Small Shop Owner in the 1960s

Chapter 40


When Xu Nannan arrived at the black market, there were not many people selling things. Many people came from the countryside. They called early and sold out, and they could go back on the same day.

When Xu Nannan came with two sacks, several people were staring at her bags, wondering what the immediate thing was.

Xu Nannan opened the bag to reveal the flour and eggs inside.

The flour is so white that it makes people's eyes shine.

Almost at the same time, several people walked towards Xu Nannan's booth.

"Comrade, how do you sell this flour?" It was an old aunt who spoke, her face was thin, but her eyes were fixed on the flour.

"What about the eggs, how do you sell them?" a young woman said.

"How much is the flour? If it's suitable, I'll take it all." The middle-aged man wearing glasses said excitedly.

Flour and eggs are not only grains, but fine grains with high nutritional value.

The children in the family haven't had a meal of refined grains for a long time. They brought back a meal from the cafeteria, and the children could eat it hungrily.

But the food in the cafeteria is also rationed, and they are not like Nanjiang Iron Mine. As long as the county town comes to the food, it will be supplied to the iron mine first.

Adults can deal with it with some cornmeal and dried sweet potatoes, but children can't do this. The famine began two years ago, and now the child is still swollen. It's all caused by malnutrition.

Hearing that the middle-aged man wanted it all, the others were not happy, "No, this is the only order, you want it all, what should other people do. How can you be so selfish." The old aunt objected.

Xu Nannan didn't expect fine grains to be so popular. She was worried that people would rather buy more cheap coarse grains.

It seems that the market situation is still not understood enough. No matter what, when the business comes, you can't push it out.

"Don't fight, I still have this food, I will try it first, if you want it, I will come over tomorrow. There is food in my hometown."

The old aunt was no longer in a hurry, and asked, "Little comrade, how do you sell this flour? Do you have anything else? Do you have dried noodles?" She asked, her eyes already staring at Xu Nannan's flour, After thinking about it, order it back, and roll the noodles by yourself. The little grandson has been yelling for a long time.

"Flour is 70 cents a catty. Eggs are 20 cents a catty." Xu Nannan added, "Five taels of food stamps are enough for flour. No food stamps are needed for eggs."

Xu Nannan knew about this price before. The price in the supply and marketing cooperative was 30 cents a catty, and the price on the black market was generally several times higher than that in the supply and marketing cooperative.

Xu Nannan didn't think it would be too deceptive. The price is just right.

Sure enough, as soon as the price was raised, several people's eyes lit up, and they looked at the flour even more eagerly. Even those who were only planning to sell and buy eggs regretted not bringing more food stamps and money with them. He said simply, "Give me ten eggs, plus five catties of flour. When will you come over tomorrow, I will come to you."

"I want half of this. You weigh it for me, and I will give you money and food coupons right away." The middle-aged man said.

The old aunt was also polite, and directly paid for it, "Give me ten catties of flour first."

After the three finished speaking, others surrounded them.

After knowing the price, more people want to buy immediately.

Xu Nannan said in a hurry.

After a while, everything was sold out, even two sacks were bought.

She got fifty eggs in all, sold them all, and made ten dollars. In addition, the flour was only sixty catties, and sold for thirty-five yuan.

This trip earned forty-five yuan, equivalent to a month's wages for ordinary workers.

Xu Nannan put the money in his arms and hurried back to the mine to go to work. Worried that someone would follow her, she deliberately turned a corner.

After finishing his work at night, Xu Nannan also went to night school.

Xu Xiaoman was also watched by Zhu Fang. Zhu Fang heard that Xu Nannan had applied for an evening school to study accounting, and thought she was very motivated and supportive.

The accounting at that time was very different from the later ones, and the textbooks were very different. Fortunately, I ignored them. When she took the accountant exam in her previous life, her studies were relatively solid, so she understood it very well after listening to the teacher.

Most of the people who come to school in the classroom are young people. Xu Nannan is considered the youngest in it. Generally, at her age, she is either studying in a regular technical secondary school, or she is not in a hurry to further her studies.

Although she understood everything, Xu Nannan was still very serious in class. She wrote down everything the teacher said in her notes. Ask the teacher questions after class.

The teacher is an elderly aunt who wears reading glasses and looks serious.

Not many people asked her questions in class, Xu Nannan asked her questions after class, she was still a little surprised. Look at this student's young age, but his attitude is very good. And the notes are also very neat. This learning attitude immediately made the teacher have a good impression.

Xu Nannan tried to ask the teacher as many questions as possible. Asked very detailed.

After all, she is a transfer student, and she didn't take the previous courses. At the end of the semester, she wanted to try to pass the exam once and get her graduation certificate in advance. So no matter what she understands or what she doesn't understand, she will ask again. In the future, as a transfer student, she will pass the exam once, and others will not find it strange. They will only think that it is because she has a good attitude and a smarter head.

The accountant teacher soon found out that the child in front of him is a talent, just like Teacher He.

For a transfer student, she will explain the knowledge that she has never learned before, and the student will be able to master it. She has taught accounting classes for so many years, and she has met many students. It is really rare to have such a strong learning ability.

No matter when, teachers like smart students. Especially the kind of students who are easy to understand.

After explaining Xu Nannan's doubts, the accounting teacher encouraged her to go to university.

At her age, if she calms down and studies for a year or two, she will definitely be able to enter university.

Although the degree of technical secondary school is not low, I can also work as an officer in the mine. But if you are a college student, then it will belong to the country in the future.

At this time, college students were basically arranged to work in government units, and the worst ones could find a position as a cadre in a mine. If this student can work in the mine, there will be no problem with the political examination. When the time comes, the mine will recommend it. Since he has good grades, he will definitely pass the exam.

The accounting teacher had a good idea, but unfortunately Xu Nannan never thought about going to university. But she didn't say it directly. University is like a dragon's gate to everyone, who would not be happy to have the opportunity to jump through the dragon's gate. If she told others that she didn't want to go to college, they would think she was out of her mind.

The people at the mine naturally knew about Xu Nannan's night school.

It was Jiang Lili who spread the word.

The news first spread in the kitchen. After Jiang Lili found out that Xu Nannan was studying at night school, she excitedly ran to the cafeteria and told the cafeteria workers about it.

Look, how kind you are to Xu Nannan, but he went to night school. This is to betray the cafeteria.

If Xu Nannan left the kitchen, Jiang Lili would be the happiest. She used to think about Xu Nannan's position because of Xu Nannan's position.

But after a few confrontations with Xu Nannan, she didn't gain any benefits, and was ridiculed instead, so she disliked Xu Nannan everywhere. Even if Xu Nannan is studying at night school now, she may be leaving the kitchen, she still finds Xu Nannan disliked, and wants to find a way to make it difficult for her.

When Master Du asked Xu Nannan about it, Xu Nannan didn't hide it and admitted it directly.

There was no way to deny this kind of thing, and she didn't want to go to school secretly.

"I didn't have much opportunity to study in the village before, but now that I've come to the mine, I want to learn more." Xu Nannan said.

Before Master Du could speak, Jiang Lili said sarcastically, "Huh, it sounds so good. I have come to work in the kitchen. Is there any need to learn knowledge? Just learn how to cook well. You are clearly leaving our kitchen. You see, She is a traitor!"

"Jiang Lili, what you said is wrong. Whoever said that people in our canteen can't learn knowledge? Co-author, you think that people in our big canteen can only hold spoons."

Some people are not happy to hear that. Even if they work in the big canteen, they are very honorable. I cook, I am honored. Does cooking mean ignorance? Whoever said it, call it out, I promise not to beat him to death!

Xu Nannan said, "I'm not hiding it from everyone, I really have this idea. I want to learn knowledge, and I want to take an exam for a regular job in the future. It doesn't matter where I work, but I want to become a full-time employee. There are only so many cafeteria establishments. If the mine recruits workers, I will definitely sign up. I know I am sorry for everyone's trust in me, I am sorry, everyone."

After speaking, she bowed towards everyone.

"What are you doing?" Aunt Liao who has a good relationship with her hurriedly stopped her.

Master Du held his hands behind his back, with a big belly, and looked at Xu Nannan expressionlessly, "Comrade Xu Nannan, you work in the cafeteria, and you know how we treat you. Because of what, because we think you are smart. Ma Liu, you will become a talent in the future."

Master Du's tone was more serious. The others also looked at Xu Nannan nervously.

If Master Du doesn't like Xu Nannan in the future and wants to target her, Xu Nannan will be left to do all the dirty work in the cafeteria, and no one can say anything.

Jiang Lili gloated and smiled at Xu Nannan.

Traitor, deserve it!

Xu Nannan didn't continue to explain. The people in the cafeteria are really nice to her, and she knows it well. But it was impossible for her to change her mind.

At most, she will work more in the future, she doesn't care. She was cutting pigweed in the village before, and it was windy and rainy, but she still persisted.

"Pa—" Master Du slapped the table.

The others were taken aback.

"Hahahaha, good job, we didn't misunderstand the person, Comrade Xu Nannan is really a talent. Even if he worked in the big cafeteria, he didn't forget to learn knowledge, and he will be a cultural person in the future. In the future, who will dare to say that we are big? The people in the cafeteria are uneducated, they only know how to hold spoons. Nan Nan has given us a lot of face."

Master Du's belly was shy, and his double chins came out when he laughed.

This time he was startled, and the people in the cafeteria didn't realize it for a long time. After he finished speaking, everyone applauded loudly.

"Nannan, good job, study hard." Another person encouraged.

"That's right, learning knowledge is a good thing. Looking at the bullish looks of those officers, don't they just have a degree of education, Nan Nan is also going to take the test. It's not that the people in our cafeteria are ignorant, as long as they take the test, they can still work as officers. They Those officers may not be able to do the work of the big cafeteria." Aunt Liao also laughed.

Seeing everyone's encouraging gazes and Jiang Lili's discolored face, Xu Nannan almost didn't cry. moved!

Xu Nannan is still very cautious about this era. This has something to do with her own personality, and she has always felt that this era is very dangerous, so she has always dared not trust everyone.

Even just now, she didn't think that the people in the cafeteria would forgive her.

In the end, everyone supported her so much. It didn't feel like a betrayal at all that she wanted to leave the canteen.

"Master Du, she is a traitor!" Jiang Lili said excitedly.

"What kind of traitor?" Master Du squinted at her. "To put it mildly, they all work for our mine. To put it bluntly, they all work for socialism. Where did the traitor come from?"

Xu Nannan narrowed his eyes and smiled happily, "Master Du is right. No matter where I am, I will work for our big family. No matter what I do, I will work as hard as I am in the cafeteria." Looking at Jiang Lili, "Comrade Jiang Lili, your thinking is too narrow. This is not good. Small group thinking is very bad, and it will affect social harmony."