So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 10: Uncle Qin


It’s half past seven in the evening, it’s spring, and it’s just getting dark.

In a cafe in the commercial and residential community where Li Xianyu is located, at the table at the door, Uncle Qin drinks dark beer and smokes a cigarette. From time to time, he pays attention to the young man with a pale face and a dull expression.

Li Xianyu held a cigarette between his fingertips, but did not smoke it. Two-thirds of the cigarette was burned, and the long ash was about to fall.

I didn’t drink coffee either, I really wasn’t in the mood.

Three hours ago, Uncle Qin rescued Li Xianyu from the alien blood descendant, preventing him from dying from the tonic. Then Uncle Qin made a phone call, and not long after, a group of guys in black uniforms swarmed around. Enter and take Qingqing and the man away. A moment later, the police came.

The interval was short, and the police seemed to have deliberately waited for the guys in black uniforms to leave before entering the scene. They found Xu Wei's body from the closet. The person has been dead for three days, and at this season, it already stinks slightly.

Li Xianyu didn't see Xu Wei's body, so the police put her in a body bag and carried her downstairs before transporting her away. At that time, he stood aside and watched the police car drive away.

In a daze, he saw Xu Wei standing in the distance, smiling and waving goodbye to him.

Her figure was like a candle in the wind, swaying and dissipating.

Even though he had half-stepped into the gate of hell, he never thought about crying. Suddenly he felt so sad that he squatted on the ground and cried.

"One cup for tomorrow, one cup for the past."

"Be generous to my body and thicken my shoulders."

"Although I never believe in the saying that mountains are high and rivers are long."

"Life is too short to dwell on it."

... ... .

The cafe echoed with the song of "Quick Gunner", and the magnetic voice was flying.

"Life is so short, why bother to forget it..." Uncle Qin said "Hey" and said with emotion: "People can't be resurrected after death, so why bother to keep it in mind? That's how the living are. This is her destiny. By the way, you feel now How about it."

"I'm okay, I'm not hurt, I just feel a little overwhelmed." Li Xianyu said in a low voice.

"I'm not asking you this, I'm asking you below." Uncle Qin's eyes fell on his.

Li Xianyu: "......"

The effect of Albizia Julibrissin is indeed very good. Until now, it is still...

The whole world is trying to get in trouble with my waist.

If he still couldn't shrink back at night, he could only ask his grandmother for help.

"Are all vampires so cruel and ruthless in killing people?" Li Xianyu's voice was full of exhaustion.

"They are different from us. They are awakened aliens. If they are not from my race, their hearts must be different." Uncle Qin said.

"What is an alien?"

"You can also understand the vampires who are awakened by all creatures other than humans as monsters, which is more in line with ordinary people's understanding."

"How will those two deal with it?"

"They will be wiped out. Blood descendants are not allowed to affect social stability in any form or for any purpose. This is the rule of the vampire world. Otherwise, the world would have been in chaos." Uncle Qin said: "But there are always lawless elements who like to test the law, such as aliens. , such as a human vampire who has just awakened and does not understand the rules. Xu Wei’s case will be erased from the shadow of the vampire and classified as a burglary and murder case. Your encounter was purely accidental, so don’t be frightened. "

Li Xianyu nodded. He figured it out. If he hadn't been able to see the spirit body, he wouldn't have gone to Xu Wei and wouldn't have encountered such a dangerous thing. After finishing the last section of the cigarette, he puffed out the green smoke, as if he wanted to let out all the depression, "How did you know I was there?"

"Your grandma called me to inform me. I told her my contact information the night before yesterday." Uncle Qin said: "In fact, I have been paying close attention to you. To be precise, I am protecting you."

"protect me?"

"What you may not know is that since you were born, your every move has been monitored. Someone will appear near your life circle with different identities every day, staring at you 24 hours a day. Five years ago, surveillance and The person protecting you has changed from someone from the Taoist and Buddhist Association to someone from our company, that is, me."

Li Xianyu stared at him blankly, his head numb, unable to understand his words at all.

I'm just an ordinary civilian. Tell me, I've been raised in captivity since I was a child

Li Xianyu slowly shuddered when he thought that he had been silently watched over the past twenty years.

Uncle Qin explained: "This starts with your father. He is a very powerful blood descendant who once caused turmoil in the vampire world. People who want to kill him can line up from Hongqiao to Pudong, but everyone involved in the ambush His people all died in the end. There is no blood descendant who has caused the most harm since the founding of the country. He is so powerful that it makes people tremble, but most of your father's combat power comes from a terrifying existence."

"... Grandma?" Li Xianyu's heart moved.

Uncle Qin nodded: "In the two hundred years of modern history, your grandma is recognized by the blood community as one of the top five in combat power. She has an unrivaled fighting spirit. This is the evaluation given by history."

Although he had had a premonition, Li Xianyu was still surprised.

So my grandma is so awesome

"After your father's death, the black water spirit bead housing her battle body was taken over by the Taoist and Buddhist Association, and people were specially arranged to monitor and protect you. Originally, you would never be able to inherit the unparalleled battle spirit in your life. Those stubborn people This guy is going to hide you forever, because the turmoil caused by your father made them extremely jealous of your grandma, so keeping you in their hands and never letting the unparalleled fighting spirit come back to the world is undoubtedly the best choice."

"Shouldn't the best choice be to kill me, or kill my grandma?" Li Xianyu asked.

"Let's not talk about whether they have a way to destroy the Black Water Spirit Pearl. Even if they do, they don't dare to do it. There are historical reasons. I can't say the origin of your grandma now. But there is really no need to be afraid of killing you. As for why You survived to the age of fifteen. Thank you very much to your grandma, otherwise the grass on your grave would be three feet high now." Uncle Qin paused and continued: "After you turn fifteen, that is, five years. Some time ago, the Baoze Group took over the responsibility of the Blood World Police from the Taoist and Buddhist Association, and when the old and new forces were handing over, they handed you over as well. That was when I was ordered to protect you."

It was really Baoze Group. He had heard Qingqing talk about the junior employees of Baoze Group, but he didn't think about the famous Baoze Group.

Li Xianyu remembered again that the name "Baoze Group Law Firm" was indeed written on the business card that the lawyer handed him.

"How did my father die? Grandma said he was killed. Also, why can't my grandma's origins be told?" Li Xianyu said.

Uncle Qin frowned and shook his head.

"Yeah, it's another old joke that you are too weak now and knowing too much is not good for you, right?" Li Xianyu rolled his eyes.

"No," Uncle Qin scratched his head in embarrassment: "Actually, I don't know much about your grandma's origins or your father's death. Don't look at me as old, as if I have a lot of seniority. In fact, I have awakened my bloodline. Within a few years, you became a new kid in the vampire world, and your dad died twenty years ago. I only know that your dad did something outrageous and outrageous back then, and the vampire world, regardless of good or evil, initiated all Fatal order. As for your grandma, I only know eight words: Eternal and unparalleled fighting spirit. In terms of historical reasons, the late Qing Dynasty was in turmoil and China was sinking. Your grandma was refined in that era. The reason is that you yourself Go chew it. If you want to know the details of the incident, you can go to the company to check the files later, but you have to wait a few years."


"Nonsense, are encrypted files just for a rookie like you to read? When you accumulate more than 5,000 points, or are promoted to a senior employee of the company, the permission to browse the encrypted files will be opened to you." Uncle Qin said: "Even if it is I don’t have the authority or points to check files of that level.”

Therefore, the two things I hate the most in this life are VIP members and privileged dogs.

Skipping this topic, Li Xianyu continued: "Then why can I inherit my father's inheritance... Oh, you forged the will?"

He should have thought that the Baoze Group did not exist when his biological father died.

"It was indeed left by your father, but he entrusted it to the current Buddha Head, his master. However, due to the pressure within the Taoist and Buddhist Association, we originally did not intend for you to inherit the unparalleled fighting spirit. Later, the Black Water Spirit Pearl and The will was handed over to our Baoze Group together, and the big boss decided to respect the wishes of the deceased."

"Your boss... sounds like a really good guy."

"Yes, the big boss is hungry for talents. He founded the Baoze Group from scratch and developed it into a law enforcer in the blood world in just a few years. It is a legend. I was also discovered by the big boss. In fact, in Before I woke up, I had known him. At that time, I was just a janitor in a college. His cousin happened to be studying in that high school. Once, the big boss came to the school to visit his cousin. He was already a big shot in the spotlight at the time, but he had no airs. Chatted with me and suggested that I work as a concierge at the university..." Uncle Qin had a sad expression on his face.

"Does my grandma know these things?"

"When I saw her the night before yesterday, I had already announced my identity, but before I could say much, she was guarded by you like a traitor." Uncle Qin chuckled and said, "Such a beautiful grandma, of course she has to keep her privacy private. Hiding, I understand.”

Li Xianyu scolded: "Get lost, you old pervert."

How could I have bad thoughts about my grandma? Above my head is the coffin board of eighteen generations of ancestors.

"I've already explained everything that needs to be explained. Can you sign it now?" Uncle Qin pushed the contract on the table to Li Xianyu.

Li Xianyu turned his attention to the contract, which was an intern labor contract. After signing this contract, he became a descendant of Baoze Group from then on.

"Don't you want to know how your dad died? What on earth is your grandma?" Uncle Qin pointed to the contract: "From the moment she woke up, you couldn't help yourself. The peace in front of you can't last long. Your grandma She has protected you once, but the fighting spirit itself is controlled by the spirit bead, and you cannot do it yourself. She can protect you for a while at most, but not for a lifetime."

"How could she ever protect me? She only wants pocket money for her mischief." Li Xianyu said.

"Although I don't know what your father did back then, it must be a shocking event to attract a black and white fatwa. He is dead, but there is still you. Why can you survive to this day? Even if it is twenty-four hours Protect, but there are people who deliberately want to kill you, and no one can save you." Uncle Qin said: "As far as I know, it's because of your grandma. As for what she did or said back then, I don't know."

Grandma once said that she was sealed. Does that have anything to do with him

Grandpa died early, so grandma trained his father when he was very young. Logically speaking, Li Xianyu's father died early, so grandma should have squeezed his essence from an early age, but she didn't.

He was raised by his adoptive father, while his grandmother was sealed.

"I want to go back and ask Grandma for her opinion first." Li Xianyu did not agree immediately.

"No problem, I will take you to the company tomorrow."

The two went back to the residential building together and took the elevator back home. Grandma was still playing games, and she was killing time by playing games.

Grandma's outfit today is a knee-length pleated long skirt and a pink T-shirt, which is very snug and outlines the graceful curves of Grandma's upper body, which is particularly attractive. Her slender waist without any fat shows the elegance of a girl. Mao's beauty.

"You look very unhappy." Grandma glanced at him and then turned to the computer.

She was playing CF, a game ruined by cheaters and heroic weapons. When Li Xianyu was studying, he played this shooting game with his classmates every day.

Grandma holds a black, cool-looking M4 in her hand. She rushes into the enemy camp and shoots her head with a gun.

"My classmate is dead." Li Xianyu said in frustration.

"You said it." Grandma responded crisply.

"It was another female classmate with whom we had a close relationship. She was killed by two alien blood descendants. Not long ago, I almost died." Li Xianyu looked at grandma: "I have never seen any ancient demon blood descendants. My life before I was twenty was smooth sailing, but when you appeared... "

He didn't go on.

"Hey, I won't take the blame for this." Grandma curled her lips: "Just because you can't touch it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. When I lived with your father, I often encountered incidents of blood descendants killing ordinary people. It's just that During the processing of the case, traces of the ancient demon blood descendants will be erased. Ordinary people have no way of knowing the existence of the blood descendants. Even if they know, no one will believe it. As word of mouth spreads, it becomes folklore or absurd legends. story."

Li Xianyu was silent for a long time, reluctantly accepting what his grandmother said, and looked at the computer: "This gun is so cool."

Grandma's eyes panicked: "Pick it up, pick it up..."

Li Xianyu said "Oh" and didn't care. He talked about the Baoze Group again and asked his grandma for her opinion.

"It's good to join them." Grandma's hand controlling the mouse paused, and after about a few seconds, she continued to shoot, "Your dad lacked a big backer, so that's why he ended up in a dismal ending. Baby. Since the Ze Group can replace the Taoist and Buddhist Association, there is no problem in coming to protect you. Compared to religious organizations like the Taoist and Buddhist Association, I prefer the violent organizations established by the imperial court. Not long after the new dynasty came to power, it was still in its infancy and could not The Taoist and Buddhist Association was allowed to act as the law enforcer in the blood world, but the group of monks in Taoism and Buddhism are not suitable to be ruthless thugs. Buddhism teaches kindness and avoids killing, while Taoism is free to do anything and fight. It is really embarrassing for them. Your father once told me that maybe the next time I wake up, the enforcers of the vampire world will have been replaced, and he hit the nail on the head."

Li Xianyu listened silently. At this moment, Grandma finally looked like Grandma.

Just as she was thinking about it, grandma slapped her head: "Did you bring the yogurt?"

Li Xianyu was stunned: "I forgot."

Grandma's little face fell down quickly, she threw away the mouse with a click, twisted wildly in front of the computer, and shouted: "Yogurt, yogurt, I want to drink yogurt!!"

The corner of Li Xianyu's mouth twitched, grandma-style


(End of chapter)