Small Shop Owner in the 1960s

Chapter 64


Xu Nannan found that suddenly no one was talking about her adoption, but another interesting topic was discussed in the cafeteria.

The eldest niece of Director Xu's family is really amazing now, she seems to be dating someone from the government compound.

Xu Hong is almost eighteen years old. In this era when you can get married at the age of eighteen, it is very normal to have a partner at the age of seventeen. And the ones I'm looking for seem to be in pretty good condition.

Although it is said that everyone is equal at this time, in the hearts of the common people, the countryside is definitely not as good as the city, and the common people are definitely not as good as officials. Otherwise, why would the common people still live in a small single room with a large family, and the county magistrate lived in a small bungalow

Of course, no one feels unbalanced either. Compared with the old society that cannibalized people in the past, this society is not a little bit stronger.

No one is jealous of the good life of those government cadres, but there is still some yearning in their hearts.

Li Jing came to the cafeteria to get food and went home. After hearing the news, she put away the bowls and chopsticks and went to Xu Meizi's dormitory to find someone.

Everyone else was there, except Xu Meizi and Xu Hong were not.

The people in Xu Meizi's dormitory didn't have a good impression of Li Jing. This kind of person who wants to be raised by his niece is the worst. Li Jing asked, "Comrade, do you know where Xu Meizi and Xu Hong went?"

A little girl was eating rice with boiled water. Hearing this, she snorted coldly, "I don't know. I don't let people off even if they eat a meal. Is this still a way for people to survive?"

Because she wants to support the elderly at home, she is reluctant to eat a meal, and she hates this kind of elder who hurts the young people the most.

Li Jing was ashamed of making a fuss, and it was not easy to quarrel with others, so she went out with a blue face.

After a while, when Xu Meizi came back after eating, the little girl said, "Just now your uncle came to see you and your sister again."

Xu Meizi smiled slightly, "Really, there's no trouble."

"No, I thought they were as easy to bully as you. It's your sister, when will you let her go. It won't work if you keep her like this." The key is that there is one more person in the dormitory, which is crowded.

Xu Meizi showed helplessness, "I put away all my things yesterday, but she still doesn't leave, and I can't help it. After all, she is my sister, and I can't really drive her out. Hongxia, just take it easy, I Definitely let her go."

"You're too easy to bully. Look at that Xu Nannan, he's all grown up in Nannan now, and he won't have to take care of his family anymore, and he even got a house. Look at how clever he is." Zhang Hongxia hated iron on her face. Not a steel track.

Xu Meizi was downcast.

Zhang Hongxia ate a few mouthfuls of plain rice, and suddenly said, "By the way, Meizi, do you still have the pickled vegetables you took last time? Look at my plain rice, it's so bland and tasteless in my mouth."

Xu Meizi knew that what she was talking about was the small jar of pickles her mother Liu Qiao brought over last time. When she brought it back, she gave it to the people in the dormitory to taste, and she was usually reluctant to eat it herself.

Xu Meizi smiled, "Yes, I'll get it." As she spoke, she went to the box and took out pickles in jars. Then smiled and handed it to Zhang Hongxia.

Zhang Hongxia's eyes lit up, and she quickly reached out her hand to pick it up. Just as she was about to get it, the jar suddenly slipped from her hand, fell to the ground and shattered into two pieces.

The pickles all came out of the jar.

Zhang Hongxia was dumbfounded.

"I, I just didn't hold it steady?"

Xu Meizi sighed, "Forget it, I'll get a broom to clean it."

Seeing that Xu Meizi didn't care about it, Zhang Hongxia heaved a sigh of relief. If she had to pay for it, she would have nothing to pay for it.

It's just a pity that the pickles have not been eaten yet.

I can only accept my fate and pick up the white water in my bowl to make rice. Now the speed of eating is much faster, and it is finished in a few mouthfuls.

While sweeping the floor, Xu Meizi watched her eat, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, her eyes were somewhat cold, not everyone can take advantage of her.

After eating, Li Jing came to look for Xu Meizi twice, but she couldn't find anyone, so she was going to look for him at night. Passing by the cafeteria, I found Xu Nannan talking and laughing with Zhu Fang, and felt a little angry. This dead girl will be punished sooner or later.

Look at Honghong, now she has found a good partner. She did nothing wrong. Don't think that you can live a good life if you recognize a rich person as a grandparent. No matter how rich you are, you are still an ordinary person.

"Look, what does that person want to do?" Zhu Fang couldn't help curling her lips when she saw Li Jing glaring at them and then left.

Xu Nannan took a look along, "Never mind her, she's doing well now, it's not like you don't know."

"Pull it down. It's just a broken bicycle. If you have the ability, one day you can come here in the county magistrate's car. Nannan, you can find someone to come here in a car one day, and you will piss them off."

"Let's live an honest life." In this day and age, she doesn't dare to find any high-ranking officials, no matter which side they are from, she will have a bad life in the future, either in those ten years or ten years later. better off.

It's better to find a dutiful common people and live a good life. She doesn't have any big wishes, so she will use this Taobao store to slowly accumulate wealth, and then collect some wealth for the children, so that they will not live too badly in the future.

By the way, we still have to find antiques. This time I really have to go on a business trip.

Back at the Procurement Section, Xu Nannan endured not seeing Li Weiming's dejected appearance, and hurried to Section Chief Xiao to ask for a job, wanting to go on a business trip.

Elder Xiao Ke felt relieved that his subordinates were so diligent and motivated, "It's a good thing for young people to be motivated, but this time the business trip has been arranged, but there is one thing. It's a little far away, so we really don't worry about it."

Xu Nannan said sternly, "Chief Xiao, the country is peaceful now, the road is not picking up things, and the society is harmonious. I don't think it is inconvenient to travel far away. Besides, we are now women who can hold up half the sky. We can't let outsiders laugh at us for purchasing scientific care. Idle people. Just arrange it, you can take any task. Make sure to complete the task with quality and quantity.”

"All right, all right, you've said that, how can I not let you go?" Chief Xiao laughed. I still want to take care of this young child, but I am not happy about it.

Handing a purchase application form in his hand to Xu Nannan, Xu Nannan looked at it, and it was for purchasing some mechanical parts. These are all things that are used in mining machinery, but the current domestic level in this area is really limited, so it is not easy to buy. "I've been pressing this purchase order for a while. Every time they go on a business trip, I also ask them to inquire about it, but there is no news. You are going on a business trip now, and I won't arrange another task for you. You just Go and try your luck. Being able to buy it is a great achievement, and we will have face in front of the workers in that mine in the future, and it doesn’t matter if we can’t buy it. These difficulties are all on the bright side.”

Xu Nannan felt a little sad after hearing these words.

These things, in the future, can be found in any hardware factory. Now Nanjiang Iron Mine, a large mining unit in the province, is worried about these parts.

At this time, the water bottle of domestic industrial development is indeed too low.

"Don't worry, I will definitely inquire carefully when I go out this time,"

Because he was going on a business trip, Xu Nannan left work early in the afternoon and went home to prepare.

Before leaving, I greeted Zhu Fang. Ask her if she has anything to bring. Hearing that Xu Nannan was going to Shanghai for a business trip, Zhu Fang immediately became excited, "I want it, it's going to be hot soon, I heard that Bragi in Shanghai is pretty good, buy me one, I want a blue plaid Yes. And leather shoes. Top-leather ones."

As he said that, he immediately went back to the office to find other comrades in the Mining Committee to borrow industrial coupons and cloth tickets.

When they came out, they were followed by two lesbians, all of whom wanted to buy Bragi. There's nothing I can do, there's someone in the office who loves to be pretty, and it has a direct impact on other comrades.

Xu Nannan took the cloth ticket without saying a word. Thinking in my heart, I also bought a few pairs of leather shoes to wear. The leather shoes these days are genuine leather, unlike the many imitations later on. There is no way, the imitation technology has not yet reached the level of later, and the cost of counterfeiting is too high, it is better to sell genuine leather.

Well, it's better to buy some leather back by yourself, not to mention exchanging money, I can use it in the future.

After leaving the Mining Committee, I went to the canteen again. This is her natal family and she must take care of it.

Hearing that Xu Nannan was going on a business trip, Master Du went to get the national food stamps again. Change as much as you have.

Xu Nannan is not short of the national food stamps, she didn't even use them up last time. But this is the whole heart of the cafeteria, and these relationships can only continue if there are comings and goings.

The food stamps were changed here, and Mrs. Jiao also took all the things to be counted in the cafeteria over there.

Knowing that Xu Nannan had traveled far this time, sister-in-law Liao would not allow him to write about those big things. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for a girl to be brought back from such a distance.

After giving the list to Xu Nannan, Sister-in-law Liao pulled her and whispered, "Jiang Lili and her partner are going to break up."

When Xu Nannan heard this, he wondered, "Isn't it good?" In this day and age, it's common to be able to get married. There are very few breakups.

"I heard that it was my sister-in-law who caused the trouble. My sister-in-law has to come out to work. If my sister-in-law is not happy, then the mother-in-law must protect my sister-in-law. No, I went to someone's house to make trouble again today, and I probably want to break up."

Sister-in-law Liao's face was full of emotion, "I'm married, how can I not tolerate my sister-in-law? It doesn't make sense for a daughter-in-law to come in, so let the girl go out. Who doesn't live with three generations under the same roof? It would be nice to have a bed when you get married. Some People can’t even fit a bed. Some people have to ask their brothers to borrow a bed for business.”

Xu Nannan was not interested in Jiang Lili's matter, but he couldn't help trembling when he heard what Mrs. Liao said about the situation. If she didn't have Taobao, she probably would have lived such a life following the mainstream. The common people in this era are more miserable than she imagined.

Back home, Grandma Yu was tinkering with her curtains in the yard.

Because I have already revealed that I am going to move. So the couple moved here in the morning. There is no need for Xu Nannan to worry, there are quite a lot of people to help. No, just after coming here, the old lady felt that she had to tidy up the house. She was not satisfied with the plaid curtain Xu Nannan bought, so she had to embroider two flowers on it, saying it looked delicate.

Yu Donglai let her fiddle with it. In the past few years, this old lady was completely hopeless, she had no hope, not to mention embroidery, even sewing socks for him was too troublesome. It's better to be in the mood to do this than to think about it all day.

"Nannan is back." Grandma Yu was both happy and surprised to see her eldest granddaughter come back so early.

Yu Donglai was watering the flowers and plants he planted in the yard, when he heard that Xu Nannan had returned, he turned around and said, "Why did you come back so early today?"

Xu Nannan smiled and sat down next to Grandma Yu, "I'm coming back to pack my things, and I'm going on a business trip. I'll take a car to the provincial capital later, the evening train."

"I'm going on a long trip again." Grandma Yu frowned.

"The mine needs to purchase, that's what we do, we have to get things done." Xu Nannan smiled, but he didn't say that he volunteered on his own initiative, otherwise the old lady would have to wipe tears at her.

Hearing that it was a task in the mine, Grandma Yu had nothing to say, so she got up and went to pack her things.

"Grandma, you can just sit here with peace of mind. I'll clean up by myself, just pack two pieces of laundry."

Said he got up to pack his things.

Although the old lady was not allowed to help clean up, when she finished packing and went out, the old lady had already boiled seven or eight eggs and asked her to put them in her pocket to eat when she was hungry on the way.