Small Shop Owner in the 1960s

Chapter 116


What happened, Xu Nannan didn't dare to go get those things right now, and was going to wait until the news passed. In order to avoid being caught when the time comes, I will get all the stolen goods.

After the two had dinner, they went to the guest house to find two single rooms.

When they reached the door, Lin Qingbai pulled her, "It's next door, if you're afraid, just knock on the wall."

Xu Nannan knew that he was worried that she would be too scared to sleep by the day's events.

She nodded, "I'm not that timid."

Lin Qingbai smiled and sighed, and tidied her hair, "Go and rest."

Xu Nannan said yes, and walked back to his room step by step. After returning to the room, she lay down on the bed exhausted.

When she was arrested before, although she was nervous, she was really not too scared. Maybe subconsciously, she has confidence in Lin Qingbai. But when I think about it afterwards, my heart is still pounding.

What if there is no Lin Qingbai. Or when Lin Qingbai can't do anything, what should she do

It's not yet the end, when ghosts and snakes are in power, can Lin Qingbai save her once, can he save her a second time? She always thought that she was a small person, and before that year came, she could pick up the leaks, make some money, save some cultural relics by the way, and live a peaceful life. But now it seems that all of this is too good to think.

That man's intentions for treating her like that today are already very obvious, even if there is no such thing as Wei Xiaodong, there will be other reasons to arrest her.

Those years to come... what to do

Xu Nannan closed his eyes and entered the Taobao store.

This is her only reliance. How to use it to protect yourself and change the status quo.

She didn't sleep well at night, and she didn't sleep enough in the morning. She didn't wake up until Lin Qingbai came to call her. When I opened the door, I saw Lin Qingbai dressed neatly, "It's dawn?"

Seeing her not sleeping well, Lin Qingbai felt distressed, "It's light, you can go to sleep for a while, I'll go to the military area to find Zhang Lei."

Xu Nannan shook her head, "Don't sleep anymore. Wait for me, I'll wash my face and come out." At this time, no matter how sleepy she was, she couldn't sleep well.

After finishing speaking, I closed the door and went to get dressed and combed my hair. When I came out, I ran to the faucet on the other side of the water room to rinse my mouth and wash my face. Lin Qingbai took out a box of cream for her to wipe her face.

Xu Nannan was surprised, "You still have this with you?" Lin Qingbai didn't look like this kind of person who loves images.

"I got it from the guest house yesterday. If you don't wipe this on such a cold day, your skin will be cracked later." I knew that the girl was in a daze, and she definitely didn't bring these things. If he didn't prepare, she would have to Suffered.

Xu Nannan took it with a smile and wiped it on his face. There was still some extra in his hand, so he wiped it on Lin Qingbai's face with his feet. His skin is thick, and it feels different to the touch.

Lin Qingbai's forehead became hot after being wiped by her, and he grabbed her hand, "Go to eat now, and I will go to the military area to find Zhang Lei later, and then we will go back to Nanjiang. Don't worry about the mine, I just went to call back, and your mine manager knows about it."

Xu Nannan nodded, then pulled Lin Qingbai's sleeve, raised his head and sighed, "Brother Lin, you have arranged everything. What if I become lazy in the future and rely on you?"

She never thought that one day, she would hand over her life to another person. In the past, she could only do everything by herself, and other people made arrangements for her when she was in a hurry. Comfort is comfortable, but I just feel worried. Worried about what to do if this person disappears one day. She has formed such a habit, will she not be able to change it

"What's wrong with relying on me? Nannan, you're still young, you're a girl, it's normal to depend on others." Lin Qingbai thought of her previous situation where she had relatives but no one to rely on, and touched her cheek, " You have to learn to rely on me. If you have difficulties, you can talk to me, and if you don’t understand, you can ask me. Just like yesterday, when you encounter trouble, you know how to get someone to find me.”

Xu Nannan's heart swelled when he heard that. He reached out and grabbed Lin Qingbai's clothes tightly. If it weren't for the fact that this is a guest house with people coming and going, she would have hugged this man tightly.

After breakfast at a nearby restaurant, the two went directly to the provincial military region.

The closer you get to the provincial military region, the more men in military uniforms you meet. They all had cropped hair, straightened their waists, and wore neat clothes, looking energetic. These are the real soldiers, how can it look like what I saw yesterday...

"Brothers, younger siblings, why did you come here so early? I thought you had to sleep a little longer." Zhang Lei came out of the military area, and when he saw the two at the door, he said with an ambiguous expression. Lin Qingbai shook his fist towards his shoulder, "Be serious."

"I'm not serious either." Zhang Lei looked honest, "I think it's because you're thinking too much in your head, what do you think I mean."

Lin Qingbai was too lazy to be serious with him, so he patted him on the shoulder, "Go inside."

"Aren't you afraid that if your younger siblings go in and see other boys who are more handsome than you, they will dislike you?"

Lin Qingbai ignored him and pulled Xu Nannan inside. Looking at the two of them holding hands, Zhang Lei suddenly realized in his heart, no wonder this buddy didn't like those nurses and art troupes in the past, so it turned out that he liked this kind of smell. I like the style of brother and sister.

Taking Xu Nannan with him, he naturally couldn't go to the office.

Zhang Lei's position is not low, and there are some secrets in the office, even if it is to avoid suspicion, most people will not go there.

Xu Nannan didn't read much except for being a little curious before. Follow Lin Qingbai honestly.

Find a waiting room and close the door. After running for two cups of tea, Zhang Lei slapped Lin Qingbai on the table, "Even the people above me knew what you did yesterday. Why are you so courageous? You are really right with that Gao!" Got it. That Gao guy is really annoying, but when it comes to face to face, he will definitely have to play tricks behind his back."

When Xu Nannan heard this, his heart suddenly tightened, "What happened to Lin Ge yesterday?"

"I didn't do anything, I just drew my gun to kill that bastard."

Xu Nannan was startled. She hasn't seen Lin Qingbai's gun yet. He also drew a gun to kill the opponent.

Lin Qingbai said calmly, "What's the hurry, I didn't do anything. Just scare me."

"If you dare to scare us, as long as our leaders don't mess with their heads, they won't mess with it."

Zhang Lei whispered, "We all said, is this the higher-ups trying to test something. Otherwise, they wouldn't have brought such a bastard over here."

Lin Qingbai said, "There is almost such a meaning. Your identities here are more sensitive, and you should keep a low profile. I am from a local area, so there is no need to pretend to be a grandson."

Zhang Lei nodded in agreement, "In peacetime, who would dare to make trouble in the army. Alas, it's better to go to the front line. The army we were in before has not moved yet. I heard that the old chief scolded his mother every day in the office. It's okay. Just drag those cadres over to engage in military exercises, study tactics, and think about when to lead troops to the island. With our naval equipment, do you think it is possible?"

Xu Nannan listened to it from the sidelines, and thought of the new weapons that would be displayed in every military exercise of the 21st century aircraft in the future, and then looked at the current situation, feeling deeply moved. Comrade Zhang Kai estimated that he didn't even know that the country would undergo earth-shaking changes in the future. It's just going to take a while. Get through the toughest times and get out of trouble. Step by step to become stronger...

She was distracted, and the two men here had already changed the subject.

Lin Qingbai asked Zhang Lei to help, and recruited someone to come in and get logistics, even as a temporary worker.

Zhang Lei said, "It's simple, as long as there is no problem with the political review."

"It's the one who was taken away from there yesterday."

Zhang Lei was stunned when he heard this, "What does this person have to do with you? You are so protective." He knew Lin Qingbai's intentions for such an arrangement without thinking. After entering the military area, if the surname Gao wants to arrest people in the future, he will have to weigh it carefully.

"Can't you do something good?" Lin Qingbai said seriously.

"Okay, you can say yes. Temporary workers are fine. I'll go to the logistics side later. Anyway, he's a native of the provincial capital, so it's not too difficult."

It's rare that my brother asked him to do something, and he still had to help with it.

After the matter was finished, Lin Qingbai stood up and was about to leave. "Pay attention to what I just told you. The surname Gao is watching here. If there is any movement, call me."

"Remember," Zhang Lei looked at him, and then at Xu Nannan, "By the way, when are you going to get married, I'm ready for a wedding."

"Just wait." Lin Qingbai gave a rare smile, and pulled Xu Nannan out.

Zhang Lei shook his head and sighed, and sent the two of them out of the military area.

Xu Nannan followed Lin Qingbai, and asked when he was far away, "How did you arrange for Wei Xiaodong to enter the provincial military area?"

She didn't expect Lin Qingbai to make such an arrangement.

Lin Qingbai said, "Nannan, do you know Wei Xiaodong?"

Xu Nannan nodded, then shook his head again, "I thought I understood a little bit, but later I didn't understand that well." She really didn't expect Wei Xiaodong to secretly keep all the good things. Although there was nothing wrong with this, it made her feel a little cheated.

"He has already come to the fore. If others want to do something to you, they will start from him. Maybe one day he will not be firm... Everything will be around."

Xu Nannan was taken aback, she hadn't thought of this before. Thought it was over.

Hearing what Lin Qingbai said, it is really a hidden danger.

Lin Qingbai squeezed her hand, "Don't be afraid, I'm just taking precautions. He didn't say anything about being caught before, so he should be a very firm person. Help him, maybe he can use it in the future."

Xu Nannan nodded, but felt that his previous vision was still too small.

Coming out of Xujia Village, what I saw was the one-acre three-point land. Whether it's Xujia Village or the mine, it's all trivial matters. When something really big happens, she won't be able to see it. I have to learn more in the future, and I can't be like before.

It was already afternoon when we returned to Nanjiang.

When Xu Nannan and Lin Qingbai returned home, they didn't know what happened. I only heard from my colleagues in the mine that they were working in the provincial capital, but I didn't worry about it.

Lin Qingbai had to go back to the Ministry of Armed Forces to deal with matters, and left after talking with the two elders for a while.

Xu Nannan checked the time, it was still early, so he simply went to the mine. When she was taken away that day, there were so many people watching, so I had to go to the mine to make it clear.

At times like this, rumors spread very quickly.

Sure enough, when Xu Nannan arrived at the mine gate, Wei Guobing looked at her, surprised and delighted, and ran over to inquire about her affairs in the provincial capital.

"Uncle Wei, you've heard about it too? This mine is uploading very quickly." What happened to her just yesterday has spread today. Really underestimated the current communication ability.

"Yesterday, everyone came back and listened to some. The mine manager didn't let me talk nonsense. Everyone didn't say anything, but how could this kind of thing control people's mouths? No, at noon, they were all talking about it. "Wei Guobing worried, "You're back, are you all right?"

Xu Nannan nodded, "Well, it was all a misunderstanding. I went there yesterday and came back not long ago, but I didn't have the car to come back. I just stayed there for one night."

"It's fine, don't get involved in such a thing." Wei Guobing rejoiced.

This kind of thing was not uncommon for him before. Those capitalists and big landowners in the suburbs are all under surveillance now. They have no freedom of life, and future generations cannot hold their heads up.

"Uncle Wei, I'll go in first, and I have to talk to the leaders."

"Hurry up, hurry up, and make it clear quickly. This thing is really troublesome."

After entering the mine, those who knew Xu Nannan began to point out Xu Nannan, and some even worried that there would be something wrong with her approaching, so they deliberately stayed away from her.

Although he was not familiar with these people, Xu Nannan still felt a little uncomfortable.

She sighed and went directly to the office of the Mining Committee.

The people in the office were still the same as usual. When they saw her coming, they were surprised. Zhu Fang was full of surprise, "Nannan, you are fine. The mine manager told us that you were fine, and we thought he was lying. "

"It's okay. It's just a misunderstanding. If it's clear, it's okay. If there's something wrong, can I come back properly?" Xu Nannan laughed.

The others breathed a sigh of relief for her.

Mine Manager Gao and Li Chengwen heard the movement, came out of the office, and saw Xu Nannan, they were obviously relaxed, "It's fine. Be more careful in the future."

Xu Nannan responded, and said again, "Mine manager, I just came back from outside, and there seem to be many rumors about me along the way."

Zhu Fang said angrily, "They are all people who have nothing to do, come back and talk nonsense. Especially that Xu Meizi. Most of them are passed on from her mouth."

The people who went to the provincial capital that day had a good relationship with Xu Nannan, even if something happened, they wouldn't make trouble. Moreover, Mine Manager Gao also specifically said that no nonsense is allowed. After returning, the word spread, and if there was one, there would be two, and the first one was Xu Meizi.

The faces of the others in the Mining Committee are not very good.

This matter is related to the reputation of a lesbian. On a larger scale, it is related to political identity.

Mine Manager Gao said, "Xiao Zhu, write a statement to restore Comrade Yu Nannan's reputation."

"Okay," she had long wanted to write.

Li Chengwen said, "The workers in the mine also need to be managed. They can't be allowed to talk like this again. This is one time. If similar things happen again in the future, I'm afraid it will cause trouble for the mine."

If workers with ideological problems appear one after another in a mine, the mine leaders will not be able to please them.

Mine manager Gao nodded, "You can deal with this matter. Later, when we meet with the other two deputy mine managers, we will take a look at the ideological problems of the mine workers. Find time to publicize them. Thoughts must be improved, but they cannot be rectified. God is watching nosy business."

Seeing that there was an arrangement at the mine, Xu Nannan didn't pursue it further.

Back at the office, Section Chief Xiao and the others asked again. This is to make things clear.

Before work was over, Xu Ling suddenly ran to the office to find her.

"Sister, I heard Uncle Wei say that you are back, so I came to see you. Are you okay?" Xu Ling stared at Xu Nannan with round eyes.

"It's okay, it's okay. Others are talking nonsense."

"I knew it was okay, that Xu Meizi is not a good person." Xu Ling didn't even call her sister Meizi anymore.

Xu Nannan felt that this little girl's personality was really hot enough, and she would not be able to go to heaven when she grew up. "Okay, you're a petite, don't worry about adults' affairs. Just study hard."

"Don't worry about it, you don't know, that woman was nagging at home yesterday, saying that she would keep a distance from you in the future. I ignored her. She asked me to persuade you to go back before, and keep a distance if something happened. She really It can be said."

Keeping a distance from Li Jing, Xu Nannan wished for it, "Just let her keep a distance, I don't care."

"But... but some people care about it." Xu Ling suddenly said sullenly.

"What do you mean by that?" Xu Nannan looked at her puzzled.

Xu Ling's mouth moved, hesitating, "I met the second sister a few times when I was out of school, and I saw what that woman said to her. The second sister didn't leave, just stood there and listened to her."

Hearing this, Xu Nannan's heart skipped a beat. Thinking of Xiaoman's preoccupations several times before. It seems that it has something to do with Li Jing.

I can't tell what my mood is, it's a little sour, but I can understand it. Among the three of them, Xiao Man had the least contact with Li Jing and his wife. Because there is little contact, it is easy to have illusions.

"Sister, don't be angry, talk to Second Sister later." Xu Ling persuaded. She was actually a little angry in her heart, thinking that the second sister was a traitor. But the second sister is kind to her, and saves delicious food for her every day. People are gentle. She didn't know what to do.

Xu Nannan thought about it, and thought about it, "It's okay, sister is not angry."

Everyone has independent thoughts, and she can't influence others. At most, she would tell Xiaoman about Xu Jiansheng and his wife. If Xiaoman insisted on living with Xu Jiansheng and his wife, she would have no choice.

At this time, on the way out of school, Xiaoman was being stopped by Li Jing to speak.

"I'm talking to you, are you listening? Xiaoman, Mom is doing it for your own good. If your sister encounters such a thing now, anyone who has anything to do with her will suffer. You are still young and don't understand. In the future I knew this matter was serious, and even if Mom couldn't bear her, she had to give up. You can't give up the whole family for her alone, don't you think? "

Li Jing was at the side persuading her earnestly. I was also glad that the girl didn't come home before. Otherwise, the whole family will be implicated at this moment.

She couldn't figure out why this girl had the guts to be with capitalists.

Xiaoman walked forward with his head down, without saying a word.

Li Jing talked to the side for a long time, seeing that she didn't respond, she directly grabbed her, "I said you child, why didn't you say a word. Mom is talking to you, and you have this attitude?"

Xiaoman still didn't understand, but his shoulders kept shaking.

Li Jing lifted her head up, and immediately saw Xiaoman's face full of tears. Shocked, she quickly withdrew her hand, "You, why are you crying?"

"You told me before that you love me and my sister. You said you regretted it, and you want our family to get along well... I, I still believe your words." Xiaoman cried and wiped his tears. My own mother approached her a few times before, and what she said made her feel confused. Several times, she couldn't help but want to persuade her sister to forgive her parents. But just can't say it.

She was glad that she didn't say before... "That's why you love me and my sister. My sister has an accident, so you have to keep a distance from her, and let me keep a distance from my sister. You have the face to say you love us."

She should have understood a long time ago, how could a mother who loves her children ignore her and her sister, why would she always treat Xiaoling badly, and why would she always make things difficult for their sisters.

I regret it, I really regret it, now I have to draw a distance.

Li Jing also panicked when she heard Xiaoman's words, the child was moved by her words, why did she change again, "I don't love her anymore, I will do it for you and Xiaoling too."

"After that, Xiaoling and I also had an accident. Don't you still have to keep a distance from us? You are such a person. You are selfish and only think of yourself. Don't look for me in the future. I am not like you. Mom. Without my sister, I would have died a long time ago. You still made me and my sister separate, I hate people like you! I hate you!" Xiaoman yelled, and ran home with tears all over his face.

"Hate me?" Li Jing stood blankly watching her running away. After a while, her face was full of anger, "What right do you have to hate me. If there is no me, you still have you? What right do you have to hate your own mother. You are selfish when you say I am selfish! Isn't it because I am not from the city? Look at me Is it because of my family background? If I had registered permanent residence in the city and was a cadre, you would have rushed over to call my mother before long."

Li Jing went back to the mine in a huff. Before she got home, she heard the workers discussing that Nannan's incident was a misunderstanding, and everyone came back well without any problems. The mine has already issued a notice, telling everyone not to spread rumors casually.

"Misunderstanding? Why is it a misunderstanding again?" Li Jing murmured.

When Xu Nannan returned home, Xiaoman had already returned home.

Grandma Yu said worriedly, "When I came back, my eyes were all red. I guess I was wronged at school. I asked her, but she went into the house without saying anything."

"Grandma, the little girl is going to school, who will not be wronged. Don't worry about it. I'll go and see Xiaoman."

She wondered if it was what Xu Ling said. I sighed slightly in my heart.

After comforting Grandma Yu, she entered the room, thinking about how to express her opinion to Xiao Man.

As soon as she entered the room, Xiao Man, who was lying on the table, ran over and hugged her.


"What's wrong?" Xu Nannan put his arm around her. The child's body has also grown up to her shoulders.

Xiaoman hugged her and did not let go, "Sister, I'm sorry."

The voice choked.

"Sister, no matter what happens, you are my sister. I don't listen to what others say."

When Xu Nannan heard the words, he felt that what he had been thinking about before could go without saying. She smiled and patted Xiaoman on the back, "Okay, sister knows. Don't worry about anything, it's over. Don't worry grandma."

Xu Xiaoman just came out of her arms, pursed his lips and nodded, "Yes. I'll go out and talk to grandma."

"Go." Xu Nannan smiled, pretending not to know anything and not asking what happened.

I don't know what Xiaoman said, but Grandma Yu's laughter soon came from outside, "What a big deal, it doesn't matter if you don't do well in the exam, why cry. Don't cry."

"Grandma, I won't cry anymore, I won't cry anymore."

Because of the announcement issued by the Mining Committee, the matter about Xu Nannan in the mine gradually subsided. Even if some troublesome people occasionally make a few comments, Xu Nannan doesn't care. After all, there are people who don't think it's a big deal.

However, as the matter of Xu Nannan subsided, news about Xu Meizi came out again.

The last time Xu Meizi went to the province to participate in a performance, she probably was spotted by a gay man from a certain unit in the provincial capital. People started writing letters to Xu Meizi.

The letter came from the guard room. The first letter is fine. But this one every day, then there is a problem. There are many things that gay men like to participate in performances, and there have been such examples in mines before. But the key is that Xu Meizi has someone. I heard that he is going to marry her partner.

While this matter was still spreading, Wu Jian suddenly announced that he would end the relationship with Xu Meizi. Said that Xu Meizi was flirtatious, had sex with him, and was confused about flirting with other young men, and didn't know if the two of them were clean.

Wu Jian also moved quickly. He said the relationship was terminated, and he turned around and got a marriage certificate with Liu Daniu, the niece of Liu Dajie's family. The one who moved so fast didn't even have a wedding, so he just lived together. Xu Nannan's office also got their wedding candy.

Xu Nannan couldn't eat his wedding candies, so he gave all of them to sister Liu's children.

Sister Liu was so happy, she took Xu Nannan with her for lunch and gossiped about it on the way, "This lesbian is also stupid, if you don't take that letter, it's fine? You still go to get it every day, I'll see her It’s not unfair, I guess I also want to go to the provincial capital.”