Small Shop Owner in the 1960s

Chapter 11


It is not easy for Xujia Village to enter the city. There is a mountain in front of the village, and there is a road behind the mountain. When everyone enters the city, they have to climb over the mountain, and then walk on the road while trying their luck to wait for the bus.

You know, there are not many cars going to the city at this time, and they are not very punctual. Most of the time it is luck. In order to be able to get a car, I often set off before dawn. If there is no car, it is also possible to walk to the city.

In order to drive the car, and to prevent the rest of the Xu family from finding out, Xu Nannan got up before Venus was still in the sky, and by the way Xu Xiaoman was also woken from the bed.

The two of them simply got dressed and set off from home without even daring to wash their faces.

The moon has not yet set, and the morning star in the sky is shining brightly.

This was the first time Xu Nannan looked at the sky with such interest and leisure.

Such a sky is hard to see in the 21st century. With the pollution of the environment, the number of stars in the sky became less and less. Xu Nannan didn't know when he started, but he forgot to appreciate the beauty of the sky full of stars.

"Sister, what are you looking at?"

Xu Xiaoman took Xu Nannan's hand and looked around in the darkness with some fear.

Xu Nannan pointed to the sky, "Look, the moon is so beautiful."

"Sister, don't point at the moon, you will cut off your ears." Xu Xiaoman hurriedly took her hand to prevent her from pointing at the moon. "There is a man named Wu Gang up there, and he has an axe. If you point at him, he will cut off our ears."

Xu Nannan didn't expect Xu Xiaoman to know this, and said with a smile, "Where did you hear that?"

"My grandma said that." Xu Xiaoman said.

Xu Nannan was even more surprised that the old lady would be so kind to tell them stories.

Sure enough, Xu Xiaoman looked at the moon in the sky, with a look of nostalgia, "The summer vacation last year, Miss Honghong and the others came back, and our family was outside enjoying the cool air. I told her a story about Wu Gang and Chang'e. My grandma also said that Sister Honghong is prettier than Chang'e."


Xu Nannan suddenly didn't want to look at the moon anymore, so as not to make the child sad, he took out a bag of biscuits from his bag, "Eat something, we have to go over the mountain later."

Xu Xiaoman was no longer surprised that Xu Nannan took out food for her to eat from time to time. She felt that her sister must have hidden it somewhere, so that no one would snatch it away if they found out. She didn't want people to take things away and get beaten, so she didn't ask.

After eating biscuits and drinking yogurt, the two were very satisfied. I feel that this trip is like a spring outing.

The sky was getting brighter, and after the two of them climbed over the mountain, they could already see the road not far away.

Go along this road to the east, which is the direction of the county. Xu Nannan didn't want to wrong himself and save that little money. She exchanged the money with rice noodles and Xu Gensheng. Although it was not much, it was enough for her and Xiaoman to travel to the city and back to the village. Of course, if Xu Jiansheng was found, she wasn't going to spend a penny.

The two sisters walked along the road for about twenty minutes before they heard the sound of the car.

Xu Xiaoman exclaimed in surprise, "Sister, it's a car, a car!" For Xu Xiaoman, who has basically never been out of the village, seeing a car is more exciting than the children seeing an airplane later.

Xu Xiaoman recruited and stopped him, and the car stopped.

Seeing that the two were young, the conductor specifically asked, "So young, what are you going to do in the city?" Of course, he was not worried that the two would get lost, but that the two children would wander in the city and bring bad things to the city. Influence.

After all, it's not like no one has done this in the famine years. In order to let the children of the family go to the city, some people deliberately carried their newborn children into the city and threw them away, hoping that the people in the city would pick them up.

Xu Nannan said calmly, "Go to the city to find my dad. My dad is a worker in the mine." He took out his letter of introduction.

The conductor looked at the letter of introduction, and then the two children. His face was pretty good, and he didn't look like he was hungry. "The big one is 40 cents, and the small one is 20 cents. The little one goes to the back and sits on a small bench."

Xu Nannan paid the money and dragged Xu Xiaoman to the back to find a stool to sit on.

Xu Nannan let Xu Xiaoman sit on the seat and sat on the small bench by himself. The two sisters were a little excited as they watched the scenery passing by outside the window. Xu Xiaoman was so excited that he could go to the city and see those strange things that Sister Hong Hong mentioned. What Xu Nannan thought was that this time he went to the city, just to see if there was any chance of staying in the city.

At this time, it is too difficult for rural people to live in the city. Even if Xu Jiansheng is a worker in the mine and has an urban hukou, but because Li Jing has a rural hukou, she and Xu Xiaoman both follow Li Jing's hukou and live in the countryside.

In this day and age, if you want to become a registered permanent residence in the city, it is as difficult as climbing the sky for ordinary people.

The road was not easy to drive, the car bumped all the way, Xu Nannan almost vomited several times. After finally making it to the county station, Xu Nannan was the first to get off the bus and vomited on the side of the road.

This driver is really awesome, even better than a bus driver.

Xu Xiaoman ran over worried, "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Nannan wiped his mouth, took out the water bottle from his bag to rinse his mouth, "It's okay, I'm a little motion sick."

Xu Xiaoman patted her on the back lightly, "Sister, where are we going now, do you know where Dad is?"

"I know. In the mine, just ask anyone." But before that, she had to make a change.

She stared at Xu Xiaoman, Xu Xiaoman was a little nervous, "Sister, what are you looking at me for?"

"Don't move." Xu Nannan said suddenly, and then stretched out his hand to rub Xu Xiaoman's hair with a smile, and the hair immediately became messy. I got some dust and wiped my face. The little girl who was just tidy and tidy immediately turned into a pitiful little girl. Xu Nannan himself turned himself upside down according to this method.

When we got to the mine, what appeared in the eyes of the guard uncle were two little beggars in ragged clothes and haggard faces.

"Uncle, Uncle Wei, please help me find my dad."

When Xu Nannan saw the bald Wei Guobing, tears flowed down his face. Xu Xiaoman next to him didn't know what was going on, but when he saw Xu Nannan crying so sad, he also felt uncomfortable, and started crying with a wow.

The guards were stunned.

"Hey, whose family's child is this?" It seems that no one in the mine has heard of such a hard life. This is not like a domestic child, but like those little beggars who fled the famine on the street a few years ago.

Xu Nannan's eyes turned red from crying, and he approached Wei Guobing, "I'm Nannan, my father is Xu Jiansheng, Uncle Wei used to give me sweets."

The original owner left the city when she was six years old, and the time before the age of six was the happiest time in her life, so she still remembered some memories before the age of six, such as the guards in front of her.

Xu Nannan often came to play in the mine when he was a child. He couldn't go inside the mine, so he could only play in the guard room. So I know Wei Guobing.

Apparently, Wei Guobing also had an impression of Xu Nannan. He looked at Xu Nannan in surprise, widened his eyes and looked up and down, "You, you are Nannan? Nannan from Director Xu's family?"


Xu Nannan nodded heavily, "Uncle, help me find my dad, it's too late. I, I'm going to die." She burst into tears as she spoke.

There were two crying children in the guard room, and workers passing by soon came to see them. Some female workers, especially, were sympathetic. When they saw the two children crying pitifully here, they thought they were begging for food. "Who brought food. Give some to the children."

"What to eat? These are Xu Jiansheng's eldest daughter and second daughter, who came to see Xu Jiansheng."

"Ah, no, why did Master Xu's daughter become like this?"

"His eldest nephew is well dressed."


After knowing that it was the child of Xu Jiansheng's family, someone immediately went to help find Xu Jiansheng.

However, Xu Nannan didn't waste time. Before Xu Jiansheng came, he cried like a soldier of the guard for help, and told him that his mother was going to marry her to a fool as a wife in exchange for food.

Although it was said to the guards, it was actually heard by everyone else. When Xu Jiansheng came, the news had already started to spread.

"Do you know, the daughter of Director Xu's family is here, and I heard that the old man in the family wants to marry her to a fool in exchange for food."

"Director Xu also has a daughter. Doesn't he only have one daughter and several nephews and nieces?"

"Then you don't know, the two eldest daughters are sent to the country to be raised. You haven't seen it, those two children look really pitiful, like vagrants."

Not only the workers were surprised, Xu Jiansheng was also surprised when he saw his two daughters. He couldn't even believe that the two children in front of him were his daughters.

It's been a long time since I saw you, why did it become like this

"Nannan, Xiaoman, what are you..." Xu Jiansheng looked at the two children with difficulty, stretched out his hands, and couldn't believe it.

"Dad, I thought I would never see you again, Dad, you must save me, don't let me sell me, I am willing to be a cow or a horse for the family, and work in the field to earn work points, please don't let me Sell it to a fool."

Howling, Xu Nannan rushed towards Xu Jiansheng, knelt down and hugged Xu Jiansheng's thigh, crying loudly.

Xu Xiaoman imitated the example, and also rushed over to hold Xu Jiansheng's thigh. This child was more solid, and he knelt down on the ground. Not to mention how pathetic it is.

The people next to him also felt sad when they saw it, "Director Xu, the child is so pitiful."

Xu Jiansheng was at a loss for a while looking at the two girls hugging his thighs. What happened? Why did the child suddenly come to the city and make such a miserable scene.

Xu Jiansheng is the director of production in the mine, and he is an official. There are also people who can be named in this mine. Moreover, he is very tough, tall, and stands out from the crowd, and is very popular. What everyone admires the most is that Director Xu is raising four nephews and nieces. You must know that these children are all rural household registrations and cannot eat food supplies, so Xu Jiansheng alone raises five children and one adult .

In the hearts of the workers in the mine, this is definitely a pure man.

Today, however, the image of the pure man seems to be beginning to disillusion. The picture of his two daughters coming to their father from the village to ask for help began to spread among the workers, and after being exaggerated, it was very wonderful.

Xu Jiansheng didn't even need Xu Nannan to explain it again, Xu Jiansheng knew why his daughter went to the city this time.

After hearing that his mother wanted to marry the child to the stupid son of Hu Tiejiang's family, Xu Jiansheng was angry and painful, and felt very helpless.

Seeing the distressed appearance of the two children, Xu Jiansheng didn't know what to say for a while, "Nannan, Xiaoman, let's go home and have something to eat first. I won't let your grandma marry you off."

Xu Nannan said anxiously, "You also promised me last time, but you still listened to my milk later."

Xu Jiansheng was speechless for a while.

Xu Nannan cried, "Dad, don't let me and Xiaoman go back, I dare not go back. Grandma will beat us to death. We escaped secretly, otherwise grandma will lock us up."

"Oh, it's so pitiful."

"That's right, a grandma can't treat her child like this, right? Now it's not the old society, how can you marry such a young child casually?"

Xu Jiansheng blushed when he heard everyone's discussion. Embarrassed not knowing how to react. He felt that he had never been so ashamed in his life.

"Jiansheng, go home for dinner."

Xu Jiansheng was in distress when a woman squeezed in from behind the crowd. The woman was very thin, but her face was very delicate, and her expression was somewhat kind. Seeing that Xu Nannan and Xu Xiaoman were here, she said pleasantly, "Nannan and Xiaoman are here too, why didn't they go home, what are you doing here looking for your father?"

Xu Nannan looked at this man and pursed his lips.


Xu Xiaoman also called out in a low voice.

Li Jing smiled even brighter, "Hurry up and go home, it will affect other people's work here. Go, go home. Mom will cook something delicious for you." She held a child with a little strength in her hand In a daze, he dragged the two children home.

Xu Nannan was not happy, she wanted to let go of Li Jing's hand, but Li Jing held her tightly.

Li Jing looked at her sideways, with an indescribably cold expression, "If you continue to make trouble, your father and I really don't care about your affairs. If your father loses his job because of your trouble, what good will it do you?"

Seeing that Xu Jiansheng was still struggling, she turned her head and smiled, "Jiansheng, why don't you go home soon? The food is cold."

Only then did Xu Jiansheng come to his senses, and immediately followed.

Seeing that he couldn't hide, Xu Nannan could only turn around and shout, "Uncle Wei, come and see me after dinner. I'm worried that my parents will send me back. You must come."

Wei Guobing was an upright man, and immediately waved, "Uncle will visit you later. Take the director of the Women's Federation with you."

Li Jing frowned, looking at Xu Nannan's expression with even more disgust.