Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 57


When the Damocles military academy students came out, the teachers were also waiting at the exit. A few excited teachers rushed over to hug Jin Ke and a few others, and they almost burst into tears.

"Good job." Xiang Minghua stepped forward, then pulled away the teacher who wanted to hug Wei San, "Be sober, this is just the first game."

"Every victory is worth celebrating!" The teacher raised his hand and wiped his reddish eyes. Although the first game of the class was simple, for some reason, he saw hope in these students.

"Go back and watch the live review of the Imperial Military Academy and the Peace General Academy." Xiang Minghua instructed the students, "especially the one near the finish line."

"Wei San, pay attention in the next game. Blood Drop was the mecha I used before, all parameters have been thoroughly studied, and then others can completely target you." Xiang Minghua said seriously, "The training cannot be relaxed. ."

Before the start of the first game, everyone's attention was attracted by the many 3S-level main members. The news that Wei San had blood drops did not attract attention. Now Wei San offended the two chief soldiers, and went directly to the table, mecha Performance is the most transparent.

Everyone went back to rest. A few hours later, Samuel Military Academy also reached the finish line. The first hill race officially ended, and the five major military academies did not even meet.

Tomorrow is going to the stage to accept the award, Wei San took a bath and slept for a few hours, thinking about going out for a walk, and then seeing the bustling world. As soon as he walked out of the room, he was pulled over by Ying Chenghe.

"What's the matter?" Wei San looked at him in a mess, "Why are you still wearing training clothes?"

"I didn't have time to change." Ying Chenghe took her to the separate training room, swiped her card to enter, "Let me see your mecha."

Wei San said, "Look at my mecha?" Her mecha is fine.

"All the parameters of the blood drop are applied to the extreme by Mr. Xiang. It is difficult for you to surpass him. Almost every move comes out. As long as others study hard, you will definitely suffer." Ying Chenghe came out without rest, trying to find a way to solve it, "Blood It's too perfect to make big changes, I'll see if I can change the weapon for you and add something."

"This." Wei San looked up at his mecha and jumped into the mecha cabin, "I've made a little change."

Ying Chenghe stared at the thing on the light knife she drew out, his eyes widened: "You..." What the hell is this.

"A little something was added to the knee." Wei San sat in the mecha cabin, and manipulated the blood drop to pop something out of his knee. "If you can't add anything else, it will destroy its balance."

Ying Chenghe: " changed it?"

Wei San still felt a little pain in his heart when he said: "It cost a lot of money." All the materials used are the best grade A materials.

For the first time, Ying·3S-level mecha division·Chenghe had the illusion that he was useless.

"Help me see how the data is." Wei San said inside.

"Okay, you go to test." Ying Chenghe turned on the light brain, connected the blood drop, and then asked Wei San to do the attack test.

After the test, Ying Chenghe frowned and looked at all the data on the panel: "… "

Are any self-taught mecha master so powerful now

"How?" Wei San jumped down, "I don't think there is any way to change it elsewhere. The mecha master who was the blood drop was too powerful."

"Very good." Ying Chenghe clicked on the animation data obtained from the simulation just now, "With your moves, um... surprise, the effect will be doubled."

Being praised by the 3S-level mecha master, Wei San was still a little proud. She put away the mecha and went out with Ying Chenghe: "Go take a bath first, go out to play at night, and call Jin Ke and the others."

The two had just walked out of the door of the independent training room when they bumped into Ying Xingjue.

"... cousin." Ying Chenghe straightened his back subconsciously.

Wei San slowly retracted the hand on Ying Chenghe's shoulder and stared at Ying Xingjue opposite.

I have to say that even if I looked at Ying Xingjue up close, I couldn't find any flaws in him. He was so noble and handsome that he had a face that didn't look like a real person, with a tall and long body, and his black hair was black and smooth.

Wei San couldn't help but move.

After being secretly photographed by Ying Chenghe, he winked at Wei San: Don't mess around.

If you really get started and burn your hair and anger his cousin, it is an extremely dangerous thing. The 3S-level commander has the ability to turn an A-level individual soldier into a fool on the spot.

Wei San felt regretful in his heart, so he had no choice but to pull a handful of Ying Chenghe's dry and rough hair with the back of his hand behind him.

Ying Chenghe: "..."

Ying Xingjue saw the small movements between the two at a glance, and thought of the investigation materials he had seen, and then saw that they were running to the training room to do these things recklessly.

When passing by, he left a sentence: "Before doing anything, think about Yingjia first."

Wei San and Ying Chenghe turned their heads to watch him walk into another training room. After a while, Wei San turned around and said, "What did he mean just now?"

Ying Chenghe didn't understand either. My cousin didn't have much contact with him before, and he was very polite after seeing him a few times: "I don't know either."

"Because you didn't go to the Imperial Military Academy?" Wei San guessed.

"No." Ying Chenghe definitely shook his head, "I won't affect him anywhere, and this year's Imperial Military Academy has Gong Yijue among the freshmen."

There was a question mark in their hearts, Wei San went to find the others, and Ying Chenghe went back to change his clothes.

"Senior Shentu is not going?" Liao Runing asked when he saw Qi.

"Senior Shentu went to see Senior Sister Nanpaxi." Huo Xuanshan said, "Maybe to apologize."

Wei San raised his hand to cover his forehead, pretending that he couldn't see the gazes of others.

"Let's go." Jin Ke took them out of his pocket while pushing them to the outside of the exercise field.

Wei San refused: "I will not participate, too poor."

"How could it be?" Jin Ke smiled slightly, "It is because you are poor that we cherish our food even more."

Each of the five people smoked one, and finally took it out in unison.

Seeing the signatures in the palms of others, Wei San raised his eyebrows and whistled, "I will cherish the food."

"Me too." Ying Chenghe stood next to Wei San and followed.

Huo Xuanshan calmly collected the signature and said to Jin Ke, "Treasure is a virtue."

"Don't worry, I will definitely choose the expensive one, so as to show your sincerity." Liao Runing patted Jin Ke's shoulder and said sincerely.

Jin Ke: "… "Fuck!

Washing the signatures by yourself, your luck can be so bad, and there is no one else.

This time, the five of them did not go to the big shopping mall, but followed Jin Ke to navigate, and went to a folk street, all for food.

"I haven't been here before." Huo Xuanshan glanced around.

"I've never been here before." Ying Chenghe is a family member of Ying, even if it is a branch, it has resources that other ordinary people can't imagine. He had no reason to come to this kind of place before.

Jin Ke went to a nearby stall and asked for five large skewers, and each person divided one: "I made a special guide, and Xingwang said that the food here is the best."

"This tastes good." Ying Chenghe took a tentative bite.

"There is also a light curtain over there." Wei San pointed to the media light curtain in the opposite high-rise building. It was so huge that it was shocking at first glance.

Five people stood in two rows, Jin Ke, Wei San and Ying Chenghe stood in one row, Liao Runing and Huo Xuanshan stood in the back row, all of them held a large string in their hands and looked up at the media light curtain that was playing advertisements in the tall building opposite.

After a while, Ying Chenghe suddenly said, "This light curtain seems to be owned by Sequoia Media."

The five looked away, preparing to stop looking at this light curtain.

[Although the hills arena is over, our media found something very interesting. 】

The light curtain suddenly switched to the Sequoia media channel, and the sound from inside attracted the five people again.

[Recently, Star Online has different opinions on the relationship between the chief soldier of the Damocles Military Academy, a female individual named Wei San and its main members. Sequoia Media, in line with the creed of seeking truth and seeking truth, sent reporters to Sandu on the spot. Star investigation, after secret investigation and search, finally sorted out the complete and true news. 】

"What is he talking about with a hammer?" Liao Runing swallowed the last ball with a look of bad luck.

"Listen first." Wei San squinted at the light curtain.

[It is reported that as soon as the female single soldier entered the school, she tried to attract Major Li Ze, who had just returned from the military region, by jumping over the wall, and then caught up with the main commander Jin Ke. The two often went in and out together, ignoring the feelings of others. More importantly, she passed Jin Ke and got on Ying Chenghe. That's right, Ying Chenghe is the Ying family in the imperial capital. 】

[The more the three of them play, the more daring they become, and it is not uncommon for three people to walk together. Below is the evidence we gleaned from various posts we lurked on their forums. There is also a photo that Jin Ke sent in the morning. Some people may ask what happened to the group photo. Please look at these photos of other students. The three of them accidentally entered the mirror and entered the dormitory together. The next morning, the three of them went back to Come out together. Among them, I believe everyone has guessed. 】

The reporter later released a series of photo posts.

"I almost believed it when I saw it." Liao Runing was stunned, "The media is so powerful in distorting facts?"

"The middle finger angered them today." Jin Ke sneered.

"But the three of you... what are you doing in one night?" Liao Runing asked them.

"Fifty thousand one nights." Huo Xuanshan read the anonymous post on the light screen, "What were you talking about?"

"Sleep." Jin Ke and Ying Chenghe said at the same time.

Liao Runing: "?"

"One bunk for 50,000 nights, and there is another upper bunk in my bedroom, you can book it." Wei San raised his eyebrows and promoted himself, "My bedroom has strong Feng Shui, and everyone who has slept said it was good."

Before Liao Runing turned around, Huo Xuanshan gave Wei San 50,000 with a 'di'.

"...Fuck, you are shameless!" Liao Runing turned his head and looked at Huo Xuanshan in disbelief.

"First come, first served." Huo Xuanshan calmly said, "You can ask Wei San if he can get an extra bed."

"The money is in place, everything is easy to talk about." Wei San put his brain in front of Liao Runing, "150,000, help you get an extra bed."

Liao Runing, who was slow for a while, thought about it for a while, and swiped 200,000 yuan: "Add a single bed, it needs to be soft."

"Yes." Wei San agreed immediately after receiving the money.

In the light curtain, Sequoia Media is still talking about the peach-colored scandal at the Damocles Military Academy. It has now developed to the point that Wei San has developed the offline line to three individual mecha soldiers through the main team mecha division and commander.

The reason for the sneak attack on the general soldier of the South Passi school team was because of jealousy, so he first started to attack the senior sister, and taunted him with yin and yang.

Wei San: "???"

This development was something she never expected.

"Find another media to reply to this matter." Ying Chenghe said, "The name of the Lanfa media today is good."

"Lanfo is a small media, with a small scale and not enough influence." Jin Ke stared at the light curtain for a while, "Lanfo, the scale is not large, I will invest."

"Add me one." Huo Xuanshan said.

"I vote too." Liao Runing revealed his card, "Master Liao is rich."

"Master Ying is also rich."

Wei San: "...I also vote?"