Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 68


As soon as Wei San's words came out, the rest of the Imperial Military Academy laughed. Obviously, he didn't know why a mere Damocles soldier dared to say such a thing.

Someone from the Imperial Military Academy was quick to say, "We promise, but we'll see how you win."

Tai Wude: "..." Damn, he didn't agree!

Wei San raised his eyebrows and looked at Tai Wude: "Someone in your military academy agreed, do you agree?"

Although Tai Wude was apprehensive, as the chief soldier of the Imperial Military Academy, he had to have the aura he should show, and he would not lose if he lost, so he proudly said: "Compare!"

The crowd gave them a place in the middle, and the two military academies stood around to watch.

Tai Wude's mecha has been replaced with a new one. It is a gray-orange A-class mecha, and his momentum is different from that on 3212 star.

"Xinchen, the top A-level leaderboard ranks first, and the blood drop ranks second. Weisan can't take advantage of the mecha this time." Yu Tianhe explained the gap between the two on the live broadcast, "Xinchen It is also a mecha made by an S-class mecha master, but unlike the blood drop, it is tailor-made for the individual Transcendent A-level mecha soldier, and is more suitable for the individual Transcendent A soldier."

The two mechas stood facing each other, Wei San made the first move, raising her right arm and aiming at Tai Wude's wrist and knee.

Tai Wude manipulated the mecha sideways, and the outsiders seemed to have little movement, but dodged all the bullets.

Wei San in the mecha cabin raised his eyebrows slightly, it seems that he has made a lot of progress in the Imperial Military Academy.

After the two mechas finished shooting bullets respectively, avoiding this series of actions, they were already close, and everyone could only see the light of swords hitting between the two mechas, and then Wei San and Tai Wude both took a step back. .

The two of them quietly shook their wrists in the mecha cabin, and they were numb.

Tai Wude pulled out his sword and slashed at Wei San's upper body. Seeing her dodging, he controlled the mecha to move forward and kicked his left leg towards her waist.

Wei San raised the knife against the sword he cut, and with the other hand blocked and held the leg swept by the mecha, she tilted her head, and her subordinates pulled hard.

Tai Wude was pulled violently, and the bottom plate was unstable. Instead of panicking, he took advantage of the situation and kicked the other foot.

Wei San retracted the knife, bent his knees and knelt on the ground, and at the same time bent his upper body, keeping it parallel to the ground, dodging his other foot, and with the strength of his kneeling, he held the foot that Tai Wude had just started, and pushed him to the ground. Get over yourself and fall to the ground.

The moment Tai Wude was thrown, he put one hand on the ground, got up in a second, turned his head, Wei San had also stood up, and the muzzle of the gun was facing him, shooting bullets continuously.

As a last resort, Tai Wude dodged again, which was obviously different from the first leisurely.

Tai Wude always wanted to distance himself from Wei San, and didn't want to fight her in close quarters. Back then, he was in 3212 Star for so many years, and there were no mechas. They all relied on close combat, and he was afraid of being beaten.

Xinchen raised gun muzzles on both sides of his shoulders and started to attack Wei San, trying to attack with dense shells, forcing her not to get close.

It's just that Wei San is the best at this kind of attack. He died so many times in the simulation cabin of the Damocles Military Academy, not in vain. With the teaching of a shooting wizard, Teacher Chen Ci, Tai Wude's attack is really not enough.

Tai Wude's shells didn't shoot less, but Wei San was getting closer and closer to him.

He resisted the urge to turn around and run, and decided to face Wei San's melee.

Too grassy.

Tai Wude has never been afraid of a double-S single soldier driving an A-class mecha, but it is Wei San. After so many years of 'beating', he has formed a conditioned reflex to escape.

Seeing that the cannonball attack was ineffective against her, Tai Wude simply closed the muzzle, gritted his teeth and decided to meet Wei San head-on.

The last stray bullet wiped Wei San's arm, and a shallow mark was drawn. She tilted her head to look distractedly, and Tai Wude's fist was already coming over.

She raised her hand against it, raised her knee and hit him in the stomach. Tai Wud stepped away from her attack and stepped down on her shin.

Wei San was trampled on his leg, she twisted her waist along her shoulders, and threw away Tai Wu De's feet. At the same time, she bent her left hand into a fist and quickly hit him in the face.

Tai Wude quickly raised his left forearm outward to resist Wei San's fist, stepped forward, exerting force on his body, and at the same time his left hand was facing forward and downward, trying to hit her neck.

Wei San in the operation cabin did not retreat and dodge, but controlled the mecha to move sideways and kicked Tai Wude's heart.

Tai Wude held her kicked leg up and down with both hands, pulled it hard, and at the same time stretched out his foot and kicked Wei San's other supporting leg downward, causing him to lose his balance.

Wei San tutted, and when he lost his balance and fell, he moved forward, grabbed Tai Wu De with both hands, and pulled him hard, causing him to fall too.

The two of them fought on the ground.

Surrounding audience: "..." It seems a little different from the one-on-one challenge they imagined.

It smells like a street hooligan fight.

But when you think about it, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

The two mechas occupied the first and second place in the rankings, and they were both Transcendent A Grade mecha soldiers. Their strength and hardware were not much different. Is it reasonable to be so 'hand-to-hand'

You punch, I kick, if the mecha had clothes and hair, it would be messy long ago.

Wei San punched him on the arm, and he kicked her waist. Tai Wude fights more and more vigorously, and he feels that he has become stronger! Wei San was just like that, and he didn't kill him!

"you lose."

Tai Wude suddenly heard a sound in his ear, and before he had time to refute, he was hit hard at the engine of his mecha the next second, Wei San shot a circle at the wrapped engine casing with the muzzle at close range, and instantly dismantled the engine.

Tai Wude watched his mecha lose power: "???"

It turned out that she didn't kill her because she wanted to dismantle his engine? !

The surrounding area of the mecha engine is generally closely guarded, and the mecha soldier will also be subconsciously protected. At first, Tai Wude still remembered it, but he was confused by Wei Sandong with a punch and a west punch, and only Wei San was so full of his mind. Thought, thinking about how to defeat her, shameless.

In the end, she took the opportunity to dig out his engine!

Wei San took his engine and pulled out the energy of Taiwude's mecha again, Shi Shiran got up: "You lost."

The mecha was completely useless, and Tai Wude was automatically out of the game.

Tai Wude came out of the mecha cabin with an expressionless face. Before leaving, he kicked Wei San's mecha and raised his middle finger at her by the way: "Shameless!"

In the mecha cabin, Wei San, who controls the mecha with one hand, also raised a middle finger. The two have been fighting for so many years. She is too aware of Tai Wude's problems. It's a waste of time if you don't think about it.

When Tai Wude was caught by the rescue teacher, he cast a covert and loving look at his school team. Wei San would never give up the opportunity to take advantage. After he left, the imperial school team would definitely be robbed.

It can only be said that the mouthpiece is cool for a while, and regrets it for life! He couldn't save them either.

[Imperial military academy team leader is out, repeat... ]

The beam of light suddenly rose at the supply station for everyone to see.

The South Passi school team saw the light beam and heard the sound of the broadcast, and his face was not very good.

The chief soldier of Pingtong Academy, the chief soldier of Samuel, and even the chief soldier of the imperial school team are now out.

The first two military academies were undoubtedly killed by Wei San. When they left, they wanted to avoid being dragged into disputes. Nam Passy temporarily formed an alliance with Damocles. If he was present at the time, he would have to stay. He might send a general army in order to continue cooperation.

So leaving early and staying away from disputes is the best option.

But now that the main teams are all in front, and beams of light are coming from the supply station, it is obvious that the commander-in-chief of the imperial school team is also in the hands of the commander-in-chief of Damocles.

"Fortunately, we walked fast." Someone in Nampasi sighed.

At the supply station, Tai Wude was taken out by the rescuers.

The imperial school team finally recovered and prepared to pack up and leave.

Wei San, who hadn't come out of the mecha, pulled out his light saber and stood in their way: "It was agreed before the game, I won, you guys... are dead."

One member of the imperial school team stood up: "Don't deceive people too much, our empire..."

Wei San directly slashed his mecha, and added slowly: "Your empire is garbage."

Her words successfully angered all the members of the Imperial school team present, and they all entered a state of battle.

Wei San didn't say much, and went all the way into their school team with a blank face, and the other Damocles school team members shot at the same time.

The supply station is in chaos.

An hour later, half of the school team members of the empire fled, Wei San looked at the combat readiness pack left here, and did not continue to chase.

[121 mecha soldiers of the imperial school team were out, 34 commanders were out, and 26 mecha divisions were out. 】

"Put away the tent energy and see what else can be used on the ground. Don't lose it." Wei San instructed the mecha divisions of the school team.

Live audience: "… "

[The Damocles school team is like a locust crossing the border, leaving no grass wherever it goes! 】

[The chief soldiers of the four major military academies were all defeated by the chief soldiers of Damocles, so it seems that the strongest general soldier is this Wei San. 】

[I feel that in the second game, there may be a main team coming together. I don’t know if there is a possibility of a fight. 】

Because the Imperial Military Academy and the Peace General Academy did not go straight to the finish line this time, one went to find the high-level star beast, and the other spent time on the chief soldier of the Damocles Military Academy.

According to previous experience, if you meet near the end, a mecha battle will break out between military schools.

"The imperial army is not her opponent either." Ying Xingjue looked up at the beam of light in the distance and said softly.

Situ Jia was puzzled by the fact that he was inexplicably concerned about a chief soldier of Damocles Military Academy: "Maybe the chief soldier of Damocles Military Academy has some skills. She said before that she is a student of Chen Ci, and it is not impossible to win. ."

Ying Xingjue did not answer his words, and instead said lightly: "At the current speed, we will meet at the Hepingtong Academy tomorrow afternoon near the finish line. If the other military academies move quickly, they will arrive within an hour of our confrontation. "

"So we decide the winner within an hour?" Ji Chuyu asked him.

Ying Xingjue tapped somewhere on the map with his fingertips: "I'll let the rest of the school team lead the beasts over, and let's go to the other side to hunt other beasts."

Ji Chuyu glanced at it and frowned subconsciously: "Four double-S high-level star beasts, do you want to give it to Pingtong Academy?"

Originally, these high-level star beasts were their target tomorrow, while there were only two high-level star beasts on the other side.

According to Ying Xingjue's current statement, not only will they lose two high-level star beasts tomorrow, but if the battle lasts for a long time, it is possible that the five military academies will gather together.

The five military academies gathered near the finish line, which was the most taboo situation in the competition.

It is easy to have problems, alliances against the water, and opponents allied with each other may happen at that moment.

"Two double S star beasts can't delay the time of Pingtong Institute." Ji Chuyu wanted them to occupy most of the star beasts.

Some places on the map are marked with star beasts and high-level star beasts, but more star beasts are not recorded on the map. Compared with other chief commanders, Ying Xingjue's perception covered almost half of the arena, and he could clearly know how many star beasts were there.

This is something other commanders cannot do temporarily.

"There is one thing I need to verify again." Ying Xingjue looked sideways at his right hand, and now he was convinced that there was something wrong with the other party, and wanted to see with his own eyes whether the chief soldier of Damocles was what he thought.

Live live.

"What does Ying Xingjue want to verify?" Yu Tianhe asked Ying Yuerong next to him.

The commander Ying Yuerong didn't know, she looked at the main members of the empire in the camera: "I don't know what he wants to verify, but most of it has something to do with the chief soldier of the Damocles Military Academy."

Ying Xingjue asked the school team to go to the Damocles school team before, but Ying Yuerong was unexpected. She didn't know why he was spending time on that chief soldier.

"Mr. Xiang, is there anything special about this chief soldier in your school?" Yu Tianhe asked Xiang Minghua below with a smile.

"She's not special enough now?" Xiang Minghua asked rhetorically.

The audience who watched the live broadcast and listened to the commentary: ... It is indeed special enough. Among the five military academies, there is only one person who is as thick-skinned as a city wall and robbed openly.

Yu Tianhe looked at the live broadcast again: "If it is really the same as Yingxingjue plan, in this way, if several military academies get together, he is artificially creating conflict."

Ying Yuerong declined to comment.

Each school team began to converge towards the main team. Occasionally, light beams would rise in all directions, and all the main members were killing the star beasts. The remaining half of the imperial school team followed the command of the main commander and led several high-level star beasts to the direction of Pingtongyuan. Some people in the middle of the school were seriously damaged, and the mecha cabin popped out and was automatically eliminated.

"Wei San!" Liao Runing saw the school team from a distance, and simply drove the mecha over, "Did you get rid of the commander-in-chief of the imperial school team?"

"Yeah." Wei San replied. She has been repeatedly in a loose and irritable mood these past few days, and she is not in high spirits.

Liao Runing took the mecha: "Amazing!"

Wei San glanced at him: "Are we going to the finish line now?"

"Yes, Jin Ke said that we have to hurry now and can't spend any more time on star beasts."

Everyone at the Damocles Military Academy converged and rushed towards the finish line.

At the same time, the Pingtong Academy and the Imperial Military Academy also beheaded high-level star beasts on both sides of the front. The other three military academies followed the route of the map and began to rush towards the end.

It's just a double-S star beast. The two military academies dealt with it very quickly. Among them, Zong Zhengyue from the Pingtong Academy dealt with two high-level star beasts, obviously there was only a difference of one level, and the star beasts of the same level were more powerful than humans.

Zong Zhengyue was driving a mecha holding a Buddha spear, and the speed of beheading was faster than the other two mecha soldiers.

Beams are raised in both directions at about the same time.

[Imperial Military Academy kills two double-S star beasts], [Pingtong Academy kills four double-S star beasts. 】

"At this point in time, are they still working?" Liao Runing looked up and asked.

"We're on our way." Jin Ke looked back, "Everyone is ready to fight."