
Chapter 95: test


"My name is Tianyi, and I run a bookstore." Tianyi's opening remarks were very bland, with an unpleasant look of decadence on his face, and that was the end of his words.

Everyone's self-introduction didn't last long. The exchange of names was only secondary. The significance of this introduction was far more than that. From each person's tone, demeanor, behavior, occupation and other aspects, the social status of these thirteen people in the mainstream values is roughly established. [..|com|]

As the saying goes, groups cluster together, and Tianyi has noticed this from the very beginning. Those twelve people found themselves in a strange and desolate environment after waking up. Out of animal instinct, they would approach "the same kind" intentionally or unintentionally.

Skin color, gender, and age are probably the priorities. People of the same sex who are similar in age and skin color are the "safest". On the contrary, a person of the opposite sex with a different skin color and a certain age gap from yourself is the most "threat". In the long process of evolution, this is the experience flowing in the blood of all living things. No matter how many years it takes, humans cannot get rid of this instinct.

When Yang Gang gathered the crowd, the positions where people stood also conformed to the above-mentioned sorting method. Therefore, the woman who is also Asian will stand very close to Tianyi.

But after introducing yourself, this rule will be broken.

Obviously, at this stage, these twelve people still have reason, and the inherent moral and legal concepts in general society still affect their thinking.

Therefore, unconsciously, those with similar social status will gradually move closer to each other. Aristocrats and entrepreneurs; white-collar workers and technicians, and of course the street performers who spread rumors about aliens and the bald guy who works in a meat processing plant.

Tianyi watched the crowd's actions with cold eyes and said nothing. He noticed that the woman was still standing beside him. Should he say she was wise or stubborn...

After a while, the crowd came to an agreement. Since everyone was confused about the current situation after the exchange, they had no choice but to take a look at the surrounding situation first.

Yang Gang suggested that everyone should not act alone. It is best to go in groups of two or three to check out the surrounding situation, but do not go too deep into the island. It will be very dangerous if you lose your way in the dense forest on the island. In short, everyone made an appointment to return to the beach in an hour to exchange information and see what they found.

After everyone had dispersed, Tianyi said to the woman next to him, "Take a step to talk."

After Tianyi finished speaking, he walked towards the seaside. At the moment, the wind was calm and the waves were caressing the beach. When he reached the point where the water was below his ankles, Tianyi stopped. This distance was about the same. There was no one around dozens of meters away. If he goes forward, others may misunderstand that he wants to go swimming or "commit suicide."

The woman also followed. She had taken off her shoes, carried them in her hands, and rolled up a section of her trousers. It seemed she didn't want to get her clothes wet: "Um... Mr. Tianyi?"

Tian Yiyi said: "Jiang Yun, right? I want to confirm a few things with you."

"Well, you tell me." Jiang Yun replied.

"As far as you know, Yang Gang is not a policeman, so he is..."

Jiang Yun replied: "Wanted criminal, I have seen his photo in the newspaper."

"Aren't you afraid that I am a wanted criminal whose photo you haven't seen?" Tian Yiyi said.

Jiang Yun smiled: "That's bad luck for me." Apparently she thought Tianyi was joking.

Tian Yiyi said: "So your plan is to tell everyone here the truth without being noticed by Yang Gang, so that they will be wary of this 'Officer Yang' and be on guard early."

"Well, if you believe me, can you help me?"

Tianyi didn't answer. In his opinion, this woman can be described in two words - Yongqiang. She is not without some cleverness, at least she is smarter than the bald brother, but this plan is really indescribable, and the probability of failure is Definitely more than 90%.

If you think that everyone is as good as yourself, you'd better hope that they are all stupider than you are.

"Usually I charge a high fee for giving similar ideas to others, but this time I can give you a better plan for free." Tian Yi said: "While his true nature hasn't been exposed yet, just do whatever you want. Pick up a stone, 'touch' him behind him, catch him off guard, hit him hard on the back of the head, and take him down in one fell swoop."

Jiang Yun said: "I... How is this possible..." She then thought of something: "Mr. Tianyi, you must not be impulsive... He is a wanted criminal..."

Tianyi was really surprised, and thought to himself: This Yang Gang poses no threat to me, so what reason do I have to kill him? Eliminate potential threats for a bunch of strangers like you? Is there any benefit to me

"Don't worry... I'm just giving you a suggestion, I'm not interested in doing it myself." He replied, but what he was thinking in his heart was: When I have no choice but to do it, it basically means that the only food on this island is human flesh.

Jiang Yun said: "Well...Mr. Tianyi, should we also go and check around, so as not to be too conspicuous and attract Yang Gang's attention."

"The men here have been paying attention to you for a long time..." Tianyi muttered vaguely.

"Huh? What?" Jiang Yun asked.

Tian Daodao: "I mean, I have been paying attention to the forest over there for a long time. Let's go and take a look."

"Oh..." Jiang Yun responded and left the seaside with Tianyi.

She put on her shoes again on the beach and followed Tianyi for a while. She suddenly remembered something and asked: "Mr. Tianyi, why did you just step in the sea water with your shoes on? Don't you feel uncomfortable?"

"Oh... Well, if I expose my socks to the air, I won't be the only one who feels uncomfortable." Tianyi brushed the matter over and changed the topic: "This island is not small, and we The person you brought here must have some purpose, but that purpose has not surfaced yet, but the danger in the dark is always there, so you'd better not relax too much."

Speaking of this, Tianyi suddenly stopped, and Jiang Yun, who was following him, also became nervous, wondering what happened in front of him.

"Is there any water source so close to the coast..." Tianyi took another step and walked around a few trees, and a clear spring appeared in front of him.

"Okay, I have gained something. The next problem is food. I didn't find any animal footprints along the way, but it's not far from the shore. There may be some in the center of the island." Tianyi said and was about to continue. Go deeper.

Jiang Yun said: "Mr. Tianyi, if you go too far and get lost..."

Tian Yiyi just walked forward without looking back: "If there is no food and water, this group of people will lose the most basic guarantee of survival. Once this happens, human civilization will quickly regress and return to primitiveness. Within two days, everyone here will be the same as a wanted criminal, or even worse."

When Jiang Yun heard this, she couldn't understand Tianyi's meaning for a while. She comes from a privileged background and is highly educated. She has never made friends with groups whose social status is far different from hers. In his eyes, propriety, justice and integrity are taken for granted, evil people should be brought to justice, and good people will live in peace.

Tianyi's view on people like this is: after being severely abused by reality, the quality of innocence will reveal its appearance that is very similar to stupidity...

Under extreme conditions, human beings' hypocritical mask will soon be shattered. For example, if you eat a piece of meat, you can live for two days longer. If you don't eat it, you will starve to death immediately. But there happens to be a guy who doesn't know you very well who also wants to eat this piece of meat. Normally, you have no reason or courage to kill someone, but at this time, you don't care about anything. As the saying goes, it is better for him to die than for you to die. If you kill this guy, you can live for two more days.

Tianyi glanced at Jiang Yun's expression, sighed and said: "Don't think about how good everyone is. Just say that among the thirteen people on the island at this moment, besides Yang Gang, there are a few others worth noting. of."

Tianyi said: "Looking at Jerry, a boy of thirteen or fourteen who calls himself a nobleman, and his 'housekeeper' Mr. Rude, who is in his fifties, it is obvious that they are lying. Just from Jerry's rough hands and conversation. It can be seen from his demeanor that he is not a noble, but Rude's domineering behavior is more like a noble master.

The tattoo on the back of the bald brother Carl's neck looks like a gang mark. It is estimated that he may have some "side jobs" in addition to his own job; the brother Isaac who believes in aliens very much does not have any secrets, he is just a bit neurotic. Rule out the possibility that he went insane after being extremely hungry.

Ms. Fidelia, who claims to be a white-collar worker, is probably a "prostitute" and has secondary syphilis. If I were you, I would stay away from her. Whether her name is real or not is difficult to say.

The old man named Masao Noguchi is an old pervert. Ever since he opened his eyes, his eyes have basically never left the three women present, including you of course. It may not be credible to say that he is a big entrepreneur. According to reports, As far as I know, there is no big company in Sakura Mansion whose boss is named Noguchi. In my opinion, he is more like an official or politician.

The remaining four people, female college student Betsy, architect Gavin, and company employees Dale and Lambert, have nothing obviously suspicious so far. Hmm... It seems that this type of person needs more attention. "

Jiang Yun became more and more surprised as she listened to Tianyi's narration. She didn't expect that this person seemed to be absent-minded, but actually remembered and analyzed everyone present one by one. She couldn't help asking: "Are you really just a bookstore, Mr. Tianyi?" ?”

Tianyi calmly replied: "If I am a perverted murderer, and you follow me to this secluded and uninhabited place alone now..." He turned around and said, "Can you still laugh it off and say, 'It's bad luck for me?' 'Woolen cloth… "

Jiang Yun suddenly froze. At this moment, she really felt fear. She didn't understand the man in front of her at all. She didn't even know him half an hour ago. It was even possible that everyone was captured by Tianyi and brought to the island... She still remembers that when she first opened her eyes, the only one standing alone was Everyone is far away, and the person who wakes up early is Tianyi, could it be...

The ominous feeling in her heart became stronger, but Tianyi turned around again and continued to say in an unhurried tone: "You can understand that it is good to be afraid. People should always have a sense of crisis, no matter what the environment is." At this moment, he seemed to have turned back into a reliable and harmless guy: "I have always treated people with sincerity. If I say I open a bookstore, I mean I open a bookstore. If I don't open a bookstore, I can only run a pig farm."

Jiang Yun breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. She felt that her suspicions just now were too worrying. This is not a novel. There are so many perverted murderers in the world who like to play tricks on their victims.

What Tianyi is best at and likes most is to repeatedly mobilize people's emotions, ups and downs, in the same paragraph. Continuing what he just said, he changed the topic and said: "Are you really a playwright? Why do I feel that you are also lying..."