Slowly Falling For Changkong

Chapter 64: Chapter 64


Xu Lian woke up not long after giving birth. Everyone stayed in the ward and didn't leave, and the child was placed not far from her and was sleeping.

When Xiang Changkong saw Xu Lian open his eyes, he immediately leaned up: "Awake? How are you feeling?"

Xu Lian still didn't regain her senses. After looking around, she remembered that she was in the hospital. She shook her head, her voice a little hoarse: "It's okay, where's the baby?"

"I'm sleeping, I'll hold it for you to see?"

Xu Lian thought about it and said, "Don't disturb her when you're sleeping, I'll see for myself later."

"Okay, so what do you want to eat?"


Xiang Nuan, who had been listening to them, immediately said, "Then shall I go down and buy some porridge?"

Xiang Changkong said, "No, I'll go home and do it myself, very soon."

"You stay here with Xu Lian, I'll go back and cook." Weng Shuli picked up her coat, told them, and went home to cook.

Xiang Changkong held Xu Lian's hand, looked at her and said, "Then you can sleep for a while, and you can eat when you wake up."

"Okay." Xu Lian responded, and quickly fell asleep again in a daze.

When Xiang Changkong woke her up again, Weng Shuli had already prepared the porridge, Xu Lian ate some, looked at the baby, and was driven to sleep by Xiang Changkong again.

In the past few days in the hospital, everyone took good care of her, and her physical fitness was also good, and she recovered quickly.

There is no special entertainment in the hospital. The biggest fun of everyone is to tease the little baby and discuss what name to give her by the way.

The most educated and educated person in the family is Dr. Xiang, so the heavy task of naming him naturally falls on him. Xiang Changkong was also very cautious. After thinking about it for two days, he proposed several plans, but he did not finalize it.

The name is undecided, but there are already a bunch of nicknames. In the past few days, everyone is screaming "baby", "baby", "baby" and "little princess". promise.

After being discharged from the hospital, Xu Lian's mother stayed at their house temporarily to help with the baby. Weng Shuli lives next to her, and naturally she runs here every day, but Xu Lian doesn't care.

Xiang Changkong finally decided on the name of his daughter on the third day after Xu Lian was discharged from the hospital, and called it Xiang Xin—this name was the first name he chose, but it was rejected by everyone at the time, and he went around in circles. I ended up using the name again.

Xiang Changkong himself was very satisfied with the name, because he took out the character for heart from Xu Lian's love character.

After Xiang Nuan learned that the baby's name was named Xiang Xin, he made fun of Xiang Changkong, but after all, it was taken by his father, so the couple would like it.

Child Xiangxin is usually quite well-behaved and doesn't have much time to cry, but at night, she still has to get up often to take care of her.

Xu Lian didn't get up once, and told Changkong that she needed more rest after giving birth to her baby, so he or the two mothers got up in the middle of the night to take care of her.

Xiang Changkong had just coaxed his daughter back that night, and found Xu Lian on the bed staring at the ceiling with his eyes open. He walked by, sat down beside her, bent down and kissed her forehead: "Why, did your daughter wake you up?"

Xu Lian said: "Not when she was crying, I woke up when you got up."

Xiang Changkong smiled and lay down beside her: "I have already coaxed you to fall asleep, so hurry up and sleep too."

"Well..." Xu Lian closed her eyes, and after a while, she wrapped her arms around Xiang Zhangkong's waist and put her head on her chest, "I can't sleep."

Xiang Changkong closed his eyes and smiled, and asked her in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Xu Lian rubbed against his heart: "How do you usually coax your daughter?"

"She was crying because she was hungry or had to change her diaper."

"Oh... Then did she fall asleep after feeding milk powder and changing diapers?"

"Not necessarily, if you can't sleep, tell her a story."

Xu Lian blinked: "Then tell me a story too."

Xiang Changkong finally opened his eyes and turned his head to look at her: "What do you want to hear?"

"Whatever you tell your daughter, I will listen to it."

The smile in Xiang Changkong's eyes flashed, he gently embraced Xu Lian and stroked her back like a child: "Then I'll start talking..."

His voice was good to listen to, but now he deliberately lowered his voice and spoke slowly in the quiet night, which made him even more provocative: "A long, long time ago, a giant dragon suddenly appeared..."

"… brought disaster and took away the princess and disappeared again?"

Xiang Changkong laughed twice, his chest vibrated slightly: "Have you heard this story?"

"Um... change one."

"Then change to Snow White?"

"it is good."

So Xiang Zhangkong's low and magnetic voice sounded in his ears again: "A long, long time ago, there was a king who had a very beautiful daughter whose skin was as white as snow..."

Xu Lian closed his eyes and listened to Xiang Changkong telling himself a story. With his even breathing and heartbeat, drowsiness soon came again. Xiang Zhangkong's voice became lower and lower, and he didn't stop until Xu Lian fell asleep. .

Gently kissed Xu Lian's forehead, he sighed and said, "Go to sleep, my princess."

During the period of recovery, Xu Lian stayed at home all the time. During the day, he was teasing the children and making candles when his hands were itchy.

When I was playing with Xiang Xin in the living room that day, a TV series about family ethics was playing. Like Xu Lian, the heroine had just given birth to a child, but after giving birth, she discovered that her husband had changed.

"It turns out that he always kisses me first when he goes home, and sells everything to me when he buys it. Now that he has a child, he always kisses the child first when he goes home, and he buys everything for the child."

This is the original words of the heroine.

This line caught Xu Lian's attention, she recalled it seriously, and Xiang Changkong didn't seem to have any of these yet. Well, he still performed well.

Yifeiyuan is very busy with work, but Xiang Zhangkong still tries to go home as early as possible to accompany Xu Lian and Xiangxin.

This day, when he came back from get off work, Xiang Xin was already asleep. Children always go to bed earlier. He took a look and went to the room to find Xu Lian.

Xu Lian was lying on the small sofa and applying a mask. When he saw Xiang Changkong coming in, he asked him, "Have you been to see your daughter?"

"Well, I slept soundly." Xiang Changkong said while changing his clothes, "Going to bed so early, I will wake up at night."

"Oh..." Xu Lian replied meaningfully, tore off the mask, and threw it into the trash can next to it. "I watched TV today, and it said that after marriage, my husband only loves children and ignores his wife."

Xiang Changkong paused for a moment while wearing clothes, then turned to look at Xu Lian with a smile: "What do you want to say?"

"It's nothing, I just think that wife is so miserable."

Xiang Changkong walked up to her and squatted down, holding her hand on the sofa: "You worry about me too, only care about Xiang Xin and not you?"

Xu Lian raised her eyebrows, watching him without answering.

Xiang Changkong raised her hand, kissed the back of her hand, and said, "Tomorrow I'm on vacation, let's go out for a walk, it seems that we haven't gone out for a long time."

Xu Lian thought about it for a while, and it was true. Xiang Changkong had been abroad all the time before, and then he was busy getting married and then pregnant again. The last time they went out together, it seemed that Xiang Changkong proposed to her.

"We've all gone out, what about Xiang Xin?"

Xiang Changkong smiled, looked at her and said, "You still said that I only care about Xiang Xin, and that I only have her in my heart, isn't it you?"

"...I don't, I just don't think it's good for us to leave her alone at home." After all, she was still so young.

"It doesn't matter if you have one day, just talk to your mother."

Xu Lian thought for a while and said, "Okay, where are we going then?"

"Wherever you want to go, I'll accompany you." When the two of them were in love, they didn't date many times. After marriage, there may be fewer opportunities.

"Then I'll think about it."

"it is good."

Xu Lian thought about it all night, but couldn't think of any special itinerary, and she was still recovering, so she couldn't play anything exciting, so she finally chose the traditional way of watching movies, eating and shopping.

The two of them were going out for a day, and Weng Shuli didn't say anything. At this time, she told Xu Lian not to eat anything outside.

Before Xu Lian left, she went to feed Xiang Xin once, and after she was full, she quickly fell asleep again.

Today, I am responsible for driving to Changkong, and the destination is Xingguang Department Store.

The movie the two of them decided was an afternoon show, and in the morning, they would go shopping and eat at Starlight Department Store.

Xu Lian really hasn't gone shopping for a long time, and because of her pregnancy, she also wore loose maternity clothes. When she went shopping this time, her enthusiasm for beautiful clothes was ignited, and she tried several pieces in one go.

Xiang Changkong bought all the pieces she tried on. Although Xu Lian was very happy, she felt a little distressed to see him paying. The clothes of Starlight Department Store are not cheap.

After she came out carrying the clothes, she looked at Xiang Changkong who was walking beside her: "You bought me so many clothes all at once, did you embezzle your daughter's milk powder money?"

Xiang Changkong smiled and took her hand, looked at her and said, "Don't worry, you have a lot of clothes and your daughter's milk powder. I can't treat you badly if I don't eat or drink."

"The state doesn't agree if you don't eat or drink. You see the state spends so much money to cultivate you, and you haven't made any contribution. No one can starve you when you are hungry."

Xiang Zhangkong took her hand and didn't speak, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Xu Lian thought about it for a while, and Xiang Changkong really rarely buys things for himself. He seems to have bought this set a long time ago.

"Let's go to the store in front of us."

Xiang Zhangkong looked up and said, "That's men's clothing."

"It's men's clothing, I'll buy it for you."

Xiang Changkong was stunned for a moment, and said, "No need, I don't lack clothes."

Xu Lian still insisted on pulling him forward: "I just want to send you, who cares whether you need it or not."

Xiang Changkong was startled again, then looked at Xu Lian and smiled: "So domineering?"

"Yes, are you afraid of loving me?"

The smile on Xiang Changkong's face became deeper and deeper, he kissed Xu Lian's face, looked at her and said, "It's too late to be afraid now."

This person has been integrated into his bones and blood, and he can no longer part with it.