
Chapter 1628: Finale (2)



Three months later.

Dong Xiaoyu officially authorized Ding Muchen to build the Yueheng-themed InterContinental Hotel.

The following year, 12 Beichen InterContinental hotels opened in major cities across the country. Just as originally agreed, all Beichen Group's office equipment reached cooperation with GGS.

One year later, Su Xiran was promoted to Vice President of GGS Asia.




I gently pushed open the small courtyard door. When I stepped on the stone road, I heard the sound of knocking at the courtyard door. A figure was repairing the wooden fence. He turned around and stood up. Under the light of the spirit stone, a handsome face appeared. With a smile: "Brother Xi, you are here, little Hehua, prepare dinner and the chessboard. Brother Xi and I are going to have a good game!"

I nodded and smiled and entered the hall with him.

The chessboard is laid out, and you come and I go.

"Brother Xi, why do you come here every day recently? If you come again... my rice won't be able to keep up." He said angrily.

"I... Do I come here every day?" I laughed.

"Yes, as the Dragon Whisperer of this generation, you were supposed to guard the Northern Territory, and you should pay more attention to the Dragon Territory anyway, but you come to me every day to eat and drink, ah!"


I laughed out loud, but as I smiled, tears fell down my face: "Fusu, it's not that I want to take advantage of the meal, but... my brother misses you... "

He looked startled: "Brother Xi, although I don't know what happened, maybe in the real world, I am no longer here? But... I think it's good to live here. Although I can't get out, I can I am content with being with her every day and seeing you coming to the door."

At this time, Xi Youhehua came over with a glass of mellow wine and asked with a smile: "Brother, it's not easy for you to come here. Please stop nagging. Besides, eldest brother brings things every time. Last time he brought wild animals." Pork, last time I brought a silly roe deer, maybe next time... Hey, brother, where is your dragon?"

In an instant, in the mount space, Huo Lilong, who had already generated intelligence, experienced a wave of emotions and said in a deep voice: "I refuse!"


I laughed again, and while laughing, tears fell down.


Half a year later, London, England.

The smell of fireworks is strong in the kitchen of a Chinese restaurant.


The banging sound of the wok and the spatula echoed in my ears. While I was cooking, I asked the chef beside me: "Uncle Li, there should be nothing wrong with my twice-cooked pork, right?"

"You have to taste it to know. However, several of the customers yesterday praised your twice-cooked pork for being delicious. Why, have you only fried twice-cooked pork in the past two days?"

"I can't help it, Tang Yun loves to eat!"

"Hahaha, she should be out of school soon, right?"

"Well, I said I would bring my classmates over to support me."

He immediately gave me a thumbs up: "Young man has a bright future! Not only does he love his girlfriend, but he is also so virtuous!"

"Damn, are Xian Hui praising me?"


"Depend on!"



In the game, there is a copy of Sky Realm.

Lin Che threw the talisman and said, "Brother Xi, how are you doing in England?"

"Eat well and sleep well, right?"

What's wrong! "

"Oh, that's good. By the way, a big case happened in Xiangcheng District a few days ago. It is said that an internationally wanted criminal was arrested. It was the French mercenary Baptiste who was involved in dangerous drug trafficking and was taken away by our colleagues. Down!"

"Is this the case?"

I was shocked: "You promised me, the protagonist, to kill him? Damn it!"

In the team, Ling Yi said lazily: "The day lilies will be cold if I wait for you."

Tang Yun smiled and said: "Brother Xi, where will you take me to play tomorrow weekend?"

"Shall I take you to try the Buddha Jumping Over the Wall I made?"

"Goodbye, you almost made me vomit last time..."

"Don't worry, I have improved the ingredients and formula this time. It is absolutely delicious. If it is not delicious, Lin Che will turn into a pig..."

"Damn, it's none of my business!" Lin Che yelled.


Suzhou, Tianxuan Group Studio.


Downstairs, there was the sound of parking. Xu Jiacheng stood upstairs and looked around: "Boss, boss, there are several cars parked downstairs."

"Excuse me, does Ding Muchen live here?" a man shouted from downstairs.

"here I am."

I walked out of the kitchen: "What's going on?"

"Our eldest lady wants to see you."


I put on an apron and carried a shovel and walked downstairs, but I saw the door of a luxury car in the middle opened, and then a pair of snowy legs walked down in high heels. She was wearing a white suit, elegant and elegant, with long hair. Like a waterfall, her beautiful face with a faint smile, surrounded by a group of people, just looked at me.

"What, don't you recognize me?" she asked with a smile.

My whole body was petrified: "How can there be such a coincidence in the world that two people can look exactly the same."

"What the same!"

She smiled angrily, stepped forward, tugged on my collar, waved her pink fist, and said with a smile: "Junior brother, if you continue to deny me, senior sister will beat you!"

"Really...really you?"


On the side, a bodyguard smiled and said: "This is the eldest lady of our Ming Group, Mingyuechi. Before Mingyuechi ascended in the game, she had completed the memory fusion and also possessed the memory of Mingyuechi."

"Oh my god, is it really you, senior sister?!"

"Of course!"

She smiled: "Won't you invite me to sit upstairs? Then let me have a taste of your craftsmanship?"

"Let's go upstairs. Whatever senior sister wants to eat, I'll treat you today!"

"Okay, okay~~"


The following year.

Ding Muchen and Dong Xiaoyu came forward to apply for land successfully.

Using a helicopter, Shanyou Fusu and Xiyou Hehua were buried together on the highest peak in Henan, fulfilling Shanyou Fusu's last wish.

[Remarks on finishing the book]

As mentioned in the preface, Yue Heng has been going around for ten years and finally returned to the fourth part. The birth of "Tianxing" can be said to be inevitable, and this is also a game novel created by Ye Zi at the age of 35. How should I put it, as we grow older, some edges and corners are smoothed away, and some things are still taken lightly.

This book of Tianxing is much less violent and less full of revenge. Age is a good thing, it can make people mature and stable, but it is also much less high-spirited.

As for the high-spiritedness of the book "Tianxing", I personally think it lies in the creation of Jinxi Hexi, Shanyou Fusu, Lin Che, Wang Jinhai, Su Xiran and others.

The glory of creation, some things can never come back. The whole process of "Tianxing", with Ding Muchen as the first perspective, laughs at the changes in the game, through the struggle with the Silver Fox, the war with the foreign server, after He fought battles to protect the Dragon Territory again and again, and experienced life and death with Fusu in Shanyou and Hehua in Xi.

It can be said that Ding Muchen is the protagonist of "The Journey of Heaven", but he is not the protagonist. The real protagonist is the mountain with Fusu, the sun with lotus, the god of the north wind, Zhang Wei, and Ding Muchen who witnessed the mountain with Fusu. Separated forever from Xi Youhehua, it was Ding Muchen who witnessed Shanyou Fusu’s undying love until death. It was Ding Muchen who witnessed the personality change of the God of the North Wind. It was Ding Muchen who witnessed Zhang Wei’s transformation from a mediocre player. growth.

It was also Ding Muchen, the only King of Yueheng who thought about committing suicide, the only King who was tortured all over by self-blame. You can say that Ding Muchen is cowardly. He betrayed his will to bend rather than bend at the end, but you also It can be said that Ding Muchen has always been himself, searching for the true meaning of his life in a world of displacement.

Game years, many people have sincere memories that are unforgettable in their lifetime. What games bring to us may be friendship, brotherhood, eternal memory, or love, just like Fusu and Xi on the mountain. There is He Hua's love, although their love is so poignant and despairing.

This "Tian Xing" still follows Yue Heng's settings in terms of system. The settings of the dragon whisperer, human race, and undead have not changed much. Compared with the previous Yue Heng trilogy, " "Tianxing" focuses more on the balance of the competitive system, including the settings of the All-Star Game and the Intercontinental Game. Basically, they pursue balance by confirming the combat power data of attribute bonuses. This is a setting that has not been seen in the previous three games. Therefore, the gold content of Ding Muchen’s cup is naturally far greater than that of my previous games.

Of course, this book also has flaws that cannot be repaired, and that is the emotional setting. Previously, Ye Zi still followed the previous writing method, that is, the writing method of raising a harem, but times have changed, and obviously it can no longer be written like this, and I have to write it myself psychologically. There is also resistance, so the roles of Tang Yun, Su Xiran and others are constantly downplayed, and more words are spent on supporting characters such as Shanyou Fusu.

I can correct my mistakes when I know they are wrong, which can be regarded as one of my strengths in creation. As for the emotional setting, we will see the real chapter in the next book.

Although the game is light, it is also a journey in life.

Don't be addicted to games and take games seriously. This is my attitude.

There is a line written by Fusu before his death. One game and one dream, looking back on the past are all in vain. This is also Ye Zi's idea. When you love a game, cherish this period of time, because once it passes You may not be able to come back. Cherish the things you love and the people around you. The torrent of time will dilute everything and take away us and everything we are familiar with.

Finally, we will never compromise on sin.

Captain D’s final words are also a reflection of his true personality—

I, Ding Muchen, will never enter the Hall of Fame for the rest of my life!

Goodbye Tianxing.

Thank you all for spending two years with Tianxing. This is Tianxing’s honor and my Lost Leaf’s honor. See you in the new book! The new book will be released around December. Ye Zi needs to take a break, take a breath, and prepare the content of the new book! Life is endless, creation is endless! Let us watch the world of games together, thank you to everyone who is accompanying you!

Peach and plum spring breeze, a glass of wine, ten years of rain in the rivers and lakes!

In the long night, life is lonely, but there are many people watching, many people stopping, lighting a lamp, illuminating each other's long life path, let's set off to the next stop together, and go to the next story!

(End of chapter)

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