
Chapter 9: video tape


.That night, Miura didn't get home until nine o'clock. He looked at the shoe box next to the entrance and found that the leather shoes his father had worn in the morning were not in it.

I took out some leftovers from the refrigerator, heated them up and ate a few random bites. Just as I was about to go back to my room, my mother came down from upstairs.

"It's Kazuya. He didn't say a word when he came back. Mom thought there was a burglar in the house."

"If you were a thief, you wouldn't have heard anything."

"I played with my seniors and the others so late today again, and they didn't even call me back."

Miura said unhappily: "I've said it so many times, it's just a rehearsal!"

"Yes, yes, rehearsal. How was the rehearsal?" My mother was actually not very interested in the answer to this question.

Miura replied: "Tch... That sucks. The guy from Saionji suddenly stopped coming because he had something to do at home. The seniors in the third grade were also listless all day long. They sighed and lamented that it was the end of the year again and next year would be the end of the year. At that time, I was no longer a high school student or anything like that. I kept talking about the pressure of going to higher school, my future, and my job. I didn’t feel ashamed in front of my juniors. They are really useless guys.”

"I think your seniors are right. If you, Kazuya, keep on wasting like this, you will be just like your seniors next year."

"It's long-winded. Anyway, I just need to get admitted to an ordinary university. My father will definitely ask someone to help me find a job after graduation, right?" Miura said and was about to get up and leave, with his mother. Conversations like this often end like this.

Mother sighed and stopped talking to him on this issue. She suddenly thought of something again and said to Miura's back: "Oh, by the way Kazuya, I found a parcel in the mailbox with your name on it and it has been placed on your desk."

"I know." Miura said casually and closed the door.

Leaning against the door and facing the dark room, Miura had many things in front of his eyes. He initially joined the light music club for two reasons. One was his rebellious attitude toward his father, and the other was that he thought it would be easy to get along in this club.

The result was very unexpected. This group of rebellious and unruly young people who looked to outsiders were not at all like he imagined, gathering together to smoke and hang out all day long. Instead, they were practicing hard all year round. After joining the company, I spent almost all of my spare time in it. On weekends, I would often practice until late like today. Even his father, who was firmly opposed to him playing musical instruments at first, gradually changed his attitude.

As long as you work hard, you can change some things...

After Miura had this idea, he began to become interested in the band. Unfortunately, during this period, the seniors who were originally firm and reliable have all changed.

"I said, my parents still hope that I can go to college. Even if I don't quit the job now, I still have to leave when I graduate, right?"

"Oh, me, I may go directly to my father's factory to start my apprenticeship in the last semester. How long can we play together..."

"Forget it. Everyone knows that no matter how hard you work, you will have to give up sooner or later. Do you want to be a professional musician in the future? As a novice who has only studied for more than a year, you should give up this idea early. Among junior high school students, we can also find guys who are 'outstanding' than our seniors. Only children whose parents are engaged in music, whose family conditions allow, and who are very talented will take that path."

"Miura-kun, you can't imagine the days of skipping lunch for half a month just to change the strings. I really want to say the same thing to you, but this world is very realistic. Seniors have to deal with their future life. Make a compromise. This is already an unwritten rule of the light music club. Basically, third-year students will not be left until the end, so you must be prepared to take over as president at any time and become the support of the younger generations."

In recent months, Miura has heard words like this. He often thinks: "A bunch of bastards, talking about becoming the support of the younger generation, didn't I just run away one by one?!"

He pushed aside these repressed thoughts and turned on the light.

There was a large envelope on the desk, which seemed to be a thick rectangular object.

"Tch... Mom came into my room without permission again." Miura complained to himself, then walked to the table and opened the envelope.

Inside was a videotape and a card.

On the front of the card are capital letters: books; on the reverse are a few lines of small handwritten words.

"Is this a video tape? This is the first time I've seen it. How do you want me to read it?" Miura picked up the tape and didn't know what to do for a moment, although he knew that people used something called a video recorder more than a hundred years ago. As the main video recording and playback media, it has been eliminated and eliminated again and again by several generations of products. Now it is estimated that it can only be found in museums.

He had no choice but to put the tape aside and read the words on the back of the card: "After that incident, the Suzuki family moved to Okinawa to be far away from you. But three months later, December 8, 2099, that is, On this day last year, Suzuki stabbed his parents to death while they were sleeping, then went downstairs and turned on the gas stove, and the family of three was reduced to ashes."

Miura's face was pale, his temples were pounding, the hand holding the piece of paper was shaking, and then his whole body was shaking. His neck was already stiff, and he slowly turned his head, staring at the video tape on the table, unable to move his eyes any further.

Miura suddenly remembered a ghost story he once heard. In the era when the story happened, people were still using video tapes. The specific content was vague to him, but there was one section he remembered clearly, which was about the ghost attached to the videotape crawling out of the TV and seeking his life...

Five minutes later, he locked the card and strap in the drawer, rushed out of the room, went to the entrance to change his shoes, and then went out.

The night was very cold, but Miura felt that the blood in his body had dropped to a freezing point lower than the temperature.

His family lives in a good location. There is not much noise around the house, but it only takes a few minutes to walk to the bustling shopping street.

There were at least ten video stores nearby, but they were all separated by a certain distance. Miura spent more than an hour asking at each store, and finally got the answer he wanted when he found the seventh store.

"Huh? Video recorder?" A young boss with green hair and a nose ring showed exactly the same expression as the previous bosses of every store, but his next words made Miura perk up. .

"Yesterday, a stinky beggar actually brought one. I just walked away for five minutes to take a shit. My brainless dad spent more than a hundred yuan to collect it. What? Do you want it?"

From the room behind the boss, a loud voice shouted: "Unfilial son! Did you say that about me?"

"What a waste of time! Old man, do you want to be sent to the scrap recycling bin with the old antiques you collected?!" The boss turned around and yelled at the throat, with a hoarse voice that was no different from his father's. After that, he turned around as if nothing had happened and continued in a normal tone: "Hey, little brother, I'll treat it as half sale and half giveaway, and I'll accept it from you..."

Before he finished speaking, Miura slapped two hundred yuan on the table and said, "No need to look for it. Give it to me quickly."

… …

December 9th, one o'clock in the morning.

Miura finally prepared the video recorder and inserted the video tape.

Originally it didn't take him that long to like it, but after he moved the video recorder home for the first time, he went out again because he forgot to buy the corresponding connecting cable. After buying the cable back, he had to He went out for the third time because he found that he had to buy another set of cables and an avswitch to make this ancient device compatible with the flat-panel color TV in his room.

After working for three or four hours, the video footage was finally displayed in front of Miura.

There are subtitles right at the beginning, a very nonsensical two lines of subtitles, the content is: "This film is produced by me personally. Please remember every detail in the film, it will be of great help to you in the near future."

Then there is the signature of the "person" - Tianyi, and an unknown address.

The film on the videotape is not very scary. Of course, it can be said that the plot is quite scary in reality.

There are only two characters in the film, both of which are 3D models made by computers. They look like little people drawn by graffiti, with round heads and obvious polygonal edges on all edges of the body. Both characters have only one kind of shape on their bodies. The color may be to distinguish them, so one is orange and the other is purple. Moreover, there is not a single line of dialogue in the entire film, not even sound effects. It's almost like something a kid would make.

However, although the characters in the film are designed very casually, the scenes are extremely realistic. The school is clearly the high school where Miura and the others attended. Even the flowers and grass on the playground have been restored. As for All the objects used by the characters are made to the extreme, just like the real objects in front of you. Even though computer visual effects have become very advanced in 2100, this level of realism can only be seen in some top-tier super blockbusters.

Miura sweated coldly and watched the entire movie. It didn't take long. In the end, the orange villain killed the purple one.

Use transparent glue to leave a gap in the window edge of the first floor, the wire to trip people, the hiding position, the strangulation movements, the method of disposing of the body... every detail is presented before Miura's eyes. Close-ups and slow playback are also used in many places, such as the way the orange villain holds the rope before jumping towards the opponent, the total length of the rope, and how many times it is wrapped around the palm to ensure that the interrupted length is more convenient for backhand strangulation, etc. Wait... These pictures seem to be intended to remind Miura to remember them.

but why

Miura couldn't figure it out, so he looked at the tape again and again. How did these contents relate to what happened on September 4th last year? Why does Tianyi want to see this by himself

At half past seven, it was completely bright. By this time, Miura had watched the video tape no less than ten times, but still found "nothing," at least that's what he thought at the time.

Today was also a day off. Miura checked the time, then went to the bathroom to clean himself up, took the card, and left home again.