Small Shop Owner in the 1960s

Chapter 39


Xu Nannan has only been here for two days, and he has brought glory to the cafeteria, making the old staff in the cafeteria extremely happy.

Even the mine manager said that the atmosphere in the cafeteria is good and everyone needs to learn from it. Let's see who dares to underestimate our cafeteria. What's wrong with our cooks, cooks are still pacesetters and role models. No matter you cook, you miners, officers and cadres, you can't drink Xibenfeng.

Master Du is the happiest. As the most qualified person in the cafeteria, Xu Nannan won the certificate, just like him, it's an honor.

"Nan Nan will work with me from now on," Master Du said during a small meeting in the cafeteria after the conference was over.

Xu Nannan was very embarrassed to hear that, she never thought about staying in the cafeteria for a long time from the beginning, but now it seems that everyone thinks that she will stay here, and they all accept her.

Especially Master Du seems to want to promote her.

She said, "Master Du, everyone has more qualifications than me. I just came here. Let me do chores. I can do them all."

"Nannan, don't be stupid. Master Du's skills are not easy to pass on. You follow along and you will have a place in our cafeteria in the future." It was the aunt who had a good relationship with Xu Nannan who spoke.

"Nannan, let's not be too modest. Although you are not capable enough now, you are still young, and you will have many opportunities to learn in the future. Learn hard." Master Du said with a smile.

Everyone likes smart and sensible children. Xu Nannan is smart, diligent, slick, and has a high level of awareness. Such a child is really the best candidate to be an apprentice.

Master Du thinks that this child is a talent to be made, and he will be a figure who will shine in the cafeteria in the future. Look at the awards on that wall, that's the proof.

Under the arrangement of Master Du, Xu Nannan's work has also been eased. In the future, you don't have to do miscellaneous things such as cooking and washing vegetables, just follow Master Du as an apprentice.

When Jiang Lili heard about this arrangement, she almost broke her teeth.

As the news of Xu Nannan's praise spread, it was inevitable that Li Jing would be criticized.

The two are in a mother-daughter relationship, so the two diametrically opposite results can make many people laugh at it. Especially those who used to hear Li Jing nagging her daughter for being disobedient, but now they feel that Li Jing is slapping her own mouth.

The child is upright in thinking and high in consciousness, and has been praised by the mine's circular, so can it be bad? You, Li Jing, said that the child is not good. Could it be that the child is not sensible because the child did not listen to you and imitated your selfish ideas

People at this time are so simple, okay, that's what the above sentence says. The organization says that you are not good, but can you still be good

The image that Li Jing worked so hard to build over the years has been completely ruined. Even the children have heard the teacher talk about these things in school.

The school for the children of the mine is the Nanjiang Iron Mine Workers’ Children’s School. Schools include elementary and junior high schools. Teachers are also mine workers. There is a trouble in the mine, and the teachers also like to use the school to educate the children.

For example, during the general meeting today, the mine manager may name and criticize XX, saying that it is an evil trend. Comrade Xu Nannan was also praised, let us learn from this comrade.

I heard that this comrade is only fifteen or sixteen years old, and he has been praised by the mine circular. We students can learn from this little comrade in the future.

"Xu Hong, Li Jing is your uncle." In the third grade of junior high school, Xu Hong was thinking about what the teacher said just now. A boy next to her pushed her arm and asked.

"I, my aunt's name is that, but the Li Jing the teacher said is definitely not my aunt." Xu Hong immediately denied it.

This boy Liu Hongjun is her deskmate. His father is a member of the county armed forces, and the family conditions are good. Many people in the class like it. Xu Hong also liked it a little. Of course, what I like the most is his father's identity in the County Armed Forces.

Liu Hongjun asked suspiciously, "Really? There are still many Li Jings in the mine?"

"Who knows, there are many people with the same name and surname these days." Xu Hong bit the bullet and said, pushing Liu Hongjun again, "Why are you asking so many questions? Where are you going to go this weekend? Have you thought about it?"

"Watching a movie, the movie from Shanghai is really good. I got all the tickets, and my dad got it." Liu Hongjun said proudly.

Xu Hong's face flushed immediately. Such is the case with a good family, and even movie tickets can be obtained in advance.

She was about to have another flirt with Liu Hongjun when she heard Xu Meizi calling her outside. I can only reluctantly walk out of the classroom holding the textbook.

"What's your name? I didn't see that I was busy." Xu Hong said angrily.

Xu Meizi said anxiously, "Sister, didn't you hear what the teacher said, my aunt was criticized by someone, and she was said to be evil. It was the mine manager who criticized her by name."

"How many times have I told you, don't call me by my nickname at school. I'm dead!" Xu Hong stared.

Xu Meizi said, "Sister Honghong, why do you care about this at this time? Auntie has already happened to her, so you are not worried?"

"None of my business." Xu Hong snorted and walked out of the school with her books in her arms.

At this time, the people who left school at noon had almost left, and even Xu Long and Xu Lei didn't know where they went crazy. Xu Meizi didn't care about her younger brother either, and walked home with Xu Hong, pulling at the hem of her clothes, "Sister Honghong, this is a big deal."

"That's my aunt's own business, I don't care about it. I think you are in a hurry, and it's not our fault, it's Erya's fault. If auntie wants to blame, she can't blame us."

Seeing that she hadn't mentioned the point, Xu Meizi blushed anxiously, "I wonder if this matter will affect my aunt's conversion from farming to non-conformity. Now that the mine is publicly criticizing my aunt, she will definitely be punished by then." It's embarrassing. If my uncle can't transfer, how can we transfer this account?"

Xu Meizi was dying of anxiety.

When the teacher talked about it today, she knew what was going on, and it wasn't because her aunt stole chickens and lost money. This time it's really not worth the candle. It didn't take Erya away, but it made the big thing about agriculture turn nonsense.

When Xu Hong heard about the household registration, she stared and said, "You're talking nonsense. Auntie, isn't this about to happen?"

"It was going to happen, but it didn't work out." Seeing her like this, Xu Meizi felt very angry. She is usually very clever when coaxing her aunt, but why is she so stupid at such a critical time, no wonder her mother always said that the second aunt is a fool, and the child she gave birth to is also a fool, and she was right.

The idiot Xu Hong was stunned when he heard this. If it doesn't work, what will happen if it doesn't work... The uncle can't change from a farmer to a non-citizen, and she, Xu Hong, can't even think about transferring her household registration to the city to become a city resident.

Xu Meizi thought more.

She is not in a hurry to be a city person or not. Anyway, she is planning to continue studying, and to study higher in the future. She is not in technical secondary school yet, she is going to university. Once you graduate from university, you will become a cadre, and then the household registration will be settled. There is no need to rely on the favor of her uncle.

What she's worried about now is that if the auntie can't turn from farming to non-farming, it means that their dream of eating commodity grains will be broken. My hometown is not as good as it used to be. Uncle has to subsidize his hometown and raise a few children. Can he afford it? Longlong and Leizi are boys, and Nai and Uncle will definitely let them both study. She and Xu Hong might not be able to get along.

She glanced at Xu Hong who obviously couldn't believe it.

It seems that she has to find a way to go home and discuss this matter with her mother. She doesn't want to be left aside by her family like Er Ya Si Ya.

After being reminded by Xu Meizi, Xu Hong seemed to have finally realized something. He ran home with the book in his arms, faster than Xu Meizi.

"Uncle, our teacher said that you were criticized by the mine, is it true?" Xu Hong yelled as soon as she entered the room.

Li Jing was half lying on the bed with a wet towel on her head, looking extremely weak.

After the report of criticism came out today, she became dizzy, and fortunately she was dizzy, so she didn't have to face so many people's ridicule. She didn't expect the incident to be so serious that even the mine manager came forward in person, saying that she was doing crooked ways in the mine, so she made a deep self-criticism, and asked Xu Jiansheng to come back every day to give her political lessons, so that she would wake up early.

She had never been so humiliated in her life. Even if she was a current person in the landlord's house, she was decent, and her clothes were not much different from that of Miss Qianjin, and she was also a number one person when she went out. It's not like today, when those dirty miners point their noses and laugh.

Hearing Xu Hong talk about this matter, her sores that hadn't healed were torn open again, "What's wrong, what are you children doing asking about this, and making fun of me?"

Although Li Jing didn't answer directly, Xu Hong could hear what she meant. The aunt was really criticized... "Auntie, when will we be able to deal with the conversion from farming to non-government?" She looked at Li Jing nervously.

"Let's wait a while." Li Jing said perfunctorily.

"Will that affect you?" Xu Hong asked. This is what she is most worried about now.

Xu Meizi stood aside without saying a word, with a look of eagerness in her eyes.

"What's the matter, are you still worried that you will be affected?" Li Jing slapped the bed board with a straight face. Xu Hong was taken aback. This was the first time Li Jing lost her temper with her, and she didn't react right away.

Xu Meizi hurriedly pulled Xu Hong, "Sister, let's go cook, auntie is not feeling well, let's stop quarreling with her." Saying that, she pulled Xu Hong away.

Seeing the two children go out, Li Jing took a breath. It's still Meizi who is sensible. But this matter can't be let the hometown know, otherwise those people will definitely not be able to spare her.

"It's all because of that damn girl, who killed me." Li Jing took a breath and wiped her tears angrily. Why is my life so hard, I didn't find a good parent, I didn't meet a good mother-in-law, and even my daughter was so unfilial. God is so blind.

After a while Xu Long and Xu Lei also came back.

The two of them didn't know anything about the family affairs, they didn't go to class today, instead they ran to the grove behind the school to dig out bird nests. However, the two discovered one thing.

"We saw Si Ya. When school was over, a few children were with her. They were still eating candy."

Xu Long said angrily. But obviously what was angry was not seeing Xu Xiaoman, but seeing them eating candy, but not giving it to him.

Xu Jiansheng was also eating at home at noon. Hearing this, he asked, "Has Xiaoman gone to school?"

Then something came to mind, yes, at Xiaoman's age, it's time for him to go to school. Back then, Nan Nan was in the first grade at his age. Thinking of this, Xu Jiansheng was in a daze again, Nan Nan was only in the first grade. Xiaoman is now almost ten years old before going to school. How did he find out.

He looked at his little girl, Xu Ling. The child was still eating with big mouthfuls, his little head completely covered the bowl.

Xu Jiansheng just picked up a piece of meat for her, and didn't pay attention to Li Jing's painful appearance. "Xiao Ling, do you want to go to school?"

Hearing Xu Jiansheng's intention to send Xu Ling to school, Li Jing frowned and said, "What school does she go to when she is so young?"

Xu Ling immediately said, "Dad, I will be seven years old after the Chinese New Year."

Seven years old is the age to go to school.

Xu Jiansheng nodded, already making up his mind. When school starts next year, I will send Xiaoman to school. Either way, the kid still has to go to school.

Li Jing panicked suddenly, the situation at home is not as good as before. I have to support a child to go to school, how will I live in the future.

What's the use of this little girl's film reading, it's not good for her, and it costs money. When she grows up, she will be like her two elder sisters, all white-eyed wolves.

Li Jing wanted to speak again, but Xu Meizi secretly pulled her away.

Knowing that she was going to study, Xu Ling was so happy that she was almost ready to eat. After taking two bites, he raised his head and smiled at Xu Jiansheng. Seeing his daughter like this, Xu Jiansheng breathed a sigh of relief, with a bit of pride in being a father.

After Xu Jiansheng left, Li Jing looked for Xu Ling everywhere, but she couldn't find anyone. She stood in the yard, gritted her teeth and said, "This damn girl, she has been running around all day without seeing anyone. I don't know where she went."

Xu Meizi came out of the house with a book in her arms and was about to go to class. Seeing this, she walked over, "Uncle, don't be angry. My uncle has agreed to Wu Ya's going to school."

"He's being blunt. He doesn't know how expensive daily necessities are. In our family's situation, how can we provide for our children to study, and he doesn't know how much it costs to borrow."

Xu Meizi nodded. "What my aunt said is true. The tuition fee is not much, but the borrowing fee is a lot. The tuition fee of the primary school in the village is not much."

Hearing this, Li Jing raised her eyebrows thoughtfully.

Seeing this, Xu Meizi didn't say much, and said with a smile, "Auntie, I'm going to class."

Li Jing nodded, not knowing whether she heard it or not.

In the big cafeteria, Xu Lingzheng happily explained to Xu Nannan that she would be able to go to school next year.

Xu Nannan stuffed her with a piece of toffee. She held it in her mouth, her cheeks bulging. "Next year, I will be able to go to school with Sister Siya."

Xu Nannan smiled while helping to wash the basin, "Then Xiaoling must study hard. If she does well, I will buy you stationery like Xiaoman." She did not expect Xu Jiansheng to treat Xu Ling like this this time In my mind, I knew I was going to send my child to school. She thought that Xu Jiansheng really wanted to go all the way to the dark, regardless of her own daughter. No matter what, it is good that Xiaoling can read.

"I'm sure I can pronounce it well. I know quite a few words now." Xu Ling said crisply.

"Okay, our Xiaoling is smart." Xu Nannan took out another candy from his pocket and put it in her hand. Put the washed rice bowl on the table. The aunt next to her said, "Nannan, I'm almost too busy. You can go back and rest. Just come over later and help with the cooking. You don't need to be busy here."

Xu Nannan smiled and said, "Auntie, I'll go back first, and I'll come early in the afternoon."

Jiang Lili, who was washing the pots, saw Xu Nannan leaving just like that, and said dissatisfiedly, "Why can she leave first, I'm still a regular worker."

The aunt gave her a squinting look, "If your hands and feet can be as smooth as Nan Nan's, you can wash eight pots in one noon, and no one will say anything after you leave. But look at how many pots you only did? Really? No, it’s okay if you can get a certificate for our cafeteria. Everyone agrees, right?”

"Yes, Jiang Lili, you can come back with the certificate, and you can leave early." Someone echoed with a smile.

The others laughed when they heard this.

Jiang Lili bit her lip bitterly. Isn't it just that you came back with a certificate? What's the big deal? When that girl gets into trouble in the cafeteria, let's see if you still protect her.

Thinking bitterly in my heart, the big basin in my hand also made a harsh sound.

Xu Nannan took Xu Ling out of the cafeteria, gave Xu Ling a handful of candy, and asked her to find a friend to play with. I went back to the dormitory and changed into clean clothes before leaving the mine.

Since she thought about buying a house last time, she began to think about saving more money so that she could buy a suitable house.

As for how to explain the source of the money... I will talk about it when I have money, and worrying about it now is useless.

Most people in the county have work units, and after lunch, there are not many people on the street. Just some old people and children walking on the street. The children squatted in groups of three or four and played games in one place. No need to be watched.

There are not as many small cars on the road as later, and it is rare to see even a bicycle.

It was really poor at this time. She wants to get a bicycle out. There are all kinds of bicycles in Taobao store. After buying a house, she will buy a bicycle, a Phoenix brand.

Still familiar with the way to the old couple's home last time.

Grandpa Yu Donglai saw her coming, his cloudy eyes lit up, "Little girl, you haven't come for a long time."

"There has been no good things at home. This time I brought them back from outside, so I came here immediately." Xu Nannan laughed.

"There's something good again, what is it this time?" Yu Donglai asked in surprise, thinking of something, he hurriedly let Xu Nannan into the room, "Look at my head, come in and tell me."

Xu Nannan entered the door with his bag on his back.

I didn't see the old lady when I went in. "Grandpa Yu, I didn't see Grandma Yu."

"It's in the room." Yu Donglai's face returned to the previous slump. "Recently, the old problem has recurred again. I can't eat anymore. When I went to the hospital, the doctor didn't know what to do. They said it was a heart disease."

He looked at the picture of his son on the wall.

Since his son left, his wife's health has become worse and worse.

Xu Nannan followed her gaze at the photos on the wall. The man in the military uniform in the photo is very young.

Her mood was also affected, and she didn't know what to say. The pain of losing a child is the most painful in the world. She took out the milk powder from her backpack, "This is specially for the elderly, it's different from the previous ones."

Yu Donglai took it over and looked at it. Looking at the glass bottle in his hand, he felt better. No matter what, let your wife eat better. This is the only thing he can do now.

Yu Donglai was going to get the money, Xu Nannan stopped him, and said awkwardly, "Grandpa Yu, there is no rush to give this, I actually want to ask you for a favor."

"What, tell me, if I can do it, I will definitely help you." Yu Donglai said straightforwardly, the child helped him a lot. Otherwise, my wife's nutritional supplements would be lost. It's not that he hasn't thought about how this kid has these good things, but it's not his business. Now it's just him and his wife at home, so why bother so much. As long as there is something to eat.

Xu Nannan also considered that Yu Donglai's family has a small population, so he decided to ask Yu Donglai for help, "Grandpa Yu, it's like this, I know a person in Shanghai, I can ask him for help to bring things back for a long time, what's so strange I can get everything. I just want to see if there is anyone here in the county who wants it. Grandpa Yu, you have lived in the city for a long time, and see if there is anyone who needs these nutrients like you. Can you introduce them to me. "

Yu Donglai was surprised, "Son, what are you going to do..." Oh my god. He didn't dare to say the next two words.

This thing is bought and sold, isn't that the same as the capitalists in the past. As for the separate business between him and Xu Nannan, they have to be sneaky.

"Little girl, what do you want so much money for?" Yu Donglai disagreed. He wasn't worried that he would be affected. Anyway, the two of them had nothing to do with their age, but the child was still young. If something really happened, he would feel a little pity.

"I want to buy a house." Xu Nannan said sincerely. She knew that if she didn't make it clear today, Yu Donglai probably wouldn't be able to help her.

"Grandpa Yu, in fact, I lied to you before. These things were not brought back by my father from outside, but I sold them for others."

She told a little bit about what happened between herself and Xu Xiaoman, and Yu Donglai couldn't bear to listen to it without embellishing it. But she didn't say where she lived or where she worked, and she was still a little wary.

"I have to get out of there. Grandpa Yu, if it's inconvenient for you, you don't need to come forward, just tell me who is more reliable, and I will come and ask myself." It's not like I didn't think that it was like when I met Yu Donglai before Go find it yourself. But after the incident between Mrs. Xu and Li Jing, she has a deeper understanding of this era and is more cautious.

Yu Donglai didn't say anything, and went directly into the house to get the money out, and gave her the money for the milk powder just now, "I have to think about this matter, next time you come, let's talk about it."

With him like this, Xu Nannan was a little uncertain whether this matter would be successful or not.

As soon as Xu Nannan left, Yu Donglai closed the door and entered the room.

The old lady was lying on the bed and looking out the window, "The leaves are all gone, when will my son come back?"

Yu Donglai sat on the edge of the bed, "My son is busy, he is walking around in the army, how can he have time to come back?"

"Oh." The old lady wept again.

The old couple often do this, knowing that their son is gone, it's better to act as if the son was still there. I always feel that he is still there. As long as they insist that his son is still alive and in the army, he may come back one day.

Yu Donglai took her by the hand and said, "The child came last time and brought us milk powder. It's specially for the elderly to nourish your body. I'll make you a cup later."

"Another waste of money," said the old lady.

"It's enough for us to eat, don't worry. That child is not easy." Yu Donglai also told the old lady what happened to Xu Nannan.

After hearing this, the old lady diverted her attention, instead of crying, she was a little angry. "How can you be a grandparent or a parent like this. Children are so precious, why don't you know how to cherish them?"

If her son can keep a child, she will definitely feel pain like an eyeball.

Yu Donglai discussed, "I'm thinking that the house we reserved for Xiaohai will be empty in the future, or let them live in it. You don't need to spend money on supplements in the future, so we will use this money to pay for it."

They have been living in the county town, and the two also have real estate. In addition to the house arranged by the unit, the two also kept a house. At the beginning, they had always planned to keep their son for him to marry and live in after returning from the army.

It has been empty these years, and Yu Donglai sometimes goes to tidy it up. After decades, people can still live there.

This time, he considered taking it out for Xu Nannan to live in, so Yu Donglai had another thought. My son has no descendants. If these two children are good, can they be regarded as his son's descendants in the future.

In this way, after they are gone, someone can offer incense sticks to their son and them every Ching Ming Festival.

People who have one foot in the coffin always think a little more.

The old lady was a little bit reluctant, after all, it was the last thought left by her son.

After Yu Donglai told her about her thoughts, she was silent for a moment before she said, "Let me take a good look at that child next time."

Yu Donglai didn't send a letter to Xu Nannan, and Xu Nannan also felt a little uneasy, so he decided to make two preparations.

After leaving Yu Donglai's house, she bought some flour and eggs from Taobao and took them to the black market.

At this time, in addition to the supply and marketing cooperatives, there is also a black market in the county seat.

The black market is a market where people trade in private. Of course the government does not allow this thing to exist, but it cannot be banned either. The supply of ordinary people in cities is limited, and if there is not enough food at home, they cannot really go hungry. I have to find a place to buy food to supplement it.

In rural areas, there are often some families who are reluctant to eat refined grains. They eat wild vegetables at home, and save the grains and bring them to the city to exchange some cash.

Xu Nannan also wanted to come to the black market to sell things before, but the things sold on the black market were not expensive. She came here to sell valuables, not to mention whether there was a market, and she was easily caught. Otherwise, he wouldn't have said that to Dong Lai.

But now Yu Donglai might believe it, and she couldn't wait, so she simply came to sell some fine grains, and the accumulation made a lot of money. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.