Small Shop Owner in the 1960s

Chapter 79


Xu Hong hadn't seen Liu Hongjun for a long time, and sometimes she was in a hurry when she met her. Now that Liu Hongjun is finally here, her heart is about to jump out.

Her grades were not very good at first, and now she is even less interested in studying, and she not only needs to have good grades in high school, but also has to rely on the recommendation of the village. If she wasn't afraid before, her grandma is not as good as before in the village, and people will definitely not recommend her. This high school is hopeless.

Unable to go to high school, let alone university, Liu Hongjun is her only hope to change her destiny.

It's a pity that Liu Hongjun is here, and he is still wandering outside with all his heart. I still miss the scene when I followed Lin Qingsong and drank spicy food.

"What's wrong with you, you don't pay attention to people recently." Xu Hong said with a puffy face. Her eyes are big, and when she pouts and pouts, her eyes look bright.

When Liu Hongjun saw her appearance, he was attracted, and came back with some thought. "It's nothing, let me tell you, I've had a good time outside with a brother recently."

Xu Hong's eyes lit up, "What's the matter?"

"Good guy, I go to restaurants every day, and I have to eat meat for every meal. How about you? The cigarettes I smoke are all from Greater China. There is nothing he can't get."

Hearing this kind of life that Liu Hongjun said, Xu Hong swallowed, "Who, why haven't I heard of it before."

Liu Hongjun's face collapsed, and he pursed his lips and said, "Remember what I told you about my dad before? Didn't they transfer someone from outside, that is his brother. But my dad is also No loss, he came from the capital and has a big background. How can we, a little guy, compete with him." That's how his father comforted him, saying that he had a big background, not because he was incompetent. Liu Hongjun also believed in it, so he was always thinking about getting rid of the incompetent new minister to make room for his father.

He's from the capital, the younger brother of the Minister of Armed Forces, and he goes to restaurants every day, and there's meat and meat... Xu Hong feels her heart beating faster.

"Liu Hongjun, why don't you go to him today?" Xu Hong asked nervously.

"I want to find me too, but my dad said that if I skip class again, my leg will be broken."

Speaking of this, Liu Hongjun became angry. What's the use of studying? People like Lin Qingsong don't want to study in university. They just ran out to dawdle. Don't people say that there is a way, and I can't find a job. It will be several years before I finish college, and I have no freedom at all. It's better to earn money to support yourself.

Xu Hong rolled her eyes, pulled Liu Hongjun's sleeve and said, "I have a solution." Then she muttered softly next to him.

Liu Hongjun's eyes lit up, and he asked a little uncertainly, "Can it work?"

"Why not? You are a friendly classmate and you are willing to help others. Your dad has to praise you after knowing about it." Xu Hong urged.

Hearing what Xu Hong said, Liu Hongjun felt it made sense. Thinking about the days before, and looking at the aggrieved feeling in the classroom, he nodded immediately, "Just do it!"

After a while, Xu Hong fell to the ground clutching her stomach.

There was a panic in the classroom. When the teacher got the news and rushed in from outside, Liu Hongjun was running out with Xu Hong on his back, "Mr. Zhou, classmate Xu Hong is sick, I will take her to the hospital."

Xu Hong yelled in pain on his back.

Teacher Zhou nodded hurriedly and said anxiously, "Go quickly."

When the two of them ran out, Teacher Zhou's face immediately turned serious, "What are you looking at, hurry up and read the book, you will be promoted to high school soon, and now you still have the mind to watch the fun."

The other students hurriedly lay down on the table to do their homework.

Teacher Zhou returned to the office with his hands behind his back, and other teachers asked him about the situation.

"It's okay, just two nonsense who don't want to study."

The female teacher next to her heard this and shook her head, "It's such a good opportunity to study hard, and you're still messing around."

Teacher Zhou said lightly, "I don't worry about my own affairs, we as teachers can't take care of them."

After the two successfully truant ran out of school, they immediately went to the supply and marketing cooperative in the county seat.

Lin Qingsong was sitting in the office chatting with a worker, inquiring about the Nanjiang Iron Mine. He's already thinking about job hopping.

It's really boring to stay in this small supply and marketing cooperative. Ever since he knew that the girl was in the iron mine, his thoughts became active.

Hearing that the iron mines are no longer recruiting workers, Lin Qingsong was immediately depressed.

Why didn't they recruit workers? Such a big iron mine couldn't accommodate one person

The small workers of the supply and marketing cooperative said, "Actually, they are recruiting. Apprentices and officers are not recruited, but if they have skills, why not recruit them. Our small place lacks everything, the most lacking is knowledge. Don't look at such a big one." Iron mine, only a few leaders are college students, and the rest are only high school students."

Hearing this, Lin Qingsong was refreshed.

He is a serious college student, and he still studies mechanics. With so many mining machines in the mine, people must maintain them.

"Chief Lin, someone is looking for you." The staff guarding the counter outside shouted.

The polished commander, Section Chief Lin, was enjoying himself. Hearing the shouts, he raised his eyebrows. He went out to take a look, and saw his 'brother', Comrade Liu Hongjun, following a little girl and looking around at the counter.

Seeing Lin Qingsong come out, Liu Hongjun immediately smiled brightly, "Brother Song."

Xu Hong also saw the person coming, with her hair combed back and a neat beige coat, she was handsome and gentle. Immediately blushing, he followed Liu Hongjun and called out, "Brother Song."

Lin Qingsong smiled and said, "Didn't you go to school in the morning? Why do you have time to find brother?"

Liu Hongjun grinned, "What's the point of going to school, I'd better follow Brother Song."

Lin Qingsong smiled heartlessly, and patted Liu Hongjun on the shoulder, "Go, I'll take you to eat delicious food." Then he looked at Xu Hong, "This is it?"

"My classmate, follow along to see him."

Liu Hongjun said.

Xu Hong breathed a sigh of relief, she was worried that Liu Hongjun would say that she was his object. In the past, she would have hoped that Liu Hongjun would say that, but now, she is not happy. Compared with Section Chief Lin in front of him, Liu Hongjun is not enough at all. She still has to pick and choose.

Lin Qingsong suddenly realized, "So it's a classmate, let's go, this female classmate, follow us to dinner."

Xu Hong immediately blushed and nodded.

The three of them went to a restaurant near the Public Security Bureau. Lin Qingsong ordered three bowls of dumplings and a bowl of meat. When paying the bill, a large stack of national food stamps was brought out, blinding the two of them.

The one who came to entertain was the chubby waiter Xiao Tian who received Lin Qingbai and Xu Nannan last time.

Xiao Tian accepted the food stamp with a blushing face, then glared at Xu Hong fiercely, hum, Xiao Lang hoof, where are those eyes looking, it's really not serious.

Lin Qingsong said with a smile, "Xiao Tian, your staring eyes look even better than usual. Come on, stare again."

"Fuck you, you just know how to make fun of me." Oda glanced at Xu Hong proudly.

Xu Hong pouted angrily beside her. He also stared at Lin Qingsong. She looks pretty too.

Lin Qingsong glanced at her, with crooked smiles.

Looking at Liu Hongjun's stupid look from the corner of his eyes and eyebrows, he was secretly happy, idiot, let's see what kind of virtue your partner is. Eating what's in the bowl and looking at what's in the pot, if this was in the past, sooner or later, I'd have to climb the wall.

After a while, the dishes came up. Liu Hongjun and Xu Hong ate with big mouthfuls, while Lin Qingsong took a bite with his chopsticks beside him, not to mention the beautiful gesture.

At that time, both of them will be embarrassed.

"Eat, why don't you eat?" Seeing the two of them stop, Lin Qingsong frowned.

"No, bro, you eat too." Liu Hongjun said respectfully.

"I'm eating too." Lin Qingsong looked at his bowl and said again, "By the way, Liu Hongjun, do you know anything about the Nanjiang Iron Mine?" This kid was born and raised here anyway, so he can always ask useful questions.

Hearing that Nanjiang Iron Mine was several, Xu Hong's ears twitched, and looked at Lin Qingsong, "Brother Song, you ask about Nanjiang Iron Mine. My uncle is from Nanjiang Iron Mine. He is still the director."

Liu Hongjun nodded again and again, "Yes, Xu Hong grew up in the mine."

Lin Qingsong smiled even brighter when he heard it, "Oh, that's a coincidence. I majored in mechanical engineering at university. Although I haven't graduated yet, I have learned something anyway. It’s not my old job, it’s boring to do, I still have to go to the mine to have a look.”

"Oh, brother, you are a college student, and you are still a college student in the capital city. We can't find many in Nanjiang. If you go to the mine, you should rush to get it." Liu Hongjun complimented.

Xu Hong also nodded immediately, "I'll talk to my uncle about it when I get back, and ask him to ask for help."

Lin Qingsong smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll wait for the news." Look, we don't rely on our family relationship, so we can find a way too

Oh, Comrade Yu Nannan, I really don't know what to say about our fate.

He felt that this was the destiny destined by heaven, so he thought about going to Nanjiang Iron Mine, and then met a family member of a Nanjiang Iron Mine cadre. God wants him to go to the mines.

Xu Nannan sat in the office and sneezed, rubbed his nose, feeling dizzy.

Sister Liu looked at her and said, "Isn't it sick? I've been sneezing a few times today."

Xu Nannan sniffed, feeling that something was getting worse and worse. It seemed that he was really sick. She can get sick even in this weather, and she admires her small body.

Chief Xiao came in from the outside, frowning.

"Nannan," the voice sounded helpless.

Xu Nannan raised his head, "Chief Xiao, what's the matter?"

"Don't put too much pressure on this selection, it doesn't matter if you don't get selected." Chief Xiao said sullenly.

When the people in the purchasing department heard this, they all looked at him. Sister Liu said, "Old Xiao, what's the matter?"

Hearing someone asking, Lao Xiao became excited, wishing to vent out all the dissatisfaction in his heart, "The bastards of the trade union are using our favors to canvass votes. Damn, what are you doing? Ah, why do some workers in the mine have difficulties in their families, so they need to donate. Each worker donates at least one catty of food stamps, and the cadres have to donate five catties. The elder sister Liu of the labor union was forced to donate ten catties directly. And mine manager Li, Mine Manager Gao has donated a lot."


Everyone's eyes widened. These days, food is the lifeline. The workers in the mine, even if they are dual-employees, their families are definitely not well-off. Children eat a lot, and they can't be hungry, which requires a lot of food. There are also old people from their hometown, they know that many people in the mine were recruited from nearby villages and towns. Otherwise, how could so many people come to mine in Nanjiang County

Those who come out of their hometowns still have to subsidize their families.

What are the trade unions doing

Xu Nannan also felt confused, "Section Chief Xiao, who are you donating so many food stamps to?"

"It is said that it is for those who need it, and the food stamps will be kept in the trade union. Whoever needs them will give them to them."

Bullshit! Who doesn't need food now. If it is given to this one, what should we do with that one? People donate a catty, but when the time comes, it seems that even a catty is not enough to look at.

Even Xu Nannan, who doesn't care about things anymore, can hear something is wrong.

"Who came up with the idea?"

"Who else is there, isn't it Comrade Wu Jian who is the most active in the trade union? I went to the mine to do ideological work for the front-line workers. When they heard that they only gave a catty of food stamps, they would ask the trade union for food in the future, so they gritted their teeth and gave it out. If the workers took it, can the cadres not take it?"

Chief Xiao said angrily.

Several people shook their heads and sighed, then looked at Xu Nannan, "Nannan, let's not rush to canvass votes, just let nature take its course, don't do stupid things."

Xu Nannan nodded, suddenly feeling dizzy. Standing wobbled a bit.

Sister Liu quickly supported her, "Why is it so hot, do you have a fever?" She reached out to touch Xu Nannan's forehead again.

"I really have a fever."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't care less about the incident just now, Section Chief Xiao hurriedly said, "Hurry up, send it to the hospital. Don't delay if something goes wrong."


Xu Nannan never thought that he would be so fragile. He had never been sick in the environment of Xujia Village, but he became so sick when he came to the county. The doctor checked and said he had a cold.

Why is it cold in this weather? It's time to wear Bragi. Sister Liu was surprised.

The doctor is an old aunt. Hearing Sister Liu's surprise, she felt that her professional quality had been doubted. "Comrade, some people still suffer from cold during the dog days. Why is it so strange to suffer from cold now? This little comrade must have been tired for a while. After recovering, the wind blew again, that's why I got cold."

Xu Nannan thought about it, and it really is. She didn't feel tired when she was on a business trip in Shanghai, but the car ride on the road was a lot of trouble. When she was sitting on the bicycle yesterday, the bicycle was riding fast, with gusts of wind blowing. After she got off the bicycle yesterday, she felt a little dizzy from the wind blowing on her forehead. She thought she would be fine after a night of sleep. How can I think that it will be serious after sleeping.

This body is too weak, Xu Nannan lay on the bed depressed.

No way, I have to get an injection. Otherwise, it will burn badly, and you will find problems later.

Xu Nannan's head shook like a rattle. She has medicine, good medicine. Just such a small problem, no injections at all. It's a pity that the doctor couldn't hear her inner voice, so he came over with a white enamel tray, closed the curtain, and spanked her ass.

Sister Liu stayed by her side the entire time, watching the needle pierce Xu Nannan's buttocks before going back to the mine in peace.

Lying on the bed, Xu Nannan wanted to cry but had no tears. She wanted to say that she had medicine, she really had medicine.

I didn't know what kind of medicine was given, and I didn't dare to take any more medicine, so I could only lie on the hospital bed like this.

"ding ding ding"

Wangwang's voice came again, Xu Nannan closed her eyes in depression, dizzy, she really didn't want to do business at this time. At first glance, he was still an acquaintance.

[Old Antique]: "Did you sell a jade jade Buddha to someone else?"

Xu Nannan said, "Isn't that the second child you introduced?"

[Old Antique]: "How much?"

"Eight hundred and eighty thousand."

[Old Antique]: "It's true!"

"What's the matter?" Xu Nannan wondered, could it be that she sold it too expensive, and came to stand out for a friend, "He set the price himself!" Xu Nannan sent an angry expression.

[Old Antique]: ... Do you have any more? Give me one too.


Xu Nannan realized that he seemed to understand something. She didn't sell it expensive, but she sold it at a loss.

How much did you lose

Xu Nannan has no idea. She has never played with any luxury in her life. As for gold and silver, she can still estimate the price, but emeralds, sorry, don't have such a concept.

But she knew that Old Antique was not short of money, just from the fact that he was not afraid of fakes every time he bought things for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, she knew that people didn't take money seriously. Now I came to her because of an 880,000 emerald pendant. That must be the jade pendant that she has lost a lot. They made a lot of money.

Xu Nannan's head began to hurt.

"Tell me honestly, how much I have lost. Don't worry, I promise not to go into debt. I just want to know how much I have lost. If you still want to buy antiques from me, just tell me the truth."

She made an angry face.


Soon, there was an earth-shattering howl in the hospital ward. How sad and miserable this cry sounds.

It made people cry so coldly.

The little nurse ran in and took a look. On the hospital bed inside, the little girl who had just been spanked was lying on the bed and crying loudly.

Lin Qingbai was coming to the hospital to see the wounded soldiers in the ministry. Hearing the cry, he frowned, and was about to go down the stairs, but turned around and went to the ward. When I walked to the door, I saw the little nurse scolding the people on the hospital bed, "Comrade, you are not seriously ill. You just got an injection. Do you have to cry? You are affecting other patients. If you don't know, you will think who is that?" It's over."

When they heard the sound outside, they thought that the patient was gone, and the family members were crying, which scared everyone to death.

We all know that we haven't received any seriously injured patients for a while. If a good person dies in the hospital, it's okay. The family members of the patients have to demolish the hospital.

Xu Nannan rubbed his nose aggrieved. Her two million. woo woo...

Lin Qingbai knocked lightly on the door of the ward and walked in.

Everyone in the ward looked at him.

Xu Nannan also looked up at him, with tears in his eyes, looking pitiful. Then surprised, "Comrade Lin?"

Lin Qingbai walked in and said, "What's the matter, I was sick, didn't you feel fine yesterday?" His brows were slightly frowned.

"I don't know either." Xu Nannan said sullenly, he couldn't say that we just got sick from riding a bicycle once. That's too embarrassing, she's not sister Lin. The one in front of him is Brother Lin.

When the nurse saw Lin Qingbai coming, she couldn't criticize the patient in front of the family members anymore, and said, "Stop yelling, it's not good to disturb other patients."

Lin Qingbai said with a smile, "She just got sick and is not feeling well, please be considerate." He looks tough and said these words in a kind manner, which seems rare. The little nurse couldn't say anything more, she turned her head and went out.

The patient next to him did not continue to look at him. Each sleeps separately. On the contrary, there was a thin and yellow old aunt who looked at Xu Nannan from time to time. Lin Qingbai glanced at the old aunt, who pretended not to look at anything, and stared at the ceiling.

"Where is it uncomfortable?" Lin Qingbai walked over with a smile and looked Xu Nannan up and down.

Xu Nannan's butt was still hurting, and he always felt embarrassed in front of a gay man, "I just have a little fever, and it will be fine after the injection."

Lin Qingbai looked at her pale face and touched her forehead, it was really too hot.

Seeing the tears in the corners of Xu Nannan's eyes, he didn't leave at all, and sat on the side, "Why did you cry just now, the injection hurt? I thought you were not afraid of anything." It seemed that he was afraid of the police.

Lin Qingbai suppressed a smile.

Xu Nannan was upset. Why was she crying for an injection? She didn't shed a single tear when a needle of that size stuck in her butt just now. She was crying for her money.

That second child turned out to be a scam. He usually talks like a rich man, but when he kills people, he is so ruthless. Bullying her because she doesn't understand the market, she actually asked for such a low price. If Old Antique hadn't become envious and jealous and leaked the news, she wouldn't even know that she had lost so much money. Just earned a fraction!

Even if the cost is not high, you will earn as much as you sell. But to be slaughtered like a victim, I always feel aggrieved in my heart.

Thinking of it, her forehead hurts. My heart hurts too.

Lin Qingbai saw her face changing several times, thinking that she was afraid of the injection, "Don't feel bad, I'll tell you some good news, you must be happy."

Xu Nannan blinked, "What news?"

Lin Qingbai approached, and said softly, "Sun Gongan won't look for you anymore."

He was so close that Xu Nannan could feel the heat. There was some heat on his face for no reason, but Lin Qingbai quickly moved away. Looking at her with a smile.

Xu Nannan resisted touching his hot face, "Really? Why did he give up?"

"The case is over, I went over to talk about it in person." Lin Qingbai couldn't help shaking his head when he remembered how the young man was crying yesterday. It's a pity, if the family relationship is simpler and there is a sense of responsibility, in fact, you can try it with Xiao Nizi if you are reluctant.

Thinking about it this way, I felt uncomfortable. Even if this young man has a simple family relationship and is responsible, he still can't do it. People are too gentle. A public security officer, not manly at all, is still inappropriate.

When Xu Nannan heard the news, he felt a lot more relaxed. It's finally settled, and I don't have to worry about being followed after get off work in the future.

The two were talking, and the old aunt next to her looked at Xu Nannan again.

Xu Nannan had already noticed the look in her eyes, and wondered, "Auntie, why are you always looking at me, is there something wrong?"

The old aunt straightened her body, and walked over with her legs, "Girl, well, I think you have flesh on your face, and you don't need the soybeans subsidized by the hospital. Can you share it with me? Give you food stamps."


Those who live in the ward can receive two or three taels of soybeans to supplement their health. Xu Nannan wasn't interested in that, and didn't want to get this at all. And it's not serious for her, and she doesn't have to rob others of those materials.

But what did the old aunt say, what does it mean to have flesh on her face? Do you understand that this is baby fat? People who are not adults are all grown up.

It is also because of malnutrition in this era that they did not develop like this. She is growing normally. It's definitely not meat on the face.

Lin Qingbai couldn't hold back in a daze, and burst out laughing.

The soybeans were still given to the old aunt, but the food stamps were not taken. Compared with her, the old aunt and the child on the bed are really malnourished. There is no need to make things worse for others.

On the way, Lin Qingbai went to the hospital cafeteria to buy a bowl of millet porridge, added sugar, and forced her to eat it.

After lying in the hospital for a while, Xu Nannan was about to go home. If they don't go home at night, the old man and the old lady must be worried.

Lin Qingbai disagreed, and asked an old doctor to check.

The doctor took the temperature, but it receded a lot. "You don't need to be hospitalized for this, but you have to insist on coming to the hospital for injections, otherwise it will recur. If you have a fever, you are worried about recurring."

Lin Qingbai nodded again and again to indicate that he had written it down. Only then did Xu Nannan get up and go home.

I don't know if it's because of the effect of the medicine, but the injection site still hurts. When he got downstairs, Lin Qingbai went to push the cart.

Xu Nannan thought that his ass would die from the pain of sitting on that hard iron frame. I was also embarrassed to tell Lin Qingbai Ming, and I was very entangled in my heart.

When Lin Qingbai pushed the car over, he was dumbfounded. There is a gray cotton cushion tied on the hard back seat, which is still soft when you touch it with your hands. There is a lot of cotton in it.

Feeling warm in my heart for no reason, I glanced at Lin Qingbai, Lin Qingbai had already stepped into the car, and motioned for her to sit on it.

"Can you sit still, are you dizzy?" Lin Qingbai asked back.

"It's much better." Xu Nannan said nasally. Comrade Lin is really nice, this friend is too sincere. Thinking that his original intention of approaching someone was for a postage stamp, Xu Nannan felt a little ashamed.

The car moved, much slower than last time. Slowly, slowly, like walking.

"Comrade Lin, you are so kind. In the future, don't be polite to me when you have something to do." Xu Nannan said with a slightly excited emotion.

Lin Qingbai's voice came from the front, "Then you still call me Comrade Lin? What a gift."

"Brother Lin." Xu Nannan called out immediately. It's nice to have a brother.

"Yeah." Lin Qingbai pursed his lips and smiled, his eyes were crooked, and he looked forward with a smile on his face.

When I got home, it was almost dark. Xu Nannan asked Sister Liu to bring a letter, saying that the mine was busy and had to work overtime, and she came back late, and no one at home was as worried as before.

Grandma and Xiaoman ate, and they came back after watching her, her face was still a little pale, and she was quite worried.

"Why do you look uncomfortable?" Grandma Yu said distressedly.

Xu Nannan didn't want the two elders to worry. Both of them are getting older, and they haven't lived comfortably in the past few years, so there's nothing wrong with letting them know about it now.

"It's okay, it's just that the mine is a little busy and tired. I'm busy with advanced workers recently. I'm busy."

"Oh, let me tell you, it doesn't matter if you didn't get selected. You are a girl, so there is no need to compare yourself with those gay men."

Grandma Yu disagreed, and turned to go to the kitchen to fetch food for Xu Nannan.

For the sorghum buns that I ate at night, Grandma Yu boiled sugar water for her to drink while eating.

Xu Nannan didn't have any appetite at all, so he resisted eating.

"Grandma, go and rest." Seeing that grandma was sitting on the side, she persuaded.

Grandma Yu looked at her for a long time and felt that something was wrong, but she didn't know what was wrong, so she got up and went into the house.

Grandpa Yu also sat up from the bed, but he didn't go out.

"What's wrong with Nannan?"

"It doesn't look right, it seems a little uncomfortable, but I don't say anything. I boiled sugar water for it, and it should be able to make up for it."

Grandma Yu sat on the bed, leaning back with a sad face.

"This child is too self-reliant. When he didn't meet us, he relied on himself and took care of Xiaoman. Now he doesn't act like a baby like other children when he has things to do. It makes people feel distressed."

Grandpa Yu didn't speak for a long time. He sighed again, "Sometimes I almost see her as a grandson." This child is no worse than other people's grandsons.

Grandma Yu was silent for a while, then suddenly said, "Old Yu, I feel uncomfortable even thinking about it. We are so old. Nannan and Xiaoman will not have a family in the future. I am worried. I have been giving her Thinking about finding a partner. But no one is suitable. I am worried that she will be angry with her mother-in-law and be bullied. I thought, the head of Haizi used to be with, we still have to move around. When we are gone, it will be regarded as the two children. A relative."

The matter had not been mentioned by the two of them for many years. After all, their son Yu Hai was the company commander of the guard company back then. Even if he sacrificed to protect the chief, that was his duty. He died in the line of duty and had nothing to do with the old chief.

If it wasn't for keeping the house, they never thought of writing to the old chief. Later, the house was saved, and the two never wrote to the old chief again. I also don't want people to think that they are repaying favors.

Anyway, they are already old, so they can do whatever they want. Now that I have two more granddaughters, I am a little worried.

Grandpa Yu thought for a while, "Wait a little longer, write a letter to the chief during the Chinese New Year, saying that we have adopted two daughters for the child. If people still remember Haizi, they will always take care of them. If they don't remember, we It's useless to say more."

Grandma Yu sighed and nodded.

When Xu Nannan woke up the next day, she already felt much better. Grandma Yu asked her to ask for leave, but she didn't agree. Now is the time to select advanced employees, and everyone in the office is pointing at her. Even if she can't be selected, she has to show this attitude, otherwise people won't think well.

Grandma Yu cooked eggs for her. Xu Nannan thought about it and ate it at home.

Now when everyone can't eat enough, she eats an egg on the road, which is so attractive. As he was eating, he found that Xiaoman secretly put the eggs in his pocket and didn't eat them at all.

I just drank the porridge in a hurry, ate a rough noodle bun and ran out.

Xu Nannan also hurriedly drank the porridge, and shouted to his grandma, "I'm going to work."

"Take it easy on the road." Grandma Yu came out of the kitchen and ordered.

Xu Nannan walked out and responded. After running for a few steps, I saw Xiaoman bouncing forward.

"Xiaoman," Xu Nannan chased after him.

Xiao Man looked back, "Sister, what's wrong?"

"Why didn't you eat eggs just now?" Xu Nannan asked with a smile. Xiaoman usually eats it at home, because she said that it is easy to make people jealous if this food is used outside to recruit people. Xiaoman is also sensible and never eats outside.

Hearing Xu Nannan's question, Xiaoman bit her lips, "Sister, I want to give it to Wuya...Xiaoling." My sister will not let Wuya be called, but Xiaoling.

"Why didn't you tell me, you were sneaky, my sister thought..." I thought this child had a puppy crush. There is no way, in this era when you can get married at the age of eighteen, it is not impossible to fall in love at the age of eleven.

Xu Nannan was thinking wildly, Xiaoman said, "Sister, Xiaoling won't let me talk. She is stubborn, she doesn't want anything I give her."

Xu Nannan didn't know that Xiaoling had become like this. When she went to find her last time, she said she wanted to study, and she ate the candy.

"Xiaoling can't get enough to eat every day. Mom... her mother gave the big sister all the delicious food, saying that she wanted to raise the big sister so that she can get married next year. The food in the village Since I haven’t come here, the food at home is tight. Xiaoling’s rations are not as good as before.” Xiaoman wanted to cry when he said that.

When she and her sister lived in the country before, she always envied that Xiaoling could stay in the city with her parents and not be beaten and scolded by her grandma and aunt at home. But now I know that it's not good for Xiao Lingzi to live at home. When she and her sister were in the countryside, they depended on each other for life. Xiaoling is in that family, who loves her

Xu Nannan frowned when he heard this. What does Li Jing want to do? Isn't her servile thinking too serious? Even if Xu Hong finds someone who is an official of the county party committee to be her husband's family, it has nothing to do with her. Is she so eager to kneel and lick

And Xu Jiansheng did the same. Hearing that he sent Xiaoling to school, he thought he had repented and knew that he had a daughter. Looking at it now, he didn't care about any big or small things.

"Xiaoling said that she is just hungry like this, as long as she doesn't starve to death." When Xiaoling said this, she felt scared like that.

Xu Nannan rubbed her head, "It's okay, I won't let Xiaoling go hungry. I'll go find her later and take her to the mine's cafeteria for dinner."

Because his head was still a little dizzy, Xu Nannan didn't have much energy to go to work in the morning.

It was Sister Liu who mentioned the donation of food stamps, and Xu Nannan took out a catty of food stamps and handed them over.

Sister Liu said, "I heard that Wu Jian paid more than eighty catties."

When Xu Nannan heard the number, he was so shocked that his whole body became a little more energetic, "Where did he get so many food stamps?" Hey, they only have 30 catties of food stamps this month, and they don't eat or drink. , I have to save for three months to only have 80 catties.

"He took it from his family. His two older sisters and one younger sister have a unit, and they are eating food supplies. This time, in order to support him, they took out all the stocks for this month. The family tightened their belts to support him. .”


Sister Liu whispered after finishing speaking, "That's not enough, that Xu Meizi..." She blinked, not knowing whether to say it, after all, she has something to do with Nan Nan.

Xu Nannan gossiped, "What's wrong with her, Sister Liu, what do you say?"

"She came here to help get the food stamps. Anyway, she collected about 20 catties. Alas, it doesn't matter what you say this little girl is trying to do. She's just in a rush, and things will get worse in the future. "

Food is such an expensive thing, it is the same as the lifeblood of every household, so it is just taken out and handed over to men.

It's fine if I'm a man, but isn't that still a relationship

At this time, the Xu family was also arguing about the food stamps.

The cause was still pulled out by Xu Meizi. In order to support Wu Jian's progress, Xu Meizi helps to collect food stamps. She tightened her belt and took out five catties of food stamps, and then exchanged all the industrial vouchers and cloth tickets she had saved for food stamps with others. Xu Hong had been staring at her for a long time. Although there were a lot of new clothes, but now after she got to know Lin Qingsong, she always felt that her previous clothes were not beautiful enough, and the shoes she wore were not good enough.

If you want to wear cloth tickets as Bragi, you'd better buy small leather shoes. She had seen the Bragis worn by the female workers of the Mining Committee, and they looked very foreign.

But Xu Meizi talked all the time, so she didn't give it to her. She also knew that Xu Meizi was a master who didn't take advantage of it and didn't talk about it. Even if she promised to mention Xu Meizi in the future, Xu Meizi would not agree. I had no choice but to exchange food stamps.

She knew where Li Jing put the food stamps, so she took fifteen catties of food stamps in exchange.

By the time Li Jing knew about this, Wu Jian had already donated the food stamps. Li Jing was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

If the food stamps were donated by Xu Jiansheng, she would think better and earn a reputation for herself and Xu Jiansheng. But now it was donated to others, and she didn't get anything.

Fifteen catties of food stamps are enough for their whole family to eat for how long.

The expenses that were originally planned are now compacted all of a sudden.

She didn't even know what happened to the end of the month.

She didn't dare to tell Xu Jiansheng about this matter, and she didn't dare to scold Xu Hong who was about to fly up the branch and turn into a phoenix, so she could only run to drag Xu Meizi over and scold him.

Xu Meizi lowered her head as if she didn't hear.

Li Jing was so angry that she couldn't straighten up, pointed to her forehead and said, "Is it true that you can't live without a man, ah, are you stupid to give things from home to others?"

Only then did Xu Meizi raise her head, and looked at her coldly, "Auntie, can you live without a man? I can still help others, but you, without my uncle, what would you eat and drink?"

"You, are such a scourge." Li Jing cried angrily.

"How kind I was to you at the beginning, you treat me like this now, do you still have a conscience?"

Xu Meizi said expressionlessly, "I want to go to school, but you don't let me study, don't you just want me to work and get my salary and food stamps back? You know how sincere you are to me. I'm still here today Talking to you is for Sister Honghong's sake."

Xu Hong raised her neck on the side. There is a bit of red light on the face.

"Do evil, do evil."

Li Jing sat on the bed and cried. Both Xu Lei and Xu Long looked at each other in blank dismay, they didn't care, and went to get food from the pot on their own.

After work at noon, Xu Nannan came to the dormitory to look for Xu Ling.

The little girl was sitting by the pool in a daze.

"Xiao Ling, why are you sitting here, have you eaten yet?"

"Big sister." Xu Ling stood up, her little face was thin and yellow. Xu Nannan felt uncomfortable looking at it. She really didn't care much about this girl. "Come on, my sister will take you to the cafeteria for dinner."

"I won't go." Xu Ling said stubbornly.

Xu Nannan was taken aback, "What's wrong?"

"They ruined the food stamps for outsiders, and they didn't give them to me. Why?" Xu Ling cried with her mouth pursed.

The little girl cried and told Xu Nannan about the family affairs.

Xu Nannan said, "There's no need to be angry with my stomach. Don't be afraid, my sister will get you something to eat." He took Xu Ling's hand and walked to the cafeteria.

I ran into Director Zhu on the road and saw Xu Nannan dragging Xu Ling to the cafeteria. Xu Ling still had tears on her face and asked, "What is this for?"

Xu Nannan didn't help hide it, and told what Xu Meizi and Xu Hong did.

Director Zhu clapped his hands together, "Sin, this child is so hungry, it's like this. You said that the selection of advanced workers... a good thing has turned into a bad thing."

Xu Nannan felt that this matter should not be left alone. She can support Xu Ling, but Xu Ling is still surnamed Xu and still in the Xu family, so the Xu family has to bear a responsibility. Don't just occupy the latrine and not shit. When Xu Ling grew up, she thought that the child would grow up without eating, so she said, "Director Zhu, I have to trouble you to discuss this matter. If they can't afford Xu Ling, they will let Xu Ling and me Let's have dinner together. Just talk to Xu Ling's father. See what he says. Even if I tighten my belt, I can save Xiaoling a bite."

Director Zhu is the director of the Women's Federation, so she can take care of this matter. It's just that she didn't care if they didn't find out what was going on in front of her. Hearing what Xu Nannan said now, I also feel that I should go and talk to Xu Jiansheng about it. Anyway, it's just a matter of one sentence, Xu Ling can't be left hungry at home.

Not for the sake of Xu Jiansheng as a father, but also for the sake of Nannan as a sister.

"Okay, I'll talk to Director Xu about it later."

With Director Zhu in charge of this matter, Xu Nannan doesn't have to worry about it anymore, it just depends on what Xu Jiansheng says anyway.

Taking Xu Ling to the cafeteria to make two sorghum cakes and a bowl of soup, Xu Nannan also took out the eggs that Xiao Man left for Xu Ling, "Your second sister saved them for you."

Xu Ling took it and ate it with big mouthfuls. Mouth stuffed full.

"Sister, when I earn money, I'll buy you food too." Xu Ling said seriously.

Xu Nannan smiled, "Okay, sister, Xiaoling will treat me to a full banquet in the future."

"What is the Manchu Banquet, do you have any meat dishes?" Xu Ling asked.

Xu Nannan didn't eat it before, so he just said that, pretending to think seriously, "Well, anyway, there are flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water, everything you can eat. There is a big table full, fried Fried and roasted, the oil is sizzling. The fragrance can be smelled from far away."

Xu Ling heard all the noises, and felt very heavy in her heart.

How many food stamps do you have to earn to eat such a meal

After lunch, Xu Nannan told Xiaoling to eat in the cafeteria from now on. She told Master Du that she would just buckle her grain in the future. Master Du recognizes her, and she can eat it when she goes there.

Xiaoling thought for a while, then nodded, "Sister, I will definitely let you have a full meal in the future." When she starts working, the food coupons saved for a year will be enough.

When I got off work in the afternoon, Director Zhu deliberately ran to the office to find her, saying that he had told Xu Jiansheng about the situation, but Xu Jiansheng didn't say anything, but he looked very bad.

After knowing this, Xu Nannan didn't care what happened next. She just wanted to let the Xu family know that there was such a thing, don't try to pretend to be confused.

After leaving the mine, he was about to go home. On the way, he saw Lin Qingbai pushing his bicycle and waiting on the side of the road. Xu Nannan was overjoyed and ran over immediately, "Brother Lin."

Lin Qingbai was still smoking. Seeing her coming, he threw the cigarette he was smoking on the ground and stepped on it, and said with a smile, "How do you feel today?"

Xu Nannan clenched her fists and said that she was healthy, "It's fine." In fact, her forehead was a little hot, and she didn't think it was as serious as yesterday. There's no need to look sick.

Lin Qingbai nodded and patted the back seat of the car, "Get in the car."

Xu Nannan hummed.

After getting into the car, I remembered to ask, "Brother Lin, why are you here?"

"Didn't the doctor explain yesterday that I still have to get an injection, otherwise it will be easy to repeat." Lin Qingbai said lightly. He's been thinking about it all day today. I didn't go to the township to see it in the afternoon, so I came back directly. I knew that this girl was afraid of injections, so she would definitely not take the initiative to go to the hospital.

"...!" Xu Nannan almost fell off the car.


Xu Nannant didn't want to go on the way.

She really didn't want to go, she just had an injection yesterday, so she dared not take the medicine. Prepare to wait a day before taking medicine by yourself. The taste of the injection is really uncomfortable, she would rather take medicine. Anyway, it's not myrrh.

Isn't it good to take medicine when you are sick? Why do you need an injection

Xu Nannan struggled in pain, but Lin Qingbai didn't know about it, so he had to get an injection. Go to the hospital by car.

In fact, he could refuse even if he was firm, but Xu Nannan couldn't do it. She was an orphan in her previous life, and no one loved her or cared about her. Not many people cared about her in this life. Someone is doing her best, even if she doesn't want to go, she still has the heart to refuse.

I am also reluctant.

Looking at Lin Qingbai's back, she thought to herself, Brother Lin is such a good person, sister-in-law will be blessed in the future.

I couldn't help but feel a little depressed. Always feel uncomfortable.

When I arrived at the hospital, I still found the old aunt doctor from yesterday. Seeing Xu Nannan coming, she was very satisfied, and felt that the patient's family members were quite sensible, so they took her advice to heart. It's not like some family members who think it's good to get an injection, but they don't want to give up the few cents for another injection.

Is money important or life important? In the end, it was not that she had to get another injection, but she was also said that her medical skills were not good and she was not cured.

After driving the gay men out and closing the curtains, the old aunt held the syringe with a smile.

Xu Nannan gritted his teeth and closed his eyes not to look at the syringe.

"Your partner really loves you, let me hit it lightly, no matter how light it is, don't you still have to hit it?"

Just as Xu Nannan was about to say that it was her brother, not her date, the needle had already been stuck in his ass. There was a dull pain, and the pain felt like half of the buttocks were numb.

"Okay, okay, look at that, it doesn't hurt too much." The old doctor smiled. She has seen this a lot, and she came here with her partner, shed tears when she got the injection, thinking about making gay men feel bad.

This is not surprising. Don't look at those who say that women can hold up half the sky all day long, but they don't expect men to hurt.

Xu Nannan was in real pain, and he couldn't even get out of bed lying on his stomach.

She felt she had to take it easy.

Just as the old doctor left, Lin Qingbai came in. Seeing her lying on the bed, he touched her head, "Still uncomfortable?"

Xu Nannan buried his face in the needle. She can't say that her butt hurts from the injection.

"Okay, stop crying, see what I brought you?" Lin Qingbai stretched out his palm to her face. Xu Nannan tilted his face and saw that there was a small piece of white paper spread out on the palm of his hand, with a few pieces of maltose inside.

Injection and candy... This is treating her like a child.

Seeing that she didn't move, Lin Qingbai picked up a candy and stuffed it into her mouth, touching her lips with his hand, and quickly took it back. "Is it delicious? Ask someone to bring it to a fellow villager."

Seeing this little girl cry like that yesterday after getting an injection, I knew she was afraid of injections. Another injection is needed today, and I am worried that she will still cry like yesterday. Fortunately, I heard from Lao Gao's sister-in-law that their boy just needs to give a candy for an injection, and immediately smiles brighter than anyone else.

Sugar can relieve pain.

Seeing that Xu Nannan ate candy and didn't cry as much as yesterday, Lin Qingbai was convinced of this.

After leaving the hospital and getting into the car, Xu Nannan still felt a sweet and greasy taste in his mouth.

This is the sweetest malt candy she has ever tasted, it is so sweet. I don't know where Lin Ge got it.

This time he didn't say hello to the old lady, Xu Nannan didn't dare to stay outside, so he had to go back. Lin Qingbai stepped on the car and went directly to Yu's house.

I didn't dare to get too close to home, for fear that people nearby would see it and talk nonsense again. The last time Xu Hong took a bicycle to the gate of the mine, the whole mine was buzzing.

Xu Nannan didn't want to be in the limelight. Get off when you get nearby.

Lin Qingbai found it strange, they seemed to be engaged in an underground party, and it was not shameful. Every time I still can't get to the door. But seeing that Xiao Nizi was not happy, he followed her.

Put the rest of the candy into Xu Nannan's hand, "Go back and have a good rest, don't catch the cold again. Otherwise, you will have to go to the hospital to suffer."

Xu Nannan nodded obediently, she didn't want to suffer anymore. It's too uncomfortable.

She missed the feeling of getting a needle.

"Brother Lin, do you have time for this week's holiday? I'll treat you to dinner." The last time I paid back the favor with a meal, but I owed the favor that time, and this time I added these... When will I be able to pay it off.

Lin Qingbai smiled, "Okay, I'll take you to another place to eat next time. Now go back and rest."

When Xu Nannan left, he smiled and shook his head.

This little girl is really not willing to owe others at all.

Back at the county party committee compound, I ran into County Mayor Sun's daughter-in-law and an old aunt in a gray coat.

Lin Qingbai called his sister-in-law.

The magistrate's wife smiled and said, "Minister Lin came back so late. There is no food in the cafeteria, why don't you go to my house for a meal, our old grandson has been thinking about you all the time."

"I came back after eating outside." Lin Qingbai smiled, "I'll invite County Magistrate Sun to dinner another day. I still have a lot of questions to ask him about the county."

"Oh, that's fine, I'll go back and tell Lao Sun." The magistrate's wife smiled brightly.

When they got up the stairs, they went their separate ways.

The old aunt in gray clothes is also Sun Gong'an's mother. Everyone in the county party committee called Aunt Sun,

Aunt Sun pulled the county magistrate's wife, "Auntie, who is that guy just now? Is he the Minister of Armed Forces from the county that our family Xiao An said? He looks too young."

The county magistrate's wife opened the door and entered the room, and said with a smile, "No, he came from the army in the capital. Don't look at him young, it's not just because of his relationship, he is a capable person. He is a soldier, and he is very educated. Listen Lao Sun said that he knows a lot, even foreign languages.”

"Oh, that's really amazing." Aunt Sun exclaimed.

"No, I don't know how he was educated. His younger brother is also a college student. I heard that he still studies mechanics. There is really no ordinary person in the family."

"There's a younger brother who is a college student?" Aunt Sun was even more surprised. Aunt Sun was a little confused, why so many good young people came to the county party committee compound. She didn't even know. The same is true for Xiaoan, and he didn't tell her when he went back. It's like losing my soul all day.

"Uncle, you said that our family Pingping has reached the age of marriage, do you think it is possible to find such a good one?"

The magistrate's wife was about to make dinner. When she heard this, she smiled and said, "What are you in a hurry for? Isn't this about Xiaoan's marriage? Why are you talking about Pingping again? Let's talk about it one by one. Oh, didn't you take a liking to the guy from Liu Jianjun's family last time, and you said that it doesn't matter if he's two years younger, and the female junior holds a golden brick."

Aunt Sun blushed, "I'll just talk, just talk."

The magistrate's wife was not talking either. This guy who rides a donkey to find a horse, how can there be such a good thing in the world? Besides, she heard from Lao Wu from the Public Security Bureau last time that Minister Lin seemed to have found a partner, and he was moving fast.

I just don't know whose family's daughter had the luck to find such a good partner.

Comrade Xu Nannan, who seemed to have had a good luck, was lying on the bed and reading the news.

The second child actually had the face to come to her and said that he introduced business to her.

She directly replied to get the hell out, and turned off the message.

Hmph, she is addicted to cheating. It's not enough to pit yourself. Also introduce people over. Think beautifully.

If it weren't for the fact that Old Antique was her "little assistant", she wouldn't even want to talk to Old Antique now. Anyway, her money is enough now. The batch of antiques she collected in Shanghai before, she put them in the baskets, and did not display them, nor did she intend to sell them. If there is a chance to receive something again in the future. She can't sell it casually, at least she has to understand the price clearly. You can no longer be treated like a fool.

With money and antiques, she now has more confidence than anyone else.

The next day, Xu Nannan really felt much better. It seems to be almost better, and even the air I breathe feels much refreshed.

When they arrived at the mine, Xu Ling ran over to find her before entering the office.

"Sister, I won't use your food book from now on, I'll use Dad's food book." Xu Ling smiled happily, with a bit of victorious embarrassment.

Xu Nannan pulled her aside to ask about the situation.

It turned out that after Xu Jiansheng learned about this from Director Zhu yesterday, he went to the single dormitory to ask Li Jing about the situation at night. After figuring things out, he immediately lost his temper. Ever since he and Li Jing slept separately, Xu Jiansheng didn't want to go back to that home either, and usually ate in the cafeteria most of the time. Anyway, he kept part of the food he distributed every month for his family, and with the food brought from his hometown and his salary, he could go to the black market to buy coarse grain subsidies, and the children could still have enough to eat.

Who knew that the director of the Women's Federation suddenly came to tell him that the child was hungry, or that her sister took her to the cafeteria for dinner.

Regardless of how Li Jing explained it, Xu Jiansheng just kept talking about his daughter's hunger. He said that now the whole mine knew about his daughter's hunger. He is full in the cafeteria all day, and his daughter is hungry at home, can this be justified

The children of some workers in the mine are also hungry, but they are eating tightly for the children, and the adults are tightening their belts. When he was here at their house, he was full, and the child was starving. People didn't know, they thought Xu Jiansheng starved the child on purpose.

After this incident, Xu Jiansheng directly asked Xu Ling to follow him to the cafeteria for dinner. Even if he tightened his belt, he wanted to make his daughter stutter. As for the family, Li Jing can do whatever she wants.

This result is not bad, at least Xu Ling will not have to go hungry in the future.

She patted Xu Ling's head, "Okay, if you don't have enough to eat in the future, go to Master Du. Use my sister's food."

"Sister, don't worry, I'll be full in the future." Xu Ling smiled brightly, like a little fox.

Thinking of something again, she said in a low voice, "By the way, big sister said something to Dad yesterday. She seemed to be a college student. She said she wanted to come to our mine and asked Dad to help me. How do you think she knew a college student? "

Xu Nannan really didn't know about this. Xin Dao said that Xu Hong was messing around, but he had quite a wide network of contacts. It's just that it's not a good thing to be able to mix with Xu Hong!