Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 29


Damocles Military Academy, at this moment, the playground is full of students of all grades, all of them staring at the huge light curtain with complicated expressions.

Wei San came back from the black factory and saw such a scene as soon as he entered the school gate. The playground was unusually quiet. She originally came back to watch the live broadcast, and immediately found a corner and squatted down to watch it with the others.

There are three mechas on the huge light curtain, one of which is a white medium-sized mecha, which seems to be protecting the two mechas behind it. On the opposite side is a huge gray spider, and there are several small spiders around.

It is said to be a small spider, but it is actually about the same height as a mecha.

The white mecha directly faced the huge gray spider, and the two mechas behind them were scrambling to deal with the small spiders that came around.

Wei San frowned subconsciously. In her opinion, the white mecha would lose, and the two mechas behind them couldn't beat those spiders. Now it's just whether the white mecha or the other two mechas lost first.

"Wow, what should I do?"

Wei San's arm was suddenly pulled, she turned her head stiffly, and found that the male classmate next to her was biting a fist and crying.

The corner is too small, when she squeezed in, only this male classmate was standing there, and now there is one more of her.

The male classmate grabbed Wei San's arm, as if he had found a place to vent, sobbing and sobbing: "Shen Tukun faced the giant spider alone, and there are so many spiderlings beside him, he must not be able to protect the two seniors."

"The other two are too weak." Wei San kindly reminded, "Three people are almost at the level of a battle."

The male classmate's tears suddenly stopped, and he looked at Wei San with disgusting eyes: "Shen Tukun is a mecha soldier, and the other two are mecha masters and commanders. How can they be similar?"

Wei San: "..." The man now changes his face really fast.

The other two are not so bad, at least they are slightly stronger than the A-level Wei San has seen so far. After all, they are S-level, but those spiders are too ferocious, and they are not enough to see in comparison.

In the light curtain, the white mecha held the light knife and stabbed it directly at the giant spider's mouthparts. At the same time, one of the giant spider's claws was inserted into the mecha's body, and that part was close to the mecha cabin.

There was a constant gasp on the playground, and some people couldn't help standing up. The male classmate in the corner anxiously grabbed Wei San's arm again, trying to gain strength.

Wei San didn't pay attention, her mind was all on the light curtain, this part was too dangerous.

Unexpectedly, the white mecha only paused for a second, then pulled out the light knife and cut off the giant spider's chelicera without hesitation. It stopped until it cut through the belly of the giant spider.

There was a huge cheer on the playground, and everyone was screaming for the reversal of this senior Shen.

However, on the other hand, the spiderlings attacked successfully. One mecha was besieged by three spiderlings, and the mecha cabin was severely damaged, almost at a critical moment.

"Retire now!" The man in the white mecha shouted sharply at the man in the mecha.

In the next second, another mecha appeared in the light curtain, very neatly forcing the spiderlings back, but did not hurt them, only took away the people in the mecha cabin, and took the mecha and left.

Leaving the two mechs in place to continue fighting.

Wei San looked at the light curtain, and there should be rescuers in the mecha that just left.

At this moment, the playground has fallen into extreme silence, and everyone has a look of defeat on their faces.

Wei San turned his head to look at the male classmate in the corner, his eyes were red, but the tears could not come out.

"There are two more people." Wei San comforted.

The male classmate didn't dislike seeing her this time. After a long silence, he said: "The mecha division is out, Shen Tukun's mecha is damaged, and he still has a commander. The journey is not even halfway there. There is no hope for this game."

The game was coming to an end on the weekend afternoon. There were originally three mecha soldiers, but only one white mecha was left.

The rules of the Hephaestus competition are very simple. Give a map and mark the end point. Which military academy is the first to win the game. The top three will have points, which are ten, five, and one. There are a total of 12 competitions in the entire competition, and the ranking and points will be recorded every month, until the end of the competition, and the top three will be ranked.

The top three military academies have a preference for S-class students, and it is also related to the budgets of the military regions behind the military academies.

On the surface, it was just a competition among S-class students without bonuses, but it was actually a battle of honor and interests.

Not to mention the complex environment of each arena, countless high-level insects and beasts obstruct the way, and at the same time, there are commanders who are calculating, and none of the five military academies will let anyone. The Damocles Military Academy has been faintly targeted. exhausted.

From the very beginning, the people from the Samuel Military Academy joined forces with the Imperial Military Academy to destroy the two mecha soldiers of the Damocles Military Academy. The two fought out in the end, and Shen Tukun was able to escape with the mecha and the commander. Unexpectedly, hitting the giant spider, the mechanic also retired.

[The mecha division of the Damocles Military Academy is eliminated. 】

In the light curtain, there was a voice of a robot girl in the arena. People on the playground could only see the white mecha guarding the rear commander, killing spiderlings constantly, and there was no time to feel sad.

Everyone quietly looked up at the back of the white mecha on the light curtain. This was the senior of their military academy. Although they were defeated, they were still proud.

North Watchtower.

Several light curtains stood in the hall, and a dozen people stood in the middle, staring at each light curtain with serious expressions.

If Wei San came here, she would find that there were several people she knew, Xiang Minghua, Li Ze, Jin Ke, and Ying Chenghe from the mecha division.

Jin Ke stood in the middle, separated by a distance from the surroundings. His eyes stayed on the live broadcast light screen of the Imperial Military Academy. He had never seen the Damocles Military Academy again. He had no chance. , learn lessons, and go further next time.

"Shen Tukun did his best." Xiang Minghua closed his eyes. When he first learned about this year's freshman list, he was happy.

The children of the Liao family, the Huo family, and the Ying family, and they even have the 3S conductor Jin Ke. No matter which session this match is placed in, it will be the first.


Xiang Minghua let out a sigh of relief, and he didn't know what was going on. The quality of the students from the five major military academies this year was extremely high.

"The people from Samuel Military Academy have joined forces with the Imperial Military Academy to deal with us almost every time." Xiang Minghua turned his head to Jin Ke and said, "The next one should be no exception. You should pay attention when that time comes."

Jin Ke nodded: "I know."

The remaining mecha soldiers and the commander of the Damocles Military Academy did not go all the way. Although the commander controlled the school team all the way, he encountered Pingtongyuan on the way and was directly killed.

Looking at the extinguished light curtain, no one left the playground for a long time, and Lao Sheng was the most uncomfortable. For four years, they have watched the failure scene here for four years, and they have never seen the light curtain of the final track Damocles Military Academy still lit.

"Damn it!" Someone stood up and cursed, scolding themselves for not being strong enough to even get into the school team, and scolding the people at Samuel Military Academy as shameless.

Some people on the playground wiped their red eyes, turned around and went to the training ground without saying a word. If they want to become stronger, at least they will not be hindered by entering the school team.

The male classmate in the corner squatted on the ground and cried, completely unable to control his emotions, "In four years, I have watched since Shen Tukun participated in the Hephaestus competition for the first time, and up to now our military academy has not even won the top three. ."

"Maybe I can get it in the next year." Wei San didn't see anyone crying, and patted him on the shoulder, "When I enter the school team, I will definitely be in the top three."

The male classmate sniffed and raised his red eyes to look at her: "School team? What can you do as a member of the school team?"

Wei San thought about it, "Can't you? The shooter should be the most powerful person in the school team."

"S-class shooters are much more powerful than A-class shooters." The male classmate was attracted by her words, and then puzzled, "Classmate, I think you look familiar."

Another person who knows himself because he overcame the wall.

Wei San quickly changed the topic: "No matter how powerful the S-class is, you should be afraid of sneak attacks. There are so many people in our school team, fuck him!"

"I will graduate to the military region next year." The male classmate said sadly, "I can't watch the live broadcast at school anymore."

"Look at the military region with your bare brain, maybe you will win the first place next year."


Wei San tutted: "Before the game starts, you have no faith."

The male classmate looked at Wei San with those unpredictable eyes: "The commander of the next imperial military academy must be Ying Xingjue. He once commanded battles in the 5th military region, forcing back the high-level insects and beasts. Looking at the commanders of the five military academies , apart from him, no one has faced a real battlefield."

"No matter how important the command is, others must cooperate."

"How to say?"

Wei San also squatted down along the corner: "As long as the others drop the chain, you know..."

Just when Wei San and his male classmates were bragging, the atmosphere of Beiwanglou became more and more serious.

The competition is drawing to a close, and two of the remaining military academies have already reached the finish line. Before the finish line, the two military schools confronted each other, which is basically the highlight of every game every year.

Pingtongyuan and Imperial Military Academy.

The Pingtong Academy lost a single mecha soldier. At the last moment, the Imperial Military Academy chose to abandon the mecha division without hesitation, leaving three mecha soldiers. Before the finish line, they finally gained an advantage and took the lead in letting the commander rush to the finish line. .

After watching the game of the Imperial Military Academy and the Peace General Academy, Jin Ke raised his hand and pressed his forehead. This or the previous Damocles military academy's mecha soldier strength is too weak, and the command is only S-rank, so it is normal to lose.

Next time... Jin Ke stared at the cheering cadets on the light screen, at least he wanted to get the top three.

"I'm going to pick them up." Major Li Ze lowered his head to straighten his sleeves and said to the principal.

The principal nodded and said with emotion: "Those children have worked hard, especially Shen Tukun, who lasted for three years."

The teacher was removed from the hall, and the rest was the seedlings of the next class. The four of them looked at each other, obviously all had their own goals.

"It doesn't have to be a good ranking." The principal turned to look at the children. "It is most important for you to protect yourself. I don't want to see anyone making unnecessary sacrifices, especially in the next competition."

The teachers in the back said a few words to the four students.

Jin Ke hesitated for a moment before leaving.

"Is there something to say?" Xiang Minghua pointed out.

"I have a friend who wants to join the school team as a shooter." Jin Ke paused, "Can you relax a little bit?"

For some reason, Jin Ke felt that with Wei San around, he would feel more at ease. But he has been studying various command battles recently. He doesn't know about Wei San and Ding Hemei. Judging from the level of 3212 stars, Wei San seems to have always been in the middle and upper grades. Maybe he can enter the school team, but the shooter is a little bit. reluctantly.

Major Li Ze was the first to object: "This is a competition."

The principal waved his hand: "Which friend of yours, come and listen, she must have her own advantages."

"Her name is Wei San." As soon as Jin Ke said the name, the expressions of the people around changed a little, and they all looked at Li Ze.

Li Ze frowned: "That student who jumped over the wall and went to the bar to play?"

Jin Ke knew about this, but in his opinion, Wei San would not go to the bar to play. She's so stingy, it's impossible for no one to pay for a drink by herself.

Maybe it's a trick, it's estimated that an expert asked to meet there.

Thinking of this, Jin Ke understands why he wants Wei San to join the school team. With her around, he can feel inexplicably safe when he thinks of the masters behind him!

"You don't need to speak, she can enter by herself." Xiang Minghua laughed, "There must be her seat in the next shooter, otherwise I will give her blood in vain."

Li Ze squinted: "You gave blood to an ordinary student?"

Since he was bored and followed Wei San out and found her drinking in a bar, Major Li Ze had a bad impression of Wei San, treating her as a student who was not busy with her work and indulged in fun.

Anyone who has upgraded from A-grade mecha to S-grade mecha has different feelings for the original A-grade mecha. After all, that mecha spent the entire youth with me.

"It's useless for me to keep it. The school mecha is not suitable for Wei San, so I will give her to her." Xiang Minghua smiled, "I think she can make the most of the blood drop."

"Okay, since you can enter, you don't have to worry about Jin Ke." The principal told everyone to disperse.

After walking out of the Beiwang Tower, Ying Chenghe suddenly said to Jin Ke, "You have crossed the line."

Roll out an A-level student in front of everyone.

Jin Ke shrugged: "I mentioned Wei San's name. As long as she is slightly impressed by the principals and teachers, she will have more chances."

The best resources of the military academy are allocated to S-level students, and the rest are some of the A-level students. Jin Ke just mentioned it casually.

"It seems that you don't need to mention it now." Ying Chenghe said lightly.

"That's the best way, I'll see how her training is going someday." Jin Ke embraced Ying Chenghe, "You too."

"What am I going to do?"

"She definitely wants to see you, S-class mechanic!"

"It's 3S."