Six Realms of Gods

Chapter 201: Intercepted


"Are you gamble or not?" Jun Mo asked with a smile.

"I won't bet today." Ye Chen said lightly.

Lord Lord asked: "I'm going to get Lingjing."

Lord Lord left, Ye Chen looked at Battle Soul and said, "How do you feel now?"

"Why are you helping me?" The Qingming has been restored in Zhanhun's eyes, and the soul will control itself, but the words are extremely cold.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Because I see you pleasing to the eye, it's that simple."

Ye Chen can't say that because Battle Soul is pitiful, and people like Battle Soul are arrogant, he must be pitiful to others.

The soul of war looked at Ye Chen and said, "You know, even if you buy me, I can leave. It won't do you any good."

"If you want to leave, I won't stop you. If I buy you because I want to keep you, I won't help you restore the freedom of your soul." Ye Chen smiled calmly.

The soul of war looked at Ye Chen deeply, and Ye Chen said: "You are a warrior who has experienced many battles on the battlefield. Although you are not from the country of Zhao, you are still worthy of respect. You fought for the country, even if you become a prisoner of war, you are still a hero. ."

"Hero..." The battle soul trembled and his eyes flickered. Once he was indeed a hero that countless people admired. He killed countless enemies on the battlefield, and he would sacrifice himself for the country.

His country, Beiyan, has a sturdy folk style, and every one of them is a tough guy, and every one of them is a hero against ten.

However, some of Beiyan did not care about the country's peril for his own benefit. When he led the soldiers to charge into battle, they were calculated by his own people, so that the whole army was defeated and he and countless soldiers became prisoners of war.

He tried to apologize with death many times, but was manipulated by someone, although he was the most difficult to manipulate, his willpower was strong, and he became a battle puppet.

Once a hero fell into a battle puppet, now mentioning the word "hero", the war soul feels that this is a kind of irony.

"Not a hero, just a failed prisoner of war..." War Soul laughed at himself.

Ye Chen solemnly said: "The word hero will not be obliterated because you become a prisoner of war. No matter what you become, the people of your country will remember that you are a hero."

The battle spirit's eyes flickered, and he looked at Ye Chen deeply, and said, "You really don't mind if I leave?"

"If you leave, I won't stop you. If you want to stay, I will treat you like a friend and brother." Ye Chen said sincerely.

The soul of the war saw Zhencheng and magnanimousness in Ye Chen's eyes, his gaze retracted, and he was silent for a long time before he made up his mind and said: "Okay, I will stay, and I will take care of your business."

Ye Chen smiled, "It's right to carry it together."

"Okay, we can go now." Lord Lord asked back, his eyes moved slightly, but he didn't say anything, and smiled.

"This is my brother Lord, you can also become friends in the future." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Jun Mowen nodded and smiled friendly, and War Soul nodded, but there was still no smile on his face, a little cold.

"This is what you earned today. My 30,000 orange crystals have been deducted, and there is so much left." Jun Mo asked with a smile and took out a universe bag.

Ye Chen opened it and saw that there were tens of thousands of Chi Jing inside, not only with a smile: "This is really a good business for making money."

"The Xiao family is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and that brave is not made casually. If you let them pay so much today, you will definitely not just let it go." Jun Mo asked too much about the big families in the imperial city.

"If they can't afford to lose, I will make them lose even worse!" Ye Chen had a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

The three of them walked out of the trapped animal farm and walked on the streets of the imperial city. Ye Chen heard many people talking about the Tianlong Trading City going to auction a Qi training volume tomorrow.

"The promotion of Tianlong Auction City is really fast, almost the entire Imperial City knows it." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Lord Lord asked: "Of course, the higher the auction price, the more they make! You will soon become a local tyrant again."

"I don't know whether we will become a local tyrant, but I know that we are already surrounded." Ye Chen's smile sank, and the whole person exuded a bitter breath.

Lord Mowen and Battle Soul also looked around, and there were many figures around them, each with a strong aura, and the lowest strength was also the third floor of the foundation building, and the powerhouses of the fifth floor of the foundation building.

"It seems that the Xiao family has already acted, and the speed is really fast." Jun Mo asked coldly.

Ye Chen raised his mouth slightly, and said with a cold smile: "Then let them have no return."

"Kill!" The battle soul yelled directly, and a terrifying killing aura broke out all over his body. A battle axe smashed towards a base-building third floor, and the violent power directly split the opponent in half.

"Kill!" Those people also yelled, rushing towards the Ye Chen trio with a bitter intent to kill.

"Don't leave one!" Ye Chen roared, full of sword aura, rushing like a huge wave, "To kill the world!"

Ye Chen waved his sword and swept out, the sword light was overwhelming, killing, destruction, fierce, and gentle aura swept out, making people seem to have entered such a terrifying world.

puff! puff!

With one sword, the world will be slaughtered!

The four base building realm third floor was wiped out with a sword, and their bodies were cut in two.

At this time, a powerful breath rushed toward Ye Chen, and a man from the fifth floor of the Foundation Realm came with a bitterly murderous intent, and said coldly: "Go and die!"

"Nine God Slashing Techniques!" Ye Chen's eyes were strong in killing intent, and the whole person turned into a sharp sword. The sword light soared to the sky. He swung the nine swords continuously. One sword was more terrifying than the other. At the last sword, Ye Chendu Integrate with the sword, and the human sword becomes one.



Nine swords cut down, and the face of the man on the fifth floor of the foundation realm changed drastically. His attack was devastated and destroyed. The last sword fell on him, almost splitting in half.

Lord Mowen's heart trembled, Ye Chen's kendo was too terrifying, and even the fifth floor of the Foundation Building Realm could not resist it.


Ye Chen's killing intent was soaring, the man and the sword were one, there was a rain of swords wherever he went, it was a world of killing and killing, and no one could stop Ye Chen's footsteps.

"what… "

The screams kept coming, and only four or five people were left who besieged them just now, all of them pale in fright and dare not make any more moves.


The battle spirit rushed out, the battle axe was bitter, and the four or five people were all wiped out in an instant.

"There is one more living." Zhanhun said coldly.

Ye Chen looked at the fifth-floor base-building man who had been cut in half by him just now and was still alive, and said coldly: "Since the Xiao family can't afford to lose, why bother to start?"

"You... You are against the Xiao family, you will not end well..." the man said with difficulty.

"At least, you can't see it anymore." Ye Chen waved his sword mercilessly and sealed his throat with a sword. The sharp edge in Ye Chen's eyes flickered: "Xiao Family, I will make you pay the price."