
Chapter 92: Escape


This scene was really devastating, but the consultant couldn't help laughing. In this situation, he became the safest person. Now that the blood owl has turned his gun, no one present is the same as him. There is a direct conflict.卐Baidu search:卐『卐

Between the lightning and flint, the Paper Man was already only ten meters away. The stacks of paper gathered in front of him like a shadow, roaring like a tiger roaring at the Blood Owl. From above, swing out at will.

Paper Man saw nothing, only felt that his body was involuntarily pulled away from the original trajectory. A second later, the place where he was just now, or in other words, a straight street in front of the Blood Owl, was divided into two halves, and the earth A two-meter-wide crack was torn open, extending to nearly a kilometer in front.

Only then did Paper Man realize that it must have been the tea fairy's ability from afar that came first and helped him just now, otherwise he would have been shattered to pieces at this moment.

"Hey, why don't you go into the bookstore? If you continue to stand beside me, it will be too easy to kill all these people." The blood owl said to the sky.

In just ten seconds, all kinds of changes happened suddenly, but Tianyi had a plan in mind. He whispered a few words in the blood owl's ear, then took a step back and spoke in a normal tone. Said: "See you later."

Hearing these words, how could Jingming remain indifferent? He rushed straight towards Tianyi, his cloak turning into a black shadow, as powerful as lightning. Tea Fairy saw this and was quite surprised in his heart. This speed had obviously surpassed his own. Who was this person

But the surprising thing has just begun. The shadow was hit by a punch when it passed by the blood owl. The mirrored face flew out, flew towards the sky, and even crashed through the outer wall of the tall building without stopping it. Stop.

This situation is like a batsman preparing to swing a bat, only to find a cannon ball flying close to the speed of sound from the opposite side. Just when the audience was about to exclaim at the speed of the ball, the guy actually hit it with a stick as a matter of course. home run.

"Impossible!" Zhixia said in shock. According to his rough guess, although the Blood Owl is very strong, it is impossible to reach this point. If the real combat power of the Blood Owl is in front of him, then when he was in Venice, could the Blood Owl only Used 20% of your strength

Tianyi didn't even twitch his eyelids, and was not the least bit surprised by what happened. He turned around and pointed at the consultant very impolitely: "You, come in."

The consultant said: "What's wrong? I want to stay a little longer to meet that snake gambler. Isn't it necessary to use him in the follow-up plan?" Although he said this, he still walked into the bookstore leisurely. inside. Because the consultant's shrewdness told him that after all, it was best to do some things.

Tianyi said to the gunsmith who was stunned as soon as he went out: "Hey, your shoelace has come loose."

The gunsmith said "Oh" and as soon as he lowered his head, Tian Yi kicked him on the waist and rolled him into the door.

Afterwards, Tianyi also walked into the bookstore and closed the door.

Tea Fairy finally couldn't stand anymore. He guessed that Tianyi was going to run away. Based on past experience and speculation, 99% of the bookstore could be moved, and he must not be allowed to escape in front of his eyes.

"Want to run away... Stop dreaming..." This was the first time that Cha Xian showed a very serious look. He wanted to use his power to directly destroy the building where Tianyi was.

As soon as he raised his hand, the hoarse voice from the mirror shouted: "Wait a minute." He jumped down from the height again and stopped in front of the Tea Fairy.

"I thought we had a common enemy." Tea Fairy looked directly at the person in front of him, but he could only see his own face on the mirror mask.

Mirror Face replied: "The ability of molecular influence cannot destroy that bookstore, let me do it." As he spoke, an inverted mirror image appeared above Tianyi's bookstore, which was exactly the same as the bookstore, as if there was an invisible side in the sky. The mirror reflects the image of the bookstore in it.

A dagger flew out of Mirror Face's sleeve and hit the translucent mirror surface directly. The dagger seemed to have pierced the water, causing ripples: "In this way, he will not be able to move for the time being. ." He didn't look back, and said in a hoarse broken gong voice that everyone present could hear: "I don't really want to join forces with HL's people, but at this moment, since we have the same goal, we might as well put it aside for the time being. Gather the power of four people to fight this monster."

"Four people?" Tea Fairy asked.

"Count me in without permission." A man dressed in a black suit, with slicked back hair and sunglasses, and a gloomy and cold face appeared on the roof of a building opposite the bookstore.

Du She jumped down and stood on the street: "I just want to meet Tian Yi, and I have no intention of stopping or helping you in your revenge." He said to the mirror: "You three can join forces to deal with that guy. I'm just a powerful ability user. In a battle of this level..." He looked at the street destroyed by the blood owl. Judging from the traces on the ground, it was obviously caused by this guy's blow. "It's hard for me to intervene. .”

Zhi Xia said: "It doesn't matter whether people with unknown origins take action or not. I don't need help in the first place. I will take care of the Blood Owl myself..."

The blood owl interrupted: "Okay, scum, hurry up and get in."

As soon as these words were spoken, the storm of shredded paper lingering in the air turned into countless sharp blades, attacking the blood owl like thousands of arrows piercing the heart. This attack had no place to hide and was seamless.

The blood owl didn't hide. He stood there and let hundreds of bloody wounds be cut on his body. Those paper blades could leave a gash on the asphalt road, but they could not inflict serious damage to the blood owl. He seemed to be made of copper skin and iron bones, seemingly dripping with blood and only wounded on his flesh.

When the "paper rain" was almost done, the blood owl calmly picked up a cigar, lit it, and blew out the smoke. He had no worries that he would be defeated. The city was densely populated, and the mental power of the four people in front of him was far stronger than ordinary people. Even without the support of Tianyi's sinful soul, which was angry with both humans and gods, he was strong enough.

Zhixia is still not desperate in his heart. He wants to fight. Only by fighting can he become stronger. Only the strong can implement his own justice.

Here’s a quote from a fat guy: “Once you give up, the game is over.”

Life is almost the same.

But it is undeniable that in most cases, miracles will not happen, but despair will come.

The door of the bookstore opened again. Just now, Mirror Face had called the blood owl a monster, but this time a real monster came out. But I saw a black humanoid creature coming out of the bookstore, its eyes were shining with cyan light, and its black skin was indeed as textured as plastic.

Without saying a word, he ignored everyone, raised his arm, and sprayed out a lot of ink-like black liquid from his palm, contaminating the image in the mirror above the bookstore and making it blurry.

Jing Mian felt terrible, but it was too late. The entire bookstore has begun to sink, entering another space, and very quickly. When viewed from directly above, the building is in the shape of an inverse cross. When the entire house sinks into the imprint of the inverse cross, it is teleported to another place.

Tea Fairy hurriedly took a few steps, took advantage of the wind, aimed at the bookstore from a high angle, raised his hand and blasted out three or four strong winds. Around the reverse cross foundation, the ground and adjacent buildings were completely destroyed, and the ground was completely destroyed. It sunk deeply, but only the bookstore and the land beneath it were unaffected.

The blood owl took a few more puffs, put out the cigarette butt and said, "Aren't you going to go with them?" He said this to Dark Water.

An Shui replied: "I have my own way to leave."

The blood owl snorted coldly: "No matter who you are, get out of here and don't be an eyesore here."

Dark Water had no intention of staying in the first place. His mission was to cover the narrator's departure. Now that his goal had been achieved, he only had to go elsewhere to meet him.

Since he has no emotions, Anshui will not get angry even if he is scolded in various ways for a year and a half. Therefore, to him, the Blood Owl's words are just a request that coincides with his own goals. I saw him turn around and run away. His posture was that of a sprinter, and his speed was that of a sprinter. As for his endurance, it's hard to say. It's probably infinite...

Seeing that everyone who wanted to run away ran away, and everyone who wanted to stay stayed, Tea Fairy was helpless. He returned to the ground: "Huh... well, no matter what, there is still a madman who must be caught, and there is no way to catch him." Okay, no matter how hard I kill you, I won't let you leave." He said to the mirror again: "Are you still ready to help?"

Mirror Face replied: "Tianyi's enemies are my friends. As for Tianyi's friends, I will not hesitate to kill a few more."

Gambling Snake said: "Then, everyone, let's fight. I'll take my leave first." When his voice reached here, he had disappeared. Since he couldn't see Tianyi, he would no longer wade into this muddy water.

The blood owl threw the cigar to the ground and thought to himself: It's really troublesome, they are all gone at last, then... I can take action without restraint. @ya