Six Realms of Gods

Chapter 304: Life Sacrifice


Soul Eater, can swallow the soul, has a restraining effect on the soul, and has a great benefit to the elixir.

"In that case, this Soul Eater can't help but help me in my cultivation, and can it also devour other people's souls?" Ye Chen thought for a moment.

The old soul said: "Yes, the soul absorbed by the Soul Eater flower will be stored in the flower."

"That is to say, the soul absorbed by the Soul Eater flower is stored in the flower, and then it can be absorbed by me to enhance the power of the soul." Ye Chen's thoughts gradually became clear.

Old Soul also seemed to understand Ye Chen's thoughts, and said with a smile: "You are right."

Ye Chen nodded slightly and said, "How do I pick him?"

Such flowers cannot be picked casually. If you are not careful, you may absorb all the soul.

"As long as the soul does not touch it, it will not be a threat to you," said the old man.

"So that's it." Ye Chen nodded, and directly cut the ice cube with a sword, carefully removed the Soul Eater flower from the root, and put it in a wooden box and put it in a wooden box.

The entire hall was searched by Ye Chen and War Soul. After nothing else was discovered, the two people left the palace.

This ancient site is too large, and Ye Chen and the battle soul appear incomparably small in it. At this moment, Baili Zilong, Yan Dan and others are shuttled among the ice-covered world, heading towards the main hall of Xuedian.

"There are other people in here?" Baili Zilong frowned and stopped.

Yan Dan immediately sensed the surroundings, frowning, looking from a distance, his eyes condensed slightly, and said, "Dongfang Bai!"

"Prince Yan Dan?" In the distance, Dongfang Bai was equally shocked.

"Dongfang Bai, why are you here?" Yan Dan asked.

Dongfang Bai glanced at the other people around Yan Dan, each with purple hair and purple pupils, which were very different from the Human Race. He was puzzled and said: "We came to look for Thousand-Year Fire Ganoderma, but we came here after encountering an avalanche. "

"No wonder there is no one in the snowy area!" Yan Dan groaned.

"Why did the prince come here?" Dongfang Bai looked at Baili Zilong and the others, and then asked.

"Naturally come to find the treasure, if you are with us, then act together, if you want to act alone, I won't stop it." Yan Dan said lightly.

Dongfang Bai looked at Yan Dan and Baili Zilong with doubts, and said in his heart: "How do they know that the Snow Palace is here? Do they know that the powerful treasures in it are not?"

Dongfang Bai looked at Yan Dan and said, "Since we have met, let's go with the prince."

Yan Dan said, "Well, if there are treasures, whoever gets them will be the one who owns them, but there are some treasures that you can't get."

Dongfang Bai's eyes sank and said, "What can't be taken?"

"You'll know when the time comes." Yan Dan was somewhat indifferent.

Dongfang Bai felt a little displeased, but Yan Dan and Baili Zilong were very strong. If they really fought, he would suffer a lot.

Dongfang Bai followed Yan Dan all the way, and said as he walked: "The soul of war and the person who killed my brother may also be here! There are also Tianlongmen Lou Jianyun and Feng Tianjiao."

"So many people?" Baili Zilong's face sank.

Yan Dan said, "Lou Jianyun and Feng Tianjiao don't have to worry about it, but if the battle spirit sees them, they must kill them!"

"Snow Hall!" Ye Chen and the battle soul came to a huge hall. This hall was completely frozen, and the entrance was sealed by ice. Through the ice layer, you can see that there are two plaques on the front entrance of the temple. Big characters.

"This should be the center of this site?" Fighting Soul looked around, and it seemed that this site was the largest in the entire site.

"Everything is frozen in ice, and the palace is so well preserved, this palace is definitely not simple." Ye Chen muttered to himself, and then slashed with a sword, and the sword light smashed into the ice.


The ice layer shattered, and a sword light was cut out. Ye Chen swung his sword continuously again, breaking all the ice at the main entrance of the Snow Palace.

Ye Chen came to the gate, blasted a punch, and a loud bang came. The terrifying force shook the gate of Xuedian violently, cracking open.

Ye Chen gave another punch, and the door of the Snow Palace was shattering. Under the perennial ice, everything became very brittle and could not stop Ye Chen's fist.


At the moment when the door of the Snow Palace was opened, an icy breath rushed out of the hall, like beasts. Both Ye Chen and Zhanhun backed out. After the icy breath passed, the whole There is a layer of frost on people.

Ye Chen and the battle spirit walked into the snow hall cautiously. The inside was icy cold, several times colder than the outside. Ye Chen and the battle spirit both urged spiritual power to keep out the cold, otherwise the blood in the body would have solidified.

The two of them walked inward along the passage of the hall, feeling a cold breath, which looked extremely strange.

Ye Chen became extra careful. After the two passed through a passage, they came to a courtyard. The courtyard was extended in all directions, and there were many passages to go out.

"Let's not separate. Let's explore one of the passages first." Ye Chen said, and when he found it, he looked for a passage closer to him and walked in.

There were some stone chambers on both sides of the passage. The doors of the stone chambers were closed, and the gaps were sealed by ice. Ye Chen blasted the first stone door open, and there was a person sitting cross-legged inside.

This person is not frozen, but has no breath, because in this extremely cold temperature, the body has not been rotted.

This person's expression was very calm, as if he died so secretly that he was not killed by someone.

Ye Chen observed carefully and found no wounds. Then how did this person die? Is it an internal injury

Ye Chen tore the other party's clothes apart and found no traces. There was no physical damage. Even if he died from internal injuries, it was impossible to have no trauma. This was unreasonable.

When Ye Chen saw that the other party's Universe Bag was still there, he opened it and saw that there was nothing in it, and it didn't look like it had been taken away. In short, there was nothing left except some spirit crystals.

Ye Chen left the stone room and opened another stone room. There was also a corpse sitting in the stone room. The condition of this corpse was the same as that of the previous corpse.

"How could this be?" Ye Chen became more and more puzzled. These people seemed to be sitting here, and didn't want to be killed.

War Soul was also puzzled, and said: "Look at the situation in other stone chambers. It's weird here. It's impossible for these people to commit suicide collectively."

Ye Chen came to the third stone room. After opening it, the situation inside was the same. Then Ye Chen opened the fourth and fifth stone room, and it was the same.

"It's strange, how did these people die?" Ye Chen was puzzled. They came to the end of this passage. This was a hall, and there was a person sitting on the throne in the front of the hall.

On both sides of the hall, there were also a few people sitting cross-legged, all of them lost their vitality, and there was no trace of scars on their bodies.

Ye Chen became more and more weird. After searching in the hall, nothing was found. At most, there were some spirit crystals. He didn't even see a weapon.

"Look at other channels. If the situation is the same, then there is only one possibility. They were not killed because of the destruction, but because of another hidden story." Ye Chen said.

"These people are definitely not ordinary people in front of them, and they can all die unknowingly like this, unless they are the top existence in the world." said the soul.

Ye Chen came to another passage. The structure of this passage was the same as the previous passage. Ye Chen opened all the stone gates, and inside each stone gate was a person sitting, dead without a trace.

There are a total of eight passages, each of which has eight stone gates and eight people sitting. At the end of the passage is a hall, and the situation in every hall is the same.

Ye Chen returned to the center of the courtyard, looked around all the passages, and said, "Old Soul, what do you think?"

"I think the layout of this hall is unusual, all corresponding to eight, which seems to be related to gossip!" Old Soul frowned slightly.

Ye Chen said: "If it's gossip, then maybe this is a formation, and these people are not accidental, but for some purpose?"

"It's very possible? They seem to die voluntarily, willingly sacrifice their lives? This has a feeling similar to life sacrifice!" said the old man.

"What is life sacrifice?" Ye Chen heard it for the first time.

The old soul said: "Life sacrifice is to sacrifice one's own life to inspire a certain kind of powerful power. This kind of power may be a formation or increase the power of a certain individual. In short, this is a taboo. , But the price is too high, so no one will use it unless it is a last resort."

"Furthermore, to use such a method, everyone must be united, willingly sacrifice themselves, and use their lives to turn them into a force of will, so that they can gain powerful strength."

Ye Chen seemed to understand but not understand, but he also understood it roughly. This is considered a taboo method, and he would not do it as a last resort.

"That is to say, it is very possible that Xuedian used the means of life sacrifice in order to repel the enemy?" Ye Chen seemed to realize it suddenly, but he became more and more puzzled, "If it was to repel the enemy, he did this This sacrifice is too great and worthless."

"This may have other purposes." Old Soul groaned.

Ye Chen's eyes lit up and said, "There must be other purposes. If it weren't for some reason, it would be impossible to repel the enemy at such a high price!"

"Under normal circumstances, it is to protect something, maybe the same is true for Xuedian." The old soul is not sure, but in the ancient times, some sects had big secrets that could not be present in the world. I would rather the entire sect be destroyed. Also protect it.

Moreover, during the Great Destruction, the Demon Realm, the Demon Realm, the Underworld, and the Human Realm are fighting, and it is absolutely impossible for the other three realms to take away some of the most treasures belonging to the human realm!