Six Realms of Gods

Chapter 62: Refining the old


Ye Chen is also full of black lines, but this old man is also pleasing to the eye, at least when everyone denies him, the old man is sure.

"Okay, it's rare to be happy today, I invite seniors to drink." Ye Chen laughed refreshingly.

An old and a young walked out of the fighting arena in this way. Many people saw the old man talking and laughing next to Ye Chen, thinking that the two were very familiar.

"I said, how could that old guy escort Ye Chen, because the two of them have known each other a long time ago?"

"I knew that the kid was with the old guy, so I took Ye Chen with me. It's really unlucky. What kind of grandpa is just shit! Bah!"

Many people walked out of the fighting arena with a frustrated expression. They had already lost penniless and couldn't wait any longer.

Ye Chen and the old man went to a restaurant closer to the fighting field, which belonged to the Yang family.

"Little Er, bring me two roast chickens, two catties of beef, and two jars of your best wine here." The old man yelled before he took his seat.

Seeing the dirty old man, the second person in the restaurant was very disgusted and said, "Where do the beggars come here to eat and drink?"

"Why are the low-ranking guys everywhere these days?" The old man was not happy, and hummed, "Seeing that, he just defeated a thousand princes in the fighting arena and won a shop, and some are money! "

Xiao Er looked at Ye Chen with a look of disbelief. Ye Chen threw a piece of Chi Jing directly and said, "Hurry up and serve the food and drink according to the old predecessor's intention."

"Hao Le." No matter where you go, the rich is the uncle, and Xiao Er immediately changed his face and smiled to prepare.

"It's really a dog's eyes that look down on people." The old man snorted and sat down.

"I don't know what the elders are called yet." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"You can tell me to train the old." The old man said casually.

"Old Lian, I don't think you are ordinary, you also have Chi Jing, why do you dress like this?" Ye Chen asked curiously.

"This clothes is just a piece of decoration. Why spend so much time on this? Isn't it a waste of time?" Lian Lao shook the linen clothes on his body, Ye Chen could feel the mud falling.

Ye Chen couldn't see the aura on Lian Lao's body at all. If it was lower than him, Ye Chen would definitely be able to find it, if it was higher, Ye Chen would hardly be able to reach it.

But Ye Chen completely believed that Lian Lao was definitely not an ordinary person.

After a while, the food and wine were all served, and Lian Lao directly picked up a roasted chicken pit, regardless of how it was eaten.

"Well, it tastes okay." After taking a bite, Old Lian nodded in satisfaction, and arrived at a bowl of wine and said, "Come on, do one."

Ye Chen and Lao Lian had a toast, and Lao Lian ate again, completely ignoring Ye Chen, as if a starving ghost was reborn.

Ye Chen didn't make any fuss. He drank two sips of wine and ate a piece of beef. The rest was basically eaten by the old man.

Lao Lian burped a full burp and touched his chubby belly with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Boy, I think your physical strength is good, have you tempered your body?" Lian Lao stared at Ye Chen.

At this moment, Ye Chen clearly felt that Lian Lao's eyes were unusual. It was not that casual, but a flash of light.

Ye Chen nodded slightly and said, "There has been a body quenching for a while."

Lian Lao didn't say a word, grabbed Ye Chen's arm with oily hands and squeezed it, then looked at Ye Chen's skin again, his eyes flashed with more fiery essence.

"How did you temper your body?" Lian Lao stared at Ye Chen in surprise.

"I use medicinal liquid to temper my body..." Ye Chen certainly wouldn't tell the truth. Even though I had a good impression when meeting for the first time, it was not enough.

"Can body quenching with liquid medicine achieve such an effect?" Lian Lao glanced at Ye Chen, knowing that Ye Chen would not tell him the truth thoroughly.

"What kind of liquid medicine did you use?" Lian Lao seemed unwilling to give up.

"This...this is inconvenient to say." Ye Chen smiled embarrassedly.

Although Lao Lian has a personality, he is not a fool. He naturally understood Ye Chen's meaning and nodded slightly, as if thinking about something.

"Why does Lao Lian ask about this? Does the senior have any research on body tempering?" Ye Chen felt a little strange, and asked back.

Lao Lian took a sip of wine and laughed, "Where do I have any research? Just now I saw that you were strong in the battle with Qian Yunfan, so I was a little curious."

"Does the ghost believe it?" Ye Chen snorted in his heart, but said with a smile on his face: "Lian is always from Longcheng?"

"No, I am home from all corners of the world, and wherever I go, I just stayed for a few days just passing by the Dragon City." Lian Lao said casually.

Ye Chen didn't see Lao Lian as if he was lying, and he could see that Lao Lian was unwilling to reveal his identity, so he stopped asking.

The old and the young drank a jar of wine, and before leaving, asked the child to fill up his wine gourd.

"It's getting late, you can go back." After Lian Lao walked out of the restaurant, he waved his hand and walked away.

Ye Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head, really a weird person.

Ye Chen returned to the Huitou Ke Inn and placed the notes he and Qian Yunfan had set up in the arena in front of Ye Fen. Ye Fen's eyes widened and looked at it for a long time before he came back to his senses.

"This...Will the thousand families agree?" Ye Fen said with a look of disbelief, full of astonishment.

"Thousands have to agree if they disagree. The Fighting Arena is managed by the Xia Family. It is definitely not good for the Qians. As long as the Fighting Arena stands up, it is impossible for the Qians to repay the debt." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"However, even if a thousand stores give us a store, I am afraid it will be the worst." Ye Fen shook his head.

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Even if it is the worst, it is better than nothing. As long as there is a place to stand, then there is a chance to survive. I said before that if we do business on the territory of Qianjia, I don’t know what Qianjia is. What do you think."

"Young Master is really amazing!" A Ye family's family member was full of admiration.

"Your grandfather has a letter today. Your second uncle has already won two small towns. My Ye family has grown a lot. In addition, your grandfather may come to Longcheng himself to sit in the town in a few days." Ye Fen said.

"Grandpa is coming to Dragon City?" Ye Chen was a little surprised.

"He knows about your attack, he is a little worried, so he has to come in person." Ye Fen said.

"We can handle it here. Grandpa should hurry up and improve his strength now." Ye Chen disagreed.

"I also know, but your grandpa is determined to come." Ye Fen said helplessly.

Ye Chen sighed and said, "Since Grandpa is coming, our strategy must be changed. We can't be so passive, but take the initiative to attack and occupy part of the Qianjia's territory."

When Ye Chen's words came out, Ye Fen was shocked and stood up from his chair.