats, and each seat was relatively high, spacious and comfortable. The table in front of the seats is large and can basically be spread out to play Catan.

Zhi Xia glanced at the Tea Fairy across the aisle. He was holding his chin with one hand and typing on the keyboard of a laptop with the other hand. His expression seemed to be listless.

"If I were you, I would still use these few hours to adjust to the time difference." Zhixia said.

Tea Fairy did not look back, and still looked at the screen listlessly: "Checking emails is a kind of rest for me. My need for sleep is very short, and when I am awake, it is difficult to keep my brain in an idle state. If If you don’t do similar minor mental activities, all kinds of chaotic and complex thoughts will come out as soon as you close your eyes.”

"So, this is your ability? A tireless and developed brain?" Paper Man said.

The Tea Fairy replied: "No, my ability is to control the 'wind'." He didn't mind telling this: "As for my mind, for example, there are some people who are born with IQ among ordinary people. Children over 160 years old are what people call 'prodigies'. Every few years, one or two such children will be born among millions of people. From the perspective of the entire race, this probability is not high. It's too low. And I should be considered a so-called 'prodigy' among mutants, and I happen to be a person with abilities."

"This is really the first time I've heard of such a thing. If you weren't a prince, I'm afraid you would have been captured by the organization called eas and taken to the laboratory." Zhi Xia said.

Tea Fairy was not angry after hearing this, and said with a smile: "I know you have been in contact with the Time Attendant, so you know eas, but their organization's evaluation standards for ability users are very different from the general standards. People like you and me For all ability users, the ability type should be classified as 'molecular influence', and the research value can only be considered moderate."

"Oh?" Paper Man became interested in this topic: "Then what type of research will be considered to have high research value?"

"I just happen to have such a person on hand, Charles Rolle, known as the gunsmith." The Tea Fairy flipped through it and quickly found a marked email in his email box: "Originally he was also an outlaw, but he never He has a record of being arrested. He was pardoned a few years ago and entered the 'Royal Research Society' in Tiandu. To put it bluntly, someone contacted him and 'recruited' him.

In November last year, he went to Southern Cross County to attend a conference. On his way back, he disappeared from the world along with the plane he was on. The four-person team sent to search later never returned..." Speaking of this, something suddenly flashed in Tea Fairy's mind, fleeting, but still vivid in his mind.

"What's wrong?" Zhixia asked when he saw that he stopped and remained silent.

Tea Fairy was stunned for a moment: "It's nothing, I'm sorry, I suddenly remembered something." He continued what he just said: "At that time, the waiter personally went to Tiandu headquarters to find me, and later sent me a private email, hoping that I I can intervene to investigate this person's whereabouts, but I was chasing a very cunning criminal in Australia during that time, and it was difficult to escape. In December, I met him again... I don't want to mention it. In short, this gunsmith is a type that eas attaches great importance to. , his ability 'Alchemy' is classified as 'Order Destruction'."

Paper Man asked: "How is it different from the 'molecular influence' you just mentioned?"

Tea Fairy said: "For example, you can control various forms of paper. This is actually a cooperative relationship between molecules. You are composed of molecules, and paper is composed of molecules. Since you and I belong to this Type, you should understand that "manipulating" a certain substance is not "commanding" it, but a kind of communication, making the substance move according to your heart and move freely. If you force the attitude of "command" to Instructing a certain substance to act can bend a spoon at most even if you hold back a nosebleed.

This ability of ours is called molecular influence. The research on this ability has a long history. For example, the net alloy one-piece molding technology is closely related to this technology. After more than a hundred years, it is probably difficult to have more innovations. A high-tech breakthrough was born. "

The Tea Fairy briefly thought about it, then continued: "Let's talk about the gunsmith. Using the general evaluation standards, he should be classified as a person with equal abilities, but his ability is alchemy... let's put it this way, turning stone into gold and turning soil into jade. No problem. He can turn any substance a into any substance b, you can imagine, for example, a pair of sneakers can be turned into a jar of peanut butter."

"Then isn't he a god?" Zhi Xia asked.

Tea Fairy replied: "Theoretically... he can turn the earth into a hairpin or a ball of wool. But in fact, although his ability has no obvious limit, he himself has limits. I heard that he can transform a It takes about half an hour to make something the size of a basketball, and the greater the difference in physical properties between substance a and substance b, the more time-consuming and labor-intensive it is."

"I see... So in battle, his abilities are actually of no use, so they are tied." Zhixia continued.

"Yes, but you can imagine the research value of his abilities. Conservation laws, symmetry... With his abilities, he can transcend these established orders in physics. We only 'affect' matter, but he, Fundamentally 'changing' matter, the difference is huge...enough to give me a headache."

Paper Man changed the topic at this time and asked: "So, what type does Blood Owl belong to?"

Cha Xian said: "I should ask you this question. You are the only one in the organization's control who can survive after a head-on confrontation with him."

Paper Man fell into silence. He had no clue about the Blood Owl's abilities. To say what he had memorized, he only had the deepest terror. The brutal bloodthirsty maniac killed everyone who stood in his way just by fighting. Ordinarily, in a battle, those who rely purely on physical strength should be the most vulnerable group, but Blood Owl completely broke this concept of Paper Man. The reason is very simple. For example, someone spends a long time summoning a paper beast to collapse a mountain, but then another person comes and knocks down another higher mountain with one punch. That is naturally a judgment call.

Seeing that he was silent, the Tea Fairy stopped trying to figure out what he was thinking, and returned to the thought that just flashed through his mind: The black-clad ability user once mentioned that "according to your four colleagues, "Knowledge in the brain", this sentence means that he has killed four members of HL. Many people in HL know my royal background and name, but if they know that I am a fierce-level ability user, my combat power Or the position is definitely not low. There have been very few people missing for unknown reasons in the past six months, but the four people who went to South America to investigate disappeared collectively, and their bodies were not found (Note: The absorption of dark water will not completely destroy the bodies. The body of John DeSoto was thrown into the river. , Ikeda Nozomi's body was disposed of by Anshui, and the four HL members left in the rain forest were later disposed of by cannibals. The tea fairy had a certain misunderstanding of the "swallowing" in Anshui's mouth), and the time is also consistent with... So, it's possible that he was "swallowed" by that guy...

So, does the disappearance of the gunsmith have something to do with this black ability user? Based on this connection, is he also related to Tianyi

But I have received information before that someone from the top wants to secretly arrest the gunsmith. Perhaps the four missing people and the previously missing flight are just a cover for the outside world. The gunsmith has been controlled by a higher level that I don’t know. Laying down layers of fog just to prevent EAs from getting a chance to intervene...

… …

Just as the two people on the special plane were each shrouded in doubts, they were in a bookstore on a small street in Chicago.

The store door was pushed open, and a young man with a fair face walked in.

The boss, who was lying on the sofa chair, lowered his legs on the table and said a rare opening sentence that sounded like human language: "Mr. Consultant, it's a pleasure to meet you."

The consultant threw the iron plate in his bag onto several tables that were put together in the middle of the room. The table was almost full of books, and they were smashed several times. The expression hanging on the corner of his mouth could not be said to be a sneer or a sneer. Evil smile: "Pay me back! Bastard!"