Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 69


The empire chose the two star beasts that were farther from the finish line, and the Pingtong Academy encountered more four star beasts that were led by the imperial school team.

In this way, if the two military academies are going to confront each other, the time will also be shifted back, and the five military academies will gather together with other military academies that come later.

The scene is bound to descend into chaos.

This is exactly what Yingxing wanted.

After killing the star beasts, the main team of the empire entered the mecha, turned on the flight mode, and flew directly to the finish line.

Due to the particularity of the competition, the flight mode is set to high energy consumption mode, and the five military academies can open the flight mode, but depending on their energy storage, generally speaking, they cannot support them to fly from the starting point to the end point. The military schools can only be used at critical moments, and they are basically invisible in the front arena because they do not have enough energy.

Only a big energy player like the Imperial Military Academy dares to use it in the early stage.

The Imperial Military Academy stopped near the finish line and returned to battle mode, with the entire crew still in the mecha.

There are high-level star beasts near the finish line. To pull the flag, you must first remove the star beasts.

Huo Jian was the first to walk towards the end of the road, and after walking 200 meters, the surface of the yellow sand suddenly bulged, and a few white spider silks shot towards him.

He paused slightly, dodging the spider silk. The white spider silk that didn't hit the target was sticky and had a great impact. When it hit the desert, it was a very deep hole. The splashed yellow sand even hit Huo Jian's machine. above the armor.

The bulge on the surface of the yellow sand became more and more obvious, until a giant khaki-colored spider emerged from the sand, and the end of the chelicera was a circle of red, with venomous glands inside.

-3S high-level star beast, red-footed poisonous spider.

Huo Jian pulled out his weapon, his mecha only had one sword, named Seven Kills.

Seven kills make a move, Huo Jian fights, and his shots will never exceed seven kills, regardless of whether he encounters people or star beasts.

The Huo family belongs to a special family in the Federation. They only train individual mecha soldiers and do not befriend any military academies. The children of the Huo family choose military schools by their own will, but none of them are inferior in strength.

Everyone in the federation has only one fixed impression of the Huo family: silent and strong.

In the first kill, Huo Jian ran towards the red-footed spider, as fast as a ghost. If he zoomed in on his mecha's feet at this moment, he would find that Shijie's feet were only close to the ground, but had never touched the sand.

Destroying the World is a heavy-duty mecha. It stands to reason that the speed of action is lighter and the medium-sized mecha is slower, but Huo Jian's speed at the moment is not inferior.

"Destroying World is very different from other heavy mechas." Yu Tianhe, as a mecha master, knew about the mechas of these participating students, "Destroying World has removed the firepower equipment of traditional heavy mechas, reducing the need for mechas. The weight of the armor is increased, the speed is increased, and the strength of the arm of the mecha is strengthened at the same time."

"The Huo family are all heavy-duty mechas. With their swordsmanship, their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated." Xi Haotian added.

Yu Tianhe suddenly laughed: "Not all, you forgot that the main team of the Damocles Military Academy also has a Huo family who drives light mechas and uses bows and arrows."

Xi Haotian was stunned for a moment, then changed his words: "Basically, they are driving heavy mechas and using swords."

That being said, there are a lot of outliers in the Damocles Military Academy.

Near the end of the arena, Huo Jian controlled the mecha to avoid the spider web attack from the red-footed spider, and at the same time approached the poisonous spider.

The red circle below the median chelicerae.


The mouthparts of the red-footed poisonous spider let out a shriek, and several pairs of feet quickly landed on the ground, and the other chelicera stabbed towards Huo Jian.

Huo Jian closed his eyes slightly, controlled the mecha and jumped up, the second kill, pointed at the chelicera stabbed by the red-footed poisonous spider.


The chelicera of the red-footed poisonous spider was cut off, and it landed on the yellow sand and made a slight noise.

High-level star beasts are cunning by nature. Even if they cut off their cheliceras, they did not attack frantically. Instead, at the same time, they opened their mouths and tried to bite off the world's head.

Huo Jian didn't dodge and let the red-footed poisonous spider bite, his mouthparts wide open, exuding the smell of death.

He was already holding the Seven Killing Sword, his wrist moved slightly, and he was about to swing the third kill, piercing the mouthparts of the red-footed poisonous spider from bottom to top.

The high-level star beast was keenly aware of the danger, gave up the prey that was about to bite, stepped back, and quickly escaped.

The sudden withdrawal of the red-footed poisonous spider did not change Huo Jian's moves. He quickly ran towards him, and the white spider silk from the spinner of the poisonous spider's abdomen kept hitting Huo Jian, who was chasing after him.

If Huo Jian wanted to avoid it, his speed was bound to slow down.

[At three o'clock, there is quicksand after 400 meters. 】

Ying Xingjue's voice suddenly appeared in Huo Jian's mind.

Shaduxing has a special geology. Once the surface of the quicksand in the desert is disturbed, it will liquefy.

Once the mecha sinks in, the dust cover immediately fails, and the overwhelming fine sand seeps into the interior of the mecha like a liquid, which can make the mecha lose power and be swallowed by the quicksand.

Huo Jian slowed down and stopped chasing the red-footed poisonous spider.

Seeing that the prey was not fooled, the red-footed poisonous spider stopped in front of the quicksand in the distance, and a vicious light flashed in its eyes.

Chelipers can regenerate for it, but it must eat this prey.

The red-footed poisonous spider's mental attack continued to increase, but it did not affect Huo Jian in the slightest.

With Ying Xing Jue, even the mental attack of the 3S Star Beast is useless.

One person and one spider were deadlocked near the quicksand, and the red-footed poisonous spider was not affected by the quicksand, so he kept trying to make Huo Jian fall into the quicksand when he attacked.

In the fifth kill, Huo Jian cut off two pairs of red-footed poisonous spiders.

The high-level star beast finally realized that this prey was not under its control, and the red-footed poisonous spider turned around quickly, this time it was really fleeing, trying to use the quicksand to escape.

However, Huo Jian didn't want to let it escape a second time.

In the sixth kill, Huo Jian clicked on the sand surface, leaped up with his strength, and pointed his sword at the abdomen of the red-footed poisonous spider.

The Seven Killing Sword slashed across its belly, making it difficult to continue. The red-footed poisonous spider's head was already close to the quicksand, but Huo Jian slashed its belly and couldn't move.

Huo Jian used his hands to control the mecha to slowly descend, and the Seven Killing Sword went down again. This time, cracks appeared on the surface of the belly shell.

The uncut feet of the red-footed poisonous spider struggled frantically, and the mouthparts continued to emit harsh screams.


The screams carried the last desperate mental attack of the red-footed poisonous spider. Huo Jianshou lightened, and the poisonous spider thought that he had successfully attacked him, and climbed forward excitedly.

In the next second, Huo Jian used even more force, directly cutting off the abdomen of the red-footed poisonous spider, splitting it in two.

The red-footed poisonous spider struggled a few times with its head, and then it stopped moving.

Huo Jian took back the seven kills, looked at his teammates, and then approached the vicinity of the quicksand, trying to lift the head of the red-footed poisonous spider.

The more complete the high-level star beast, the more materials that can be exchanged.

As soon as Huo Jian approached the head of the red-footed poisonous spider, the dead poisonous spider suddenly jumped up and bit him with its wide mouthparts.

The distance was too close for Huo Jian to draw his sword.

The next second, the red-footed poisonous spider fell to the ground again when its mouthparts could not be opened and closed.

Live live.

The incident happened suddenly, and the audience was still a little unable to react.

"It's Ying Xingjue's perceptual attack." Xi Haotian motioned everyone to look at Ying Xingjue's slightly raised right hand in the camera, "He is about 800 meters away from Huo Jian and the Red-footed Venomous Spider."

Yu Tianhe sighed a little: "At his age, it doesn't seem to be difficult for him to make a perceptual attack."

The main commanders of other military schools are currently unable to use perception attacks.

"In the Imperial Military Academy, except for Situ Jia, who has not been trained in the military region, everyone else has actually fought." Xi Haotian said, "This is also the experience that other military academies do not have."

The main broadcaster was still discussing the live broadcast, and a second military school team appeared near the end of the field.

- Pingtong Courtyard.

The two military academies finally met, and Zong Zhengyue from the Pingtong Academy got out of the mecha and held a short spear. After he landed, he let go of his hand slightly, and the short spear became a long tassel spear.

It is said that Zong Zhengyue usually only uses one hand to control the mecha, and the other hand will hold the gun, and the weapon used by his mecha is only a Buddha gun.

The higher the level, the more cold weapons are used for mecha weapons, because sometimes hot weapons are not even faster than high-level mechas.

"You are late." Ying Xingjue looked at Lu Shibai, the head of the Pingtong Institute.

According to his prediction, Huo Jian and the red-footed poisonous spider were halfway through the battle, and Pingtongyuan should arrive here.

Lu Shibai pushed his monocle lightly, as if talking to a friend: "Take some time in the middle."

Ying Xingjue's eyes were slightly lowered, there were no star beasts in the middle, and Pingtong Academy would not waste time competing for rankings in clearing the imperial school team, only the exchange of materials could be delayed.

Since the next field needs to be decided by lottery after the game, all military academies do not know the environment of the next field during the game. However, the exchange materials need to be decided in this arena, and all these need to be coordinated by the main commander.

In the Hephaestus competition, there are restrictions on all aspects, in order to simulate various situations on the battlefield. Whether it is a commander, a mecha division or a mecha soldier, there will be certain restrictions in the competition.

"I would also like to thank the Imperial Military Academy for helping to clean up the star beasts." Lu Shibai said politely.

As for what was in his heart, it was unknown, but it was all hidden under his polite smile.

Live live.

"They're going to start?" Yu Tianhe was a little excited. It was too early. In the past, it took at least five games to see the first and second places meet, and the first few games were busy accumulating various resources.

"I can't fight for the time being, other military academies are here." Ying Yuerong watched other live broadcasts, and the other three military academies came very quickly.

Yu Tianhe looked at it, and sure enough, the three military academy teams were approaching the finish line.

It was not the other military academy teams that first appeared in front of the main team of the Ai two military academies, but the imperial school team, but only half of the team remained.

No one would have imagined that the number of exits from the imperial school team turned out to be the largest among the five military academies.

Thinking of this, Lu Shibai, the chief commander of the Pingtong Academy, was inexplicably relieved. Although they were two-on-one and lost their respective chief soldiers, the imperial school team was rounded up, which meant that there was no one left.

The second team to appear was Samuel Military Academy, followed by Damocles Military Academy, almost simultaneously.

Nam Passey also appeared near the finish two minutes later.

The scene froze for a while.

The five military academies stood in different directions, and no one made a sound. After a while, Samuel Military Academy was the first to move. Their main team led the school team to Pingtong Courtyard, and finally stood beside Pingtong Courtyard.

A clear position.

In the desert arena, they want to help Pingtongyuan.

The South Passi Military Academy and the Damocles Military Academy remained unmoved.

"In that case, why don't we solve these two military academies first?" Lu Shibai pointed in the direction of Nanpaxi and Damocles military academies, corresponding to the Star Judgment.

No one spoke on the field.

Only Wei San suddenly raised his hand and squeezed his neck, and said to Huo Xuanshan next to him, "I think someone is peeking at me."