Six Realms of Gods

Chapter 40: go away


" did your injury get better so fast..." Ye Chen felt disappointed in his heart, not knowing what to say, feeling that he had broken his promise, and stopped talking.

Liu Piaoxue was taken aback, then rolled her eyes and said, "Don't you want me to be well?"

"No..." Ye Chen glanced at Liu Piaoxue, then sighed and said lightly: "Miss Liu, take a good rest, I...I'm going to work..."

Ye Chen left the room, as if not daring to face Liu Piaoxue.

Liu Piaoxue sighed, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart.

"I left to help you." Liu Piaoxue sighed finally, looking a little helpless.

After Ye Chen left Liu Piaoxue's room, he walked on the road in a dull manner, and there was an indescribable loss in his heart.

"What does she have to do with me? Why should I be lost? I might even kill her companions. I'll be fine if I leave..." Ye Chen said to herself, "Is it really okay to leave?"

Ye Chen shook his head, trying not to think about it as much as possible. He walked out on the street and inspected the Zhao-Wu family's properties after the rectification. That was the case all morning.

Ye Chen returned to his room, locked himself in the room and started practicing.

Ye Chen sat cross-legged in the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams diagram, but he still couldn't settle down to practice. In the end, he gave up the practice and walked to the window and stared out in a daze.

In the evening, Longcheng Qianjia.

"According to the news, the second uncle and the seven elites of the sixth level of Qi training all died in Longyang Town." In the Qianjia lobby, Qian Tianya said to Qian Tian strangely in shock.

"How is this possible? The second uncle is at the eighth level of qi training. Does the Ye family have an eighth level of qi training? Even so, he may not be the second uncle's opponent, right?" Qiantian Qiuman was incredulous.

"In this way, the Ye family is not as simple as we thought. It is really wise for us to send the second uncle in the past." Qiantianmo didn't feel a trace of discomfort, but instead sneered with a pleasant sneer.

"Second Uncle has been watching the position of the Patriarch of the Qian Family for a long time. I didn't expect that this time I would borrow a knife to kill someone." Qian Tianya also sneered, but it was still unbelievable that Ye Family could kill Qian Wuhen.

"It seems that the Ye Family is not easy to deal with. Now send someone to investigate the details of the Ye Family before making any plans. In short, the Ye Family must be removed." Qian Tianmo's smile disappeared, replaced by a cold look.

At night, the bright moon was in the sky, and that day was the day of the full moon. Ye Chen sat alone in his yard drinking wine, facing the shadows of three people.

"Will it be too boring to drink alone?" Liu Piaoxue walked in a long white dress, and was even more charming against the moonlight.

Ye Chen drank some wine, looked at Liu Piaoxue, he was a little drunk, and then smiled and said: "Miss Liu has just recovered from her severe injury, so don't drink to avoid injury."

Liu Piaoxue sat down and smiled faintly: "We are all cultivators. How can we hurt our bodies so easily? Drinking a little alcohol won't get in the way at all."

Ye Chen smiled, poured a glass of wine to Liu Piaoxue, and then raised the glass with a smile: "Maybe we won't meet again after tonight, I will do it first."

Liu Piaoxue stopped Ye Chen and said, "You saved me. I should do it first."

After speaking, Liu Piaoxue drank a glass of wine in a good mood.

When Ye Chen saw it, he smiled and drank a drink happily.

"It's said that there are a thousand cups of wine for every confidant. How about if you are not drunk today?" Liu Piaoxue smiled chicly, and then both herself and Ye Chen poured a glass of wine.

"Since Miss Liu is so elegant, she won't be drunk tonight." Ye Chen laughed.

"Come on, a toast." Liu Piaoxue smiled and clinked glasses with Ye Chen. The two of them looked at each other and smiled, and they all drank.

Afterwards, the two talked freely and drank until late at night.

Ye Chen was overwhelmed by alcohol and had already poured on the table, but Liu Piaoxue was still sober, with a blush on his cheeks, which was even more charming.

Liu Piaoxue looked at Ye Chen, who was lying on the table and unconsciously drunk, sighed softly, and left after sitting in the yard for a long time.

Ye Chen didn't know how long he had slept. When he woke up, there was a blanket on his body. It was already dawn and Liu Piaoxue was nowhere to be seen.

"Miss Liu..." Ye Chen remembered that Liu Piaoxue was about to leave today. He immediately woke up and rushed to Liu Piaoxue's room.

Entering Liu Piaoxue's room, the room was empty, only maid Hongxi was cleaning up.

"Second Young Master..." Hong Xi shouted.

"Miss Liu is gone?" Ye Chen was startled.

"Miss Liu left early in the morning, I thought he had told you..." Hong Xi felt that he had made a mistake and lowered his head.

Ye Chen waved his hand and motioned for Hongxi to leave. Hongxi exited the room. Ye Chen sat on Liu Piaoxue’s bed, stroking the bed that Liu Piaoxue had slept on, and the quilt covered, as if there were still on the quilt. There is a faint fragrance of willow snow on the body.

After a long time, Ye Chen woke up, took a deep breath, and said to himself: "Maybe I won't see each other again..."

Ye Chen laughed self-deprecatingly, thinking that he was amorous, it was his wishful thinking.

Ye Chen walked out of Liu Piaoxue's room, put aside those children's personal love, thinking about how to get rid of the current crisis.

Ye Chen returned to his room, sat on the bed and began to practice. He sank, absorbing the spiritual energy frantically, as if it was a kind of vent.

He practiced till the evening, cultivating in crazy mode all day.

In this kind of practice, Ye Chen successfully entered the fourth-level peak of the Qi-training realm, only one step away from the fifth-level of the Qi-training realm.

Ye Chen let out a turbid breath and muttered to himself: "My realm has been improved, and my spiritual power must also be improved."

Ye Chen's mental power itself was extremely powerful, otherwise it would not be possible to control several flying swords in such a realm.

To control a multi-handled flying sword, not only a strong spiritual power is required, but also an extremely strong spiritual power. Only when the spiritual power is strong, can you achieve multi-tasking and exert powerful power when controlling.

Ye Chen had strong mental power since he was a child, but he knew that mental power also needed to be strengthened. He has seen from books that powerful mental power can be turned into a substantive attack, which can destroy his soul and kill people invisible.

Ye Chen walked into the yard, slapped the Universe Bag, and the five flying swords flew out, trembling in the air.

Ye Chen's spiritual power surged, urging the five flying swords to kill, and the five flying swords moved towards different places, and when they were about to touch an object, they suddenly stopped.


The five flying swords fell on the ground, Ye Chen was sweating profusely. At this moment, the spiritual power and spiritual power he consumed were so great that it was impossible to continue for the second time.

"Spiritual power can make up, but once the mental power is consumed, it can't be made up in an instant. You can only practice more to make the spiritual power stronger." Ye Chen said to himself.