So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 14: One waste and two pits listen to the rain in the pavilion for the alliance leader


At this point, he had to consider the correct relationship between him and his grandma. After getting along with him for this period of time, he discovered that his grandma was not a kind of existence like the grandfather or the guardian spirit of the family. Her correct identity was: ancestor!

In comparison, I, a grandson n generations later, is the baby that my ancestors carry with them.

The relationship between primary and secondary needs to be clearly distinguished.

From now on, I can't say I have to be a cute boy who sits down with my grandma.

It has been just a week since he learned the secret of the existence of blood descendants. He is not even a newbie, and he doesn't know how to awaken. And next year he will be 22 years old. What if his grandma is unhappy and rolls around on the sofa and says: You great-grandson Not filial or well-behaved at all, I'd better wait for your next generation.

Then he carried him out of the window...

Li Xianyu, died.

The Li family has become extinct.

Li Xianyu was about to ask about his salary when Grandma tugged at the hem of his clothes again and frowned: "Li Xianyu, I'm hungry. I've told you this several times..."

Li Xianyu lowered his voice: "Don't make trouble, we can't afford the food here. We can't even pay off our debts even if we wash the dishes."

Grandma swallowed: "But it looks delicious."

Li Xianyu: "It tastes good but can't be eaten. Just accept your fate. Who calls a down-and-out family like us, the Li family, poor?"

Grandma was dissatisfied: "My Li family was also a famous family back then."

Li Xianyu covered his face: "Grandma, my Qingzhen has been dead for more than a hundred years."

Grandma snorted, puffed out her cheeks, and sulked.

Uncle Qin and King Thunder and Lightning looked at each other. The latter coughed and said, "Our restaurant is open to employees for free..."

After saying this, he noticed that the two pairs of eyes opposite him lit up with a "swish" sound, two pairs of big eye lights.

Li Xianyu said solemnly: "Grandma, actually, I'm hungry too."

Grandma said "hmm" twice: "Hurry up and order food. Let's eat enough for three days, and we will save food expenses for the next three days."

Li Xianyu: "Good idea."

The sumptuous meal was quickly served on the table, and the grandfather and grandson were eating fiercely, making King Thunder and Lightning and Uncle Qin unable to help but feel sad.

Uncle Qin said: "Didn't your father leave you a deposit of 200,000 yuan? As for this, you look like you have been eating steamed buns for three months?"

Upon hearing this, Li Xianyu suddenly felt sad: "Uncle Qin, the 200,000 yuan deposit is gone. We have been eating fried rice noodles for two days, without the scrambled eggs."

Uncle Qin asked curiously: "No? Has your boy been touched?"

The only thing scarier than touching porcelain is grandma.

Li Xianyu murmured: "I'm so stupid, really. I only knew that this was a grandma, but I didn't know that she was a prodigal grandma with a brain."

Grandma was furious and continued to devour without raising her head. She freed up her little hand and struck Li Xianyu's scalp twenty times in a row.

"By the way," King Thunderbolt said: "Civil staff's salary is eight thousand a month, and interns' salary is half. As for you, since you are still in school, it will be treated as a part-time job, and your monthly salary is two thousand."

two thousand

Li Xianyu raised his head and swallowed the food hard: "So little? Two thousand yuan is not enough for my grandma to eat pancakes and fruit."

King Thunderbolt shrugged.

Uncle Qin suggested: "Then you can consider joining the Law Enforcement Department..."

Li Xianyu waved his hand: "There's no need to say anything. Two thousand is two thousand. I'm a principled person."

Uncle Qin laughed: "The salary of the law enforcement department is 100,000 yuan a month, and the salary of the interns is 50,000 yuan a month."


The fork hit the plate with a crisp sound.

Li Xianyu's face was dull: "How much, how much?"

King Thunderbolt: "Formal employees of the Law Enforcement Department receive a salary of 100,000 yuan a month, which is the salary of ordinary employees. Interns receive 50,000 yuan a month. After all, the Law Enforcement Department has certain dangers. Since you have chosen a civilian job..."

Li Xianyu waved his hand and said with a serious face: "There is no need to say anything. I have always believed that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Since God has allowed me to inherit my grandma, in order to maintain order and world peace, I am willing to join law enforcement. department."

King Thunderbolt wondered: "Where is the principle?"

Li Xianyu's face exuded a more awe-inspiring righteousness than the working people: "For world peace, what are personal principles?"

Grandma put down her spoon and clapped her little hands.

King Thunderbolt opened his mouth to speak, but Li Xianyu suddenly interrupted: "By the way, ethnic minorities have welfare subsidies and so on, right? After all, you are a state-owned enterprise, and my Li family should be Manchu. I apply for my own welfare and allowances."

"No," grandma blinked her eyes and corrected: "My Li family is Han and has been Han for generations. If we were Manchu, our family would not have been confiscated and exterminated... Oh yes, actually my Li family is Manchu."

Grandma saw Li Xianyu winking at her and immediately changed her tune.

The King of Thunder and Lightning was shocked. An unparalleled fighting spirit, for the sake of some welfare, he did not hesitate to forget his ancestors

"Who told you that state-owned enterprises have preferential policies for ethnic minorities, and we only register based on ID card information?" King Lei and Lightning politely rejected the female fighting spirit, and then said: "After dinner, I will ask Uncle Qin to take you to sign for labor According to the contract, during the intern period, you will deal with some trivial and strange incidents. You do not need to intervene in the task of dealing with the blood descendants. Secondly, in view of the fact that Senior Li’s strength is sealed and you lack the ability to protect yourself, I will arrange for someone to take you. From now on. You don’t need to be too rigid when following the company’s seniors, the blood descendants of our company have always loved each other, they are all talented people, and they speak well, just like a family.”

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the revolving restaurant.

I saw a young man overturning the table inexplicably, and then spitting fire in all directions. The flames swept through most of the revolving restaurant, and the crowd was in commotion.

"Damn it, the fire-breathing kid hasn't completely recovered from his mental illness. Who let him out?"

"Are all the guys in the medical department useless?"

"Mo Dan, the fire is all over my face."

"My eighteen-meter-long eyelashes were licked by the fire, so I fought with him."

"Stop him quickly..."

Several guys rushed towards the fire, trying to stop the crazy man, but the next moment they were forced back by the scorching fire.

The crazy man was still breathing fire everywhere, and after one puff of fire, he yelled: "It's not me that's wrong, it's the world!"

There are thousands of scapegoats in the world, and every official in the world has half of them.

Uncle Qin took out his wallet and was about to pull out the leather cord. At that moment, a girl from the east corner stepped on the table and ran over, jumping up high, carrying a brick in her hand.


She faced the raging fire and hit a brick on the crazy man's head. The man's head was bruised and painful, and he fainted with a "squeak" sound.

Uncle Qin manipulated the leather rope and tied the man instantly, a perfect tortoise-shell binding.

so beautiful!

The girl carrying the bricks made the old driver Li Xianyu's eyes light up. She had beautiful features, a tall figure, and a delicate oval face like her grandmother.

However, compared to the tearful mole on my grandma's face that added liveliness and brightness, this girl has a pure and unsullied look.

Although nowadays people with pointed chins and melon-seed faces are known as Internet celebrity faces, all of those Internet celebrities are too smug, and no matter how beautiful their faces are, they cannot be considered top-notch.

For a true beauty, temperament must be better than appearance.

This girl's temperament is like a white lotus that emerges from the mud but remains unstained.

The King of Thunder and Lightning had people carry the crazy man away, and then he called the girl: "Sanwu, come here."

A tall girl with long legs came over and said in a clear voice: "Uncle Zhongma Qin, long time no see. His Holiness, what's the matter?"

Uncle Qin said with a black line: "How many times have I said it, the prefix does not need to be said."

Miss White Lotus nodded, with a sincere face: "I understand, Mr. Stallion Qin."

The King of Thunder and Lightning patted Uncle Qin on the shoulder, gave him a comforting look, turned around and said, "I just wanted to find you. This is a new employee of the company. You will be responsible for taking care of him during the three months of internship."

Miss Bai Lianhua immediately turned her attention to Li Xianyu, tilted her head, as if reminiscing, and then her eyes lit up: "Oh, it's you."

Li Xianyu: "???"

Uncle Qin coughed and changed the subject: "Sanwu, I'll leave Li Xianyu to you. My task is completed. The big boss said that there will be a new task for me in a while."

"Uncle Qin," Li Xianyu said, "What happened to that man just now? Can he breathe fire?"

If you guessed correctly, is that the innate ability of the vampire

This was the first time he saw it. At the same time, Li Xianyu glanced at the King of Thunder and Lightning suspiciously. They were all talented people, and their words were also very meaningful. No matter the crazy man or the beautiful White Lotus, they all had something. .

But the so-called love for each other is just spitting out flames when you disagree, and confusing you in the face

"That was an accident. The fire-breathing baby had mental problems. He was mentally traumatized by an accident. After half a year of psychological treatment, he thought he had recovered, but he suddenly relapsed. Alas, it's all Long Aotian's fault." The King of Thunder and Lightning explained: "As for breathing fire, that is his innate ability. The ancient demon has supernatural abilities, and these abilities are passed on to the blood descendants along with the genes. My ability is to control thunder and lightning, and Uncle Qin's ability is to control thunder and lightning." The ability of Object and Sanwu is "Precision Strike", no matter what it is, it will definitely hit someone as long as it is thrown."

As if to cooperate with the King of Thunder and Lightning, the White Lotus girl did not look back, casually threw a brick, and with a bang, it hit the crazy man's head accurately.

The man was still unconscious, but he still kicked his legs to give a reaction.

This is simply the nemesis of body tracing.

"Regarding the detailed information about the blood descendants, I will pull you back to join the company's blood descendants group. You can download the group files yourself." King Thunderbolt said.

Li Xianyu nodded and asked curiously: "Grandma, what are the talents of our Li family?"

Grandma solemnly said: "Strengthen! My Li family can strengthen any tangible substance. The size of the increase depends on the cultivation level of the blood descendants. In the era before their decline, my Li family was a well-known weapon-refining family in the blood descendants world. .”

Li Xianyu: "You're just a blacksmith?"

Grandma gave her great-grandson an angry scalp.

King Thunder and Lightning sighed: "It is precisely because we are a famous weapon-refining family that we can forge an unparalleled fighting spirit that will last forever."

Li Xianyu stretched out his hand to Miss Bai Lianhua and said, "Hello, my name is Li Xianyu. Please give me your guidance in the future."

White Lotus Girl: "Hello,."

Li Xianyu: "..."

Uncle Qin came over and whispered: "Don't mind, this girl has a brain. Let's go downstairs to sign the contract and talk as we go."

Got a problem with your brain

Li Xianyu's beauty turned pale. He already had a stupid grandma, now he wanted another one.

One waste brings two pitfalls

The boss of Yuge is the leader of the alliance before he has read the new book. As expected, he is really in love. In addition, I would like to thank the leader of "Eat My Big Emm". Just by listening to his name, you can tell that he is as good as me. It would be nice to leave more for tomorrow.

Finally, the big guys recommend voting to me.

(End of chapter)