Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 9


Things were easier than Tae Woo Tak had imagined.

When the school first heard that they wanted to borrow a mecha for students to disassemble, they naturally refused, saying that it was impossible. With just a few mechas, the school had to use them desperately. How could they be willing to borrow them

Later, Tai Wude asked his dad to go to school with him, saying that he would donate the mecha at home, but it was an ornamental mecha, so he wanted to disassemble a mecha in the school to learn, and then transform it into the same battle. type armor.

The school hesitated.

If the transformation is successful, then the 3212 Academy will have an additional mecha, but if the transformation is not successful, even a mecha in the school will be demolished, and the loss will outweigh the gain.

After hesitating, the school came up with another plan, agreeing to lend a mecha, but the person who dismantled and remodeled the mecha had to be a school teacher.

Tai Wude disagreed: "Which teacher in the school can transform the ornamental mecha into a combat mecha?"

He just said that he would bring the mecha back to be transformed by the mecha master invited by his family, but he did not say that this person was Wei San.

In the end, the school compromised, and although they agreed to hand it over to Tai Wude, the school would send teachers as assistants.

The school is very thief. First, the teacher can help out in case of problems. Second, if the mecha master of the Tai family really has this ability, the teacher may learn something by the side.

Tai Wu De excitedly contacted Wei San on the light brain, saying that he had obtained the school mecha. Together, the two decided to do homework every night.

The night the mecha was delivered to Tai's house, Wei San dismantled the school mecha, and the two teachers who came to be assistants next to him saw Wei San, and their eyes were about to pop out.

Looking at Wei San's skilled dismantling, a teacher asked hesitantly, "Aren't you a student in the B-class?"

Wei San nodded and said yes, the movements of her subordinates were not slow at all. She carefully took out several main parts. It was indeed much more complicated than the ornamental mecha, and it could even be said that they were two completely different systems.

It was originally thought to be remodeled soon, but now it seems that it will take at least a month to complete.

"The engine of the combat mecha is hard to buy on the market, and some are expensive, so it is basically impossible to transform." Another teacher watched Wei San take out those parts and said.

Wei San just picked up the engine and walked to the table next to him. Hearing the words, he replied, "If you don't buy it, I'll see if you can make it."

The two teachers looked at each other with disappointment and ridicule on their faces.

Seeing that this student is skilled in movement, maybe she really understands something. Now, when she hears this, it is obvious that she doesn't understand mecha at all. Is the engine so easy to make

Wei San didn't know and didn't care what the two teachers were thinking. She disassembled the school mecha overnight, leaving no place where it could be disassembled. The mecha several meters high became piles of parts.

"I'll give you a shopping list, buy all the items on it." Wei San wrote for an hour, wrote all the parts he wanted on it, and handed it to Tai Wude.

Tai Wude stretched out his hand and borrowed it, and was startled, this fucking list is two meters long, can't you buy it and go bankrupt

He took a closer look and groaned again in his heart.

Every part on this list, from small screws to large metal joints, is marked with the purchase address and price behind each item.

Is Wei San a pervert

Tai Wude picked up the list and looked at the total price at the end. He couldn't help but sighed. The total price was only 2 million stars, and there were ten grams of free gold in it, which meant that so many parts only cost 1 million stars. currency.

Two million star coins are of course a lot, especially on star 3212, but if a combat mecha can be transformed, then the money is simply a drizzle.

"Get here first today. You can buy all the materials on the list in the past two days." Wei San pointed to the piles of parts, "Don't touch it here."

"it is good."

After returning, Wei San greeted Li Pi, saying that she would not necessarily come back in the next month and night.

Li Pi looked her up and down: "Can you really transform the mecha?"

The school doesn't know yet, but tomorrow morning, it will definitely know that the person who transformed the mecha is Wei San.

"I dismantled the mecha that was brought in from the school." Wei San took a sip of the hot soup handed over by his wife, "It's alright, but the engine is a bit difficult to do, and it should be able to be rebuilt in a month."

"What the teachers of the college can't do is as simple as eating." Li Pi disliked her bragging, "Go to sleep after drinking."

Wei San is noncommittal. She is really as simple as eating and drinking water in this matter, but she does not understand a lot about the mecha in this world. For example, when the engine was dismantled, she did not understand the principle of many structures. It's time to draw tigers from cats.

After that, Wei San went to class during the day and went to Tai Wude's house to remodel the mecha at night. Sometimes he stayed up from night to day for class. Even Tai Wude admired her perseverance.

The most tormented is the school. After learning that the person who transformed the mecha was a B-class student, I regretted it at the time. Every day passed, I was tormented.

Fortunately, Wei San installed the school mecha first and sent it back completely.

The school immediately asked the teachers of Class AB to check the mecha to see if there was any damage.

The teacher of class A was still confirming the mecha data, but the teacher of class B went up and tried it out, all of them looked strange.

"Feel… "

"You think so too?"


The school representative's heart trembled when he heard it: "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

One of the teachers said: "It's better than before."

School: "???"

The other Class B teachers also nodded: "It is indeed more flexible."

At this time, the teacher of Class A looked at the data screen collected in his hand: "How did the aggression become so much stronger?"

The school representative swallowed: "What do you mean?"

"Mr. Li, please go up and try the mecha's attack ability." The teacher of Class A shouted.

Li Pi jumped into the mecha cabin, went in and tried again, punched the steel plate erected in the training ground, and suddenly a pit was dented.

"This..." The teachers were shocked. This steel plate is of special quality. It was only a few years after the purchase. The original mecha could not cause so much damage to the steel plate at all, leaving shallow traces at most.

Li Pi tried a few things and came out: "Except for being flexible, it's not much different from before."

The teachers of Class A discussed for a long time, but did not come to a conclusion. Finally, they called the two teachers who were assistants and wanted to ask what was going on.

The two teachers rushed over, confused: "We watched Wei San install the mecha, she didn't do anything to the mecha."

"The attack data of this mech has become stronger, look at that steel plate."

The assistant teacher was stunned when he looked at the fist pits: "All the materials that Wei San bought were used in another mecha, and nothing was added to this mecha."

"Would you like to call Wei San over to ask?" the school suggested.

Li Pi refused: "She is in class. If you have any questions, just send a message after school and ask."

In the end, the school sent a teacher to send a message to ask, and the big question was sent to the past, and Wei San replied simply: "Nothing, the elbow and arm joints have been slightly changed, and the attack power should not be increased much."

This time the mecha has also returned, and the attack power has been enhanced. The school is completely at ease, and even wants Wei San to help change the other mechas in the school.

Wei San only said that the mecha of Tai Wude will be transformed first, and then the mecha of the school will be changed later.

A month later, Tai Wude's mecha was successfully transformed into a combat-type mecha similar to the school mecha, and it took another two days to change the arm joints of several other mechas in the school.

"It can't be said that it's exactly the same. There is still a gap between yours and the real B-grade mecha, but you can still practice." Wei San said in a sullen mood.

The transformation has been transformed, but there are still many principles that she does not understand.

"It's fine if you can practice. There are still a few months before we will test perception and graduate. Then we will go to the five major military academies. It is said that they will issue mechas." Tai Wude said with a longing.

"Mecha?" Wei San heard about this for the first time, "The five military academies are so rich?"

Tai Wude nodded: "I heard what my uncle said, as long as you enter the five military academies, the school will give each student a mecha, especially rich."

Wei San suddenly began to look forward to that day.

Now the students in the school who can control the mecha to run and jump have already started training the mecha to fight.

Wei San came to this world to learn about fighting. She personally thinks that she fights just fine.

In fact, no one who has seen the fight between the late Wei Sans is not afraid.

She didn't want to fight at all, and now she changed into a mecha, taking into account the average quality of the mecha, she restrained her actions.

"Wei San! Damn it, don't run if you have the ability!!!" Tai Wude shouted angrily on the mecha communication channel.

This son of a bitch plays mecha confrontation completely depends on his mood. If he is in a good mood, he will have a close fight.

"You have the ability to catch up with me." Wei San replied on the channel, "If you lose, invite me to eat skewers."

The connection between the mecha control and the head needs to use perception. Tai Wude ran with Wei San for a long time, and his head began to feel dizzy. He gasped and kept his hand speed: "You stop, let's have a good fight, Win or lose, I invite you to eat all over the street!"

Wei San tutted: "When did you win? Dad doesn't want to sweat today."

Tai Wude: Damn, bully people!

At the end of the training time, Tai Wude did not catch up with Wei San, but when he came out, he almost hit an obstacle in the training ground.

A-level perception students, at this time, the teacher basically can't teach much. As a person who almost entered the military area, Li Pi's close-hand skills are among the best in the 3212 Academy, but now several students have learned about the same.

In the next two months, several top-notch students in each class of the B word were put on stocking.

When the day came to test perception, many parents were waiting outside the school, hoping to hear good news.

Everyone lined up according to the teams that started the school year. There were ten classes in total, that is, ten teams. Only nine years ago, there were hundreds of people in each team. Today, most of the classes have only a few dozen people.

Tai Wude is in class B1, standing in the first position. He will be the first person to go in to test his perception later, but he is not nervous, after all, he already knows the result in advance.

"Number B1108001."

Hearing his student number, Tai Wude walked in with his head held high, and came out after about five minutes with a calm face.

"A grade."

After he returned to his place, a voice resounded throughout the school.

The students at the bottom immediately sighed. Although they already knew about it, they couldn't help but envy after it was confirmed that Tai Wude could go to the five military academies.

"Number B1108002."

"A grade."

After the second student entered the test, which was also A-level, the entire playground was boiling, and everyone was fantasizing that they were the next A-level.

However, the next reality made everyone's luck disappear and gradually calmed down.

"Class B."

"Class B."

"Class C."

After two consecutive classes, no one was A-level.

"Number B3108598."

"A grade."

There are three, and these three people all rank in the top three in training performance every year.

Time passed bit by bit, and it was the turn of class B5. One after another went in, and they got one B class after another.

Finally the last of the class.

"Number B5108429."

Wei San looked up, it was her turn.

The author has something to say: Wuhu, take off!