Small Shop Owner in the 1960s

Chapter 21


The move out of Xu's family was so sudden that even Xu Nannan found it unbelievable. It's so easy. But after thinking about it, it seems reasonable.

In short, it was just a coincidence. The Xu family wanted to teach Xu Nannan a lesson, because Xu Nannan is no longer obedient and obedient, so it is not good to do anything again, so as not to cause trouble outside. So he threatened her and told her to get out of the house. Use this to suppress her.

A fifteen-year-old girl who wants money but has no money, food but no food, and has no place to live, is kicked out by her family, so she has no way to survive. At this time, naturally, I can only bow my head to the adults at home, and live an honest life in the future.

It happened that there were thousands of calculations, but Xu Nannan had changed his core now.

Xu Nannan's grades climbed down smoothly, but the Xu family couldn't get off, so the two children went out with their small bags on their shoulders.

The two sisters didn't have much luggage, only a small bag of clothes that Xu Nannan asked for from Li Jing, and a bed of cotton wool covered by the two sisters.

The cotton wool was already worn out, and Grandma Xu didn't like it, so she didn't stop it.

Apart from these, nothing else is allowed to be taken away.

Xu Nannan didn't like it either, and walked out of the yard with the bag in one hand and Xu Xiaoman in the other.

Mrs. Xu scolded inside, "If you walk out of this door, you will never come back again."

It's a pity that Xu Nannan didn't look back.

"Damn girl, no, I'll send a telegram to Jiansheng tomorrow." Mrs. Xu covered her heart angrily. Liu Qiao hurriedly supported her, "It's time to send a telegram to make it clear, otherwise the elder brother will have to misunderstand that we don't want Erya and Siya at home."

Grandpa Xu said, "Don't send it. Anyway, he will be back in a few days. There is no need to let Jiansheng come back and delay his work."

"Then what if they go to the city to look for big brother again?" Xu Jianhai worried from the side. When Zhang Cuiqin heard this, she nodded again and again, "That's right, what if they take the opportunity to go to the city?"

After the last time Xu Nannan brought Xu Xiaoman into the city, no one doubted that the two children had this ability.

Moreover, Xu Jiansheng's performance at home last time also gave them a sense of crisis.

The third uncle Xu Jianping frowned, "How about I go and catch the two children." The children are too ignorant, so they have to be disciplined.

Grandpa Xu took a few puffs of cigarettes, "I'm going to talk to Gensheng, and I'm not allowed to give them any more letters of introduction this month. Gensheng is a sensible person, so he should know how powerful he is."

He felt that within a month, the child would come back by himself, maybe in a few days.

Grandpa Xu said so, so the Xu family can only listen.

Although Mrs. Xu is in charge of the Xu family, but when something big happens, as long as Grandpa Xu speaks, the weight is still very heavy.

Outside, Xu Nannan also took Xu Xiaoman's hand and walked out of the village. Although it was already dark at this time, they had no place to live, so they could only temporarily live in the wooden house on the mountain, no matter what, it was a place that could shelter from the wind and rain.

The two of them walked through the front room, and the door to the front yard suddenly opened. Song Guihua came out from inside, looking anxiously at the two children, "Nannan, why did you come out?"

"Aunt Osmanthus, Xiaoman and I have left home, and we will live alone in the future."

"Is what the stone said true?"

Song Guihua was surprised. Shi Shi is her youngest son. Unlike his twin brother, Shi Shi is a gangster who likes to make trouble outside. It was getting dark just now, and before he came back, Song Guihua was going to look for him, but the child ran back with his feet on his feet, saying that he heard that Mrs. Xu was going to drive sister Xu Nannan out outside Mrs. Xu's house. So she kept watching in the yard, but she didn't expect to see the two sisters coming out of the house.

"Mom, I'm not talking nonsense, I've heard the old beggar say that." Shitou showed his small head from the door, his hair was shaved smooth. Most of the boys in the village wear this easy-to-manage hairstyle.

"I said, what are you talking about, what are you yelling, go into the room quickly." Song Guihua scolded with a dark face.

She felt a little embarrassed when her son called the old beggar in front of other family members.

After driving away her own son, Song Guihua looked at the two sisters again, "Why are you adults so big-hearted? I'm not afraid that you will have no place to live if you are driven out of here in the dark. No, I will take care of you." You go to Xu Gensheng, if he doesn't care, we'll go to the village to find the secretary of the commune." It's fine to abuse the child, but it's nothing to kick the child out of the house.

Xu Nannan waved his hands again and again, "Auntie, please don't go. I came out willingly. They don't want me to stay at home, and I'm happy to be at home. If I come out, at least I won't be bullied in the future."

"Why don't you understand, kid? It's good to come out, but what do you eat and where do you live? It won't be a matter of a day or two." Song Guihua looked at the two children worriedly.

If possible, she would also like to take in the two children. After all, there are only two boys in my family, and I happen to raise two daughters. But her family can't afford it anymore, and although she is valued in this family, she can't be the master of the house.

"How about going to stay at my house for one night today, and tomorrow we will find those cadres and see if they can help you settle down."

Song Guihua thought about it, but still couldn't bear to let the two children sleep in the wilderness.

Xu Nannan shook his head, "Auntie, I know you are kind enough to help us, but Xiaoman and I already have a place to live, and we are going to live at the farm on the mountain, there are vacant houses there. As for food, we can dig some wild vegetables on the mountain there , When winter comes, I will be able to share the food."

After finally leaving the Xu family, she didn't want to go to other people's homes to live under the fence. I don't want to owe more favors. I don't want to cause trouble for Song Guihua.

"Why do people live in that place?" Song Guihua sighed.

"I usually work there, so I'm familiar with it. Aunt, don't worry about us. Xiaoman and I have to go there to pack our things, so let's go there first, and talk to Auntie tomorrow."

"No, I'd better go with you and help you tidy up." Song Guihua said weakly. I want to help the children more, but I can't do anything. I can only look at it tomorrow and go to the cadres in the village to discuss this matter. See if the village can help.

Xu Nannan couldn't refuse her kindness anymore, so he could only accept it.

Song Guihua went in to pack some things, and soon went out with a basket. "Let's go, let's go, it's hard to prepare when it's dark."

The wooden house on the side of the farm usually only has a broken table and chairs, which were prepared by He Qiusheng before. There's no place to sleep in there. But Xu Nannan cut a bunch of pigweed in the afternoon. Song Guihua helped to make the bed, and spread the torn cotton that Xu Nannan took from Xu's house on it, and it became a bed for the time being.

"This place is like this, why should I live? Why don't you go back with me and we'll talk about it tomorrow." Song Guihua looked at this place, a little unbearable. These two are still children, and it is too hard to live outside.

"Very good, Aunt Osmanthus, don't worry." Xu Nannan patted the new bed. She will always have to face this day, so she might as well get used to it sooner.

Song Guihua couldn't either. Seeing that it was getting dark, it was not good to stay any longer. She took out the contents of the basket. A few buns, and two eggs. The other is a small bag of millet, which should weigh five or six catties, and it can be cooked for a few days with wild vegetables.

"You are still children, and you don't know the hardships of life. Apart from finding a place to live, you can't afford to eat and use everything. Let's do this for now." Song Guihua still felt that the two children would definitely return home. Even if their grandparents don't care, and their parents come back and find out, they won't be allowed to live outside.

As for Xu Nannan really taking Xu Xiaoman to live outside, that's definitely impossible. This Nan Nan is only fifteen years old, he is only a child, how can he set up a family.

When Xu Nannan looked at these things, he was moved and warmed up in his heart. These things are nothing in the future, but in this era of lack of supplies and food, they are very precious things. Aunt Osmanthus is not related to them, but compared to those relatives of the Xu family, she is more like relatives.

"Aunt Osmanthus, thank you."

"Thank you, well, you and Xiaoman should go to bed early, sleep for one night, and it will be fine after dawn. I'll go back first." After Song Guihua finished speaking, she raised the barrier, helped the two children to the door, and went directly Back down the mountain to the village.

Xu Nannan opened the door, watching Song Guihua slowly walking away vaguely.

"Xiao Man, you must keep in mind those who are kind to us, and when you have a chance in the future, you must repay them."

"Well, I remember, Aunt Osmanthus, Uncle Gensheng, and Director Zhu..." Xu Xiaoman seriously talked about these people who had helped them. It's just that I feel a little uneasy, will they have the ability to repay in the future

Xu Nannan bought candles from Taobao. He originally wanted to buy a flashlight, but because of Xiaoman's side, he didn't buy it.

The candles were lit, and there was light and warmth in the room.

Xu Nannan pulled out another blanket from the haystack. After making the bed, it looks much warmer than before.

"Sister, shall we sleep now?"

"Go to bed later, let's go down the mountain." Xu Nannan said suddenly.

"What are you doing down the mountain?"

"Go and see Uncle He."

After knowing the news of He Qiusheng's illness, Xu Nannan felt a little sympathetic to him, just to avoid suspicion, so he didn't go to see He Qiusheng. After just experiencing Song Guihua's human feelings, she felt that she could help the other party appropriately if she was capable. Who knows when she will need help from others, just like she is now.

If it weren't for the Taobao store, she might be in a different situation now.

Everyone was able to sleep at night. When the two sisters returned to the village, every household in the village had already slept. When he came to He Qiusheng's door, he heard He Qiusheng coughing inside.

Xu Nannan knocked on the door lightly, "Uncle He."

"Xu Nannan?" He Qiusheng said weakly.

"It's me." Xu Nannan replied.

Not long after, He Qiusheng came to open the door. It's just that there is only so much strength. After opening the door, he leaned on the wall and returned to the bed tremblingly.

"Why are you here?"

"We heard that you were sick." Xu Nannan ordered the candle and put the things in his hands on the table. It was the millet porridge she had cooked with a kettle on the mountain just now. "I cooked some porridge for you, you can eat something."

He Qiusheng leaned on the bed, opened his eyes slightly and looked at her, "Ahem, I didn't expect someone to come to see me. I thought no one would know if I died here."

There was a bit of self-deprecation in his voice.

"Uncle, you won't die. I was sick before, but I didn't die." Xu Xiaoman said hastily. She is most afraid of people saying this word. When she was sick before, her grandma often said that she would die.

He Qiusheng smiled, "Actually, sometimes, death may be better than life." If he had been braver at that time and died earlier, he might not have experienced these tortures later.

"But I think it's better to live than to die." Xu Nannan heard that He Qiusheng didn't really want to live, and immediately said firmly. "Uncle He, Xiaoman and I have left home now."

"Huh?" He Qiusheng looked at her. She seemed a little surprised, or perhaps didn't understand why she changed the subject suddenly.

Xu Nannan sighed, "Uncle He knows how our family treats us. Logically speaking, there is no hope for Xiaoman and I in the future. But I don't accept my fate. God let me meet such a family. I have no choice, but I can always try my best to make my life better. Uncle He, do you just accept your fate like this? You are a senior intellectual and educated person, you know more than us, and you must have more ways to make yourself live than us It's getting better. Maybe it's hard now, but who knows in the future."

She knew that He Qiusheng's life might be even more difficult during the future period of sports, but before that day comes, who knows what will happen.

He Qiusheng remained silent.

Xu Nannan felt that this topic was a bit heavy, so he put the bowl in his hand, "Uncle, eat some hot porridge, your body will feel better. When your body recovers, your mood will also improve."

Xu Xiaoman nodded, "Yes, you will be in a good mood when you are full."

He Qiusheng held the bowl and didn't move for a while. In the dim candlelight, Xu Nannan faintly saw tears in the corner of his eyes.

Xu Nannan and Xu Xiaoman didn't stay long, they left together after watching He Qiusheng start eating.

He Qiusheng ate the porridge in a few mouthfuls. He didn't know if it was because of his mood, or if the porridge was really useful, but he felt that his previously cold body began to warm up. It's been a long time, and he himself has forgotten that since he experienced that incident, people's feelings are cold and warm, and the world is cold and cold. Even the closest relatives have left him, and someone will give him a little warmth.

Xu Nannan didn't know that his bowl of porridge could have such a big effect. On the way back, Xu Xiaoman asked him, "Is Uncle He still sad?"

"... I don't know." Xu Nannan felt sad and definitely would. It's just that she can't do anything about it.

The reason I came to see He Qiusheng was because I didn't want to see him lying alone in bed suffering from illness. She can't help much, at least she can do her part. If He Qiusheng still insisted on giving up hope of survival, there was nothing she could do.

Back in the wooden house, the two pushed the door against the table from the inside, and the two sisters lay on the temporary bed together.

"It's so soft, soft, more comfortable than sleeping on the bed at home." Xu Xiaoman laughed.

"When you have money in the future, my sister will buy you a Simmons, so that you can sleep comfortably."

"What is Simmons?" The little girl began to yawn.

Xu Nannan looked at the roof and recalled with a smile, "It's like sleeping on Mt. Cotton."

“Definitely very comfortable…”

Soon, there was a small snoring sound. Xu Nannan glanced sideways, and then smiled, "Xiaoman, sister will definitely live a good life and make her life better and better!"

No matter why God brought her into this world, her only goal is to live like a human being. Of course, the primary goal is to truly become independent from the Xu family.

In the morning, when the sky was bright, the two children cooked porridge with the millet given by Song Guihua, added two eggs, and ate their first breakfast after leaving home happily.

Not having to be scolded by grandma during meals, Xu Xiaoman felt extremely happy.

"Sister, don't we have to go home from now on?"

After Xu Nannan finished his porridge, he looked sideways at her, "Do you want to go back?" This is a question, she is not willing to go back, but Xu Xiaoman is from the Xu family from the inside out, and this fact cannot be changed.

Fortunately, Xu Xiaoman shook his head firmly, "I want to follow my sister. Sister, I can also earn work points. I can go to the field. I have enough food now and have strength. Let's earn work points together, and we will share food at the end of the year. There is something to eat."

"You don't need to earn work points. My sister will make arrangements later." Xu Nannan felt that he still couldn't do it by asking a nine-year-old child to work in the fields.

Especially Xu Xiaoman is very small, he looks about seven years old, a little doll, hey, he still needs nourishment.

The two sisters finished their meal and packed up. Before they could go to the village to find Xu Gensheng, Song Guihua called them out of breath to go to the village.

Song Guihua didn't sleep well all night after returning home, always thinking about the two children's life in the barren mountains and mountains, feeling very uncomfortable. So before dawn in the morning, I went to Xu Gensheng to talk about it. Xu Gensheng was a little timid and wanted to make love with him. I feel that other people's children are making a fuss, maybe it will be fine when I look back. But Song Guihua was not happy, she felt that even if she only stayed for a while, she still needed to help her. So immediately ran to the mountains to find the two sisters Xu Nannan.

Xu Nannan and Xu Xiaoman followed Song Guihua directly to the field to find Xu Gensheng.

Xu Gensheng was announcing what he was going to do at the end of the year. The country was going to do a lot of construction. It was a big task for his village. He had to arrange people to work with people from other villages to set up farmland bases. For their place where there is not much water, this is a big task.

People in the village didn't really want to go, but it was arranged that at least one person should come from each family.

When Xu Jianhai and the others heard about this, they felt something was wrong. There will definitely be more work points and food on the base, but that work is not something ordinary people can do.

If this is really done, how many people can bear it.

Zhang Cuiqin rolled her eyes, "Captain Xu, do men have to go, can women go?"

Xu Gensheng squinted at her, "What's the matter, do you want to go? That's pretty good, I'll apply for an activist for you then."

"Oh no, no, I can't leave. I'm asking on behalf of our second daughter. This child can also work, so we can't discriminate." Zhang Cuiqin waved his hands repeatedly.

When the people around heard this, they frowned. Adults are not likely to be able to do the work, can that girl Nannan do it? If this is done, the child will also be abolished.

"Yo yo yo, I really have never seen such a shameless person. A little girl has to do a man's work instead." Song Guihua walked over with her waist in her arms, followed by sister Xu Nannan.

Xu Nannan also looked at Zhang Cuiqin with black lines all over his face. It seems that it was not safe to go out from home yesterday, and this is what people are thinking about.

"What's wrong, you can take care of our family's affairs?" Zhang Cuiqin frowned.