Small Shop Owner in the 1960s

Chapter 43


After Xu Gui went back, Xu Nannan divided up the meat. She lives in a dormitory now and has nowhere to put it. There is no place to cook for the time being. One piece was loosened to Zhu Liping, another piece was given to Wei Guobing, and one piece was also given to Grandpa Yu. The rest was taken to the canteen, where Master Du himself took charge of cooking a meal of braised pork.

Everyone's lips are full of oil and water. He didn't wipe his mouth after eating, and when he went out, he said that Xu Nannan's hometown sent meat, and shared it with everyone. That mouth full of oil envied many people.

Naturally, this matter did not reach Li Jing's ears.

The sister-in-law Jiao next door was criticized by the people in the mine because Li Jing speculated that she would go to find Xu Nannan before. She has a serious urban household registration and has little influence, but her reputation has also been affected. People often say behind her back start this matter. This made her feel a little resentful towards Li Jing.

Knowing that Xu Nannan gave the pork to other people, he immediately went to Li Jing's house to chat about it. There was an indescribable schadenfreude in his tone.

"That's why, it won't teach children, and it's useless to have more children. They don't know how to be filial when they grow up. Your two children have been in the city for so long, but they didn't come to your house. Now that there are good things, I would rather To outsiders, and not to you, you can’t count on them in the future. Thanks to your kindness to your nephews and nieces, you may be able to give you a pension in the future. It’s a pity, I’m not so convinced, I can only rely on My son and daughter are raised."

Sister-in-law Jiao felt that what she said was heart-wrenching. It would be embarrassing to say that she had relatives and daughters, but she had to take the test for the adoption of her nephew and niece. Unexpectedly, after she finished, Li Jing was not so angry, she just pursed her lips, "I knew she was a heartless person, isn't she just a piece of meat, I don't care. Anyway, I don't expect her to take care of her old age. No matter how patient she is , that is, a temporary worker, who will go back to the countryside sooner or later, so I might as well count on my nephew and niece. Both of my nieces will go to high school and technical secondary school in the future, and maybe they can pass the college entrance examination."

Hearing Li Jing's words, Mrs. Jiao was shocked.

"Okay, I'm talking chicken and duck. Okay, I'll go back and cook for my son and daughter. You can also cook for your nephew and niece." After finishing speaking, he curled his lips and took the insole that was still in it. go home. Muttering in his mouth, "I really thought your nephew and niece were raising you. These days, even your own son may not be reliable, but your nephew."

Li Jing didn't hear this, but she still cared about what Jiao's sister-in-law said just now that Xu Nannan gave meat to other people's families. Thinking about how she invited Xu Gui to eat so many good things before, she didn't give her a single bite to her own mother, so it can be seen that she is really a white-eyed wolf.

I was angry and thankful in my heart, it was thanks to her that she didn't put all her strength on this dead girl, otherwise she would really have killed herself.

Thinking of what Xu Jiansheng said earlier about sending his little girl Xu Ling to school, he couldn't agree more.

The two big ones are not good, and the small one is definitely not good. Sending her to school, it is better to save money and cut a catty of meat for the family every month, so that the children can eat better.

When Xu Jiansheng came back at night, when the two of them were in the room getting ready to sleep, she deliberately told Xu Jiansheng about Xu Nannan.

"We're just living here. She didn't bring it home, but gave it away. If it was for our home, it would be good enough to eat a few times."

"The family is short of money? If you want to eat meat, you can cut it. Why worry about other people's money?" Xu Jiansheng said impatiently. He is also being pointed at in the mine now. People don't say it in person, but they say a lot behind their backs.

Every time Xu Jiansheng heard it, he pretended not to hear it. But I still feel aggrieved.

He stayed in the army before, and later came to the mine. He has always been aboveboard, and no one can fault him. Who would have thought that the more you get mixed up now, the more you will go back.

So now he doesn't want to mention Xu Nannan's sister at all.

It doesn't matter who was right or wrong in the past, anyway, he will make up his mind to keep the two children in the same place, just be a stranger.

Seeing that Xu Jiansheng was unhappy, Li Jing didn't dare to say more, she thought about it again, and said in a low voice, "Jiansheng, is there any hope for my household registration? I'm going back to my hometown for the New Year soon. time to ask."

Now when she thinks about going home during the Chinese New Year, she feels heavy in her heart, and the old lady is staring at this matter. It would be terrible if she found out.

"I said, don't think about it. There are not many places in the mine now. Before you... don't mention this matter in the future. I can still support you." After speaking, he turned over and turned his back to Li Jing. , fell asleep on his own.

Hearing this, Li Jing's heart sank even more, and she couldn't sleep for a long time with her eyes closed.

It's finally the end of the year.

There is also a holiday here at the mine. However, there are not many holidays. The holidays start from the 30th day of the new year, and they have to go back to work in the mine on the fifth day of the new year. There are still some people left on duty.

Xu Nannan is going back to her hometown for the New Year. She is a temporary worker, so this kind of thing is not her turn.

This time she plans to live in the village for a few days. Before leaving, I plan to visit Yu Donglai's house.

Xu Nannan hasn't told Xiaoman about the house yet. I want to wait until after the year when the registered permanent residence enters the city, and I will talk about it after the matter is settled. Before Yu Dong came, he also said that she should live first. Xu Nannan has his own considerations. One is that she has only come to the mine for more than two months, and she is still a temporary worker, and she has a house all of a sudden, which is too eye-catching. Secondly, she had to go to night school before, so it was more convenient to live in the dormitory.

This time Xu Nannan also brought Xu Xiaoman with him, saying that he happened to meet a kind person when he went to the city last time.

The two sisters brought presents to Yu Donglai's house together, which made the old couple very happy.

The two of them have no relatives, and they feel the most deserted when it comes to New Year's Eve. Now that two children have come to the door, the family suddenly feels popular.

Xu Nannan not only sent supplements this time, but also a little flour. Let the two of them make dumplings to eat during the Chinese New Year.

"Come here as soon as you come, and bring something. We have eaten the meat we sent last time for a long time." Grandma Yu said with a smile. It's not that he is greedy for children, but just values this kind of intention. I feel that someone still misses me and my wife.

"It's the Chinese New Year soon, how can you come to the door empty-handed. Grandma Yu, you can eat so hard, I will always find a way to get it."

"You'd better not do this in the future. I can't eat much, but it's not appropriate for you to do this. What if someone finds out?" Grandma Yu was a little worried.

Xu Nannan smiled and said, "Now with the help of you and Grandpa Yu, I have nothing to do. I haven't done anything. It's just taking supplements from others and eating them myself. It's not against the law."

Now that the big issue is settled, Xu Nannan doesn't want to take any more risks. She has savings in her hand now, which is enough. With Taobao in hand, there is no shortage of food and supplies.

Hearing what Xu Nannan said, Grandma Yu was relieved.

Because sister Xu Nannan came twice, Grandma Yu was going to cook a delicious meal herself. Yu Donglai disagreed and rushed to do it. Xu Nannan said, "I'm good at crafting, why don't I make some for you to try. I work in the big cafeteria and was taught by a famous teacher." Her words had a bit of humor in them.

Grandma Yu said, "You are a guest, how can I let you cook."

Xu Nannan said sincerely, "You have done such a great favor to me and Xiaoman, it's nothing to make a meal. If you like to eat in the future, I can do it often."

Whether it is the person who helped her in the past or the person who will help her in the future, she must sincerely repay the other party. Because no matter whether she was an orphan in the past or became Xu Nannan later, she deeply realized the invaluability of these help.

When her closest relatives abandoned her, outsiders could do these things, which was enough for her to remember them in her heart.

Grandma Yu finally agreed to let Xu Nannan go into the kitchen to cook. Xu Xiaoman also washed vegetables in the kitchen, and let the two elders rest outside.

Grandma Yu looked at the kitchen, and said to Donglai, "This child is a grateful person. He is much better than some people, and the house is not bad for her."

"Tell me, if we tell her to be our granddaughter, will she be happy?" Yu Donglai asked.

"It's not certain. We are old, if we really become our granddaughter, won't we be burdened by others?"

The two have pensions, not short of money. But no matter how rich you are, if your health is not good, you need someone to take care of you. Ordinary children, who would like to serve the elderly.

Speaking of this, the two did not continue to talk about the topic. On the contrary, Xu Nannan really put in a lot of effort this time, and several dishes were fried in color, fragrance and taste.

In this era when braised pork is the king, what the common people pay most attention to is not the appearance of the dishes, but whether the meat is big or not, and whether there is too much oil or water. The dishes made are naturally not exquisite.

The few dishes Xu Nannan sat on surprised the two elders of the Yu family. At this age, it is really not easy to cook such a dish. The chefs of the state-run restaurants are probably not at this level.

After a meal, everyone ate very happily, and even Grandma Yu ate a whole bowl of rice.

Before leaving, Grandpa Yu took out the fruit in a daze and asked the two children to take them home to eat. "Take it, it's also a welfare from the factory. Your grandma and I have bad teeth, so we can't eat."

Xu Nannan is not bad at eating fruits. She has Taobao, and she can eat all kinds of fruits. But the old man was unwilling to disappoint, so he had no choice but to continue.

"Sister, Grandma Yu is so kind. She looks good." Walking on the road, Xu Xiaoman said suddenly.

Xu Nannan smiled, "Yes, both Grandpa Yu and Grandma Yu are good people."

"Much better than our grandma. More like a grandma than our grandma." Xu Xiaoman said. Just now, she couldn't help but think, if only her grandma was like this.

It's a pity that her grandma...

When Xu Nannan heard this, he thought to himself that there were only a handful of people in this world who were not as good as her because of the old lady Xu's virtue.

After returning from Yu's house, Xu Nannan went to prepare gifts for the people in his hometown. The main purpose was to bring some children's food to Uncle Gensheng's Huzi, and some New Year's meat and vegetables and dried fruits to Aunt Osmanthus's home. Give each of Stone and Wood a schoolbag. In addition, a gift was prepared for He Qiusheng. Some are bought in supply and marketing cooperatives, and some are bought in Taobao.

The next day, the two sisters returned to Xujia Village with their things.

The fact that Xu Nannan and Xu Xiaoman went to the city was a rare event in Xujiacun. This time the two sisters came back with big bags and small bags, but many people looked straight at them and knew that the two sisters were in the city. Otherwise, how can I have the money to buy these things

Some people are both envious and regretful. At the beginning, Song Guihua protected the two children and asked them to register their household registration books, which made many people in the village laugh behind their backs, thinking that she was meddling in her own business and asking for trouble. I laughed a lot then, but now I regret a lot. If I had known that these two sisters could get along so well now, I should have reached out back then. Maybe Nannan and the others have their own share of the things they are carrying now.

Xu Nannan somewhat had the idea of returning to her hometown, she and Xu Xiaoman both wore new clothes. I also tore a piece of cloth for Song Guihua and Grandma Chen to make new clothes for them.

Song Guihua had known for a long time that the two sisters were coming back for the New Year, and they had been waiting at home for the past two days, which could be regarded as waiting for them to come back. When I saw the big and small bags, I almost dazzled.

"You just went to the city, why did you buy so many things and how much did it cost you? It's not easy for you to live in the city by yourself, so don't spend money like this in the future. You have to learn to live."

Although she bought it at home, Song Osmanthus still feels a little pained.

How much will it cost and how much food can be bought

For Song Guihua, there is nothing like food. Although the autumn grain has come down this year, we can't eat it with an open stomach. Especially the two and a half-year-old boys in their family, plus one Xu Gui, can eat a lot of food. In order to make the three of these men full, she tried every means to mix wild vegetables and sweet potatoes every day.

Money can't be spent like that. Song Guihua felt that it was necessary for Xu Nannan to learn to save.

"Nannan, you have to learn how to save money. You are not young, and you should get married in a few years. If you want to stand firm in your in-law's house, you need to have a dowry and private money. If nothing else, just that Zhang Cuiqin, who can bear her temperament? You have seen how she lived in the old Xu's house. Before she was punished, she lived a good life. Isn't it all because of how many times she accompanied her when she was dowry? A box is coming. This is confidence."

In the era when marriage might only require one generation of sweet potatoes, a few boxes could be regarded as a great dowry.

Xu Nannan listened to her scolding, and smiled, "Auntie, it's still early, I will definitely save money. Besides, I don't spend like this often. Isn't it the Chinese New Year? It only happens once a year, so be happy. "

She also knew that Song Guihua was sincerely treating her well. If it was someone else, she would wish she would buy more things.

After all, it's not her own daughter, Song Guihua can't say too much, seeing that Xu Nannan listened to it, she didn't say anything more.

Xu Nannan gave the cloth to Grandma Chen, and Grandma Chen narrowed her happy eyes. She went to the room and started looking for needles and threads. She said she had nothing to do, and tried to make the clothes. On the first day of the new year, she wore a new suit. Clothes out and about.

The wood and stones had been waiting around the table for Xu Nannan to take out the things. Seeing that Grandma Chen and Song Guihua both had gifts, they watched eagerly.

After Xu Nannan took out two slanted schoolbags, the two children straddled their shoulders and ran out to show off. By the way, he also pulled Xu Xiaoman out to make fun of him.

"These two brats." Song Guihua cursed with a smile. Seeing her son so happy made her very happy.

Originally, the dishes at home were almost ready, but this time Xu Nannan brought back fish. Song Osmanthus had to start working again.

Xu Nannan also rolled up his sleeves to help.

In the kitchen, Song Guihua asked about the last time Xu Gui went to the city. "After your uncle came back and talked to me, I was worried that it would affect your work in the mine. After all, you... Xu Jiansheng has worked there for so long, what will you do if it makes you difficult? It's also your uncle's inability to speak. . Just smooth things over."

"Auntie, don't worry, he is not the only leader in the mine, and I am not under his control. It is not easy to embarrass me. Besides, there are still many good people in the mine, and they take good care of me. As long as we are big Comrades in the cafeteria, it’s all right. I’m not allowed to do any heavy work. You see, I’ve gained weight.” Xu Nannan smiled and touched his chubby face.

Under normal circumstances, before the age of eighteen, there will be some baby fat. The previous original owner was too thin, and it was difficult for his body to recuperate. She eats and drinks well, and she has finally grown into the appearance of a sixteen-year-old girl. The face is getting rounder and rounder, and you can pinch the flesh if you pinch it.

Song Guihua smiled, "No, I saw it right after you came back. Going to the city really puts on weight. No wonder people say it's a good place, it seems that it is indeed better than raising people in the village."

The two were talking, when Xu Xiaoman suddenly ran back with tears all over his face, "Auntie, sister, it's not good, wood and stone are fighting with others."

When Song Guihua and Xu Nannan heard this, they were startled and ran out quickly.

On the way, Xu Xiaoman also told the reason in a tearful voice.

This time the fight was really bad, because the people who fought with them were the two grandsons of the old Xu family, Xu Long and Xu Lei.

Because the two children came back from the city, they were a bit superior to others. Every year when they came back, the children in the village were very envious of them. As a result, Stone and Wood suddenly ran to everyone with their new schoolbags today to show off.

Although Xu Long and Xu Lei stayed in the city, they didn't buy the available schoolbags. It was all done by Li Jing.

Now seeing that Stone and Wood have new schoolbags and are envied by so many people, I feel a little unbalanced. Hearing that the stone was bought by Xu Nannan, the two became even more unbalanced. I feel that Xu Nannan is a member of the old Xu family and their sister, why should I give the things I bought to others. So grab it directly.

Stone and wood were not vegetarians either, so they started fighting without letting people snatch their new schoolbags. Seeing that they were fighting, Xiao Man cried out of fright, and immediately ran back to find the adults.

Although the two boys are younger than the two from the old Xu's family, they have been in the village for a long time and have their own partners. When Song Guihua and Xu Nannan arrived, the two children led their friends to beat Xu Long and Xu Lei.

Seeing Xu Long and Xu Lei being beaten on the ground by stone and wood with a group of boys, Song Guihua was stunned.

Xu Nannan was also stunned.

Xu Xiaoman also forgot to cry.

Fortunately, Song Guihua reacted very quickly, she was taken aback for a moment, and immediately rushed over to let the children disperse. Only then did Xu Long and Xu Lei be rescued.

It's just that the two children have suffered a lot on their faces and bodies, and they still have small footprints on their bodies.

Xu Long and Xu Lei got up from the ground, cried and pointed to Song Guihua and the wood and stone, "You wait, I'll go back and tell my grandma, you wait!" After saying that, they ran away with their feet loose.

"Our schoolbag." Stone and Wood hurried over to pick up their schoolbag from the ground, but it was a pity that it was already covered with dust and a little off.

The two children felt very distressed.

Song Guihua was furious, and walked over while pinching one ear, "I told you to come out, regret it now. Look, people will come to make trouble later. It's Chinese New Year, you can't let it go." Let me be safe."

"Aunt Osmanthus, it's not the wood and stone's fault, it's Xu Lei and Xu Long from the old Xu's family who started the fight." The two boys' little friends quickly argued.

"That's right, we didn't do it first." Shitou shouted.

Mu Mu also said, "Mom, people can't shit on our heads, let's bear with it, my dad said, when it's time to do it, do it."

"It's okay to fight." Song Guihua laughed angrily.

No one wants their children to become brawlers who love to fight.

Xu Nannan also felt that this matter was not the fault of the two children, so he walked over and said, "Auntie, Xiao Man also said that it was those two who started the attack. The wood and stones are just for self-defense, so it's fine."

Song Guihua let go of her ears, and sighed, "We know what's going on, but the back room will definitely not let you go. After all, those two boys have injuries on their faces. They are celebrating the New Year, and they just want to have a peaceful life." Woolen cloth."

Xu Nannan knew that Song Guihua was worried that the members of the old Xu family would make trouble. She also knows the fighting power of Mrs. Xu, and she usually quarrels when she is unreasonable.

Looking at the schoolbags in the hands of the two children, she raised her eyebrows, "Auntie, this schoolbag is very expensive. I still asked someone to buy it in other places. It is something that cannot be bought in the county. You said that it is all broken now. What should I do? If I break something, don’t you pay for it?”

She looked at Song Guihua with clear meaning.

Song Guihua was taken aback, and looked at the schoolbags in the arms of the two children.

The two children immediately hugged each other tightly, worried that they would be beaten. Even if it is dirty, it is more beautiful and fashionable than the schoolbags of other children in the village.

Song Guihua took a look and looked away, "Of course I have to pay. If something is broken, it doesn't make sense where I went. I must pay."

"Let's go, let's go to Lao Xu's house. Nannan, you and Xiaoman don't go, save them from dragging you in."

Song Guihua went to talk, of course she wouldn't go by herself, besides taking her own boy, she went to find her mother-in-law, Mrs. Chen, and called her man Xu Gui back. The family went straight to the back of the house.

At the old Xu's house behind the house, Mrs. Xu saw her two grandsons running back all dirty, with bruised noses and swollen faces, and she cried out anxiously.

Hearing that the two children said that they were beaten by the two children of Song Guihua's family, and regardless of whether his grandson was older than the others, he directly went to find someone to settle the score with the crutches.

After walking to the gate of the courtyard, I heard Mrs. Chen cursing.

"You old man, you still scolded our family. You didn't see how your grandson beat my grandson." Old lady Xu trembled angrily.

Mrs. Chen snorted, "You still have the face to say, your grandson is so big, my grandson can beat them? I would like to ask, who did these two children follow? I don't see that other people have good things. What's the difference between this and the previous King of the Mountain. Our two children only went out for a walk with their schoolbags on their backs, and when they came back, they were torn like this." She said, taking the dirty schoolbag Show it to everyone.

"Nannan brought this back from the city. They said they dragged people to buy it from a big city, and we couldn't even buy it in the county. Now that it has been ruined like this, what do you think about it? It is bought by anyone with money. It’s useless. You have ruined it like this. I also want to ask your old Xu’s family, how are you going to pay for it.”

"Erya is from our old Xu's family. The things she bought belonged to our old Xu's family. If it breaks, it will break. Our family doesn't need to accompany you." Mrs. Xu said with a livid face.

I was so angry that I was going to die. This dead girl has no conscience at all to buy such expensive things for other people's children, but not for her brother.

When Song Guihua heard this, she was immediately happy, and asked the people watching the fun, "Listen everyone, this is really shameless. I said at the beginning that I don't care about the life and death of sister Nan Nan, but now I still have the face Said that the things Nannan bought belonged to their old Xu family. If you really want to calculate this way, why did you get the things from Nannan and were tried by the public. Things. Nan Nan did the right thing when he changed his account at the beginning.”

The villagers who were watching the fun couldn't help laughing when they heard this. Isn't that right, this old Xu's family is also very bad.

Zhang Cuiqin ran out of the house. With your hips on your waist, it looks like you're going to fight

Song Guihua was not afraid of her, "What's wrong, I'm going to fight if I don't care. I thought our family was afraid. But Zhang Cuiqin, don't say I didn't remind you, it's nothing for me to fight, you can't do it. You This is still a person who has been reformed through labor, and now he is starting to make troubles, and I will ask you to study again at the opening conference of the new year."

Hearing the meeting, Zhang Cuiqin's momentum suddenly weakened. Angry and afraid to attack. Looking back at the old lady, "Mom..."

Seeing that she hadn't done anything yet, the old lady just stopped, and suddenly became angry. He took a stick with his walking stick and said, "Go back, you shameful thing."

Mrs. Chen took the opportunity to say, "What's the matter, are you compensating or not? Otherwise, let's go to the cadres and ask, what crime is this robbery?"

"If it's a small matter, you don't need to hire someone." Old man Xu and Cai came out of the house with a cigarette stick.

"It can be regarded as a person who can speak reason. His sixth uncle, you see whether it is compensated or not, we don't want too much, anyway, we will make up for it when we go back, and it can be used if we can. Just give me two yuan .”

"What two dollars, why don't you grab it." Mrs. Xu suddenly exploded in anger.

Mrs. Chen said, "I still need less. Nannan said that this schoolbag was bought from a big city. A schoolbag costs six yuan. Do you think it costs twelve yuan to buy it, or pay us two dollars?" loss of dollars."

"Grandma, let's buy it back, buy it back." Xu Lei shouted from the side.

Xu Long also pulled Liu Qiao, "Mom, I want a schoolbag."

"Shut up." Old man Xu shouted loudly. As soon as he made a sound, the others were afraid to make a sound.

He took out two yuan from his pocket and handed it to Mrs. Chen, "This is the settlement."

Mrs. Chen snorted, "We are not unreasonable people. Don't be like this next time. When you see someone's good things, you will grab them. From now on, no one in our village will dare to hang out in front of them. They are all half-grown boys and will soon be adults. If you are still fooling around like this, please don’t harm our Xu Family Village.”

After Mrs. Chen finished speaking, she led her son, daughter-in-law, and two grandsons straight back home.

After a few people left, Mrs. Xu remembered that the wound on her grandson's face hadn't settled with them yet.

"I have to ask them to pay for the medicine." Mrs. Xu was about to go to the lion to open her mouth. The two yuan must be doubled and returned, and the family in the front room must not be allowed to have a good year.

Before he could walk out of the courtyard door, he was stopped by old man Xu. "It's the New Year's Eve, what's the fuss? If it's really going to be a big fuss, you're going to let Lai Longlong and Leizi go to public trial."

The old man Xu is also afraid. Last time his wife and daughter-in-law went to fetch things and came back. They are all bad guys now, and the family has started to go downhill. If the two grandsons go the old way, he really has no hope in the future. up.

Once bitten by a snake for ten years and afraid of well ropes, not only the old man Xu, but also the old lady Xu was a little scared. Hearing old man Xu's words, he could only bear it unwillingly.

But when she entered the room and saw Li Jing and Xu Jiansheng, she couldn't help it.

"Jiansheng, give your dad two dollars. If your daughter hadn't caused this incident, our family wouldn't have to lose money."

Li Jing said, "Mom, don't we have nothing to do with that child? Why should we be responsible?" She was afraid of getting into trouble, so she didn't go out, and she also pulled Xu Jiansheng, and didn't let him go out. Why doesn't the old lady let them go.

"You still have the guts to say it!" Mrs. Xu became even more angry when she saw her talking, "If it weren't for these two things you gave birth to, our family would not be like this. You are the culprit! And , what happened to your account, how did I hear that your matter is dirty?"

Hearing the old lady's accusation earlier, Li Jing was still a little bit wronged, but when she heard the old lady's account behind her, she was struck by lightning.