Small Shop Owner in the 1960s

Chapter 113


The trip to the provincial capital is scheduled for the end of December, which is also the day before New Year's Day. The location is the Great Hall in the province. I heard that there used to be a theater there, but later it was converted into a large auditorium. Usually there are activities in the province, and they are held there.

Except for Xu Nannan and the others in the procurement department, it is very difficult for other workers in the mine to go to the provincial capital once. This time they went to participate in the performance, and they were all very excited.

Xu Nannan didn't go with the big troops, but went to the provincial capital one day in advance, and found a guest house to live in.

After lunch, I went to find Wei Xiaodong.

I don't know if it's because I haven't been here for a while, but Xu Nannan found that there are many people in military uniforms on the streets of the provincial capital. Seeing these people coming and going, Xu Nannan always felt a little uncomfortable.

Because of these people, Xu Nannan was much more cautious when going to Wei Xiaodong's house this time, and spent a lot of time on the way.

Before arriving at Wei Xiaodong's house, he heard the crying of the sky.

Xu Nannan saw that it was the news from Wei Xiaodong's house, and there were many neighbors around the door. Everyone was pointing there, but no one dared to go in.

Xu Nannan walked into the crowd and looked inside, only to see an old lady crying on the ground with blood on her forehead. I didn't see anyone from Wei Xiaodong either.

"What happened?" Xu Nannan was surprised.

"It's a crime. They said that Xiaodong was hiding something from the capitalists and took Xiaodong away. His grandma fell down in a hurry. No one dares to care about it."

Xu Nannan's heart skipped a beat, could it be that Wei Xiaodong helped him to buy things, but was taken away

Although it was a matter of money and goods, Xu Nannan still felt a little guilty. Especially seeing Wei Xiaodong's grandma crying on the ground alone, the feeling in my heart became stronger, and I couldn't control it so much, so I ran into the house and helped Grandma Wei sit up.

"Grandma, I'll take you to the hospital to see a doctor."

You can't just let the old man bleed to death like this.

Grandma Wei cried, "Xiaodong, what happened to our Xiaodong?"

"Xiaodong is fine, you go to the hospital to see a doctor first, and Xiaodong will be back later." Xu Nannan quickly persuaded. While supporting Grandma Wei with her hand.

Grandma Wei just got up from the ground. Her eyesight was not good, and she couldn't see clearly what Xu Nannan looked like. She only knew that she was a stranger.

When the neighbors outside saw a little girl they didn't know, they all went to help, and some people helped find a scooter to take Grandma Wei to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor helped to bandage the wound on my head and arranged for hospitalization. The old man's health was not very good, and he had lost a lot of blood, so he was very weak and had to stay in the hospital.

Medical expenses plus hospitalization expenses are quite a lot, and the neighbors don't have much money. Xu Nannan had no choice but to help and pay the money. When we arrived, the neighbors had all left.

Grandma Wei leaned on the bed and shed tears, "Our old Wei's family only helped others with their work, so why did they become capitalists?"

Xu Nannan said, "Grandma, what's wrong with Wei Xiaodong?"

"I don't know, a few people came to the house, said there was something in the house, took Xiaodong away, and made a mess of the house, but there is nothing in the house."

Xu Nannan also felt strange when he heard this. Wei Xiaodong obviously hid things outside, how could the person who reported him report that he had hidden things at home.

Now that something happened to Wei Xiaodong, maybe it was because of her, Grandma Wei was lying in the hospital again, Xu Nannan's head was in a mess.

It was getting dark in the afternoon, Xu Nannan paid the hospital fee in full, and left food stamps in the hospital cafeteria for the nurse to help deliver the meals before leaving the hospital.

She was restless all the way.

Wei Xiaodong is a cautious person. Those things were also secretly intercepted in the recycling bin. To put it bluntly, they were scraps of copper and iron, so they were reported.

Thinking about the green military uniforms he saw on the street, Xu Nannan also thought about the future.

Could this be a harbinger of something to happen

He didn't sleep well all night, and Xu Nannan wasn't in a good spirit the next day. But there was still a performance in the theater, so she couldn't miss it, so she just put on a big padded jacket and washed her face with cold water, and then she was a little sober.

Because the next day is New Year's Day, there is already a festive atmosphere on the street. Xu Nannan ate breakfast in a hurry and went directly to the Grand Theater. She planned to ask Lin Qingbai to see if there was any relationship in the provincial capital after the performance was over, and to find out about Wei Xiaodong.

She came earlier, before the people from Nanjiang Iron Mine arrived, but she found that there were many people guarding the entrance of the auditorium. Wearing a military uniform and carrying a gun on his back.

The army's jeep was parked at the door, and a big leader should have come over.

Just as Xu Nannan was about to go in with his work card, a car stopped at the door, and a man and a woman got out of it. The man is in his thirties, wears glasses, and has a half-cut hair. The woman has a delicate figure and a delicate appearance.

Seeing that woman, Xu Nannan was stunned. If I remember correctly, that woman is Wei Xiaodong's target. When we were in the cinema last time, this girl had her princess hair combed and small leather shoes, Wei Xiaodong was very attentive to her. Why is it replaced now? Could it be that he broke up with Wei Xiaodong

As if sensing someone watching, both of them looked at Xu Nannan.

The eyes of the middle-aged man suddenly lit up, Wei Xiaodong's partner pulled him, and he looked away. When the two entered the gate, Wei Xiaodong's girlfriend glared at Xu Nannan fiercely.

Xu Nannan's sense of these two people was very bad. When he saw them go in, he was not in a hurry to go in, so he stood outside and waited.

Slowly, representatives of performances from various units came over one after another. There are cotton factories, textile factories, machinery factories... all the people who came here were beaming, all wearing the work clothes of the unit, holding banners, and wearing red flowers on their bodies.

Affected by the atmosphere of these people, Xu Nannan's mood is also better than before. After a while, the workers from Nanjiang Iron Mine finally came over.

Mine manager Gao directly looked for a cart to pull ore from the mine, and it was pulled over as soon as the cart came. Before they got to the place, they all sang. The sound of everyone singing can be heard from far away.

Seeing a familiar person, Xu Nannan's heart also settled down, and he ran over quickly.

"Nannan." Zhu Fang got off the car with a smile, held up the banner in her hand for others, and came to hold Xu Nannan's hand by herself.

"It's so cold, why don't you go in and wait. You'll have to go in anyway."

Xu Nannan didn't want to say it was because there were two inexplicable people in it, "I want to be with you."

"Okay, it's good to go in together. Our Nanjiang Iron Mine is also a large unit in the province. Let people see our prestige." Zhu Fang looked at the comrades in the iron mine and smiled.

Xu Nannan saw that the comrades of the workers all straightened their backs in a majestic way, holding up the signs of their units and lining up.

She also dragged Zhu Fang into the team, and then lined up into the auditorium together.

There were already many people sitting there, most of them were workers from local units in the provincial capital. After hearing what Zhu Fang said, Xu Nannan knew that there were also people from the provincial military region today, as well as leaders from the province and the labor union leaders from the provincial capital.

"Is your partner here today?"

"Here, you should sit outside." Lin Qingbai said he would come.

Zhu Fang said, "I'll go down later to see where your partner is. You have to watch closely, don't let the lesbians from other units be mesmerized. You don't know, every time a performance in the past, many lesbians who came on stage were killed by other lesbians." The unit was taken a fancy to and led to a lot of matches. Some still have targets, and they are so yellow."

Who asked every unit to participate in the performance to be handsome men and beautiful women? One stop on the stage, how many people below are fascinated.

Xu Nannan didn't feel worried after hearing this. She has 100% trust in Lin Qingbai. In an environment like Lin Qingbai's, would there be fewer beauties? I haven't been hooked away for so many years, it doesn't make sense to be hooked away after having sex with her.

After the two talked for a while, Zhu Fang followed Li Weiming out.

Other people backstage have already started performing. Because there are too many people, the auditorium is a temporary shed built on the open space outside the auditorium as a rest room, and make-up by the way.

It is said to be makeup, but it is actually combing the hair and wearing some flowers on it. It seems that there is not much change in peacetime. As for putting powder on the face, there is no requirement for this. However, some lesbians who love beauty have brought cosmetics for themselves since ancient times.

Xu Meizi didn't know where she got her blush and lipstick. She looks more mature than her actual age.

Xu Nannan glanced at her and then looked away, feeling that Xu Meizi looked more and more like Liu Qiao.

The performance in the auditorium started soon, and the sound could be heard in the lounge.

Sister Liu ran out for a stroll, and came back to talk about the scene in the auditorium vividly.

The auditorium was full of people, and many leaders also came. The big leaders from the province that she had met before who came to inspect the mine also came.

The workers who said it started to get nervous.

The most calm one was Xu Nannan's choir. I saw that the people standing on the left and right are all my own people, and I will not stand out in the team when the time comes, so I don't worry about the leader seeing if I sing well.

After waiting for almost an hour, it was the turn of Nanjiang Iron Mine's show. There were four programs in total, and Xu Nannan's choir was left at the end.

Xu Nannan knew that a show lasted at most six or seven minutes, and it would take less than half an hour for them to turn. When the first show started, Xu Nannan would organize everyone's formation.

She stood in front of the team and directed, and went through the training as usual.

After just one pass, he was arranged to go on stage.

The host in military uniform announced the program, "Please enjoy the chorus of the representatives of the Nanjiang Iron Mine workers—my motherland."

Xu Nannan led everyone to the stage. I don't know if it was because of nervousness, but Xu Nannan found out that there were brothers and sisters in the team. Fortunately, not far from the stage, Xu Nannan stood in front of the command and quickly lined up the team.

As the music started, Xu Nannan uttered the first line, and the others sang along. Maybe it was because they knew that they were officially on stage, the workers all erupted, and the chorus sound became even louder in the entire hall.

"Is this your object?"

Under the stage, a middle-aged man in military uniform sitting next to Lin Qingbai said.

This man has a Chinese character face, dark, and looks upright. At this moment, he is looking at Lin Qingbai with a wretched expression, "Tell me that you want to be shameless. I'm old enough to find such a young girl. I will do it for you." You are ashamed."

Lin Qingbai looked at Xu Nannan with good eyes, and didn't even give a look to the man next to him, "If you have the ability, find a district, if you can't find it, don't look jealous here."

"I'm jealous? I'm serving the motherland wholeheartedly." Zhang Lei looked at Lin Qingbai jokingly, "Your partner is lucky to have met you, otherwise I would have been entangled in brown sugar today."

Only then did Lin Qingbai look at him, "What do you mean?"

Zhang Lei raised his eyebrows to the side. "See for yourself."