
Chapter 99: Vetoes


Tianyi walked towards the island along the route that Karl and the other four took in the morning. They broke branches or placed stones to leave marks, probably because they were worried about getting lost in the forest. It was not difficult for Tianyi to follow these traces. After walking for more than an hour, their tracks and marks stopped. It must have been here that the badger was caught.

Till now, Tianyi hasn't discovered much. In the dense forest in the center of the island, there are indeed traces of some animals, but that's all. There is nothing more special on this island, and it still can't be found. Deducing the purpose of the person who captured everyone on the island. [..|com|]

Tianyi continued to move forward. After another half hour, the surroundings became denser and denser with leaves. Those plants made it difficult for him to move forward. His clothes were soaked with sweat. He took off his suit and took it in his hands. He rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and untied it. There were only two or three buttons under the open collar, but even so, I was still sweating.

Not long after, the vision suddenly opened up. There was a flat, open mud land in the forest, which was in a perfect circle. At this moment, there was a person standing in this place. His whole body was wrapped in a black robe. The cloak covered his face, but from the chin I couldn’t tell whether it was male, female, old, young, human or ghost at the last moment

Tianyi guessed it was a ghost because he couldn't sense anything. There was no "sin" in the person in front of him.

To Tianyi, it was like there was nothing in front of him. Human beings who could only rely on vision to determine their existence had other people besides their mirrored faces

Tianyi said almost without thinking: "Where did you get the method to isolate my ability?"

The voice of the man in black robe seemed to have been processed by some kind of voice-changing device, and it sounded like a voice in an urn: "Did you rule out other possibilities so quickly?"

"Oh? Do you have a better explanation? For example, you are not human?"

The man in black robe said: "For example, you are not an ability user at all."

"What am I, do you know better than me?" Tianyi asked.

The man in black robe asked again: "Is there such a possibility that you are just an ordinary person, you have been suffering from mental illness all year round, and you think you are a human being with super powers. All the information you so-called 'perceived' is Fantasy, the self-deceptive hallucination of a mentally ill person.”

Tian Yiyi said: "This hypothesis is very interesting, please continue."

The man in black robe continued: "Your past, the extraordinary people you know, and your unusual experiences are all just a dream. They are also the delusions of a mental patient. The reality is that you are just a bookstore owner. That's it. Almost no one visits your bookstore, so you stay behind your desk every day, consume too much caffeine, and have all kinds of fantasies. As time goes by, you start to believe them to be true. In fact, there are no capable people in this world. You are not one of them."

Tianyi smiled and said: "Then why did I come to this desert island and be trapped here with a group of strangers? And why did you, a person who knows so many things, appear in front of me? ? If everything is my fantasy, are you the roundworm in my belly?"

The man in black robe replied: "Another possibility is that you are an ordinary tourist who has been trapped on this desert island for too long. Because of hunger, lack of water, and loneliness, you have mental problems and make up stories about the past. Memories, extraordinary experiences, superhuman abilities.”

Tian Yiyi said: "Your assumption only explains why I appeared on the island, but does not answer the other two questions."

The man in black robe said: "No, I have already explained it. Since you have mental problems, why can't I appear here? Maybe I am an image and an illusion produced by you as a rational person. I am just deeply attracted by you. The cruel reality buried in your heart. I am here to tell you that your so-called ability is just your own fantasy, your memory is also false, and what you see and write down are all false."

Tianyi's expression suddenly changed, because when the man in black robe finished speaking these words, the "sin" of the eleven people on the coast disappeared almost at the same second.

The man in black robe seemed to know that Tianyi's perception had disappeared, and he continued: "What? Now do you still think that there is someone else on this island? Is there really anyone else on this island besides you? Are you really a person with abilities? ?Is your name... really Tianyi

Are you just an ordinary person who went crazy because he was trapped on an island, and in your mind you picture yourself as the most perfect man who only exists in your imagination? "

Tianyi's expression became very complicated. He was thinking, when there are no humans around him and when he can't feel any "sin", how can I prove that I am a capable person? Are people with paper-level abilities physically stronger than ordinary people? But this kind of judgment standard is just the information in my head. If I go crazy, the information in my head will have no reference value. I think the limit of ordinary people is to run 100 meters in about ten seconds, but the reality may be that everyone can It can be done, it may not be possible, how do you know? There is no way to know…

Assume that I have gone crazy, then I cannot believe in myself, and I have lost my standards. Common sense may be just my imagination. Without objective reference, it cannot prove that I am different from ordinary people. How can subjective dialectics reach an absolute conclusion?

The man in black robe said: "Do you understand?"

Tian Daodao: "If I agree with your point of view, that is to say, I deny my own specialness and admit that I am insane. But how can a mentally disturbed person realize this rationally? A person in a dream wakes up when he realizes that he is dreaming. And the emergence of your so-called 'rational' self-awareness, does it mean that my mental illness has cured itself?"

The man in black robe said calmly: "Then is there a third possibility? You are just a imaginary person, not a real person. You may be a person in a painting or a character in a movie." , a character in a novel, or a fantasy in someone's mind. Your consciousness is imposed by others, your words and deeds are fabricated by others, and the fact that you will meet me now is also arranged by others."

Tianyi replied: "Then my reaction to your words is also under that person's control?"

The man in black robe said: "At this moment, isn't the meaning of my appearance obvious?"

Tiandao: "To deny my existence? And to make myself aware of this."

The man in black robe said: "I know you won't believe it, at least not at this stage."

Tianyi sneered: "In other words, as your game progresses, I will gradually believe that I am a fictional character? Then in the end, I am afraid that I will either go crazy... or commit suicide? Haha... I have seen such an end. A lot."

The man in black robe did not answer, but turned and walked towards the forest.

How could Tianyi let him leave? He moved forward and wanted to capture him. He also said with a smile: "If you want to prove that you are just my fantasy, wouldn't it be better for you to turn into a gust of wind and leave?"

The figure of the man in black robe flashed behind a tree. Tianyi followed closely, only to find that the man had disappeared as if he had turned into air. He looked up, then lowered his head and stepped on the mud under his feet, then looked again. There was no trace of that person around.

Teleport? flash? Judging from this situation, Tianyi could only make these two conjectures, unless... what the man in black robe said was true.

Am I just an ordinary person? There are no people with abilities in this world, and there are no other people on this island? Is everything just my imagination

Now Tianyi couldn't convince himself or refute what he just heard. He decided to go back to the beach first and see what happened there.