Six Realms of Gods

Chapter 314: Everything has rules


The two left the mountain, and Ye Chen took Yaoxi across the North Yanshan River, from north to east, traversing thousands of miles of mountains and rivers to see the prosperity of the world!

In a flash, half a month passed. Ye Chen returned to an isolated city. After explaining some things, he left with Yaoxi again and came to Yacheng.

Yacheng is close to the border between the West and Qin Dynasty. It is considered the border between the two countries, but there is no war here, because there is a city on the border between the two countries, and there is frequent trade. If a war is launched here, it will not benefit the two countries' economic trade.

Entering the city, it was already dead. It was very late in the evening, and the setting sun passed through the clouds, reflecting a burning cloud.

"Beiyan, we have already traveled all over, and after this city is Xiqin." Ye Chen said lightly.

Yao Xi had a lot of emotions over the past half month. In today's world, she can no longer see the shadow of the Great Destruction. Everything has changed, and it is no longer the world she is familiar with.

"There used to be a lot of sects in the west of the Eastern Region. Some sects were extremely powerful, but now they are completely turned into dust." Yaoxi sighed slightly.

Ye Chen smiled slightly and said: "The past, let it pass, now is a new beginning."

Yaoxi didn't say a word. It was impossible to forget the memory of the past. The impression was too deep, and now she must start again, hiding everything from the past deep in her heart.

"Blind your dog's eyes, do you know how much the treasure this uncle bought is worth?" There was a sudden insult on the street, and many people looked at it.

Someone surrounded him. In the crowd, a twelve or three-year-old boy who was dirty and looked like a beggar flushed. In front of him, a middle-aged man pointed at the boy and cursed.

"Uncle, my baby was smashed by you as soon as I bought it. Are you looking for death?" The middle-aged man didn't hit a spot. A broken vase on the ground was bought by him today with a lot of money. It's broken now, very distressed.

Angrily, he slapped the boy to death, his voice was extremely clear, and his face instantly became red and swollen. There were five fingerprints on both sides, clearly visible.

The young man didn't say a word, but lowered his head. He couldn't see the grievance in his eyes, as if he was numb.

The middle-aged man felt even more angry when he saw that the boy was silent. The boy's expression made him very dissatisfied. He felt so embarrassed that he kicked the boy again and kicked the boy into the air.

The boy coughed up blood, clutching his stomach, clenching his teeth tightly because of the pain, and still remained silent.

Most of the people watching the excitement on the sidelines are sitting on the sidelines.

But some people still think that the middle-aged man is a bit too much. Some people start to say: "It's almost enough. Is it interesting to compete with a child?"

The middle-aged man stared and said: "He smashed the baby I just bought. Do you know how much it is worth? You say it lightly. If it is you, you may be more ruthless than me."

"Now you hit him and your vase can be repaired? You hit and beat, scolded and scolded, a child, so thin, how many times can he stand you?" the man snorted coldly.

"This is my business, what does it have to do with you?" The middle-aged man snorted coldly, walked towards the young man, and was about to kick up again.

But this kick just didn't go down, instead the whole person flew backwards.

The middle-aged man was furious and shouted: "Is that bastard attacking the uncle?"

"What's the matter with me?" Ye Chen stood up and walked in front of the boy. The boy looked up at Ye Chen, and there was still no change in his eyes.

The middle-aged man stared at Ye Chen coldly with a sullen face, and shouted, "Who are you? Dare to take care of this uncle."

"A passerby, I can't understand it." Ye Chen said indifferently: "Do you feel honored if you bully a child?"

"He ruined my things, I have to punish him, is it wrong?" The middle-aged man said confidently.

Ye Chen glanced at the broken vase fragments on the ground, and said, "How much is your vase?"

"A thousand taels of silver!" The middle-aged man hummed, "Are you going to pay this money for him?"

"He ruined your things, just lose money to you." Ye Chen waved his hand and a piece of Chi Jing appeared and said, "Do you know what this is?"

"Chi Jing!" The middle-aged man is also in the Qi training realm, he is naturally knowledgeable and his eyes light up.

"Silver is not worth any money in my eyes. A piece of Chi Jing is enough to be worth a thousand taels of silver." Ye Chen threw Chi Jing to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was busy catching it, and nodded, "Forget it, next time I meet that kid, I will never forgive him."

"Your business is over, and his business is not over yet." Ye Chen said indifferently: "Everything has rules. He ruins your things and loses money. But now that the money is lost, what happened to you hitting him? Count?"

The middle-aged man's face changed and he was a little panicked. Ye Chen said, "Since the damage is paid at the price, did you beat someone? Do you have to beat him back as well? This is the real settlement?"

"Yeah, now that someone has accompanied you with the money, you should pay back the few hits you just hit the child." The person who spoke for the young man immediately said.

"Yes, it makes sense."

"Everything has a rule, one report pays one return." Many people in the room discussed and nodded their heads.

The middle-aged man's face changed drastically, and he gritted his teeth and said: "A humble thing, hit it and hit it, what else can it do? Who will live and die in a beggar's life."

"A beggar is not a human? Isn't the life of a beggar a life?" Ye Chen snorted coldly, "You are great, so he is humble, so now?"

Ye Chen said, kicking out, kicking the middle-aged man several feet away, and directly spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Are you also a humble thing now? I hit you, what can you do? Who cares about the life of a humble man?" Ye Chen walked to the middle-aged man and stared at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man's face was extremely ugly, and even more horrified. He was vulnerable to a blow in front of Ye Chen and quickly knelt down and said: "The hero is forgiving, the villain will never dare anymore."

Ye Chen ignored the middle-aged man, but looked at the boy and said, "Little brother, come here."

After hearing this, the young man walked over, and Ye Chen said, "How did he beat you just now, how do you beat you back now, feel relieved, don't be afraid!"

The young man glanced at Ye Chen, and then walked to the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man's expression changed. The young master waved his hand and slapped the middle-aged man's face.

This slap was also very crisp, everyone heard it, and they all looked at the young man in a bit of astonishment.

There was a ruthless look in the young man's eyes, and he slapped back again, and a clear voice came again. The strength of the young man was not strong enough, but the face of the middle-aged man was flushed.

After the young man slapped twice, he kicked it again, and the middle-aged man fell backwards, his face was already ugly.

After the boy finished the fight, he stopped and stopped doing it.

Ye Chen looked at the young man, feeling a little stunned, then stared at the middle-aged man and said, "Get out of here!"

Although the middle-aged man felt aggrieved, he could only swallow his anger in front of Ye Chen and ran away with his tail in his hands.

"What's your name?" Ye Chen asked while looking at the boy.

The boy said: "My name is Cang Jian."

Ye Chen was taken aback and said, "Who will get your name?"

A beggar, who had such a name, had to surprise Ye Chen.

The young man took out a small pendant hidden in his chest and said, "It is the two characters engraved on it. The old man said, these two characters read Cangjian, so I called Cangjian."

Ye Chen looked at the pendant, and there was indeed the word "Cangjian" on it. Cangjian said, "I am an orphan, and some old beggar grandpa raised me. The beggar grandpa who knows a few words told me, this Two words read Cangjian, so I am called Cangjian."

"Cangjian, good name." Ye Chen nodded.

"This child has a good foundation, and can tolerate it, but also ruthless, and more importantly, strong enough and good perseverance. If he cultivates, he will definitely be able to achieve something in the future." The old man praised Cang Jian extremely.

Ye Chen also nodded. The child's perseverance was indeed good, and he was very suitable for cultivation.

"Do you want to become stronger?" Ye Chen asked.

A bright light flashed in Cangjian's eyes, and he immediately knelt down, and said, "Prayer, give me spells. I want to be strong. I don't want to be a beggar for the rest of my life."

Ye Chen's heart trembled, and the old soul was also amazed, "This child is flexible enough."

"Hero, accept me as a disciple." Cang Jian looked up at Ye Chen, his eyes full of expectation.

Ye Chen looked at Cang Jian deeply and was silent for a moment. Yao Xi on the side said indifferently: "Look at him so pitiful, just give him a chance. Whether he can change his destiny depends on his own good fortune."

Ye Chen nodded, and said inwardly: "Master, I have added blood to Body Refining Sect."

"Well, I can teach your cultivation method, but you have to promise me a few conditions." Ye Chen said solemnly.

Cang Jian nodded heavily and looked at Ye Chen sincerely, "I agree."

"Okay, let's talk in another place." Ye Chen nodded, and then left Yacheng with the Cang sword, and flew to the top of a mountain with the Cang sword.

"This is the legendary cultivator who can do everything from heaven to earth!" The Cangjian was taken by Ye Chen to fly just now, and he was full of longing for cultivating immortals.

Ye Chen said solemnly: "First of all, I want to tell you that I can teach you the method of cultivating immortals, but you must be a teacher and abide by the rules of the teacher. If you violate it, you will not be punished."

"Yes." Cang Jian bowed down.

"Your master is not me. I am accepting apprentices on behalf of my teacher. I am considered your senior brother." Ye Chen said, "My clan name is Refining Body Sect. ."

When Cang Jian heard this, his eyes were even more expectant.

"Remember, outside, you must not say that you are a disciple of the Body Refining Sect. This is the first point. Second, you must not bully the weak. Third, you must not do things that humiliate your master. Fourth, you must do the right way!"

Ye Chen said solemnly: "You must do all of these five points. If you offend him in the future, I can also punish you on behalf of the teacher. Do you understand?"