So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 1: heritage


My name is Li Xianyu. In this era where time travel and rebirth have become commonplace, I am not lucky enough to be as good as those bad guys, but I have inherited the inheritance from my biological father!

In his eighty-square-meter house, Li Xianyu sighed with emotion.

"If there is no problem with the entrustment agreement, please sign here. You will officially receive the inheritance." The lawyer in a suit held a disposable cup and reluctantly took a sip of cheap tea with a professional smile on his face.

"Oh, okay." Li Xianyu signed with a pen.

"Now let's confirm again. I have never opened the 200,000 bank debit card and this wooden box that your father left you. I don't know what is inside. Here are the keys. You keep them." The lawyer put the purple The wooden box and bank card were placed on the table and pushed in front of Li Xianyu. Then he took out a copper key from his pocket and handed them to him.

The lawyer in front of him was said to have been entrusted by Li Xianyu's dead father, whom he had never met, to hand over his inheritance to him when he turned twenty.

Li Xianyu received a call from a lawyer this morning. Li Xianyu had been waiting for a long time, thinking that his dead father had finally shown up, and maybe I could inherit two trillion. This is what is written in novels. An ordinary and mediocre little person, suddenly one day a lawyer comes to his door. He learned that his second uncle was the richest man in the world and had a large inheritance and a huge harem to inherit.

So the little man inherits the inheritance and reaches the pinnacle of life with a feeling of tension and expectation.

The idea is a little more beautiful...

Not bad. He has a bank card worth 200,000 yuan, which is enough for Li Xianyu to live a comfortable life for a long time in the future.

Let’s celebrate by cooking instant noodles and adding a braised egg tonight. No, we can’t let poverty limit our imagination. Let’s go to S County Hotel tonight.

Li Xianyu is a native of Shanghai. His father works in a state-owned enterprise, his mother is a housewife, and he has an older sister. He comes from an ordinary and well-off family. He learned early on that he was not related by blood to his parents.

When he was in the second grade of middle school, his father, who had an exaggerated and arrogant personality and had never been promoted, called him to the study room and said seriously: "Xianyu, in fact, your father is not your biological father."

Even if I recall this sentence now, it still stings a bit.

At that time, Li Xianyu, who was suffering from a very serious case of chuunibyou, scratched his neck and said, "Is it the second uncle?"

Dad came over and said, "It's my adoptive father."

"Your father and I were good brothers. He died when you were waiting for food, and he entrusted you to me to raise. When you grow up, let me tell you the truth."

Every child has the experience of being deceived by his parents into "picking it up from the trash can" or "giving it away with phone charges", and they are so frightened that they cry loudly.

But their parents were just teasing their children, so Li Xianyu, who was shocked to learn about his life experience, felt as sad as a myocardial infarction.

His parents, who have raised him for more than ten years, are not his biological parents. The beautiful sister she had been with for more than ten years was not a biological sister... This seemed to be a good thing, but Li Xianyu didn't think so much about it at the time. He lowered his head sadly, feeling depressed.

Fortunately, I was in the second grade at that time, so I was stubborn and stubborn. If Li Xianyu was a child, when he heard the bad news, he turned around and jumped from the 18th floor.

Dad sighed and took out a real estate certificate from the drawer: "This is what your father left for you. When you pass your eighteenth birthday, you can move out."

What is the concept of an 80-square-meter house in a place where land is scarce in Shanghai? It means you become a glorious millionaire.

Li Xianyu held the real estate certificate tightly, feeling that it was a good deal.

After being admitted to college, Li Xianyu moved out to live alone, living a bohemian and free life.

His adoptive parents were very kind to him and would still provide him with living expenses on a regular basis. They also hoped that he would come home often to see him. In fact, they could have kept the matter a secret, but out of a man's commitment, the adoptive father chose to confess to Li Xianyu.

Li Xianyu opened the wooden box and found a black bead and two letters inside.

Pure black beads, clear in color, cool and delicate to the touch.


While Li Xianyu was concentrating on looking at the beads, the lawyer packed up the power of attorney, put it in his briefcase, and said, "Then I'll leave first. If you have any questions, you can call me at any time."

He pointed to the business card on the table.

"Oh, okay, thank you." Li Xianyu stood up to see the guest off.

The young lawyer took the elevator downstairs. He took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Boss, the things have been handed over to him."

A hearty laugh sounded on the other side of the phone: "Thank you for your hard work."

The lawyer was flattered and kept saying, "That's right."

... ...

Li Xianyu returned to the table and looked at the business card: Baoze Group Law Firm.

As a native of Shanghai, I am definitely no stranger to the words "Baoze Group". As a super group that steps on black cats and beats greyhounds, Li Xianyu once thought about joining Baoze after graduation. , is a happy event worthy of popping the champagne to celebrate.

He lowered his head and stared at the black bead in his hand. It was about the size of an egg, completely black, opaque, with a round and smooth surface, no signs of wear, and cold to the touch.

It's definitely not an ordinary stone, it should be something like a gem. I don't know if it's worth anything. Li Xianyu had limited knowledge of jade jewelry and couldn't figure out what it was. Maybe he could get the answer from his biological father's will.

Opening the first letter from the damn old man:

"Son, seeing a letter is like seeing you in person!

When you open this letter, you should be twenty years old. It's a pity that I can't see you grow up. It's a pity. I don’t know if you are as handsome as me, or as beautiful as my mother. "

Is it appropriate to describe my son as beautiful

I should be the latter, Li Xianyu thought.

He has a delicate face, a smoky make-up, contact lenses and a wig, and can earn millions a month by playing the role of a female online anchor.

"Your mother is from Zhejiang Province. She is a gentle and graceful woman. After we checked our eyes, we knew that we met the right person. We quickly fell in love and then we had you. After knowing that your mother was pregnant, Dad cried with joy. For three days and three nights, I thought it was impossible for me to have a child."

Li Xianyu: "..."

This exaggerated and informal tone has a strong sense of déjà vu.

Sure enough, birds of a feather flock together, so it’s no wonder that his biological father and adoptive father are close brothers.

"It's a pity that we have a relationship as father and son, but not as father and son. When I wrote this letter, I didn't have much time left. Lao Li is my beloved brother. I feel relieved to entrust you to him. The important thing is that he also My surname is Li. Although we have a close relationship as father and son, I still have to fulfill my responsibilities as a father. I left you a house and two hundred thousand. The house is nothing, the two hundred thousand is the important point. Two hundred thousand My son, you are a respectable Shanghainese. You can enjoy the envious eyes of others wherever you go. In ancient times, you were the son of a landlord, with three wives and four concubines."

Li Xianyu: "......"

Two hundred thousand is not the key point, the house is the key point.

The 200,000 yuan in the early 1990s must have been very valuable, but dad, you died early. The 200,000 yuan you had back then could not even afford a toilet in today's Shanghai stock market.

You must not have bought financial management back then...

"When you grow up, there are some things that I, the father, need to tell you personally. At this time, you have received the inheritance I left for you. Everything else is not important. That bead is the ancestral inheritance of our Li family. It will be your foundation in the new world. If you eat it, you will have a snail girl."

Signature at the end of the letter: Li Wuxiang.

Li Xianyu: "???"

When I saw the end of the will, I suddenly became unserious.

Shouldn't it be like "please sell it for money and marry ten wives"

Why should I eat it? Is this thing edible

But it’s written in the will, so the biological father wouldn’t be included in the will, right? With the intention of giving it a try, Li Xianyu picked up the beads and took a sip. It was ice cold and not sweet at all.

Well, you can’t eat this!

As soon as the thought came to mind, the beads seemed to have come to life. They slid into his mouth and turned into a warm current, rolling into Li Xianyu's belly.

Li Xianyu: "!!!"

He clawed at his throat and retched, trying to spit it out.

A hot temperature rose up in his lower abdomen, like a fire burning. Along with the severe pain, Li Xianyu curled up on the ground, sweating profusely from the pain.

This was not the most frightening thing. Li Xianyu found that his lower abdomen expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a few seconds, like a pregnant woman who was nine months pregnant, the severe pain made him suspect that he might give birth in the next second.

"Belly, my stomach is going to explode..."

The feeling of expansion reached its peak, and just when Li Xianyu thought he was going to explode, bursts of black light emitted from his lower abdomen. These changing black lights were projected in the air, twisting into a swaying human-shaped phantom.

The black light gradually became stable, and the human phantom solidified. After the black light dissipated, the human figure was no different from a real person.

It's a baby girl, no, it's a girl, with a tall figure, hip-length hair, almond-shaped eyes and peach cheeks, and a tear mole on the corner of her right eye.

The girl was completely naked, yawning and looking around curiously. When her eyes fell on Li Xianyu, her eyes disappeared blankly.

"After sleeping for twenty years, I finally woke up." She stretched out, walked close to Li Xianyu with her long legs, bent down, put her head to the ground, looked carefully, and hummed: "You are Li Wuxiang's son. ."

Li Xianyu: "..."

Is there really a snail girl

Damn it, dad, are you handing over the harem queen to your child to inherit it

Li Xianyu was not happy at all when the snail girl really appeared, and even wanted to run away. Even a very nervous person would be frightened when he saw this scene.

But childbirth consumed all his strength, leaving him with no energy left to move a finger, let alone escape.

He used his last strength and nodded.

"Oh." The snail girl put her hands on her hips and said with a leer in her eyes: "Call me grandma."

"???" Li Xianyu was confused.

I'm back.

(End of chapter)

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