So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 21: New men beat old dogs


Li Xianyu's first reaction was not to turn around. He jumped as fast as a deer and jumped behind his grandmother to seek shelter. After thinking about it, he felt it was not safe, so he jumped behind Sanwu.

Then he came back and saw a young man covered in blood standing where he was before. His throat had been cut, and the thick blood dyed his chest red.


Li Xianyu took a breath.

So, grandma was talking to him just now

"Can you see me?" The young man wiped the blood and looked at a man and two women.

Li Xianyu was also looking at him and noticed that this guy did not have cataracts. Apart from his bloodless pale face, his eyes were no different from ordinary people.

He quietly poked Sanwu's waist, signaling her to quickly eliminate demons and defend the way, but Sanwu made no move and kept his cute and quiet posture.

Grandma explained: "He is not a resentful spirit."

Li Xianyu pointed at him: "Even if it's like this, it's not a resentful spirit."

Grandma hated that iron cannot be made into steel: "The reason why the spirit body dies and remains is because of obsession, and there are many kinds of obsessions, not just resentment."

The young man looked around and said, "Although my death was not graceful, I have no resentment in my heart."

Li Xianyu was determined, coughed, and said: "Brother, this Li Xianyu is the maintainer of order, specializing in cleaning up the ghosts and ghosts lingering in the world. Since you are dead, why don't you disperse as soon as possible."

The young man was silent for a moment: "We are all modern people, let's talk nicely."

Li Xianyu: "Oh."

The young man said: "My name is Zhang Chen. In fact, I have been following you for a long time. I noticed you from the moment you stepped into the door of that house."

Li Xianyu was shocked: "Is it you who got the boss of S County?"

Zhang Chen nodded.

When the grandmother heard this, she suddenly realized, "No wonder I can't smell resentment. It turns out it's not a resentful spirit. If that's the case, why are you pestering me?"

Li Xianyu echoed: "Why?"

"Butterfly's legs were broken by a shopkeeper in S County." Zhang Chen's eyes fell on Satsuma: "It is my dog. It depends on the owner when beating a dog. He abused my dog, tit for tat. I pestered him for a while, making him weak and haunted by nightmares, so he would naturally let him go."

Li Xianyu suddenly realized that all the problems were solved. No wonder the shopkeeper dreamed of a man, no wonder he wanted to break his legs. This was because the owner had come back to avenge his pet dog.

"I should have taken action long ago, but his mother's ghost did not allow me to get close to his son for the first seven times some time ago." The brother said, "Even if he dies with resentment, he will always miss his son in his heart. This is maternal love."

"You're not bad either. Even after you died, you still didn't forget to avenge your beloved dog." Li Xian said in his heart, what kind of thing is this? The love between man and dog is over

Zhang Chen said quietly: "It's called butter. In fact, when I first saw it, it had been abandoned."

The first time he saw Buttercream was under the bridge outside the community. When Zhang Chen took a shortcut and passed under the bridge, he met Buttercream, who was just born at that time.

Zhang Chen is from Zibo, Shandong. He studied at East China Normal University. After graduation, he stayed in Shanghai to develop like most of his classmates. Shanghai is a city with a huge wage gap. The bottom salary is less than 3,000 yuan a month, and the high salary can reach... I don't know about this. After all, we are all poor and don't have that rich imagination.

In short, in first-tier cities where there are as many college students as dogs, it is difficult for you to find a decent job right after graduation. The rent is expensive, and the prices of goods are also expensive. Those who live frugally are not as good as the poor people back home. So not long after, his girlfriend, who had entered society, announced that she was breaking up with him.

This person is lonely and can't find a girlfriend, so he can only raise a dog to relieve his loneliness. Don't get me wrong, it is spiritual comfort and has nothing to do with the physical body.

It was raining that day. Zhang Chen, who did not bring an umbrella, braved the rain and took a shortcut under the bridge outside the community. He saw a muddy little puppy, huddled alone under the bridge, facing the sudden uninvited guest with fear. and wary eyes.

It has a pair of dark pupils, and when it looks at you, it always feels like it is pleading and trying to please. But it was extremely wary of humans and did not dare to get close to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen also felt that the puppy was dirty, so they waited silently until the rain stopped. Zhang Chen bought it a hot dog and left.

Passing under the bridge the next day, Zhang Chen found that the little puppy was still there and seemed to call it home. That day, Zhang Chen gave it another hot dog and then left. After nearly a week, Zhang Chen's few kindnesses were exhausted and he didn't go again.

A few days later, during the same light rain, he went to the bottom of the bridge on a whim and took a look. He was shocked to find that the little puppy was still there.

It became leaner and dirtier. The body was in very bad condition. It was curled up listlessly. When it heard any movement, its ears vibrated vigilantly. But when it saw Zhang Chen, it seemed extremely excited. It staggered a few steps and let out a thin whimper at him.

Zhang Chen was very familiar with this kind of look, the look of a dog waiting for its owner. He had a dog in his hometown.

"It stayed under the bridge for several days. I guess it was waiting for me. This silly dog regarded me as its master. I only fed it for a few days and it relied on me." Zhang Chen smiled bitterly. He sighed: "If I hadn't gone back, would it have died there?"

"What happened next?" Li Xianyu took the spicy sticks from his grandmother. He stood in the middle, with his grandmother on the left and Sanwu on the right. They ate the spicy sticks and listened to Zhang Chen's memories.

Zhang Chen turned his head away and did not look at them, and continued: "I took it home. At first I was not willing to keep a dog. At that time, I bought a hot dog for it, turned around and left, and the little guy... It didn’t want to eat anymore. It even rolled and crawled to keep up with me. I kicked it a few times and kept chasing it... I really saw how pitiful it was, so I took it home."

"Later I discovered that having a dog is actually quite good. At least after get off work, when you open the door, the house is not empty. There is such a dog waiting for you to come back. The moment you open the door, it will wag its tail and pick off your pants. When we have dinner, we don’t have to play games to pass the time. We can take it out for a walk, and the family finally has a little more life.”

Wandering in a big city, helpless, two singles keep each other warm. The dog saved his life and the man got a companion.

Dogs treat people as their masters, and people may also treat dogs as family members for a moment.

Li Xianyu chewed the mutton and listened with gusto: "But you still abandoned it, why."

Zhang Chen was silent for a long time, and forced out a bitter smile, "Because of my girlfriend, I later got a girlfriend, and she was not from here. I had a hard time chasing her. After dating, she moved here with me at my suggestion. I lived together and saved a lot of rent, but she also raised dogs, including Sun Honglei."

Li Xianyu was shocked: "Sun Honglei?! Are you sure?"

"... It's a bull terrier." Zhang Chen said: "The two of them always fight, and Cream is bullied every day. My girlfriend doesn't like it either. She thinks it's enough to have just one dog at home, so she suggested that I get rid of it. Of course I We disagreed, and we had a lot of quarrels over this matter, until one day, when I came home from get off work, my girlfriend’s new bag was bitten... "

"And you lost it?"

"Well," Zhang Chen nodded: "I have no choice. We had a fierce quarrel that day. She even said we should break up and it would be over if we didn't throw the dog away. How do you choose between a girlfriend and a dog? "

"Wait a minute," grandma suddenly interrupted and said indignantly: "What a shameless and shameless woman who disobeyed and even threatened her husband over such a trivial matter. In my era, such a woman would have to leave the house. You, a majestic seven-foot-tall man, are so henpecked, without any masculinity in your body, your etiquette is ruined, your music is ruined, and your morals are corrupted."

Li Xianyu was moved to tears: "Grandma, times have changed. Now is the time when women are the masters of the family. Haven't you been sleeping for more than a hundred years and you still can't see the world clearly?"

Grandma retorted: "Nonsense, even in the years I followed your father, I have never seen such a fierce woman."

The twenty years that China has taken off have also been the same twenty years that men's status has plummeted.

Li Xianyu sighed: "There is no way. You have to know that in our land of China, there are still more than 30 million single dogs who have enough food and clothing by themselves."

I sat with my hands on my vagina and sighed, fearing that the housing price would be out of reach.

"After dinner that day, I took it a long way, and here I tied it under this tree. I don't feel like I owe it anything, I just think that our fate has ended, and it He is no longer the little puppy he was back then. He can still live without me, and I should go my own way. Just treat each other as passers-by in life, and let’s go our separate ways when our relationship is over."

This was too much. Although Li Xianyu was not a dog lover, he especially hated those who abandoned their pet dogs indiscriminately.

"When I'm lonely, I call me Xiao Tiantian. Later, when the new person wins over the old dog, I say the fate is over. Ha, man." Li Xianyu complained, remembering that the other person was a ghost after all, and he shouldn't be so naughty, so he hurriedly corrected his attitude: " You continue."

(End of chapter)