Small Shop Owner in the 1960s

Chapter 31


He Qiusheng originally didn't want to teach the two children to read. In his eyes, the situation of the two children was similar to his.

But the perseverance of these two children, and their determination to resist fate, slowly awakened his already desperate heart. He thought he should be able to do something for the two children as best he could. For example, let them leave this remote and backward village to live in a better place. These two children work so hard, no matter what, they will not live worse than they are now. But now Xu Nannan surprised him again, so he wanted to do something more.

Seeing Xu Nannan hesitated and said nothing, he sighed helplessly.

He naturally knew in his heart what the child was worried about. This was the general environment and there was nothing wrong with it, so he was not angry. What's more, the child still secretly helped him despite his worries, which seemed to be commendable.

"I have my own method for teaching students. It doesn't take long. You can have a class during lunch, and you don't have to teach all the time. I will tell you the method and let you learn by yourself. If you don't understand, you can ask me. This matter is also Don’t tell outsiders. In the future, you will say that you heard it in school yourself.”

Xu Nannan was a little embarrassed to hear him say that. She is really afraid of people knowing. Especially after Mrs. Xu's public trial, she was even more afraid.

Some things are no longer stories told by people, but things that actually happened in front of my eyes. If she was alone, she might be a little bolder, but there is Xiao Man behind her.

"Uncle He, I'm being narrow-minded." Xu Nannan blushed.

He Qiusheng smiled indifferently, "What's the matter, it's good that you are like this, you are still young, and you have Xiaoman with you, so you should be more cautious. When you leave here in the future, you must keep it."

After speaking, he looked at Xu Nannan with a smile, "Why, do you still dare to learn knowledge with me?"

"Yeah." Xu Nannan nodded repeatedly. A university professor is willing to teach her and Xiaoman, how could she not care about it. She doesn't need to learn by herself, but there is still Xiaoman.

Although she can teach herself, she just teaches writing and arithmetic casually, which is better than professional teachers. And she was very curious about what level her knowledge was equivalent to in this day and age.

"Teacher He!" Xu Nannan called out respectfully.

He Qiusheng smiled and nodded, feeling a little melancholy. How long has it been since no one called him teacher.

During dinner at night, Xu Nannan told Xu Xiaoman about studying with He Qiusheng.

Xu Xiaoman nodded, "Sister, I will study hard."

"Xiaoman, are you still thinking about that person beating you?" The person Xu Nannan was talking about was Xu Jiansheng, but now the two sisters are not willing to have anything to do with the old Xu's family, and they don't even want to call Xu Jiansheng up.

"Sister, let's not mention him. He is a bad guy." Xu Xiaoman said sullenly.

"Then why are you unhappy?"

Xu Xiaoman sniffed, "Sister, I just can't figure it out, Aunt Osmanthus loves Brother Wood and Brother Shitou so much, why no one loves us. I used to think that Dad just didn't like us, but he is better than Nai, he Don't hit us. But he is more ruthless than milk! Sister, why are we two children who are not loved by anyone? Are we really good children?"

The kid started to doubt himself.

No way, she sometimes forgets that Xiaoman is only nine years old. It should be placed in the future, that is, children in the third grade of elementary school, whose parents are doting on them, and they are obedient and obedient.

But this child was born in the old Xu's family, and he never had a good day since he was a child. Maybe Xu Jiansheng should be her last hope before being beaten by Xu Jiansheng, but this hope was also shattered in front of her. So the kid started to lose confidence.

"Xiao Man, you believe in sister, you are a good boy. Otherwise, Aunt Osmanthus, Uncle He, Grandma Chen, and Aunt Dahong would not help us. If others don't like us, it doesn't necessarily mean that we are bad, or it may be because of us. I am not good at myself. Xiaoman, in my sister's eyes, you are the best child, the most sensible child. Xiaoman, which bad child would bleed and get hurt for my sister. So in my sister's heart, you are the best and the most lovable child. Distressed."

"Sister, sister, I will only have you as my family from now on." Xu Xiaoman cried while hugging Xu Nannan.

"Don't cry, don't cry, our Xiaoman will be a useful person in the future, so don't make people laugh at me. I will tell you a story tonight. By the way, by the way, today my sister went to the supply and marketing agency to buy candy for you. Big White Rabbit Toffee, I bought them all."

"Sister, you're wasting money again." Xu Xiaoman said with a sullen nose.

Xu Nannan waved his hand boldly, and said in a joking tone, "It's okay, sister is not short of money."

This is true. The stamp collection she put in the store a while ago has been bought. It sold for 6,000 yuan.

In fact, Xu Nannan knew that this stamp collection would definitely cost more than this amount in the future, but the items in her store had never been sold at such a high price before, and she was worried that she would not be able to sell them if the price was set high, so she had to lower the price.

But for her now, the six thousand yuan is not a lot.

In a few days, she was going to go to the city to get a set of stamps and come back, and went to the second-hand goods market to see if there was anything missing that she could pick up. You can't sit still and eat nothing, and you have to start serious business again.

At noon the next day, He Qiusheng began to teach Xiaoman a class. As agreed before, during lunch, He Qiusheng finished his meal early, and then came to work on the mountain and teach lessons by the way.

He Qiusheng is indeed a professor at the provincial capital university, and he is quite good at teaching students. Xiao Man's talent is not considered good, and her foundation is not as good as that of her peers. After He Qiusheng asked a few questions, he knew how solid Xu Xiaoman's foundation was. Then, he followed the guidance carefully, and Xu Xiaoman got twice the result with half the effort in the first class. Especially some of the learning methods he taught surprised even Xu Nannan who came from the 21st century. I feel in my heart that the cultural people at this time are really awesome.

After teaching at noon, He Qiusheng asked Xu Nannan a few questions to find out for her.

Xu Nannan looked at the elementary school math problem on the paper, and after several struggles in his heart, he finally solved the problem. There's no way, it's too simple, and she's too embarrassed to make a mistake.

When He Qiusheng finished his busy trip and came back to take the time to read the test papers, he was surprised. "You are quite solid in self-taught."

He Qiusheng said something in surprise. Then he looked serious and asked a few more questions.

This time I went directly to the junior high school topic. Xu Nannan fumbled for two questions, but the other questions were all empty. There is only one elementary school in the village...

If so, when He Qiusheng came back and saw the two questions she answered, he was quite shocked.

It is a very high talent to be able to learn so solidly by self-study, and to use the knowledge you have learned to solve topics that you have not learned before. Moreover, this child is still in such a family, and there is absolutely not much time to study.

What a pity, what a pity. Such a good seedling was actually buried in this small village. He is even more regretful that if he hadn't fallen into this situation, he would still be a teacher at the provincial capital university. He must personally teach this child, let her bring out her talent to the extreme, and she must be an unlimited talent in the future.

At this time, he hoped that Li Chengwen would come later, so that he could teach the child more and make her start a little higher. Go a little farther than everyone else.

It's a pity that Li Chengwen didn't know what He Qiusheng was thinking.

He has been struggling these days, with his benevolent teacher on the one hand and his wife and children on the other. All kinds of worries made it difficult for him to make a choice. But these days he is not feeling well, his conscience is condemned, he can't eat well, and he can't sleep well. When he woke up in the dream, it was his mentor who pointed at him and scolded him for being ungrateful.

After suffering for these days, he finally decided to go and see He Qiusheng in person. Regardless of whether I can help the teacher or not, I always go to see him.

He is not going to tell his lover Yuan Li about this matter either. He knew that if he said it, Yuan Li would definitely not agree. It's time to make trouble at home again.

After a few days of preparation, Li Chengwen arranged his work, prepared a sum of money and put it in his bosom, and boarded the car to Rongshu Town.

When Li Chengwen arrived at Xujia Village, Xujia Village was busy handing over the public grain.

This is the big event of the year. The higher-ups assigned the task of how much grain should be produced per mu of land, how much should be handed over, and how much should be distributed. If you can't reach it, you may have to pay your debts all year round.

The busier the village was, the more idle the mountains became. The big fat pig that Xu Nannan raises has to be raised for a month before it is time to hand it in. It can be considered that besides studying, he just goes around getting pig grass to feed the pig. Try to let the pig grow fatter.

Fortunately, she has a strong ability to accept, and according to He Qiusheng, she is improving by leaps and bounds, so her studies don't take up much time.

The more she behaved like this, the more regretful He Qiusheng felt. He felt that if he gave more time to teach, Xu Nannan might be able to take the college entrance examination directly.

But he also knew that this was impossible. The child cannot be delayed here any longer. You can learn here, and you can learn outside. The life outside is incomparable here.

When Li Chengwen found the farm, He Qiusheng was shoveling pig manure in the pigsty. Xu Nannan threw pigweed on the side. Both of them had dry mouths on their faces. Looking at this scene, Li Chengwen almost thought that he had found the wrong place.

"Sister, someone is here."

Xu Xiaoman, who was doing a math problem, suddenly noticed the outsider and immediately reported it. Because of secretly studying with He Qiusheng recently, she has cultivated a high degree of vigilance. I was always worried that others would harm them and Uncle He.

Xu Nannan and He Qiusheng subconsciously looked at the entrance when they heard the words. When He Qiusheng saw the person coming, his eyes were somewhat clear, as if he had already realized that this person would come.

He put down his shovel and took off his mask as usual, "Chengwen, you're here."

"Teacher?!" Li Chengwen exclaimed when he saw He Qiusheng turned around and took off his mask.

At this time, He Qiusheng's hair was gray, his face was yellow, he was old and haggard. He didn't look as high-spirited as he did in school. The teacher in his memory was handsome, elegant, and eloquent. Before coming here, he imagined He Qiusheng's situation many times, but he never dared to think of this situation.

He knew that Mr. He was only ten years older than him. How could a person who is only in his early fifties, who is full of money and plans, become so old.

Compared to Li Chengwen's excitement and shock, He Qiusheng seemed very indifferent.

He walked out of the pigsty, patting the ends of his sleeves as he walked. "It's not a coincidence for you to come here. I just tidied up the pigsty."

Xu Nannan also walked out. She hadn't reacted when she heard He Qiusheng call Chengwen. It was only when she heard the man here calling her teacher that she remembered the letter she had sent out for He Qiusheng. The recipient was Li Chengwen, who was also the deputy mine manager of Nanjiang Iron Mine.

This person actually came, Xu Nannan looked at him in surprise. With a cropped head, wearing glasses, he is tall and big, and looks very serious. Looks like a leader.

"Teacher, you have suffered a lot..." Li Chengwen's voice was a little choked up.

Seeing that the man looked like he was about to cry, Xu Nannan felt that his mood was a little affected, so he simply went into the house. After a while, he came out with two glasses of water, and asked Xu Xiaoman to help move the bench out. Since this person is Uncle He's student, now that she came to see Uncle He, she didn't have to worry about others knowing about her relationship with Uncle He.

"Uncle He, let the guests come over and drink some water, sit down and chat."

Li Chengwen looked at her, "This is it?" He only noticed the teacher just now, and didn't see anyone beside him.

"It's also my student. Speaking of which, she's your junior sister." He Qiusheng said bluntly with a smile. "Come on, let's sit down and have a good talk."

Hearing this, Li Chengwen looked at Xu Nannan in surprise, but didn't ask any further questions. After sitting down, he looked at He Qiusheng again, "Teacher, why haven't you heard anything about you these past few years. Many students have been asking about your situation, but we have no news at all. I just know that someone reported something and asked you to..."

The smile on He Qiusheng's face suddenly faded, "It's all over, so it's useless to talk about it. It's no good for you to know, and let other people stop asking about it. I'm fine here, so don't worry."

"How can it be good here, teacher, you are a talented person, how can you do these things." Li Chengwen looked at the pigsty and couldn't help crying. A man does not flick his tears easily, but it is not yet the time to be sad. What could hurt him more than seeing someone he admired most treated unfairly.

"Chengwen, you are already old, why do you still have the same temper as before. You have to calm down. I heard that you are now the leader of the iron mine in the county, which is very good. There is a lot to do in the future."

He Qiusheng smiled calmly.

Hearing He Qiusheng praise him, Li Chengwen was still a little embarrassed, "I'm a good one among these classmates." After finishing speaking, he said seriously, "Teacher, although my ability is not as good as others, I must I will try my best to get you out of here. I will find someone to deal with when I get back, and I believe in the teacher's innocence."

Maybe he had some concerns before coming here, but after seeing He Qiusheng's situation, Li Chengwen felt that it would be really ungrateful if he remained indifferent. When the teacher saved those students, he risked his life.

"No need," He Qiusheng waved his hands, shaking his head with a smile, "I'm used to it here, and I'm getting old, and it's good to retire here. Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and seeing Nanshan leisurely. There is also a bit of artistic conception here , not worse than life in the city.”

"teacher… "

Li Chengwen wanted to persuade him, but He Qiusheng interrupted him, "Chengwen, I know you are a good student, otherwise I would not have written to you. I know that other people may not come when they receive the letter, but you will definitely Come on. I have lived here for a few years, and I am used to it. There may be misunderstandings about things back then, or maybe they deserved it. This is my end. If it wasn’t for something that requires you to reach out, I would never let you see me like this. The teacher also has the pride of the teacher, so don’t force it anymore.”

Hearing He Qiusheng's words, Li Chengwen's heart was choked up, and he was so uncomfortable that he couldn't speak for a long time. It took a long time before I took a deep breath, "Teacher, you said, as long as I can do it, I will do it. If I can't, I will try to do it."

He Qiusheng glanced at Xu Nannan who was feeding the pigs, and then at Xu Xiaoman who was working hard on the questions, "It's for these two children."

"Speaking of which, these two children have some fate with you. Their father is also in the mine. However, these two children are not in his favor."

He Qiusheng briefly told Li Chengwen about sister Xu Nannan's situation.

Li Chengwen didn't expect such a coincidence that his teacher's new student turned out to be Xu Jiansheng's daughter.

It is said that there was a rumor about this matter in the mine back then, it seems that Xu Jiansheng's daughter was forced to marry by the family, for this matter, he and several leaders even came forward to talk to Xu Jiansheng.

Now that he knew the details of sister Xu Nannan, Li Chengwen felt that his attitude when he talked with Xu Jiansheng was too kind.

"Teacher, do you want me to take them into the city?"

Li Chengwen already guessed this without He Qiusheng saying it. Now the only chance for these two children to change their fate is to enter the city.

He Qiusheng nodded slightly, feeling a little bit reluctant.

Li Chengwen thought for a while, and said seriously, "After the year, the mine will conduct a recruitment test. I will find a way to arrange for Xu Nannan to take the test, guarantee her entry into the mine, and then arrange a good job for her." This is easy to say. , there are many places to operate. After all, there are many people staring at those positions in the mine. Not to mention the good location. He had never done this kind of backdoor thing before, but this time He Qiusheng seldom opened his mouth, maybe it was like this once in his life, and he was willing to make an exception for many things.

After saying these words, he began to think about what position to arrange for Xu Nannan.

"There's no need to make special arrangements." He Qiusheng interrupted his thoughts. "She is still young, so it's not good to praise her too high suddenly. I haven't taught her for a long time, but I found that she is quite talented. It's okay to let her work as a temporary worker in the mine first. If possible, let her go to night school , let her pass the exam on her own ability."

In the end, he still seemed a little uneasy, "If you really can't pass the exam... you can help me."

Li Chengwen nodded seriously, keeping the matter in his heart. He couldn't help but look at Xu Nannan again. The teacher specially made an exception to write to him, and was so thoughtful for her, it seems that he really likes this child.

Back then when the younger brother went to school, the teacher didn't seem to care much about it. By the way, the younger brother doesn't know where he is now, so don't mention it.

After the matter was over, He Qiusheng didn't let Li Chengwen stay for a long time, but told him to return to the city quickly so that no one would find out.

"Don't come here again." Before Li Chengwen left, He Qiusheng confessed.

Hearing this, Li Chengwen suddenly knelt on the ground, kowtowed to He Qiusheng a few times, got up and strode down the mountain.

Xu Nannan looked at this from a distance, and felt that Uncle He must have been a great teacher before, otherwise he would not have been so liked by the students.

After Li Chengwen left, He Qiusheng returned to work as usual, and didn't say a word to Xu Nannan about what he had said to Li Chengwen.

If he didn't say anything, Xu Nannan naturally didn't ask too many questions. He even felt that it was good that he didn't know about such a confidential matter.

Li Chengwen came and went in a hurry, but did not bring any changes to He Qiusheng. The whole Xujia Village was also preparing for the autumn grain distribution in a lively atmosphere.

The food distribution in the team is distributed according to "six people work four" or "seven people work three". The so-called "six labors and four labors" or "seven labors and three labors" means that the grain produced by the production team is paid 60% or 70% of the remaining grain on the basis of paying in full national public grain, also known as "patriotic grain". According to the population, the other 40% or 30% is divided according to the labor force, that is, the work points earned. The principle of "seven people" is because some families have less labor and more children, so they cannot earn work points, that is, "old households" that were often said at that time. This approach was adopted to take care of this group of people. The principle of "Labour Four" is a distribution method with an incentive mechanism. Whoever works more and gets more work points will naturally get more food.

As a person with work points, Xu Nannan also participated in this autumn grain distribution. Of course, Xu Xiaoman can also share a part. In the past, Mrs. Xu often said that Xu Xiaoman belonged to the type of free food, because she felt that she was not able to earn work points and was the only one in the family who could not earn food for "Working Four".

Xu Nannan is a breeder, and this job is a regular job in the production team, so he gets full marks for the work. Calculated in this way, the work points are quite a lot. Including Xu Xiaoman's share, it can be divided into more than 300 catties of grain. My sister and I eat less. We usually grow a la carte and dig some wild vegetables to eat together, which can last for a year.

So when Xu Gensheng thought about the amount of food that Xu Nannan's family could share, many people were jealous.

As much as two and a half-year-old children can eat, this amount of food is almost catching up with adults.

It was also at this time that Xu Nannan really discovered the benefits of the job Xu Gensheng arranged for her. Although it is open all year round, there are really a lot of work points.

"Nannan, why are you so thin?"

Xu Nannan was signing the contract when someone suddenly walked over. When Xu Nannan heard the voice, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he looked back at the visitor. How could she have forgotten that Li Jing and those nephews and nieces all belong to the scope of "Ren Liu".

Li Jing looked at her and smiled gently. "Why didn't you talk when you saw mom?"

"Old Xu's family has already written a letter of guarantee to draw a clear line with me. I don't know what to call you. Uncle Gensheng knows about this, right, Uncle Gensheng?"